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Sample Autobiography Format

1. Title. Write your title or your prospective title in underlined bold font across the top of your word processing document. Remember that you can come back and refine or change your title at any time, the perfect title will probably only surface at the end of the writing process.

2. Dedication. You might have already decided who you would like to dedicate your work to before you start. Someone who has inspired you to become who you are today, maybe someone who has encouraged you to take the initiative or simply a special person that you would like to mention who has made a significant impact on your life. It is best to leave the dedication until last as working through your autobiography will trigger many memories; you can include a dedication to more than one person.

3. Table of Contents. Finished writing? Compile your table of contents and index.

4. Acknowledgements. This is the place to thank everyone who has helped you compile your autobiography from start to finish. Keep a simple list as you work through the various chapters so that you don’t forget to mention anyone. Come back and wrap it up when you are finished to show your gratitude and appreciation in a few carefully crafted words.

5. Foreword. The foreword is the place to jot down your reasons for writing the autobiography; what you hope to achieve from it and what you hope others will benefit by reading it. It is a good idea to write down some brief thoughts in this section before you start to help keep you focused throughout the writing process.

6. Introduction. Your introduction needs to grab attention, create interest and keep them reading. See how it’s done.

7. Body. Create a series of chronological headings and sub headings in your autobiography outline. Write the autobiography based on locations if you have been stationed at many different places throughout your life. Write about one specific event that has been the turning point in your life. Use other common threads to link your body together in an interesting fashion. Include one or two relevant subheadings under each point. Expand your list with all the relevant material you can remember under each section, include names, dates, experiences etc.

8. Conclusion. Your final thoughts. Look back on your completed works, think about what you have learnt from the experience and how it has moulded and shaped you. Tie it together in an interesting fashion to provide the perfect ending.

9. Memorabilia. To round off a perfect autobiography and highlight special moments include some memorabilia such as pictures of family heirlooms, medals, letters, photos etc. that capture special moments. Snippets of memorabilia can also be spread throughout the book to add some colour and interest.

10. Index. Finished writing? Compile your table of contents and index.

Using an autobiography format is quick and easy and helps you to construct your thoughts and ideas quickly and easily from start to end.

2.Підготуватися до відповіді на запитання по змісту параграфа

Форма контролю: опитування

Література: за загальним списком

С\О № 14.

Тема: Ділові папери. Написання автобіографії


· Розширити словниковий запас учнів з теми, ввести ЛО до активного словника студентів

· Розвивати вміння працювати самостійно та навики самостійно-пошукової роботи з бізнесовими документами

· Формувати вміння роботи з діловими паперами та практичні навики складання автобіографії

· Виховувати цілеспрямованість, толерантність та культуру спілкування, формувати компетенцію студетів


1,Підібрати приклад автобіографії англійською мовою

2,На основі опрацьованого матеріалу с/о13 скласти власну автобіографію

Форма контролю: 2 автобіографії: приклад та власна автобіографія

Література: за загальним списком


С\О № 15.

Тема: Минулий неозначений час неправильних дієслів


· Розширити словниковий запас учнів з теми,

· Розвивати вміння працювати самостійно та навики самостійно-пошукової роботи з граматичним матеріалом

· Формувати граматичні навики вживання граматичних категорій дієслова

· Виховувати цілеспрямованість, толерантність та культуру спілкування, формувати компетенцію студетів


1,Опрацювати теоретичний матеріал

Виконати вправу

I, Відкрийте дужки, використавши дієслово в минулому неозначеному часі

1. The boy (to refuse) __________to admit that he (to break) ______________the window. So he (to send) _________________home to bring his parents to school.

2. Look, it (to get) ____________late. I (to miss) ____________the ten o'clock train if I (not to hurry) _______________Jack said he (to come) _______________to pick me up. I don't know why he

(not to appear) _________________ yet. Perhaps he (to get) _______________into the traffic jam.

3. Yesterday Tom and Janice (to go) ______to the zoo. They had an adventure there. While they (to walk) _______________by the giraffe, it (to begin) ________to chew Janice's hat.

3,Підготуватися до словникового диктанту неправильних дієслів за таблицею

(Верба Н.Г.Граматика сучасної англійської мови)

Форма контролю: письмовий диктант неправильних дієслів

Література: за загальним списком

И. И. Панова, Е. Б. Карневская, Е. А. Мисуно -- Tests Grammar, Listening, Reading. Тесты по грамматике, аудированию и чтению.doc


С\О № 16.

Тема: Ділові папери. Резюме


· Розширити словниковий запас учнів з теми, ввести ЛО до активного словника студентів

· Розвивати вміння працювати самостійно та навики самостійно-пошукової роботи з бізнесовими документами

· Формувати вміння роботи з діловими паперами та практичні навики складання резюме

· Виховувати цілеспрямованість, толерантність та культуру спілкування, формувати компетенцію студетів


1,Опрацювати теоретичний матеріал


Resume is a summary of education, work experience,andqualifications. There are two terms which exist in parallel: C.V. (Br.), or a curriculum vitae, which comes from Latin and means autobiography, and resume (Am.) which is borrowedfrom French and means a summary.There is no much difference between them except that a resumeis usually shorter (one page long) and written by those applicants who have little work experience.

The resume is very important in job searching. It is a calling card which is purposed to attract the interestof the prospective employer. The resume should describe an applicant’s personalityanddemonstrate his energy, ambition, and abilityto workin teams. It should give the employer a sense that this candidate wouldbe a good investment for the company.

An effective resume must make a good first impression.Ofcourse, appearance is important but content is even more crucial. The information in a resume needs to be well-organized, easy to read, and result-oriented. It usually includes personal information, professional and volunteer experience, specialskills, education, accomplishments, and references.

An effective resume should address the employer'sneeds. Its aim is to showthe prospective employers how anapplicant's skills, accomplishments and abilitiesmatch their needs and organization goals. The best way to achieve this is to include only the work experience that is relevant to the job you are applying for.

Every day employers sort through piles of resumes and typically devote 30 seconds or less to each one. Employers won't read any more than two pages, anyway. If you can fit your resume onto one page, that's fine! Employers are looking for, among other qualities, strong organizational and communication skills.



Sample of a Resume

Jared Scott Schnader

7766 Louella Dr.

Roscoe, IL 61073

(815) 623-6244



Qualification Summary__________________________________________________________

· Experienced in the organization of multi-functional projects involving fund-raising, resource organization, marketing and advertising.

· Conversational in the Russian Language.




University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Major in Financial Investments, Minor in Economics: 1999-2003

· Member of American Marketing Association and elected board member of the Independent Voters Association

· Active member in the Big Brothers / Big Sisters Program and Habitat for Humanity


Business Experience_________________________________________________________


Peace Corps Volunteer in Ukraine: Institute of Economics and Law / Pedagogical University / Cooperative University / Technical University, Poltava, Ukraine

Professor of Marketing and Management: February 2004 – Present

· Created the first Marketing and Management curriculums in English for the Institute of Economics and Law

· Established a community service organization name “Ray of Hope” with 20 active members

· Developed the first Ukrainian Angel Tree Project getting 105 orphans presents for New Years of 2005

· Coordinated and organized two oblast-wide conferences at the Institute of Economics and Law serving over 150 secondary and university school students with guest speakers teaching in areas: creative thinking, critical thinking, study abroad, leadership, etc.

· Active member and speaker in the first Poltava Business Club held by the NGO Polbi Business Center


Licensing Coordinator: Fireman’s Fund Insurance Chicago, Illinois:

August 2003 – February 2004 (Interned May 2001 – August 2001)

· Coordinated with agents in updating their licenses

· Updated company records for over 500 agents

· Helped develop the department mission statement


Sales Consultant: Cingular Wireless

Tuscaloosa, Alabama: October 2001- June 2003

· Won company wide sales events for most items sold over specified periods of time

· Managed and facilitated problems, questions and concerns from an average of 20 customers daily

· Trained in sales technique seminars once a month

· Developed advertising scheme for the region.

2,На основі опрацьованого матеріалу скласти власне резюме

Форма контролю: резюме

Література: за загальним списком



С\О № 17.

Тема: Теперішній тривалий час


· Розширити словниковий запас учнів з теми, ввести ЛО до активного словника студентів

· Розвивати вміння працювати самостійно та навики самостійно-пошукової роботи з бізнесовими документами

· Формувати вміння працювати з граматичним матеріалом

· Виховувати цілеспрямованість, охайність, толерантність та культуру спілкування, формувати компетенцію студетів


1,Опрацювати теоретичний матеріал

UNIT 1. Present continuous (I am doing)

A. Study this example situation:

Ann is in her car. She is on her way to work.

She is driving to work.

This means: she is driving now, at the time of speaking. The action is not finished.

Am/is/are ~ing is the present continuous:

I am(= I'm) driving

he/she/it is(he's etc.) working

we/you/they are(we're etc.) doing etc.

B. I am doing something = I'm in the middle of doing something; I've started doing it and I haven't finished yet.

Often the action is happening at the time of speaking:

* Please don't make so much noise. I'm working. (not 'I work')

* 'Where's Margaret?' 'She's having a bath.' (not 'she has a bath')

* Let's go out now. It isn't raining any more. (not 'it doesn't rain')

* (at a party) Hello, Jane. Are you enjoying the party? (not 'do you enjoy')

* I'm tired. I'm going to bed now. Goodnight!

But the action is not necessarily happening at the time of speaking. For example:

Tom and Ann are talking in a cafe. Tom says:

TOM: I'm reading an interesting book at the moment. IT lend it to you when I've finished it.

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