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Приложение: 100 самых удачных рекламных кампаний XX века

1. Volkswagen, «Think Small», Doyle Dane Bernbach, 1959.

2. Coca-Cola, «The Pause that Refreshes», D'Arcy Co., 1929.

3. Marlboro, The Marlboro Man, Leo Burnett Co., 1955.

4. Nike, «Just do it», Wieden & Kennedy, 1988.

5. McDonald's, «You deserve a break today», Needham, Harper & Steers, 1971.

6. DeBeers «A Diamond is forever», N.W. Ayer & Son, 1948.

7. Absolut Vodka, The Absolute Bottle, TBWA, 1981.

8. Miller Lite beer, «Tastes great, less filling», McCann-Erickson World­wide, 1974.

9. Clairol, «Does she, or doesn't she?», Foote, Cone & Belding, 1957.

10. Avis, «We try harder», Doyle Dane Bernbach, 1963.

11. Federal Express, «Fast talker», Ally & Gargano, 1982.

12. Apple Computer, «1984», Chiat/Day, 1984.

13. Alka-Seltzer, Various ads, Jack Tinker & Partners, Doyle Dane Bern­bach, Wells Rich, Greene, 1960s, 1970s.

14. Pepsi-Cola, «Pepsi-Cola hits the spot», Newell-Emmett Co., 1940s.

15. Maxwell House, «Good to the last drop» Ogilvy, Benson & Mather, 1975.

16. Ivory Soap, «99 and 44/100% pure», Procter & Gamble Co., 1882.

17. American Express, «Do you know me?», Ogilvy & Mather, 1975

18. US Army, «Be all that you can be», N.W. Ayer & Son, 1981.

19. Anacin, «Fast, fast, fast relief», Ted Bates & Co., 1952.

20. Rolling Stone, «Perception Reality», Fallon McElligott Rice, 1985.

21. Pepsi-Cola; «The Pepsi Generation», Batton,Barton, Durstine & Os-born, 1964.

22. Hathaway Shirts, «The man in the Hathaway Shirt», Hewitt, Ogilvy, Benson & Mather, 1951.

23. Burma-Shave, Roadside signs in verse, Allen Odell, 1925.

24. Burger King, «Have it your way», BBDO, 1973.

25. Campbell Soup, «Mmm mm good», BBDO 1930s.

26. US Forest Service, Smokey the Bear «Only you can prevent forest fires», Advertising Council, Foote, Cone & Belding.

27. Budweiser, «This Bud's for you», D'Arcy Masius Benton & Bowles,


28. Maidenform, «I dreamed I went shopping in my Maidenform bra», Norman, Craig & Kunnel, 1949.

29. Victor Talking Machine Co., «His master's voice», Francis Barraud,


30. Jordan Motor Car Co., «Somewhere west of Laramie», Edward S. (Ned) Jordan, 1923.

31. Woodbury Soap, «The skin you love to touch», J. Walter Thompson Co., 1911.

32. Benson & Hedges 100s, «The disadvantages», Wells, Rich, Greene, 1960s.

33. National Biscuit Co., Uneeda Biscuits' Boy in Boots, N.W. Ayer &Son, 1899.

34. Energizer, The Energizer Bunny, Chiat/Day, 1989.

35. Morton Salt, «When it rains it pours», N.W. Ayer & Son, 1912.

36. Chanel, «Share the fantasy», Doyle Dane Bernbach, 1979.

37. Saturn, «A different kind of company, A different kind of car», Hal Riney & Partners, 1989.

38. Crest Toothpaste, «Look Ma! No cavities!», Benton & Bowles, 1958.

39. M&Ms, «Melts in your mouth, not in your hands», Ted Bates & Co., 1954.

40. Timex, «Takes a licking and keeps on ticking», W.B. Doner & Co. and predecessor agencies, 1950s.

41. Chevrolet, «See the USA in your Chevrolet», Campbell-Ewald, 1950s.

42. Calvin Klein, «Know what comes between me and my Calvins? No­thing!».

43. Reagan for President, «It's morning again in America!», Tuesday Team, 1984.

44. Winston cigarettes, «Winston tastes good—like a cigarette should», 1954.

45. US School of Music, «They laughed when I sat down at the piano, but when'I started to play!» Ruthrauff & Ryan, 1925.


46. Camel cigarettes, «I'd walk a mile for a Camel», N.W. Ayer & Son, 1921.

47. Wendy's, «Where's the beef?», Dancer-Fitzgerald-Sample, 1984.

48. Listerine, «Always a bridesmaid, but never a bride», Lambert & Feasley, 1923.

, 49. Cadillac, «The penalty of leadership», MacManus, John & Adams,

1915., 50. Keep America Beautiful, «Crying Indian», Advertising Council/Mars-

tellar Inc., 1971.

51. Charmin, «Please don't squeeze the Charmin», Benton & Bowles, 1964.

52. Wheaties, «Breakfast for champions», Blackett-Sample-Hurnmert, 1930s.

53. Coca-Cola, «It's the real thing», McCanjl-Erickson, 1970.

54. Greyhound, «It's such a comfort to take the bus and leave the driving to us», Grey Advertising, 1957.

55. Kellogg's Rice Krispies, «Snap! Crackle! and Pop!», Leo Burnett Co., 1940s.

56. Polaroid, «It's so simple», Doyle Dane Bernbach, 1977.

57. Gillette, «Look sharp, feel sharp», BBDO, 1940s.

58. Levy's Rye Bread, «You don't have to be Jewish to love Levy's Rye Bread», Doyle Dane Bernbach, 1949.

59. Pepsodent, «You'll wonder where the yellow went», Foote, Cone & Belding, 1956.

60. Lucky Strike Cigarettes, «Reach for a Lucky instead of a sweet», Lord & Thomas, 1920s.

61. 7 UP, «The Uncola», J. Walter Thompson, 1970s.

62. Wisk detergent, «Ring round the collar», BBDO, 1968.

63. Sunsweet Prunes, «Today the pits, tomorrow the wrinkles» Freerg Ltd., 1970s.

64. Life cereal, «Hey, Mikey», Doyle Dane Bernbach, 1972.

65. Hertz, «Let Hertz put you in the driver's seat», Norman Craig & Kum-mel, 1961.

66. Foster Grant, «Who's that behind those Foster Grants?», Geer, Dubois, 1965.

67. Perdue Chicken, «It takes a tough man to make tender chicken», Scali, McCabe, Sloves, 1971.

68. Hallmark, «When you care enough to send the very best», Foote, Cone & Belding, 1930s.

100 самых удачных рекламных кампаний XX века

69. Springmaid sheets, «A buck well spent», In-house, 1948.

70. Queensboro Corp. Jackson Heights Apartment Homes, WEAF, NYC, 1920s.

71. Steinway & Sons, «The instrument of the immortals», N.W. Ayer & Son, 1919.

72. Levi's Jeans, «501 Blues», Foote, Cone& Belding, 1984.

73. Blackglama-Great Lakes Mink, «What becomes a legend most?» Jane Trahey Associates, 1960s.

74. Blue Nun Wine, Stiller & Meara Campaign, Delia Femina, Travisano & Partners, 1970s.

75. Hamm's Beer, «From the Land of Sky Blue Waters», Campbell-Mithus, •1950.

76. Quaker Puffed Wheat, «Shot from guns», Lord & Thomas, 1920s.

77. ESPN Sports, "This is Sports Center», Wieden & Kennedy, 1995.

78. Molson Beer, Laughing Couple, Moving & Talking Picture Co., 1980s.

79. California Milk Processor Board, «Got Milk?», 1993.

80. AT&T, «Reach out and touch someone», N.W. Ayer, 1979.

81. Brylcreem, «A little dab "11 do ya», Kenyon & Eckhardt, 1950s.

82. Carling Black Label Beer, «Hey Mabel, Black Label!», Lang, Fisher & Stashower, 1940s.

83. Isuzu, «Lying Joe Isuzu», Delia Femina, Travisano & Partners, 1980s.

84. BMW, «The ultimate driving machine», Ammirati & Puris, 1975.

85. Texaco, «You can trust your car to the men who wear the star», Benton & Bowles, 1940s.

86. Coca-Cola, «Always», Creative Artists Agency, 1993.

87. Xerox, «It's a miracle», Needham, Harper & Steers, 1975.

88. Bartles & Jaymes, «Frank and Ed», Hal Riney & Partners, 1985.

89. Dannon Yoghurt, Old People in Russia, Marstellar Inc., 1970s.

90. Volvo, Average life of a car in Sweden, Scali, McCabe, Sloves, 1960s.

91. Motel 6 «We'll leave a light on for you», Richard Group, 1988.

92. Jell-O, Bill Cosby with kids, Young & Rubicam, 1975.

93. IBM, Chaplin's Little Tramp character, Lord, Geller, Federico, Einstein, 1982.

94. America Tourister, The Gorilla, Doyle Dane Bernbach, late 1960s.

95. Right Guard, «Medicine Cabinet», BBDO, 1960s.

96. Maypo, «I want my Maypo», Fletcher, Calkins & Holden, 1960s.

97. Buffering Poundings heartbeat, Young & Rubicam, I960.

98. Arrow Shirts, «My friend, Joe Holmes, is now a horse», Young & Rubicam.

99. Young & Rubicam, «Impact», Young & Rubicam, 1930.

100. Lyndon Johnson for President, «Daisy», Doyle Dane Bernbach, 1964.

Source: The Advertising Century, Advertising Age, [on-line].


Baker Stephen (1979) Systematic Approach to Advertising Creativity (Систематический подход к рекламному творчеству), McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc., New York.

Bernbach William (1989) Bill Bernbach Said (Билл Бернбах счита­ет...), DDB Needham Worldwide.

Britt Stuart Henderson (1973) Marketing Manager's Handbook (Справочник менеджера по маркетингу), Dartnell Corporation, Chicago.

Burnett Leo, 100 Leo's Burnett Company (К столетию компании Leo Burnett), Chicago, Illinois.

Fitzhenry Robert I. (1993) The Fitzhenry Whiteside Book of Quota­tions (Сборник изречений Фитцгенри), Fitzhenry, Whiteside Ltd., Toronto.

Glim Aesop (1945) How advertising is written and why (Зачем и как создается реклама), Dover Publication Inc., New York.

Joyce Walter (1963), Advertising Today/Yesterday/Tomorrow (Рек­лама сегодня, вчера, завтра), McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc., New York.

Lord Leverhume (William Hesketh Lever) (1981), Oxford Dictionary of Modem Quotations (Оксфордский словарь современных афо­ризмов), Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Lutz, William (1974), The Age of Communication (Век коммуника­ций), Goodyear Publishing Company Inc., California.

O'Toole, John (1981), The Trouble with Advertising (Проблемы рек­ламного дела), Chelsea House, New York.

Ogilvy, David (1971), Confessions of an Advertising Man (Исповедь рекламиста), Ballantine Books, New York.

Ogilvy, David (1985), Ogiivy on Advertising (Огилви о рекламе), Vintage Books, New York.

Pliskin, Robert (1963), Quoted in Stephen Donadio (1992), The New York Public Library: Book of Twentieth Century American Quotations, Stonesong Press, New York.

Reeves, Rosser (1971), Reality in Advertising (Реальность в зеркале

рекламы), Shoaib & Sunder Publishers, Bombay. Sandage, Charles H. (1972), Some Institutional Aspects/ (Некоторые

внутрикорпоративные проблемы) Journal of Advertising, Vol. 1. Simpson, James B. (1964), Contemporary Quotations (Современные

афоризмы), Vail-Ballon Press, Binghampton, NY. St. John of the Cross (1979), The Collected Works of St. John of the

Cross (Собрание сочинений святого Иоанна), ICS Publication, In­stitute of Carmelite Studies, Washington DC. Watkins, Julian Lewis (1959), The 100 Greatest Advertisments (100

величайших рекламных объявлений), Dover Publications Inc.,

New York.

Джун Валладарес

Ремесло копирайтинга

Серия «Маркетинг для профессионалов»

Перевела с английского М. Панина


Главный редактор Заведующая редакцией Руководитель проекта Выпускающий редактор Научный редактор Редактор

Художественный редактор Корректоры Верстка

Е. Строганова

И. Андреева

Т. Середова

Е. Егерева

С. Жильцов

Т. Середова

С. Будшюв

Е. Гарпинченко, М. Одинокова Е. Зверева



Лицензия ИД № 057S4 от 07.09.01.

ООО «Питер Принт», 194044, Санкт-Петербург, пр. Б. Сампсониевский, д. 29а. Налоговая льгота — общероссийский классификатор продукции ОК 005-93,

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Тираж 4000. Заказ № 1275.

Отпечатано с готовых диапозитивов в ООО «Типография Правда 1906». 195299, С.-Петербург, Киришская ул., 2.






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