






Schedule of executing and hand overing of tasks on discipline

Types of control Subject of lessons (for current control) List of tasks (form of control) Date of hand overing
Current control Subject 1. The basic concepts about the state, the law and the state-legal phenomena   Glossary making; preparation of answers to questions for self-checking; schemes making, preparation of abstracts, performance of test tasks. 1st week  
    Subject 2. Bases of Constitutional law of the RK Glossary making; performance of test tasks; preparation of answers to questions for self-checking; preparation of essay; preparation of abstracts. 2nd and 3rd weeks
    Subject 3. Law- enforcement authorities and court of the RK Glossary making; performance of test tasks; preparation of answers to questions for self- checking; preparation of presentation, essay, abstract. 4th week
    Subject 4. Public administration in the RK Glossary making; preparation of answers to questions for self-checking. 5th week
  Subject 5. Bases of administrative law of the RK Glossary making; preparation of answers to questions for self-checking; performance of test tasks; preparation of presentation; preparation of the individual project. 6th week
  Subject 6. Bases of civil and family law of the RK Glossary making; preparation of answers to questions for self-checking; preparation of the group or individual project; preparation of abstract; performance of test tasks. 7th and 8th weeks
Boundary control 1 Subjects 1-6 Control interview 8th week
  Subject 7. Bases of financial law of the RK Glossary making; preparation of presentation, preparation of answers to questions for self- checking; performance of test tasks. 9th and 10th weeks
  Subject 8. Labour law and welfare law of the RK Glossary making; preparation of answers to questions for self-checking; performance of test tasks. 11th and 12th weeks
  Subject 9. Bases of ecological and land law of the RK Glossary making; preparation of written report; preparation of answers to questions for self- checking. 13th week
  Subject 10. Criminal law of the RK Glossary making; preparation of abstracts; scheme making; making of test tasks; preparation of answers to questions for self-checking, preparation of group project. 14th week
  Subject 11. Procedural law of the RK Glossary making; scheme making; preparation of answers to questions for self-checking; performance of test tasks. 15th week
Boundary control 2 Subjects 7 - 11 Control interview 15th week
Total control   Exam in test form  


Plan of lecture (1 hour) :

1. The basic concepts about the state.

2. The basic concepts about law and the state-legal phenomena.

3. Concept and features of legal state.

4. Modern legal systems.

Literature: 27, 28, 29


Plan of seminar (1 hour)

1. Concept, features and different definitions of the state (theories of an origin of the state).

2. Law: concept, features, principles (theories of an origin of the state).

3. Concept and features of the legal state.

4. System of Kazakhstan law.

5. Modern legal systems.




Plan of lecture (2 hour) :

Lesson 1

1. Subject and system of constitutional law of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan Main Law of the state.

3. The constitutional bases of the person and the citizens position in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Lesson 2

1. Concept and principles of citizenship. Acquisition and stoppage of citizenship.

2. Bases of constitutional order of the RK.

3. Electoral system of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Literature: 1, 8, 9, 27-29


Plan of seminar (2 hours):

Lesson 1

1. Constitutional law of the RK: subject, method, system.

2. General characteristic of Republic Constitution.

3. Constitutional bases of the person and the citizens position in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. Legal status of the person: concept, principles, types.

Lesson 2

1. Concept and principles of citizenship.

2. Acquisition and stoppage of citizenship (General characteristic of Law of the RK On citizenship).

3. Bases of constitutional order.

4. Electoral law of the Republic of Kazakhstan: concept, principles and features (General characteristic of Law of the RK On elections in the RK)

5. Concept and types of electoral system.


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