1. Activators of acetyl-COA carboxylase are
D. citrate
E. oxaloacetate
F. Palmitoyl-COA
G. avidin
2. Shortage of NADPHH+disturbs
A. cholesterolsynthesis
B. the synthesis of ketone bodies
C. the synthesis of fatty acids
E. triacylglycerols
F.b -oxidation of fatty acids
G. the synthesis of VLDL
3. The changes found in the muscles of the patient with carnitine deficiency are
A. oil droplets in myocytes
B. muscle tension
C. fatty degeneration of muscle tissue
D. strengthening of b-oxidation process
E. the accumulation of NAD+
4. The changes found in the muscles of the patient with carnitine deficiency are
A. muscle tension
B. muscle weakness
C. strengthening of betaoxidation process
D. an accelerated process of TCA
E. the accumulation of ATP
5. Levels of ketone bodiesin the blood during prolonged exercise are
A. significantlyincreased
B. mildly increased
C. normal
D. significantlyreduced
E. slightlylowered
6. The risk factor of atherosclerosis is due to
A. a vegetarian diet
B. the content of cholesterol in the blood 9 mmol/l
C. low blood pressure
D. the lack of methionine
E. food rich in carbohydrates
7. Match the following
1. in fat stores A. the synthesis of ketone bodies
2. in brain tissue B. the synthesis of triacylglycerols
C. the synthesis of phospholipids
D. b-oxidation of higher fatty acids
8. Match the following
1. in fat stores A. the synthesis of ketone bodies
2. in liver B. the synthesis of triacylglycerols
C. the synthesis of phospholipids
D. b-oxidation of higher fatty acids
9. Indicate the right answer
To characterize the change in the metabolism of acetyl-CoA with a lack of Biotin
A. disturbance of cholesterol synthesis
B. disturbance of ketone bodiessynthesis
C. disturbance of fatty acidssynthesis
D. disturbance of acetyl-CoA oxiditation in TCAE.
E. violation of chylomicronssynthesis
10. The level of ketone bodies in the bloodis increaseddue to the
A. insulin
B. glucagon
C. glucocorticoids
D. adrenaline
11. The causes of ketone bodiessecretion with urine by a patient can be
A. diabetes
B. increased oxidation of acetyl-CoA
C. lack of insulin
D. excess insulin
E. a large number of received carbohydrates
12. The causes of ketone bodies secretion with urine by a patient can be
A. excess insulin
B. excess carbohydrates in the food
C. hunger
D. increased oxidation of acetyl-CoA
E. excess glucagon
13. The inhibitors of carnitina cyltransferase can be
C. unesterified fatty acid
D. citrate
F. insulin
G. ketone bodies
14. The inhibitors of carnitin acyltransferase is
A. malonyl-CoA
D. unesterified fatty acid
E. insulin
15. Positive effect in the disturbance of phospholipids synthesis can be achieved by the introduction of
A. glucose
B. choline
C. glycerol
D. methionine
E. fatty acids
F. vitamin B5
16. Positive effect in the disturbance of phospholipids synthesis can be achieved by the introduction of
A. glycerol
B. vitamin B6
C. vitamin B12
D. glucose
E. vitamin B9,12
F. vitamin B1
17. Indicate several right answers
The complications of atherosclerosis are
A. obesity
B. heart attack
C. stroke
D. infectious diseases
E. hypotension
18. Indicate several right answers
The complications of atherosclerosis are
A. obesity
B. hypertension
C. infectious diseases
D. hypotension
E. an excess of vitamin C
19. The main energy material for muscles during marathon running is
A. glucose
B. ketone bodies
C. fatty acids
D. triglycerol
E. amino acids
20. The changes in the acetyl-CoA metabolism occurring atthe lack of oxaloacetate are
A. disturbance of cholesterolsynthesis
B. disturbanceof ketone bodiessynthesis
C. disturbance of fatty acidssynthesis
D. disturbance of lipolysis
21. The change in the acetyl-CoA metabolism occurring in the lack of oxaloacetate is ..
A. disturbance of ketone bodies synthesis
B. disturbance of lipolysis
C. disturbance of acetyl-CoA oxiditation in TCA
D. the lack of ATP
22. The lack of NAD+will result in the disturbance
A. beta oxidation
B. fatty acidssynthesis
C. cholesterol synthesis
D. methylmalonyl-CoAsynthesis
23. A man over 55 years old began to gain weight due to excess fat deposits. show possible causes of obesitydevelopment
A. excessive consumption of food
B. a sedentary lifestyle
C. increased production of androgens
D. increased production of insulin
E. insufficient intake of food
F. active lifestyle
24. The main biochemical disorders of lipid metabolism in diabetes mellitus are
A. ketonuria
B. glucosuria
C. hyperglycemia
D. ketonemia
E. hypercholesterolemia
F. azotemia
G. hyperaminoacidemia
25. The main biochemical disorders of lipid metabolism in diabetes mellitus are
A. glucosuria
B. hyperglycemia
C. hyperlipidemia
D. azotemia
E. fructosuria
F. hyperlipoproteinemia
26. There is a disease in which the activity of phosphofructokinase adipose tissue is not regulated by citrate show the changes in lipid metabolism in adipose tissue
A. citrate inhibitor of phosphofructokinase
B. citrate activator of phosphofructokinase
C. a decrease in the concentration of phosphoglycerate
D. a decrease in the synthesis of triacylglycerols
E. an increase in the synthesis of triacylglycerols
F. reduced intake of acetyl-CoA
G. fatty infiltration of the liver
27. There is a disease in which the activity of phosphofructokinase adipose tissue is not regulated by citrate show the changes in lipid metabolism in adipose tissue
A. citrate activator of phosphofructokinase
B. an increased the concentration of phosphoglycerol
C. a decrease in the concentration of phosphoglycerol
D. developing obesity
E. the synthesis of triacylglycerolsdecreases
F. intake of acetyl-CoA is reduced
28. The processes taking place in the cells of the brain are
A. oxidation of ketone bodies
B. cholesterol synthesis
C. beta oxidation
D. the synthesis of fatty acids
E. glycogen synthesis
29. Ketonemia and ketonuria are observed at
A. pancreatitis
B. starvation
C. atherosclerosis
D. diabetes
E. infectious diseases
F. hyperlipidemia
G. homocysteinemia
30. Tissue lipase (triacylglycerols) is activated bysych hormones as ..
A. thyroxine
B. glucagon
C. cortisol
D. adrenaline
E. insulin
31. Disorders associated with insufficient intake of bile acids to the intestine
A. bilesupersaturatedwith cholesterol
B. the tendency to the formation of gallstones
C. lack of linoleic and linolenic acids
D. the deficiencies of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K)
32. Disorders associated with insufficient intake of bile acids to the intestine
A. the tendency to the formation of gallstones
B. unsplit fats appearance in the feces
C. supersaturation of bile with cholesterol
D. a deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins
E. an excess of unsaturated fatty acids
33. Effects associated with fat malabsorption
A. hypervitaminosis
B. the breaking process of beta-oxidation
C. disturbance of fatty acids synthesis
D. the increase in the content of arachidonic acid in tissues
E. hypervitaminosis B5
34. Effects associated with fat malabsorption
A. hypovitaminosis D
B. hypervitaminosis K
C. disturbance of fatty acids synthesis
D. steatorrhea
E. hypervitaminosis B1
35. The metabolism of fat from fat depots is regulated by
A. adrenaline
B. thyroxine
C. glucagon
D. glucocorticoids
E. insulin
36. Metabolism of fat from fat depots is regulated by
A. insulin
B. thyroxine
C. somatotropic hormone
D. glucocorticoids
37. Hypercholesterolemia is associated with increased concentration of . in the blood
B. chylomicrons
E. albumin
G. globulins
38. CFT in the synthesis of glycerophospholipids performs the functions of
A. activator
B. Transporter
C. glycerol-3-phosphate
D. inhibitor
E. carrier of activated metabolites
F. carrier of nitrogenous bases
39. Match the following
Effect on lipogenesis
1. hormones, that accelerate
Lipogenesis A. the synthesis of ketone bodies
2. Hormones, that accelerate
Lipolysis B. the synthesis of triacylglycerols
C. the synthesis of phospholipids
D. b-oxidation of higher fatty acids
40. Match the following
1. holine A. obesity
B. diabetes
2. carnitine C. fatty degeneration of muscle tissue
D. atherosclerosis
E. muscle weakness
F. fatty degeneration of the liver
41. Metabolites which are used by the myocardium as an energy source
A. carbohydrates
B. ketone bodies
C. nonesterified fatty acids
D. all of the above mentioned
E. none of the above mentioned
42. Insufficient intake of glucose results in an increase in the numberof such metabolites as
A. malonyl-CoA
B. isocitrate
D. citrate
43. What TCA metabolites activate acetyl CoA-carboxylase
A. malonyl-CoA
B. citrate
D. biotin
44. Whichenzyme activate citrate and isocitrate
A. acetyl-CoA carboxylase
B. superoxidedismutase
C. acyl-carnitinetransferase
D. hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA-reductase
45. The coenzyme of acetyl Co A carboxylase is
D. biotin
46. The formation of what nodal metabolite required for the synthesis of higher fatty acids, does the enzyme acetyl CoA carboxylase promote
A. malonyl-CoA
B. acetoacetyl CoA
C. methylmalonyl CoA
D. acyl-CoA
47. Actively proceeds in fat depots
A. the synthesis of ketone bodies
B. the synthesis of triacylglycerols
C. the synthesis of phospholipids
D. the synthesis of VLDL
E. the synthesis of cholesterol
48. Actively occurs in brain tissue
A. the synthesis of ketone bodies
B. the synthesis of triacylglycerols
C. the synthesis of phospholipids
D. beta -oxidation of fatty acids
E. pentose-phosphate pathway
49. The hormonewhich accelerates lipogenesis is
A. glucagon
B. growth hormone
C. adrenaline
D. insulin
50. The hormonewhich accelerates lipolysis is
A. adrenaline
B. insulin
C. aldosterone
D. vasopressin
51. The hormone wich accelerates lipolysis is
A. insulin
B. growth hormone
C. aldosterone
D. vasopressin
52. The pathology caused by from a lack of choline is
A. obesity
B. diabetes
C. fatty degeneration of muscular tissue
D. fatty degeneration of the liver
E. atherosclerosis
53. Regulatory enzyme of fatty acid synthesis is
A. LPB-acyltransferase
B. APB-mononiltransferase
C. p-ketoacyl-APB-synthase
D. beta -ketoacyl-APB-reductase
E. acetyl CoA-carboxylate
54. Regulatory enzyme activatos of fatty acid synthesis of acetyl-CoA
arecarboxylase and
A. oxaloacetate
B. malate
C. glycerol
E. citrate
55. Hypercholesterolemia is associated with increased concentration of in the blood
B. chylomicrons
E. albumin
56. The effects caused by malabsorption of lipids are
A. steatorrhea
B. hypovitaminosis K
C. PP hypovitaminosis
D. impaired synthesis of saturated acids
E. the decrease in the content of arachidonic acid
57. The effect that occurs in the disorder of lipidsintake
A. disturbance of higher fatty acids synthesis
B. hypovitaminosis B5
C. hypovitaminosis A
D. hypervitaminosis K
E. hypervitaminosis D
F. hypervitaminosis E
58. The main causes of digestion and absorption of fatdisorders
A. disturbance of bile passage into the intestine
B. the lack of trypsin secretion
C. difficulty in receiving pancreatic juice into the intestine
D. an increase in the secretion of gastric juice
E. the lack of HCl secretion