







(Entrance to the Antechamber)

- , . - , 515. , - , ( 505 .). - ( 513). - , , . . ( 317).


() .

3- 10. :

( 459, 463). , , ( 464). ( 472-479).

14 - 19. :

. ( 282). ( 305) . 258 . .

20 - 27. :

- ( 324 .) . , ( 327 .). ( 365). , , ( 366).

, -/


, / ( 383 .). ( 388). 31 - 36. : . . ( 451 .). 11 - 13. : . ( 247). ( 263), (, 266). ( 267). ( 272) = . , , , ( 253).

28 - 30. : 273-274 , . 275 . . , , (), , .

(Passage to the sarcophagus chamber) 37. : , . ,

( 244). 245 -\ , , . , . 246 , , . ' 38. : : () - , .

(Sarcophagus chamber)

39-48. 49-54. . : , . ( 213-219). , - : , . . ( 145). ( 148 .). ( 147). , ( 282), , (, 250), ( 150). , (, () 220, 221, 222).

55 -57. : , . 58 - 67. : , , () .

68 - 70. : . 462 . 386 . 316 . ^ . , , . , , , . 277, 296-297, 367, 484 ., , , 492 .

1 Etienne Drioton et Jacques Vandier. L'Egypte // Clio. Vol. II; 4. ed. Paris. 1962. P. 147 ff.; William C. Hayes. The Scepter of Egypt. Part I. Cambridge. Mass. 1953. P. 61 ff.

2 Ricke Herbert. Bemerkungen zur agyptischen Baukunst des Alien Reichs. II // Beitrage zur agyptischen Bauforschung und Altertumskunde. Schweizerisches Institut fur Agyptische Bauforschung und Altertumskunde in Kairo. Bd. V. 1950. S. 24 ff.

3 Junker Hermann. Pyramidenzeit. Zurich und Koln, 1949. S. 116-117; idem. Giza. XII. S. 81-86.

4 ; . , :


, Homs, this N is Osiris,

This pyramid of N is Osiris and his building (as well).

Approach thyself to N;

Be not far from him in his name Pyramid.

5 : , - , , , . . Edwards I. E. S. The Pyramids of Egypt. London. Max Panish. 1961. P. 242 f. (Penguin ed., 1961 or 1964. P. 297 f.). CP. JEA 52. 1966. 176.

6 , . Vergote ]. Phonetique historique de 1'Egyptien; Les Con-sonnes // Bibiliotheque du Museon. XIX. Louvain. 1945. P. 143. -: (The All) (Lord of All) . Urgeschichte, S. 95, , , . K.ees. Gotterglaube. S. 144 (The One who has not yet manifested himself).

, (, . ., . 94-95), , . . , , , . G. van der Leeuw. La Religion dans son essence et ses manifestations. Paris. 1948. P. 156 ff.

7 . . 1587. , tm(m) - , , . . 6. , IV . . ., , . i.nd hr.k , - . , hprr - , IX .

: . "". . "". - , . . - :;


Salutation to thee, the All, Salutation to thee, Becoming One,

he who came into being by himself. Thou art high in thy name Mound, Thou earnest into being

in thy name Kheprer (He Who Comes into being).

8 . :

Atum-Kheprer, thou wast high as Mound; Thou hast appeared as Benben

in the Phoenix House at Heliopolis. Thou spittest out as Shu (the air), Thou ejectest as Tefnut (the moist).

9 Adriaan de Buck. De Egyptische Voorstellingen Betreffende den Oerheuvel. Leiden. 1922. P. 3; idem. De Zegepraal van het Licht. Amsterdam. 1930. P. 58 ff.

10 Maspero Gaston. Note sur le pyramidion d'Amenem-hait III a Dahchour. Ann. Serv. III. 1902. P. 206-208. . J. H. Breasted. Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt. New York. 1912. P. 73. . :

King Amenemhet sees the beauty of the Sun.

The face of King Amenemhet is open,

He sees The Lord of the Horizon as he sails in the sky.

The soul (Ba) of King Amenemhet

is higher than the heights of Orion, And it unites itself with the Netherworld...

11 , . , - . . . . . ., 1958. . 227. . :

Behold, he is come as Orion, Behold, Osiris is come as Orion...

12 . :

In thy name He Who Is in Orion: Thou sojournest in heaven; Thou sojournest on earth...,

, tr . , . Erman A. und Grapow H. Worterbuch der aegyptischen Sprache. Berlin, 1955. Bd. V. S. 313-318 Faulkner R. O. A. Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian. Oxford, 1964. P. 300, , , , . , , . : . , , - , - . . bald... bald... = ..., ..., bald , , , . . . - .

13 W. Brede Kristensen , , , ( -), . Het Leven uit de Dood. Haarlem. 1949. P. 109 ff. Cp. Piankoff A. Les Deux

Papyrus mythologiquers de Her-Ouben au Musee du Caire. Ann. Serv. XLIX. 1949. P. 129-144; idem. Harnesses VI. P. 261 ff.

14 , . . ( 138, 149, 210 . .; Coffin Texts (=), 1, 18. 184 . .; Book of the Dead (=BD), 130 ). , (Harnesses VI. . 34-35). . Mythological Papyri. Introduction. P. 3 -19 Rambova N. The Symbolism of the Papyri. P. 29-65. . II I: , , . , - (), . . . , () . , . . CauthierH. La Grande Inscription dedicatoire d'Abydos // IFAO. Bibliotheque d'etude. IV. 1912. P. 19-20. , , . Harnesses VI. . 409; A. Piankoff. Le Livre du jour et de la nuit // IFAO Bibliotheque d'etude. XIII. 1942. P. 33 ff.

15 , . . .

16 Drioton E. Sarcasmes contre les adorateurs d'Horus // Melanges Syriens offerts a Monsieur Rene Dussaud. Paris. 1939. Vol. II. P. 495-506. . Weill R. L'Incantation anti-osirienne. BIFAO. XLVI. 1947. P. 157-197. , . , Urgeschichte, . , , - , , , .

17 hi.t.j.w . 1535 1726 ; , , im.j.w-ilw.w, , . . . . ( 1, . 209). Sethe . Obersetzung und Kommentar zu den altagyptischen Pyramidentexten. Gluckstadt; Hamburg; New York. 1962. Bd. V. S. 165- 191 Faulkner R. O. The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts Translated into English. Oxford, 1969. P. 200-201. , . . 534 , , . , , , , , , ,

. , , .

18 . , (1266 () , : . , . Ubersetzung und Kommentar. V. 177 . ? : . . . . ., 1970. . 199, VI/CXXXIV. . , , .

19 . Book of the Dead. Ch. 112.

20 . , . , 1, . 98. , , , , ( ).

21 . , . . , , - - . . . , . , - , , .

22 , . , . , . -, . . . .

. Sethe. Obersetzung und Kommentar. V. 165-166:

1264 a: Worte sprechen durch Horus: Gnadig sei Geb und gebe, b: daB der Himmel begunstige (?) wen Horus achtet und

Seth schiitzt,

c: daB der Himmel begunstige (?) wen Osiris achtet und Art/ schiitzt,

1265 a: daB der Himmel begunstige (?) wen Isis achtet und

Nephthys schiitzt, b: daB der Himmel iiber dem Haupte sei dessen der

Mhntj-ir.tj achtet und Thoth schiitzt, c: daB der Himmel begunstige (?) wen A2ir/.w-Schlachter

achten, und die, welche in Huldigung sind, schiitzen.

1266 a: Ich komme damit ich mir weihe dieses Haus des N.. b: indem der Hof davon rein ist mehr als der kbh.w.

c: Eine Thiir ist daran (in die Hohe) stoBend, zweifliiglig mit zwei stofienden Stieren geschmuckt ihr VerschluB mit 2 bosen Augen,

1267 a: damit Osiris nicht kommt in jenem seine m schlechten

Kommen, b: du sollst deine Arme nicht offnen fur ihn, sondern [sei

bedacht, daB zu ihm gesagt werde jener sein Name...] c: Zien stromauf, geh nach Ndj.t, schwimm stromab, geh nach


1268 a: damit Horus nicht kommt in jenem seine m schlechten

Kommen, b: du sollst deine Arme nicht offnen fur ihn, (sondern) sei

bedacht, daB zu ihm gesagt werde jener sein Name

blind von Bestimmung (?); c: geh nach rnp.t (Mendes), schwimm stromab, geh nach

Ntr (Iseion);

1269 a: damit Seth nicht kommt in jenem seine m schlechten


b: du sollst deine Arme nicht offnen fur ihn, (sondern) sei bedacht, daB zu ihm gesagt werde jener sein Name Hase, 1269 c: geh von dannen zu den Bergen der Kohle (?), schwimm

stromab, geh nach

1270 a: Wenn kommen kommt hntj-ir.tj in jenem seinem

schlechten Kommen, b: so sollst du deine Arme nicht offnen fur ihn, (sondern)

sei bedacht, dafi ihm gesagt werde jener sein Name

Auswurf (Speichel), c: geh von dannen nach ddn.w, damit du ihnen gefunden

wirst in Zittern, d: schwimm stromab, geh nach Hm (Letopolis).

1271 a: Wenn kommen kommt Thoth in jenem seine m schlechten

Kommen, b: so sollst du deine Arme nicht offnen fur ihn, (sondem)

sei bedacht, dafi zu ihm gesagt werde [jener] sein

Name du hast keine Mutter, c: geh, zieh stromauf zu deinen beiden Steinen (Gebelen),

geh nach P (Buto).nach dem Aufenthaltsort des Thoth.

1272 a: Wenn kommen kommt Isis in jenem ihrem schlechten

Kommen, b: so sollst du deine Arme nicht offnen fur sie, (sondern)

sei bedacht, dafi zu ihr gesagt werde [jener] ihr Name


c: zieh stromauf, geh zu den Hausem des M$-nw, d: schwimm stromab, geh nach hdb.t, nach dem Ort.wo die

geschlagen worden bist.

1273 a: Wenn kommen kommt Nephthys in jenem ihrem

schlechten Kommen,

b: so sollst du deine Arme nicht offnen fur sie, (sondern) sei bedacht, dafi zu ihr gesagt werde jener ihr Name Stellvertreterin, die unfruchtbar gewesen ist,

c: geh von dannen zu den Skorpionshausern, nach jenem Orte, wo du geschlagen worden bist an deinen beiden Vogelbeinen. *

1274 a: Wenn kommen kommten die A&_/.w-SchIachter und die

welche in Huldigung sind [in jenem ihrem schlechten Kommen,]

1274 b: [so sollst du deine Arme nicht offnen fur sie,] (sondern) sei bedacht, dafi zu ihnen gesagt werde jener ihr Name blind in Widersatzlichkeit (?), c: gehet nach [...] tw.t.

1275 a: Wenn kommen kommt N. mil seine m , [so offne dir

deine Anne fur ihr,] b: damit geoffnet werde {das Thor'der Mund} seiner

Vergottlichung deren er bedarf,

damit er hinabsteigt in die Erde, und er soil hinabsteigen c: zu dem Ort.wo die Gotter sind.

1276 a: Wenn kommen kommt N. mit seine m Kl,so offne dir

deine Arme fur ihr,

b: damit geoffnet werde {das Thor'der Mund} seiner Vergottlichung, deren er bedarf, damit er aufsteigt zum Himmel,und er soil hinaufsteigen zu dem Ort.wo die Gotter sind.

1277 a: Ichkomme wie der Wpw.w.indem Geb gnadig ist und

(es) gewahrt sowie Atum, b: damit ich diese Pyramide und diesen Tempel fur N.

(und) fur seine m weihe, c: sodaB was diese Pyramide umschlieBt dem N. und

seine m Ki gehort, d: indem dieses Horusauge rein ist.

S. A. B. Mercer. The Pyramid Texts. I. 208-210:

1264 a: To say by Horus: May Geb make an offering.

b: Be gone, flee, (thou) whom Horus guards, whom Set

protects; c: be gone, flee, (thou) whom Osiris guards, whom Hrti


1265 a: be gone, flee, (thou) whom Isis guards, whom Nephthys

protects; b: flee, chief, (thou) whom Mhnti-irti guards, whom Thot

protects; c: be gone, flee, (thou) whom the hl.tiw guard, whom the

Iml.w-Kw.w protect.

1266 a: I have come; I have dedicated this house to N.; b: purer is this broad-hall than kbh.w,

c: at its 'door (or, entrance) is an obelisk; the door is double (i. e. with two leaves), and is sealed with two evil eyes.

1267 a: Let not Osiris come in this his evil coming;

1267 b: do not open to him thine arms.

c: Let him be gone; let (him) go to Ndi.t; at once; let him be gone to rd3.

1268 a: Let not Horus come in this his evil coming;

b: do not open to him thine arms; that which is said to him

is his name of $p-iri-Stt.w. c: Let him go to fnp.t; at once; let him go to ntr.

1269 a: Let not Set come in this his evil coming;

b: do not open to him thine arms; that which is said to him

is his name of $$r. c: Let him go to dw.t; at once; let him go to hn.t.

1270 a: If Mhnti-lrti comes in this his evil coming;

b: do not open to him thine arms; that which is said to him

is his name of nS (driveller), c: Let him go to Ddnw - (him whom) they found in

(the condition of) quaking; d: at once; let him go to Hm.

1271 a: If Thot comes in this his evil coming;

b: do not open to him thine arms; that which is said to him

is his name of thou hast no mother, c: Let him go; let him be gone to his (?) two int.wi; let

him go to Buto, to hri-dhwti.

1272 a: If Isis comes in this her evil coming;

b: do not open to her thine arms; that which is said to her is her name (of) wide of hwl.t (evil-smelling).

c: Let her (lit. him) be gone; let her go to the houses of Mlnw;

d: at once; let her go to hdb.t, to the place where thou hast (she has) been struck.

1273 a: If Nephthys comes in this her evil coming;

b: that which is said to her is her name of substitute

without vulva, c: Go thou to the house of Serqet, to the place where thou

didst strike thy two cnn.twl (thighs).

1274 a: If enemies come with those who are among the elders (?); b: that which is said to them (lit. her) is this their (lit. her)

name of Sp-Si.w.

1274 : Go to------------- tw.t.

1275 a: If N. comes with his ka;

b: the mouth of his gods opens: (if) he desires to descend

to the [underworld, let him descend] c: to the place where there are gods.

1276 a: If N. comes with his ka, open thou thine arms to him;

b: the mouth of his gods opens: (if) he desires to ascend to heaven, let him ascend.

1277 a: I am come as judge; may Geb make offerings, and Atum. b: I consecrate this pyramid, this temple, to N. and to his ka; c: that which this pyramid, this temple, contains is for N. and

for his ka; d: pure is this eye (pyramid enclosure) of Horus.

A. Piankoff. The Puramid of Unas. P. 7-8:

1264: Says Horus: An offering which Geb gives!

Back, be far away, thou who honorest Horus, who

venerates! Seth!

Back, be far away, thou who knowest Osiris, who

veneratest Kherty! 1265: Back, be far away, thou who honorest Isis, who veneratest


Be far away, chief, who honorest the One with the

Two Eyes, who veneratest Thoth!

Back, be far away, thou who honorest the Khatiu, who

veneratest the Imiu-Iau! 1266: I have come, I have consecrated this house for this Pepi,

this hall is pure!

thou who belongest to the Cool Region,

a door is on it protected by the two bulls,

sealed with two evil eyes. 1267: Let not Osiris come in this his evil coming,

do not open to him thine arms.

Away, run to Nedit! Quick, run to Adja! 1268: Let not Horus come in this his evil coming,

do not open to him thine arms.

Remember that he was called BLINDED BY A PIG.

Hurry to Mendes! Away, hurry to Isieion!

1269: Let not Seth come in this his evil coming,

do not open to him thine arms.

Remember that he was called CASTRATED ONE.

Hurry to the Black Mountains! Away, hurry to Henet! 1270: If The One with the Two Eyes comes in this his evil


do not open to him thine arms.

Remember that he was called SLAVERER.

Hurry to Dedenu (where) they found thee trembling!

Away, hurry to Letopolis. 1271: If Thoth comes in this his evil coming,

do not open to him thine arms.

Remember that he was called THOU HAST NO


Hurry, go back to thy two shells!

Hurry to Buto, to Khery-Thoth. 1272: If Isis comes in this her evil coming,

do not open to her thine arms.

Remember that she was called WIDE OF


Go back, hurry to the houses of Manu!

Away, hurry to Hedjebet, to the place where thou wast

struck. 1273: If Nephthys comes in this her evil coming,

do not open to her thine arms.

Remember that she was called SUBSTITUTE


Hurry to the dwellings of Serket,

to the place where thou hast been struck, thy thighs bound! 1274: If the Khatiu come together with the Imiu-Iau,

remember that they were called BLINDED BY A PIG.

Hurry to.... 1275: If Pepi comes together with his Ka, let the mouth of his

gods open,

and if he asks to descend to the lower sky,

he shall descend to the place where the gods are. 1276: If Pepi comes together with his Ka, let thine arms be open

for him;

Let the mouth of his gods be open, and if he asks to ascend to heaven, he shall ascend. 1277: I have come as a judge of Geb. An offering which Atum gives.

I consecrate this pyramid and this temple to Pepi and to his Ka.

What this pyramid and this temple contain is for Pepi and for his Ka. Pure is the Eye of Horus.

R. O. Faulkner. The Ancient Egyptian Puramid Texts Translated into English. Oxford. 1969. P. 200-201:

1264: Thus says Horus: A boon which Geb grants! May there

be benefited (?) the tomb of him whom Horus respects

and Seth protects.

May there be benefited (?) the tomb of him whom

Osiris respects and Kherty protects. 1265: May there be benefited (?) the tomb of him whom Isis

respects, (even) the tomb of the chieftain whom Mhnt-

irty respects and Thoth protects.

May there be benefited (?) the tomb of him whom the

slayers respect and those who are among the old ones (?)

protect. 1266: I have come and I have installed (?) this house of mine.

The hall of this is purer than the firmament, the door

which is on it is two opposing bulls (?), and its lock is two

evil eyes. 1267: May Osiris not come with this his evil coming; do not

open your arms to him: Go southward, go to Nedit; go

northward, go to fdi\ 1268: May Horus not come with this his evil coming; do not

open your arms to him, but let there be said to him this

his name of Blind of.... Go to fnpt; go northward, go

to Iseion! 1269: May Seth not come with this his evil coming; do not open

your, arms to him, but let there be said to him this his

name of Hare. Go to the Mountains of Blackness (?);

go northward, go to hnt\

1270: If hnt-irty comes with this his evil coming, do not open your arms to him, but let there be said to him this his name of Spittle. Go to Ddnw, you will be found in a trembling condition for them (sic); go northwards,go to Kheml

1271: If Thoth comes with this his evil coming, do not open your arms to him, but let there be said to him his name of Motherless. Go, go southerward to Gebelen (?); go to Pe, to the Abode of Thoth!

1272: If Isis comes with this her evil coming, do not open your arms to her, but let there be said to her her name of Extensively corrupt. Go southward, go to the Houses of M3nw; go northward, go to hdbt, to the place where you were beaten!

1273: If Hephthys comes with this her evil coming, let there be said to her this her name of Imitation woman who has no vagina. Go to the Mansions of Selqet, to that place where you were beaten (on) your hinder-parts!

1274: If the slayers come with those who are among the old ones (?),let there be said to them this their name of Blind of.... Go to [...]!

1275: If I come with my double, the mouths of the gods will be opened and will request that I descend to [the Lower Sky, and I will descend] to the place where the gods are.

1276: If I come with my double, open your arms to me; the mouths of the gods will be opened and will request that I ascend to the sky, and I will ascend.

1277: I have come as Wpiw.

A boon which Geb and Atum grant: that this pyramid and temple be installed for me and for my double,and that this pyramid and temple be enclosed for me and for my double. This Eye of Horus is pure.


(The Pyramids of Egypt. P. 297). Ho nfr (nefer) , .

, . , 150 , 4000 , . 63 . - , . , , . II-III.

24 Maspero G. La Pyramide du roi Ounas. Rec. Trav. HI. 1882. P. 177-224; IV. 1883. P. 41-78. (), , ( ). () .

25 Maspero G. Les Inscriptions des pyramides de Saqqarah. Paris. 1894; Rec. Trav. V. 1884 - XIV. 1893.

26 PT - . (1908-1922) (1935-1962).

27 Jequier Custave. La Pyramide d'Oudjebten. 1928; Les Pyramides des reines Neit et Apouit. 1933; La Pyramide d'Aba. 1935; Le Monument funeraire de Pepi II. 1936. Bee Service des Antiquites de 1'Egypte. Fouilles a Saqqarah.

. . , (= . ) , 1917 . . Speleers L. Les Textes des pyramides egyptiennes. Brussels. 1923-1924. 2 vols.; 2nd ed. in 1 vol. 1935- 1936; Mercer Samuel A. B. The Pyramid Texts. New York; London; Toronto. 1952. 4 vols.

28 : , , .

, , , , , . , , , . - , : , , . , . - . , , - , .

29 . (Schott Siegfried. Bemerkungen zum agyptischen Bauforschung und Altertumskunde. Bd. V S. 135-252), , , . : Frankfort Henri. Pyramid Temples and the Religion of the Old Kingdom. Bibliotheca Orientalis. Leiden. X. 1953. P. 157- 162; Bonnet Hans. Agyptische Baukunst und Pyramidenkult // JNES. XII. 1953. S. 257-273. - , , , , . , , , , ,

, , , . Drioton E. Une Representation de la famine sur un bas-relief egyptien de la V dynastic. Bulletin de 1'Institut d'Egypte. Cairo. XXV. 1943. P. 45-54; Selim Hassan. The Causeway of Wnis at Sakkara. ZAS. LXXX. 1955. S. 136-139. (. Joachim Spiegel. Das Aufersteh-ungsritual der Unsapyramide. Ann. Serv. LIII. 1955. S. 339-439 (B 1971 . Agyptologische Abhandlungen. Bd. 23 , 490 . - . .)), , , , , , , , . . . , , , . Piankoff A. La Tombe de Harnesses . // BIFAO. LVI. 1957. P. 189-200. , , , - .

30 , , : . , , : , , (. --, 17

, ); , , , (. - ), - , ( , . Mythological Papyri. P. 97-98); , () (. 141-142 --. . Shrines, p. 80- 89, 138-145). (. , ), , , , , , . . , .

31 , , , . (hw.w.i) utterance - , - spell - . , .

. , , huwat - , ( ) , . - , . huwata ( .-.; , )

dado, madawi . , , , , , . ! hiiwati (), , , , , . . , , , - . ? , . . , , . , : - ( ) - . - , .

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: - - . 12-13 1998 . (., 1999. . 184-210). . . 188. , . , : (utterances). (. . ). , , . . . , . . .

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. thou, thy, thine, thee, ye you, your, , , makest, maketh didst. , , , , behold, , , see, look , . , . . . . , X. , , , . , , , , , , , . , . . . . . , , , . , , , , - . , , . , , , , .

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