First vice-rector – vice rector Vice-rector on new technology
On educational-methodical work, and distance education
Candidate of economical sciences, doctor of economical sciences,
Professor Bugubayeva R.O. professor Konakbayev A.G.
_______________________ _______________________
‘___’ ___________ 2012 ‘___’ __________ 2012
Discipline: ОР 1108 ‘Bases of law’
Specialty: 5В050800 Account and audit, 5В050900 Finance, 5В072700 Technology of food products, 5В090200 Tourism, 5В090500 Social work, 5В051300 World economy, 5В050700 Management, 5В050600 Economics, 5В051000 Public and local administration
Faculty business and law
Department total juridical and special disciplines
Total 2 credits (3 ECTS)
Lectures - 15 hours
Seminars – 15 hours
IWS -15 hours
IWST – 45 hours
Form 2
Sillabus is made by Zholdassova Laura Muratbekovna, a doctor of law, a senior teacher of total juridical and special disciplines department on the basis of GOSO RK 3.08.279-2006 for specialties 5В050800 Account and audit, 5В050900 Finance, 5В072700 Technology of food products, 5В090200 Tourism, 5В090500 Social work, 5В051300 World economy, 5В050700 Management, 5В050600 Economics, 5В051000 Public and local administration, working curriculum of specialties 5В050800 Account and audit, 5В050900 Finance, 5В072700 Technology of food products, 5В090200 Tourism, 5В090500 Social work, 5В051300 World economy, 5В050700 Management, 5В050600 Economy, 5В051000 State and local management, typical program of ‘Basis of law’ discipline and requirements to structure of an educational-methodical complex of discipline KEUK-MI-85-05.01-2012
It is considered at session of educational-methodical seminar of the department ‘22’ June 2012 Report # 11
Chief of TJSD department Alimbayeva A.A.
Information about teacher: Zholdassova Laura Muratbekovna, a doctor of law, a senior teacher of total juridical and special disciplines department.
Read courses: Bases of law, Criminal law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General and Special Chapters).
Scientific work: more than thirty scientific articles on the problems of criminal proceedings legislations.
Office: total juridical and special disciplines department, auditory #209
The full address: Karaganda city, Akademicheskaya str., 9
Тел.: 44-16-24, 44-15-58 (internal 188,187)
Е-mail: astalau@mail.ru
Form 3
The purpose of discipline teaching. The purposes of discipline teaching of ‘Bases of law’ are education of the Kazakhstan patriotism, forming outlooks trained, increase public and to the individual sense of justice and the legal culture, representing itself as necessary conditions of perfection of legal statehood in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Educational discipline ‘Bases of law’ is devoted to the basic concepts about state, basic concepts about the law and the legal phenomena. In educational course are considered: bases of constitutional law, the constitutional bases of position of the person and the citizen in the Republic of Kazakhstan, constitutional bases of a social order of the Republic of Kazakhstan, an electoral system, bases of administrative law, a bases of civil law in the Republic of Kazakhstan, intellectual property law, the law of succession inheritance law, bases of family law, law-enforcement authorities in the Republic of Kazakhstan, a bases of financial law, budgetary law, bases of tax law, legal regulation of investment relations, bases of labor law and the law of social security, bases of criminal law, anti-corrupt practices in Kazakhstan, bases of ecological law, bases of procedural law of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Results of discipline studying:
A. Кnow initial concepts and positions of stateformating and jurisprudence, the basic and additional monographic literature on state and law bases, the maintenance of concrete laws, an order of legal procedures, form positive acquiring positions of legal norms, their’s legal interpretation and correct understanding which are necessary for their effective using, understanding of system and structure of law and legislation, a problem and principles of activity of public authorities as a whole and law-enforcement authorities in particular, formation of representations about the purposes, problems and types of legal liability.
B. Нave ability to use of theoretical knowledge into practice, be able to use normative legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in an everyday life.
C. Нave ability to analyze available opinions of scientists on various problems of bases of the state and law; to estimate some sights which have become outdated from modern point of view, and also new concepts and doctrines, which have received a general recognition in the legal scientific world.
D. Нave ability to represent the information in various forms of messages taking into account specificity of the audience.
E. Нave ability to raise skills of independent work and development of requirement for personal and professional self-improvement.
Prerequisites: prior to the beginning of the given course the legal and historical knowledge is necessary, which students had to receive in high school, college by studying: state and law bases, person and a society, etc.
Postrequisites: knowledge on the given discipline is necessary in any sphere of public and state activity and certainly for studying of all branches of jurisprudence.
Methodology of ‘Bases of law’ is defined by its features and the studying purpose. Thereupon it is expedient to use the methods of training directed on formation of special knowledge, abilities, skills: situational problems, a method of group projects, a method of the comparative analysis, case method, the open and closed tests etc.
Form 4
Policy and procedures of an estimation of students’ knowledge
The total estimation on discipline is defined as the sum of the maximum indicators of progress on the first and the second boundary control – 70 % and total control (examination) – 30 % and makes 100 %, that is the total estimation is defined under the formula:
Р1+ Р2
И% = ---------- * 0,7 + Э * 0,3
where: Р1 – Percentage of an estimation of the first rating;
Р2 - Percentage of an estimation of the second rating;
Э - Percentage of an examination estimation.
At presence on discipline of a term paper, its estimation joins in an average rating - Рav=(Р1+Р2+ the got point on a term paper)/3.
For a correctness of calculation of a total estimation under the above-stated formula it is necessary to estimate knowledge trainees on boundary control (rating) in percentage from 0 till 100%.
The multiball alphabetic system of an estimation of trainers’ knowledge on credit technology is below.
Estimation on alphabetic system | Digital equivalent of points | Percentage | Estimation on traditional system |
А | 4,0 | 95-100 | Excellent |
А- | 3,67 | 90-94 | |
В+ | 3,33 | 85-89 | Good |
В | 3,0 | 80-84 | |
В- | 2,67 | 75-79 | |
С+ | 2,33 | 70-74 | Satisfactory |
С | 2,0 | 65-69 | |
С- | 1,67 | 60-64 | |
D+ | 1,33 | 55-59 | |
D | 1,0 | 50-54 | |
F | 0-49 | Unsatisfactory |
Criteria of an estimation of trainees’ knowledge
‘А’, ‘А-’ (‘excellent’) – if the trainee has deeply and strongly acquired all program material, more exhaustively, consistently, competently and logically, harmoniously states, isn't at a loss with the answer at task modification, freely copes with tasks in view, shows knowledge of a monographic material, correctly proves the made decisions, owns versatile skills and receptions of performance of practical works, finds out ability independently to generalize and state without supposing errors;
‘В+’, ‘В’, ‘В-’(‘good’) – if the trainee knows well a program material, competently and in essence states it, doesn't suppose essential discrepancies in the answer to a question, can correctly apply theoretical positions owns necessary skills at performance of practical problems;
‘С+’, ‘С’, ‘С-’,’D+’, ‘D’ (‘satisfactory’) - if the trainee has acquired only the basic material, but doesn't know separate details, supposes discrepancies, insufficiently correct formulations, breaks sequence in a statement of a program material and experiences difficulties in performance of practical tasks;
‘F’ (‘unsatisfactory’) – if the trainee doesn't know a considerable part of a program material, commits essential errors with the big difficulty performs practical works.
The teacher is guided by the same criteria in the course of exhibiting of an examination mark.
The choice in amplitude of fluctuations from A - to A, from B- to B+, from D to C+ is defined by degree of conformity of knowledge and abilities trainee to the above described criteria.
Appeal procedure
Statements on the appeal following the results of examination are accepted during three days following after the announcement of results under the personal statement trainee addressed to the Registrar. Appeal statements are registered in registration department where the student should specify an essence appealed question(s). The appeal is spent by the subject appeal commission of department appointed by chair by reviewing of the examination answer of trainee.
Form 5
Discipline program
Table 1. Distribution of hours by types of lessons
# | Name of subject | Lectures | Seminars | IWS | IWST |
1. | The basic concepts about the state, the law and the state-legal phenomena | ||||
Bases of Constitutional law of the RK | |||||
Law-enforcement authorities and court of the RK | |||||
Public administration in the Republic of Kazakhstan | |||||
Bases of administrative law of the RK | |||||
Bases of civil and family law of the RK | |||||
Bases of financial law of the RK | |||||
Labour law and welfare law of the RK | |||||
Bases of ecological and land law of the RK | |||||
Criminal law of the RK | |||||
Procedural law of the RK | |||||
Total: |