6. Look! A boy is running through the street.
a) The Past Indefinite Tense
b) The Present Indefinite Tense
c) The Present Continuous Tense
7. The secretary had typed all documents by 5 o’clock.
a) The Past Perfect Tense
b) The Past Continuous Tense
c) The Present Perfect Tense
8. He usually waits for me after classes.
a) The Present Indefinite Tense
b) The Present Perfect Tense
c) The Future Indefinite Tense
9. Where did you spend your summer holidays?
a) The Present Perfect Tense
b) The Past Indefinite Tense
c) The Past Continuous Tense
10. I was making a report when you rang me up.
a) The Past Indefinite Tense
b) The Present Indefinite Tense
c) The Past Continuous Tense
Выберите правильный перевод предложений.
11. Now we are revising the English tenses.
a) Сейчас мы повторяем английские времена.
b) Мы уже повторили английские времена.
c) Мы будем повторять английские времена.
12. We shall discuss this problem in some days.
a) Мы уже обсуждали эту проблему.
b) Мы обсуждаем эту проблему.
c) Мы будем обсуждать эту проблему через несколько дней.
13. Many students take part at the science conference every year.
a) Многие студенты будут принимать участие в научной конференции.
b) Многие студенты приняли участие в научной конференции.
c) Многие студенты принимают участие в научной конференции каждый год.
14. I haven’t seen her since that time.
a) Я не увижу ее долгое время.
b) Я не видел ее с того времени.
c) Я не видел ее в то время.
15. How did he get to Moscow last year?
a) Как он доехал до Москвы в прошлом году?
b) Когда он был в Москве в прошлом году?
c) Почему он ездит в Москву каждый год?
Дополните предложения соответствующими обстоятельствами времени.
16. He enters the University
a) now
b) every year
c) for two years
17. He entered the University
a) usually
b) last year
c) next year
18. He has entered the University
a) yesterday
b) soon
c) just
19. He will enter the University
a) in a year
b) two years ago
c) already
20. He will be entering the University
a) at this time next year
b) next summer
c) last summer
Выберите необходимые вспомогательные глаголы.
21. Where…you going?
a) will
b) are
c) do
22. When …you return home yesterday?
a) does
b) shall
c) did
23. I…done your task already.
a) was
b) have
c) has
24. We…at the Black sea last summer.
a) shall be
b) were
c) was
25 …you help me?
a) Can
b) Should
c) May
Часть 2
Выберите верный вариант ответа.
1. Fair, poor, where, clear.
Данные слова имеют:
a) 1 слог b) 2 слога c) 3 слога
2. A foot, a tooth, a child, a mouse.
Данные слова образуют множественное число:
a) Feet, teeth, children, mice.
b) Feet, teeth, children, mouses.
c) Foots, tooths, childs, mouses.
3. My aunt is my ___ sister.
a) mother’s b) mothers’ c) mothers’s
4. I know how to use ___ computer.
a) a b) ----- c) these
5. ____ is nothing to do here.
a) We b) That c) There
6. Our car is red. ____ is a blue car.
a) theirs b) their c) the
7. There aren’t ___ people in the room.
a) any b) some c) there
8. My left arm is ___ than my right arm.
a) stronger b) strongest c) most stronger
9. His car runs ___ a race car.
a) as fast as b) that fast as c) faster as
10. He ___ to go to the dentist because he has toothache.
a) can b) must c) has
Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
11. – Excuse me, I must be going. Thank you for a nice party.
– Thank you for coming. ___ in touch.
a) keep
b) get
c) be
12. She is a very ___ student.
a) sensible
b) imaginative
c) hard-working
13. ___ is the sister of someone’s mother or father.
a) An uncle
b) A cousin
c) An aunt
14. I always ___ forward to my next working day because I like my studies.
a) wait
b) see
c) look
15. Unfortunately I can’t take ___ from housework on Sunday.
a) a vacation
b) a holiday
c) a rest
16. I am going to give nice party on ____.
a) Next week
b) Sunday
c) evening
17. ___ damaged several houses.
a) The fog
b) The storm
c) The sun
18. – Will it take me long to get to Trafalgar Square?
- Oh, no. It isn’t a long ___ at all.
a) distance
b) time
c) space
19. ___ is something you buy for less than its usual price.
a) A discount
b) A sale
c) A bargain
20. The food you eat between 12.00 and 2.00 p.m. in Britain is ___.
a) breakfast
b) supper
c) dinner
21. ___ is the game when players hit a ball over a net with a wide racket.
a) tennis
b) ping-pong
c) volleyball
22. ___ is a pain in your head for a period of time.
a) Toothache
b) Backache
c) Headache
23. The Tower of London nowadays is ___.
a) a museum
b) a palace
c) a fortress
24. The biggest museum, in London is ___.
a) the Natural History Museum
b) the Science Museum
c) the British Museum
25. The Capital of Scotland is ___.
a) Cardiff
b) Edinburgh
c) Belfast
26. The most famous river in Great Britain is ___.
a) the Severn
b) the Thames
c) the Avon
27. In law, the Head of the UK is ___.
a) the Queen
b) the President
c) the Prime Minister
28. Oxford, Cambridge and Edinburgh Universities are ___ in the UK.
a) the new universities
b) the 19th universities
c) the oldest universities
I курс, I семестр, группы общего и продвинутого уровней («В», «А»)
Вариант 1
1. Напишите транскрипцию следующих слов:
student, manager, firm, music, true, together, things, subject, busy, work.
2. Укажите тип слога, подчеркните известные вам сочетания гласных и согласных:
turn, stone, drop, here, Nick, scene, knife, eight, comb, what, wrong, autumn.
3. Заполните пропуски артиклями:
1) Do you want … cup of tea?
2) Excuse me, where is … nearest bank?
3) I have … breakfast in bed on … Sundays.
4) Do you like…Chinese food?
5) Rome is … capital of … Italy.
4. Заполните пропуски местоимениями:
1) I have lost … pen. May I take yours?
2) If you have left … dictionary at home, you may take mine.
3) She is mad about … car. She spends hours washing it.
4) That is his book. Give … to him.
5) British pubs are famous of … traditional kind of beer called ‘real ale’.
5. Переведите слова и фразы на английский язык:
1) Я часто провожу выходные за городом, но в прошлое воскресенье я остался дома.
2) Где вы обычно проводите отпуск?
3) В вашем тесте есть несколько ошибок.
4) Что ты делаешь? Я ищу ключ.
5) Я вас не понимаю. Вы говорите слишком быстро.
6) В моей библиотеке нет книг на испанском языке.
7) Моим любимым предметом в школе была физика.