1. The dog retains his native hunting instinct.
2. Some insects closely resemble a twig of a tree and it is a good way of its being protected.
3. Annual plants survive the winter as seeds only.
4. There are, however, ten or more amino acids which animals cannot produce in this way.
5. The temperature of the liquid remained constant.
6. This method was done away with many years ago.
IV. Put the verbs in brackets in the right form and voice. Translate the sentences into Russian in writing.
1. There (to be) many forms related to the Hydra in the seas.
2. This problem (to solve) by the British scientists many years ago.
3. Francesco Redi (to carry out) a simple set of experiments.
4. The so-called Red Coral (to grow) on the sea floor and (to look) like a small shrub with many red branches and white flowers.
5. Some algae (to be) capable of free movement of their body.
6. Sharks (to produce) large eggs which (to fertilize) inside the body of the mother.
V. Translate the following sentences into Russian in writing, pay attention to different forms of adjectives.
1. In dystrophic lakes rich in organic matter the number of bacteria is clearly lower than in entrophic ones.
2. The eggs were obtained from two females in each series and the spermatozoa from one made whose sperm proved to be the best as assessed from motility tests.
3. As a rule the oxygen content was always more complete in lakes in summer than in autumn.
VI. Rewrite and translate the following sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the modal verbs.
1. Living protoplasm must always be thought of as a system in dynamic equilibrium.
2. There should be an equal chance of X or Y sperm meeting on ovum, and therefore equal members of boy and girl babies should be born.
3. Different techniques again have to be used with microorganisms.
4. This implies that each DNA chain might serve as a template for the synthesis of its complementary pair.
5. The structure of the molecule could be reduplicated exactly.
VII. Rewrite and translate the following sentences into Russian. Pay attention to different meanings of the substitute words.
1. One can improve the structure of the soil by proper treatment.
2. The atomic weight of sulphur is twice as large as that of oxygen.
3. It takes much time to make all the necessary calculations.
4. These conditions are known as the most important ones for the development of a plant.
5. It is never too late to learn.
VIII. Put in some, any, something, anything, nothing, nobody and translate the sentences into Russian.
1. Can you name... types of food and their functions?
2.... small holes in the membrane will permit the flow of malecules through the membrane.
3. There is... new about this hereditary disease.
4. There is... interesting about chemosynthesis in this book.
5. Do you know... minerals that are required by animals for healthy teeth and bone formation?
IX. Make plural forms of the following nouns.
1. thesis –
2. wolf –
3. species –
4. goose –
5. leaf –
I. The Noun
Имя существительное
Образование множественного числа существительных
Единственное число | Множественное число | Примечания |
day bird | days birds | после гласных и звонких согласных -s произносится [z] |
book cat | books сats | после глухих согласных -s произносится [s] |
brush rose | brushes roses | после шипящих и свистящих -es произносится [iz] |
box watch | boxes watches | суффикс -еs прибавляется на письме к конечным s, sh, ch, x, z |
tomato potato | tomatoes potatoes | суффикс -es прибавляется к конечной -о, которой предшествует согласная (исключения: pianos, photos |
fly country | flies countries | при прибавлении -s -у в конце слова после согласных переходит в –ies |
leaf life | leaves lives | при прибавление -s конечные -f; -fe переходят в –ves |
bookcase forget-me-not | bookcases forget-me-nots (незабудки) | у сложных существительных -s прибавляется к конечному компоненту |
a) Особые случаи образования множественного числа существительных:
man-men – мужчина, человек – мужчины, люди
women-women – женщина – женщины
foot-feet – фут; ступня – футы; ступни
tooth-teeth – зуб – зубы
mouse-miсe – мышь – мыши
louse-liсe – вошь – вши
goose-geese – гусь – гуcи
child-children – ребенок – дети
b) Фoрмы единственного числа и множественного числа совпадают
sheep-sheep – овца – овцы
swine-swine – свинья – свиньи
deer-deer – олень – олени
fish-fish – рыба (сорт) – рыбы (сорта)
craft-craft – судно – судна
barrack - barrack – барак – казармы
news-news – новость – новости
means-means – средство, способ – средства, способы
series-series – серия, ряд – серии, ряды
species-species – класс, род, вид – классы, рады, виды
c) Имена существительные латинского и греческого происхождения, сохранившие латинскую и греческую форму множественного числа
analysis-analyses – анализ - анализы
bacterium-bacteria – бактерия - бактерии
basis-bases – базис, основа - основы
crisis-crises – кризис - кризисы
criterion-criteria – критерий - критерии
datum-data –данная величина - данные
hypothesis-hypotheses – гипотеза - гипотезы
phenomenon-phenomena – феномен - явления
stratum-strata – слой общества - слои
thesis-theses – тезис - тезисы
fungus-fungi – гриб, плесень - грибы
formula-formulae – формула - формулы
agendum-agenda – повестка дня - повестки
phylum- phyla – тип - типы
genus-genera – род - роды
stimulus-stimuli – стимул - стимулы
bacillus-bacilli – бацилла - бациллы
medium-media – среда - среды
stoma-stomata – устьице - устьица
ox-oxen – бык - быки
alga-algae – водоросли