






The three states of matter

There are three states of matter. We know water in all three states. We have solid water which we call ice; liquid water; and a gas which we call steam.

When we place a solid in a vessel, it keeps its own size and shape. A liquid does not keep its own shape. It takes the shape of the vessel, but keeps its own size. A gas takes both the size and the shape (1) of the vessel.

A solid has a definite size and a definite shape.

A liquid has a definite size, but no definite shape.

A gas has no definite size or shape.

These three states depend on the freedom of the molecules to move about. In a solid the molecules move very slowly; in a liquid they move about more freely; in a gas they fly about with great speed.

Is this body a solid or not? It is not always easy (2)to answer this question. A piece of pitch seems to be solid (3) but when we place it in a vessel it slowly takes the shape of the vessel. This shows that it really is a very thick liquid. A thin jelly seems more liquid than pitch, but it does not take the shape of its vessel. This means that it is a real solid.

1) takes both the size and the shape , . both 4. both... and ... ...

(2) It is not always easy He . It . 16.

(3) A piece of pitch seems to be solid ...


about [q'baut] adv 1. , ; 2. , ; prp ,

always ['O:lwqz] adv

body ['bOdI] n

definite ['defInIt]

depend (on) [dI'pend] v ()

easy ['I(:) zI] adv

freedom ['frI(:) dqm] n

freely ['frI(:) lI] adv

gas [gxs] n

great [greIt] ,

ice [aIs] n

jelly ['GelI] n 1. ; 2.

liquid ['lIkwId] ; n

matter ['mxtq] n , ; v

molecule ['mOlIkju:l] n

more [mO:] adv ,

move [mu:v] v (); move about a

own [qun]

piece [pI(:) s] n ;

pitch [pIC] n

question ['kwesC(q) n] ; v ,

really ['rIqlI] adv

seem [sJm] v

shape [SeIp] n ; v

show [Squ] v

size [saIz] n

slowly ['slqulI] adv

solid ['sOlId] , , , ;

speed [spJd] n

state [steIt] n 1. , ; 2. , ; v ,

steam [stJm] n

than [Dxn] j

thick [TIk] , ,

thin [TIn] ; ,

vessel ['vesl] n ; ,


9 , , . size, shape, body, matter, speed, slate . , - : gas, jelly, molecule, real (. ), solid, matter. speed . ice (- iceberg). piece , , .

always , : all + way. .

definite indefinite . in - -.

: about, state, matter. , , . about:

A book about London. .
I have about six hundred books. 600 .
Don't look about! .
Birds fly about the tower. .
Birds fly about. ().


The state of things. .
What a state you are in! !
France is a European state. .
The United ['ju'naitid] States of America. .
I state this in my letter. () .

state, , ( ) , status , .

matter , , . matter to matter :

What is the matter? ?
I must go, no matter what you say. , .

What does it matter? ?
It does not matter. ( ).
It matters to me. .

to seem . (. (3) . :

It seems to me that you must come. ( it .) , .
He seems to be a good worker. , , . ( .)
The birds seem to fly north. .
The child seems to like you. , , ().

, never , nobody , nothing , , .

1. no not :

This matter is pitch. We have water. This water is warm. There is ice. We do live in Moscow. Do take this vessel. I do like jelly. Have you a pen? , I have .There are docks on this river. The leaves of this tree are green.

2. , . :

works in Moscow. Answer this question! This matter is gas. These automobiles move. The speed of this locomotive is great. The child eats jelly. Ann likes this red dress. The boys answer our question. The question is easy. There is a large vessel on the table.

3. . :

always, free, great, ice, move, own, question, show, speed, thin

Keep the jelly on . They have very little time. A. S. Pushkin is a writer. What is the of this ship? me your room. My room is small. They too slowly. The girl is too . They work here. You must study this .

4. :

definite, easy, free, great, real, slow, solid, thick, thin


definitely, easily, freely, greatly, really, slowly, solidly, thickly, thinly. ( -ly, 7.)

5. 7 ( ):

thick, great, always, liquid, all, never, thin, small, nothing, solid, question, definite, answer, indefinite ■

6. :

Do you live in Moscow? Do you work? Are you a worker? Have you many friends? Have you a good room? Are there many new houses in the place where you live? Do you live in a new house? Are you old? Are you young? Do you study well? Is there a lamp on your table? Is there a river near your house?


I. .

II. :

How many states of matter are there? Does a solid keep its own shape? How do molecules move in a gas? Is pitch a solid or not? What is it? What do the three states of matter depend on? What bodies have a definite size but no definite shape?

III. :

; . . . . . . . . . . .

IV. :

body, jelly, piece, gas, vessel, size

V. :

Give me some water and a piece of ice. Give me some water ora piece of ice. Give me both water and ice.

VI. :

always, definite, own, more, how, slow, never, shape, speed, steam, thick, body, free, nothing, move, easy, freedom, matter, nobody, great, depend, real, seem, than, vessel, piece, thin, ice, question, state, size

VII. , :

, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


4 . 7 8.




Are you married? [mxrid] ()?
Yes, I am. .
No, I am single. ['sINgl] , ( ),
I am a widow (widower). ['wIdqu], ['wIdquq] ().
Have you a family? ['fxmIlI] ()?
Yes, I have three children, two sons, and a daughter. [sAn], ['dO:tq] , , .
Have you any brothers or sisters? ['brADqz], ['sIstqz] ?
No, I have no brothers or sisters. , .
Yes, I have a brother and two sisters. , .
Do your parents live with you? ['pFqr(q)nts] ?
Yes, they do. .
No, they don't. .
Is your wife (husband) in Moscow? [waif], ['hAzbqnd] () ?
Yes, she (he) is. .




Fine feathers do not make fine birds. ( ).
Time and tide wait for no man. .
There is no time like the present. ( , ).
We do not see ourselves as others see us. , .



(which helps you to learn parts of speech) (1)

Three little words you often see

Are articles a, an, and the.

A noun is the name of anything;

As school or garden, ice or swing ( [swIN]).

Adjectives tell the kind of noun;

As great, slow, easy, white or brown.

Instead of nouns the pronouns stand:

He says to her, give me your hand.

Verbs tell of something being clone; (2)

To read, count, move, show, jump or run.

How things are done (3) the adverbs tell;

As slowly, quickly, ill or well.

Conjunctions join the words together;

As, men and women, wind or weather.

The prepositions stand before

A noun, as in or through the door.

The whole we call eight parts of speech

Which reading, writing, speaking teach. (4)

(1) parts of speech . . 7.

(2) of something being done - . , 21.

(3) How things are done ( ). 14.

(4) : ( ) , , .



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