






V. 6

198 . : R. P. Martin, in TSFBul 1961 (1961), pp. 4-8. .

: I. H. Marshall, Last Supper and Lord's Supper (1980), pp. 71-72.

199 .: E. Stauffer, New Testament Theology (1955), pp. 40 f; F. C. Burkitt, The Gospel History and its Transmission (1906), pp. 248 ff.

200 "" , .: R. . France, VE

16 (1986), pp. 43-54.

201 Johannes und die Synoptiker (1926).

202 (P. Borgen, NTS 5 (1959), pp. 246-259)

. , , , . (Higgins, op. cit., p. 21), , , .

. , , . . : .-. Boismard, Synopse des quatre evangiles en frar^ais (eds. P. Benoit and M.-E. Boismard, , 1975). . . (F. Neirynck) : A. Dauer, Die Passionsgeschichte bei Matthaus (1972), in L'Evangile de Jean (ed. M. de Jonge), pp. 73-106. - , (, , , , : R. . Brown, R. Schnackenburg, J. N. Sanders, L. Morris and R. T. Fortna).

. : G. Reim, Studien zum Alttestamentlichen Hintergrund des Johannes-evangelium (1974). , . 17. , "" , (pp. 215-216,233-246).

203 .: . R. Goodenough, JBL 64 (1945), pp. 145-182; . : H. E. Edwards, The disciple who wrote these things (1953). (J. A. T. Robinson, "The Place of the Fourth Gospel", in The Roads Converge, ed. P. Gardner-Smith, 1963, pp. 49-74) , 70 . .. (N. . R. Gyllenberg, Neutestamentliche Studien fur R. Bultmann, ed. W. Eltester, 1954, pp. 144-147) . " ".

204 .: . F. Scott, The Fourth Gospel, its Purpose and Theology (1908), pp. 53 ff.

: J. Grill, Untersuchungen uber die Entstehung des vierten Evangeliums, I, 1902, , 1923. .: . . Dodd, The Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel. R. Bultmann in Eucharistion P (1923), idem, ZNTW 24 (1925), pp. 100-146, : W. Bauer, Das Johannesevangelium (1925), . . : . W. Bacon, The Gospel of the Hellenists (1933).

205 . (R. . Lightfoot, St. John's Gospel: a Commentary, 1956, pp. 33 ff.)

, ,

206 . : Howard, The Fourth Gospel in Recent Criticism, pp. 297 1.

. : J. Beutler, "Literarische Gattungen ini Johannesevangelium. Ein Forschungsberichte 1919-1980", Autsteig, pp. 2506-2568.

20 . irymcr .

208 L. Vaganay, RB 45 (1936), pp. 512 IT.; M. K. Boismard, RB 54 (147), pp. 473-501.

, , , . . 21 ( - . .): Cassian, NTS 3 (195.3), pp. 133-136.

209 . .

210 , , : . . Wendt (. : Howard, op. cit., p. 96). (. Renan, Vie de Jesus, 1863) , . , (.: . XXX). . : . Schweizer, Ego Eimi (1939), p. 106.

211 .: . W. Watkins, Modem Criticism considered in its relation to the Fourth Gospel (1890), pp. 169 ff.

212 .: . W. Bacon, The Fourth Gospel in Research and Debate (1918), pp. 481 ff.,

, , . (. . Barrett, John (1978), pp. 576 ff.) . 21 , (S. S. Smalley, NTS 20 (1974), pp. 275-288) . (. D. Freed, ZNTW 55 (1964), pp. 167-197) . 1-20, . 21 . , , .

, (.: . Dekker, NTS 13 (1966) pp. 66-80), . 6 , . "" . 6 . 6, . - .

213 .: R. Bultmann, RGG (1959), pp. 842 ff. . : R. . Strachan, The Fourth

Evangelist, Dramatist or Historian?, 1925, pp. 84 ff. , ,

, . , : , , , .

214 . : . Hirsch, Studien zum vierten Evangelium, 1936, ,

, . . : . Ruckstuhl, Die literarische Einheit des Johannesevangeliums (1951), pp. 13 ff. , (. : Hirsch, ZNTW 43 (1950-51), pp. 129-143, . . .

215 .: Howard, op. cit., p. 107.

216 The Structure of the Fourth Gospel (1961). . : A. Q. Morton and J. McLeman, The Genesis of John (1980).


217 Op. cit., . 47.

218 Ibid., . 56.

219 Ibid., pp. 86-92. (G. . . Macgregor and A. Q. Morton) (. Haenchen, ThLZ 87 (1962), cols. 487-

498) , (Beatty and Bodmer) . . , , (J2 panels) .

220 Ego Eimi (1939). .: . Ruckstuhl,

op. cit.,pp. ISO fif.

221 . : Howard, The Fourth Gospel in Recent Criticism, pp. 297 ff.

222 . .: P. F. Ellis, The Genius of John. A Composition-Critical Commentary on the Fourth Gospel (1984), . . : R. A. Culpepper, Anatomy of the Fourth Gospel (1983).

223 .: J. H. Bernard, St. John, I pp. XCVI-XCVn.

224 The Gospel according to St. John (1978), p. 43. , , .

, ("John and the Synoptic Gospels", ET 85 (1974), pp. 228-233).

225 .: W. G. Ktlmmel, INT, pp. 201 ff. .: E. K. Lee, N TS 3 (1956), pp. 50-58.

, . . : S. I. Buse, NTS 4 (1958), pp. 215-219. , , ( "" ). (F. . Williams, JBL 86 (1967), pp. 311-319), (. 2.1-11 . 1.19-23) , . .: R. . Fortna, "Jesus and Peter at the High Priest's House: A Test Case for the Question of the Relation Between Mark's and John's Gospels", NTS 24 (1978), pp. 371-383, ,


226 . : . Lindars, NTS 7 (1961), pp. 142-147. ,

- , , . .: J. A. Bailey, The Traditions Common to the Gospels of Luke and John (1963). , , . (F. L. Cribbs, "St. Luke and the Johannine Tradition", JBL 90 (1971), pp. 422-450) , , . .: F. Neirynck, "John and the Synoptics", in L'Evangile de Jean (ed. M. de Jonge), pp. 73-106, .

, , , . 20. (D.

M. Smith, "John and the Synoptics: Some Dimensions of the Problem", NTS 26 (1980), pp. 425-

444) , , .

227 (M. E. Boismard, RB 69 (1962), pp. 185-211), ,

, . 4.466-53 20.24-29. . (. Weiss, ZNTW 46 (1955), pp. 241-245), , . 7.46 , . , . 14.3 (=. 26.6 ) . 7.36 (.: W. G. Kummel, INT,

p. 203). . : W. Gmndmann, Das Evangelium nach Lukas, pp. 17-22. , .

228 .: . F. D. Sparks, JTS, n.s., 3 (1952), pp. 58-61. - : Gardner-Smith, JTS, n.s., 4 (1953), pp. 31-35. .: G. Maier, "Johannes und

Matthaus-Zweispalt oder Viergestalt des Evangeliums?", in GP , pp. 267-291, .

229 St. John and the Synoptic Gospels (1938). . : F. . Grant, JBL, 56

(1937), pp. 290-307. (J. Schniewind, Die Parallelperikopen bei Lukas und Johannes, 1914) , . , , Q L (ThLZ 80 (1955), cols. 521-526). (P. Parker, NTS 9 (1963), pp. 317-336)


230 : P. Gardner-Smith, op. cit., pp. 8,16,23,48.

231 (Michaelis, Einleitung, p. 106) , .

232 .: . . Dodd, NTS 2 (1955), pp. 75-76, " " (. Hermworte)

. , : Historical Tradition in the Fourth Gospel. . .: S. Mendner, ZNTW 47 (1956), pp. 93-112; J. N. Sanders, NTS 1 (1954-5), pp. 29 ff.; D. M. Smith, Jnr, JBL 82 (1963),

pp. 58-64 ( ) . D. Freed, JBL 80 (1961), pp. 329-338 ( ). , , , (.: . R. Goodenough, JBL 64 (1945), pp. 145-182). (. Goodwin, JBL 73 (1954), pp. 61-75) . , ,

. , , . . : R. Kysar, The Fourth Evangelist (1975), pp. 54 ff., , , , .

233 . : Das Evangelium des Johannes and his article in RGG (1959), pp. 842 ff. : D. M. Smith, Jnr, The Composition and Order of the Fourth Gospel. Bultmann's Literary Theory (1965).

. , , , . (Schweizer and Ruckstuhl) . , . . : . M. Teeple JBL 84 (1965), pp. 305-308.

, , . , . .: . Lindars, Behind the Fourth Gospel (1971), pp. 22 ff.

234 .

.: . . Talbert, "The Myth of a Descending- Ascending Redeemer in Mediterranean Antiquity", N TS 22 (1976), pp. 418-439.

235 .: Die Reden des Johannesevangeliums und der Stil der gnostischen OfFenbarungsreden


236 ., , . : . .

237 Die literarische Einheit des Johannesevangeliums (1951), pp. 20-179. .: W. Grossouw, Nov. Test. I (1956), pp. 35-46. , , , . ,

(in Theologie), . 238 Zur johanneischen Tradition, Beitrage zur Kritik an der literarkritischen Analyse des vierten Evangeliums (1954), pp. 9-42.

239 .: Noack, op. cit, pp. 31 if.

240 . : R. H. Fuller, The New Testament in Current Study (1962), p. 113. 241 . : "Neutestamentliche Fragen von heute", ZTK 54 (1957), pp. 15 f. 242 Die Entstehungsgeschichte des vierten Evangeliums (1958).

243 Untersuchungen zur Menschensohnschristologie im Johannesevangelium, zugleich ein

Beitrag zur Methodengeschichte der Auslegung des 4 Evangeliums (1957). . : Komposition und Herkunft der johanneischen Reden (1960).

244 .: . Broome JBL 63 (1944), pp. 107-121. .

, , (logia) (verbatim), . . . : . . Teeple, JBL 81 (1962), pp. 279-286; : D. . Smith, NTS 10 (1964), pp. 336-351; J. M. Robinson, JBL 78 (1959), pp. 242 ff.; C. K. Barrett, ThLZ 84 (1959), cols. 828 f.; E. Haenchen, ZTK 56 (1959), pp. 15-54. : G. Reim, 'Targum und Johannesevagelium", BibZeit 27 (1983), pp. 1-13. , .

245 Historical Tradition in the Fourth Gospel (1963)

. (G. Strecker, Gnomon 36 (1964), pp. 773-778), 70 .

. . 6.15 , , . , , , .

246 Historical Tradition, pp. 429-430.

247 .: D. A. Carson, "Historical Tradition in the Fourth Gospel. After Dodd What?" in GP 2 (1981), pp. 183-145; J. S. K ing, "Has D. A. Carson Been Fair to . . Dodd?", JSNT (1983), pp 97-102; : Carson, JSNT 23 (1985), pp. 73-81. .: R. Kysar, "The Source Analysis of the Fourth Gospel. A Growing Consensus?", Nov. Test. 15 (1973), pp. 134-152. (R. Schnackenburg, The Gospel according to St. John I, pp. 59-74) . . , , . (R. P. Martin, Foundations, I (1975), r 279) , .

248 . Teeple, The Literary Origin of John's Gospel (1974).

249 R. T. Fortna, The Gospel of Signs. A Reconstruction of the Narrative Underlying the Fourth Gospel (1970).

230 S. Temple, The Core of the Fourth Gospel (1975).

251 W. Baldensperger, Der Prolog des vierten Evangeliums (1898), . : Howard, The Fourth Gospel in Recent Criticism, p. 57. ,

(Logos), a , . .: P. Gaechter, ZkT 78 (1936), pp. 99-111. . (J. Jeremias, ZNTW 59 (1968), pp. 82-85) , , "" (Logos) . 1.14 . , , .

252 .: . , 32 (1921), pp. 440 ff.; J. H. Bernard, St. John, I, p. XXX; W. G. Kummel (INT, p. 215).

253 The Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel (1953), p. 296.

254 The Origin of the Prologue of St. John's Gospel (1917), and C. F. Bumey, The Aramaic Origin of the Fourth Gospel (1922). : D. Plooij, Studies in the Testimony Book (1932), p. 27. . : . W. Manson, On Paul and John (1963), p. 148; M. Black, An Aramaic Approach to the Gospels and Acts (1954), pp. 207-209.

255 (J. A. T. Robinson, NTS 9 (1963), pp. 120-129) ,

, .

. (M. Hooker, "The Johannine Prologue and the Messianic Secret", NTS 21 (1974), pp. 40-58) , , . (J. higoin, "La composition rythmique du prologue de Jean (I, 1-18)", RB 78 (1971), pp. 501-514) , , . , .. . , (. 21) . .: P. S. Minear, "The Original Functions of John 21", JBL 102 (1983), pp. 85-98, . 21 . 1-20.

256 Op. cit., pp. 292 ff.

257 Ibid., p. 384.

258 Op. cit., pp. XXX if.

259 The Gospel according to St. John (1978), p. 12.

260 The Gospel of John, .: pp. vii- xii.

261 (I. H. Marshall, NBD, p. 645), .

262 . : . Lohmeyer, ZNTW 27 (1928), pp. 11-36. : J. Rabenech, EinfUhrung in die Evangelien (1921), (Robert-Feuillet's

Introduction, , p. 623). .: M. Girard, "La Structure heptapartite du quatrieme evangile", Studies in Religion/Sciences 5 (1975-6), pp. 350-359.

263 . : D. Mollat (. : Robert-Feuillet, op. cit., p. 623).

264 .: A. Guilding, The Fourth Gospel and Jewish Worship (1960). . : J. R. Porter, "The Pentateuch and the Triennial Lectionary Cycle: An Examination of Recent Theory", in Promise and Fulfilment, Essays presented to S. H. Hooke (ed. F, F. Bruce, 1963), pp. 163-174. . : L. Morris, The New Testament and the Jewish Lectionaries (1964).

265 , ( ), . , : A. Guilding, op. cit,

pp. 4, 186 ff. , , .: . Schlatter, The Church in the New Testament Period (1955), p. 300.

266 .: H. Sahlin, Zur Typologie des Johannesevangeliums (1950); J. J. Enz, JBL 76 (1957), pp.

208-215; B. P. W. S. Hunt, Some Johannine Problems (1958). : . F. Glasson, Moses in the Fourth Gospel (1963), .

267 .: R. H. Smith, JBL 81 (1962), pp. 329-342.

.: A. Lacomara, "Deuteronomy and the Farewell Discourses (Jn. 13:31-16:33)", CBQ 36 (1974), pp. 65-84.

268 JBL 85 (1966), pp. 159-169. , ,

. : . Weise, Kerygma und Dogma 12 (1966), pp. 48-62. , . , , , . , . .: W. A. Meeks, The Prophet-King. Moses Traditions in the Johannine Christology (1967).

. : R. A. Culpepper, Anatomy of the Fourth Gospel: A study in literary design (1983). 269 .: Sir F. Kenyon, The Story of the Bible (1936), pp. 27 if. : . . Roberts, "The Codex" (The Proceedings of the British Academy 32 (1954), , .. , , , . ,


270 : Moftatt, ILNT, . 554. ,

, : Bernard, St. John, I, pp. xvi ff. : J. M. Thompson, . , ic (1915), pp. 421 ff.; Warburton Lewis, Disarra ngements in the Fourth Gospel (1910); G. H. C. Macgregor, The Gospel of John (MC, 1928); F. R. Hoare,

The Original Order and Chapters of St. John's Gospel (1944); T. Cottam, The Fourth Gospel Rearranged (1952).

271 : S. Mendner JBL

77 (1958), pp. 293-323. , 7.51 135.

272 , , . 18.15 19-23, . : W. R. Church, JBL 69

(1950), pp. 375-383.

273 (. . Barrett, The Gospel according to St. John, (1978), p. 219) . 3 . 3.31-36 3.22-30, . (Bernard, op, cit., p. xxiv) , , "" , , 3.36. (. J. Cadoux, JTS 20 (1919), . 317) , . 4, . (. Haenchen, John I, pp. 44-51) , .

.: . . Barrett, op. cit., pp. 23-24. , : W. H. Raney, The Relation of the Fourth Gospel to the Christian Cultus, 1933, pp. 75 ff. , (prose-hymns), , , . . (. Cottam, op. cit, pp. 77 ff.), , , .

274 .: . . Redlich, An Introduction io the Fourth Gospel (1939), p. 104.

275 (J. Moffatt, ILNT, p. 552) , , . , .

276 Op. cit., . 24.

277 . . (. Haenchen, John I (1984), p. 80) , . , . .


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