ACE | Action for Co-operation in the Field of |
Economics | |
A/C | air conditioning |
ACCA | Association of charactered certified |
accounts | |
A/cs pay | accounts payable |
ACPT | commerce acceptance |
Adm. | administration |
AG | account general |
AIA | American Institute of Accountants |
Association of International accounts | |
A.I.B. | American Institute of Banking |
APEC | Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation |
A/R | accounts receivable |
ARB | accounting research bulletin |
ARTCC | air route traffic control centre |
ATL | actual total loss |
Bankr | banktrupcy |
BIS | Bank of International settlements |
Bk. | bank |
Be, B/E | bill of exchange |
B/P | bills (of exchange) payable |
B/R | bills (of exchange) receiable |
B/S | bill of sale |
BTN | Brussels Tariff Nomenclature |
Busn. | Business |
CA | Chartered accounts |
C/A | current account |
CAD | cash against documents |
CBD | cash before delivery |
CCA | Chartered Certified Accounts |
C.C.P.A. | Court of Customs and Patent Appeals |
c/d | carried down |
CCT | Common Custom Tariff |
CEP | Committee of Economic Policy |
CFO | Chief Financial Officer |
CGA | Certified General Accountant |
C.I. | consular invoice |
CIA | cash in advance |
CIF | cost insurance and freight |
CIMA | Chartered Institute of Management |
Accounts | |
CMEA | Council for Mutual Economic |
Assistance | |
C/N | consignment notes |
C.O.D. | cash of delivery |
CPA | Certified Public Accounts |
Curr. | currency |
COMECON | Council for Mutual Economic Assistant |
CWO | cash with order |
cv | convertible |
c.r. | current rate |
DAF | delivered at fronties |
D/D | demand draft |
D/N | debit note |
D/O | delivery order |
D/p | documents against payment |
Dr | debtor |
devp. | developt |
EBIT | Earnings before interest and taxes |
EBRD | European Bank for Reconstruction and |
Development | |
ECB | European Central Bank |
ECE | Economic commission for Europe |
ECIP | European Community Investment |
Partners | |
ECTS | European Credit Transfer System |
ECU | European Currency Unit |
EEC | European Economic Community |
EIB | European Investment Bank |
EMI | European Monetary Institute |
EMS | European Monetary System |
ERM | Exchange Rate Mechanism |
ECOSOC | Economic |
EEO | Equal employment opportunity |
Exec. | executive |
FAF | Financial Aid Form |
FDIC | Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation |
Fin.Sec. | Financial secretary |
FTA | Free trade agreement |
FTSE | Financial time stock exchange |
FTC | Federal Trade Commission |
FTD | Federal tax included |
FTZ | Free Trade Zone |
FOB | free on board |
Fig | figure |
GATT | General Agreement on Tariff and Trade |
Gro. | gross |
GDP | Gross domestic product |
GNP | Gross national product |
HP | hire purchase |
HLBB | Home loan bank board |
IBRD | The International Bank for |
Reconstruction and Development | |
ICSID | The International Centre for Settlement |
of Investment Disputes | |
IDA | The International Development |
Association | |
IFC | The International Finance Corporation |
IMF | International monetary fund |
IOP | irrespective of percentage |
ISBN | International standard book number |
LIBOK | London interbank offered rate |
LME | London Metal Exchange |
MAQ | Monetary allowance for quarters |
M/D | Month’s date |
M-F | Monday throught Friday |
MOM | Middle of the month |
MIGA | The Multilateral Investment Guarantee |
Agency | |
Mngr. | manager |
mv | Market value |
n.f.d. | No fixed date |
NMS | National market system |
Nom.cap. | Nominal capital |
NPV | Net present value |
n.q.a. | Net quick assets |
NSV | Net sales value |
nW | Net weight |
Pap. | paper |
PAYE | Pay as you enter |
pd | paid |
pls. | please |
PML | probably maximum loss |
PN | promissory note |
P.O.D., p.o.d | payment on delivery |
P.O. | payment order |
O/A | On account |
OECD | Organization for economic cooperation |
and development | |
Ofc. | office |
PPl | Producer Price Index |
Ptnr. | partner |
QCT | quality control technology |
qr | quartes |
QT | question trade |
rcpt. | receipt |
recr. | receiver |
regd | registered |
Reg. TM | registered trademark |
ROI | return on investment |
RPI | retail price index |
RRP | recommended retail price |
RSTR | restricted |
RTM | registered trademark |
SEAQ | Stock Exchange Automated |
SEIU | Service Employees International Union |
sm.c. | small capitals (letters) |
sh. | Share |
t.b. | trial balance |
TCIU | Transportation Communications |
International Union | |
tmp. | temporary |
TRN | transfer |
UIS | Unemployment Insurance Service |
ULS | unsecured loan stock |
UPC | Universal Product Code |
urg. | urgent |
USCS | United States Customs Service |
VAT | value added tax |
VOU | voucher |
WTIS | World Trade Information Centre |
WTO | World Trade Organization |
WPI | wholesals price index |
W/R | warehoused receipt |
xfer | transfer |
Yid | yield |
1. Бессараб Н. English for Bankers: Навч. посіб. – К.: Київ. нац. торг.-екон.
ун-т. – 2002. – 150 с.
2. Дюканова Н.М. Английский язык для э кономистов: учебное пособие. –
М.: И НФРА., 2006 – 320 с.
3. Верховцова И. А. Методично-навчальний посібник з курсу ділової нглійської мови для студентів економіки та менеджменту. – Вінниця, 2003. – 256 с.
4. Коваленко В.Г. Англійська за професійним спрямованням. Луцьк: Ред.вид.віддл Луцького державного технічного університету, 2006 – 100 с.
5. Миньяр-Белоручева А.П., Миньяр-Белоручева К.В. Английский язык. Учеб. устного перевода: Учеб. для вузов. – М.: Э кзхамен, 2003. – 352 с.
6. Черноватий Л.М., Карабан В.І. та ін. Переклад англомовної економічної літератури. – Вінниця: Нова книга, 2007– 412 с.
7. Heather Ferlicchia. Commercial English. - Харьков: Торсинг, 2002. – 192с.
8. Essential dictionary of abbreviations. Berkley books. New York, 2006. –
411 p.
9. Dictionary of Banking and Finance. Derrick G. Hanson, LL.M. of Limkoln’s Inn, Barrister; Fellow of the Institute of Bankers. Pitman.
10. The Penguin Dictionary of Economics. Fourth Edition. Graham Bannock, R.E. Baxter and Evan Davis Penguin Books.
Internet Sourses
Пояснювальна записка………………………………………………….3
Part I
Unit1. Economics…………………………………………………………4 I. Active Vocabulary. ……………..............................................................4
II. Text: What is Economics and Economic System? ……………………..5
III. Exercises ……………………………………………………………..7Unit2. Money and monetary policy……………………………………..13 I. Active Vocabulary. ……………...........................................................13
II. Text: Money and Payment System …………………………………..14
III. Exercises ……………………………………………………………16
Unit 3. Banking. Methods of payment………………………………….20 I. Active Vocabulary. ……………...........................................................20 II. Text: Banking ………………………………………………………..21 III. Exercises ……………………………………………………………23
Unit 4. Accounting and bookkeeping…………………………………...27 I. Active Vocabulary. ……………...........................................................27
II. Text: Accounting and Bookkeeping …………………………………29
III. Exercises …………………………………………………………….31
Unit 5. Investments………………………………………………………34 I. Active Vocabulary. …………….............................................................34 II. Text: Investment ……………………………………………………...35 III. Exercises ……………………………………………………………..37