1. Let us ask mother. She... know his address 2. You... drink cold water if you don't want to fall ill. 3.... you help me? - I am afraid not. 4. You... interrupt me when I am speaking. 5. Pupils... talk during the lesson. 6. It... rain, take your raincoat. 7. My father... be at his office now as it is 8 o'clock already. 8.... I switch on the radio?-Yes, you....9... I smoke here? - No, you.... 10. You... take my pencil for a moment. 11. I... finish this work today. I am tired.
10. Вставьте should or shouldn't.
1. You … eat lots of fruit and vegetables. 2. You …wear sunglasses at the beach. 3. You…talk with your mouth full. 4. A: I have a test tomorrow. B: You … stay at home and study. 5. Peter … eat so much junk food. 6. People … light fires in the forests. 7. You … always do your homework. 8. People … use aerosols. 9. A: Tim isn't feeling well. B: He … go to a doctor. 10. You … eat so many sweets.
Подчеркните подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол.
1. You must/shouldn't be quiet in class. 2. When in China, you mustn't/must kiss anyone in public. 3. People should/shouldn't smoke because it’s bad for their health. 4. Speak louder, please. I can't/can hear you. 5. Must/Can I have a glass of water, please? 6. You should/mustn't keep your room tidy. 7. You must/shouldn't buy pre-packaged food. 8. You can/mustn't fight in class. 9. А: I’m tired. B: You should/mustn't go to bed early. 10. A: Can I go to the cinema? B: No. you shouldn't/ can't.
Видовременная система английского языка (Tenses, Active Voice)
The Present Simple
Поставьте данные предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы.
1. All of them train for many hours every day. 2. Alina usually gets up at seven. 3. She always eats a healthy food. 4. We receive lots of letters every week. 5. He never goes to bed before midnight. 6. They often visit relatives. 8. I speak Spanish perfectly. 9. Sometimes our friends receive gests at home. 10. Toshi earns much money. 11. Cristina likes skateboarding. 12. We go to our holiday home once a month.
Напишите следующие предложения в 3 лице единственного числа.
1. I think I am right. 2. They often help their parents. 3. We live in Murmansk. 4. You usually speak too quickly. 5. Do you prefer to have hard-boiled eggs for breakfast? 6. We don’t often have a long rest. 7. My dogs always attack strangers. 8. Motor cycles make a lot of noise. 9. Where do you usually spend your spare time? 10. I play chess well.
Продолжите следующие предложения по образцу.
Model: She doesn’t know French very well. (English) – She knows English very well.
1. She doesn’t study Greek. (Latin) 2. Granny doesn’t do the shopping. (the cooking) 3. Nick doesn’t like classical music. (jazz) 4. She doesn’t live in the suburbs. (the centre of the city) 5. My friend doesn’t drive a car. (a lorry) 6. She doesn’t start her work at eight (nine) 7. He doesn’t work quickly. (slowly) 8. She doesn’t drink tea in the morning. (coffee) 9. Mother doesn’t cook breakfast. (dinner) 10. Ann doesn’t play piano. (violin)
Выразите несогласие, употребляя отрицательную форму в настоящем простом времени. Продолжите предложение, используя слова в скобках.
Model: Davy studies German. (Polish) – He doesn’t study German, he studies Polish.
1. The Smiths live in London. (Leeds) 2. They have a big house. (small flat) 3. We need work badly. (rest) 4. George smokes a lot. (drink) 5. We ski very well. (skate) 6. She reads many newspapers. (books) 7. My sister plays tennis. (basketball) 8. These workers build block of flats. (bridges) 9. Mr. Brown writes articles. (books) 10. Students always study very hard. (before exams)
Образуйте специальные вопросы.
1. They prefer to go to the pictures. (Where …?) 2. The Scots live in that white house. (Who …?) 3. Mary always does her work quickly. (How …?) 4. The book costs three hundred rubles. (How much …?) 5. We want to catch the six o’clock train. (What train …?) 6. Mother usually comes home from work at 7. (When …?) 8. She travels a lot in summer. (What …?) 9. I like green colour best. (Which …?) 10. It takes us three days to get to the Black Sea by car. (How long …?)
6. Вставьте следующие глаголы по смыслу в предложения:
Believe, eat, take place, go, grow, make, rise, tell, cause, translate.
1. The Earth … round the sun. 2. Rice … in cold countries. 3. The sun … in the East. 4. Bees … honey. 5. Vegetarians …meat. 6. An atheist … in God. 7. Bad driving … many accidents. 8. An interpreter … from one language into another. 9. A liar is someone who … the truth. 10. The Olympic Games … every four years.