The basic priorities of occurrence of Kazakhstan in number 50 competitive countries of the world. From speech of the president. Having achieved already many, we have set one more strategic problem - the next ten years to deduce Kazakhstan in number 50 most competitive countries of the world. At the heart of this strategy – use of advantages of regional and global economy for an exit of Kazakhstan on the international markets at the expense of increase of competitiveness of the national goods and services. I priority: Modernization and dynamism of economy of Kazakhstan which assume the complex decision interconnected problems: 1. The fiscal policy. Reforming tax and tariff, a corruption barrier, business stimulation, business and international trade development. 2. The Credit policy. Struggle against inflation – a credit policy overall objective. 3. The organization of new level of efficiency of fuel and energy and extracting sectors of economy. It is necessary to create conditions of advancing development of branches with high degree of the added cost, directly connected with an oil and gas complex. We should not only extract oil and gas, and should transform the country in petroservice cluster by an example of Norway. 4. Formation of new directions of maintenance of growth of economy. The state can and is obliged to create the conditions stimulating demand in economy, but should not organize or supervise manufacture itself. It will make the market. 5. Large-scale state support of business. Competition development should become a priority for business development. 6. Regional corporations of social development and business. The state policy should provide creation of administrative and standard preconditions for cooperation of small and average business with large financially stable enterprises which can act in a role of the customer and "locomotive" for a small-scale business at clear working conditions. 7. Development of economic mutual relations on the basis of market principles. We should raise efficiency of the state participation in economy at the expense of the administrative reform providing differentiation and optimization of powers of different levels of the government, decrease in the control of the state over economy. 8. Rehabilitation of the unprofitable enterprises and creation of Socially-enterprise Corporations. Potentially perspective enterprises should become a basis for development new business. For them are necessary re-structuring. The government is obliged to consider possibility of participation in crisis management of such enterprises. On the basis of these enterprises the new industries and the new technologies necessary to the market should develop. 9. Territorial development. We should concentrate economic activities in the developed regional centre’s, capable to become "locomotives" of economic and social modernization, to provide system of legislative, economic and administrative measures. The new migratory policy is necessary to us to use potential of the developed regional centers for the general balanced regional development and revival of depressive regions. II priority: Maintenance of breaks for the accelerated economic development of Kazakhstan. A number of "external locomotives" accelerated economic development of the country is obvious. 1. Proryvnye projects of the international value. 2. Development of alternative sources of receipts. 3. Development of competitiveness of the country, as full subject of global economy. 4. Kazakhstan should become the founder and the shareholder of the companies developing new technologies, and to master them already at a working out stage. 5. Support of advantages of export-import sector. 6. Realization of "incubatory projects". "Incubatory projects" is a development with the international participation of centre’s of science in Kazakhstan, support of process of development of new technologies and a diversification of system of a training for a new profession of shots. On the practical level it means to prepare and carry out projects on granting of the ground areas for development of the international centre’s of science and creation of corporations, centre’s of science in separate regions which should become a source of new technologies and qualified personnel formations. 7. Development of the new markets in not power and not extracting sectors. 8. Creation of favorable conditions for manufacture of the goods with the protected trade mark and intellectual property rights. 9. Creation of the State Holding Company for increase of efficiency of priority sectors of the industry. The state holding should be a link between the Government and the state companies, providing their responsible work. The strategic industries should be included in the State holding portfolio – power, oil and gas, transport, metallurgy, etc. 10. Development of Almaty as large regional centre of financial and business activity should be directed on creation of conditions and possibilities for the large financial organizations of Kazakhstan to become basic "contractors" in sphere of granting of loans, insurance and financial services for large regional business and projects. 11. Development of a transport infrastructure and services. 12. An accession to WTO, as the real mechanism of economic growth. 13. Integration into global economy through participation in the international economic unions and associations. III priority: the Modern social policy protecting weak and keeping development of economy and the country. 1. Development of address social support of the most "vulnerable" levels of population. 2. Reduction of system of the social help in conformity with conditions рынка.3. Creation of demand for new services in social sphere. 4. Development of system of modern formation and preparation of qualified personnel. 5. Retraining of personnel means preparation of the manpower which qualification is adequate to real economic requirements of the country. Social payments will be stimulus of increase of formation and labor retraining in Kazakhstan. 6. Questions of development of housing construction and the real estate market. 7. Transition to modern principles and standards in the activity organization in public health services sphere. 8. Preservation of the environment. 9. Introduction of the international standards of management by social responsibility of business. IV priority: Questions of democracy and political modernization of a society. V priority: the strategy of national safety adequate to modern threats and calls of global scale. VI priority: the foreign policy problems considering dynamics of world development. OSCE - the Organization on safety and cooperation in Europe, the world's largest regional organization which is engaged in safety issues. It unites 56 countries located in the North America, Europe and the Central Asia. Presidency in OSCE in 2010. Presidency in this Organization for us not end in itself, but can become the powerful catalyst of process of reforms, additional acknowledgement of correctness of the chosen way in a direction of the further liberalization and an openness.