1. The talker (can, must) remember that conversation (must, should) serve a purpose (цель). 2. We often (may, have to) use encyclopaedias where we (must, can) find information that we need at the moment. 3. Writers do not always express things directly so that you (have to, may) think carefully to see what they mean. 4. Reading a book (may, should) be a conversation between you and the author. 5. To achieve (чтобы достичь) progress in any subject we (may, must) discuss things. 6. You (can’t, shouldn’t) worry. 7. When we are introduced to new people we (may, should) try to appear friendly (казаться дружелюбными). 8. You (must, can) be there on time. 9. I (may, have to) get up early. 10. The lecturer (may, must) remember the names of his students.
Упр. 7. Переведите, указав значения модальных to be и to have.
To have to – to be to необходимость |
To have to + inf – вынужденная необходимость To be to + inf – необходимость по договоренности, плану или приказу |
I have to go there I had to go there I’ll have to go there Я вынужден идти туда Я вынужден был идти туда Я вынужден буду идти туда I am to go there I was to go there Я должен идти туда Мне предстояло идти туда (договорились) |
1. We are to meet Jane at the station. 2. Helen is to go to the country. 3. Ann has to cook dinner as her mother is away. 4. They had to wait long as she didn’t return in time. 5. The Dean isn’t in the Dean’s office. You will have to come here again. 6. What time were they to come here yesterday? 7. My sister is to arrive on Sunday. 8. We are to take four exams in winter. 9. The train goes out at 5 a.m., so we shall have to get up early. 10. The meeting is to take place after classes.
Упр. 8. Поставьте нужную форму глагола to be. Предложения переведите.
1. The lecture … to begin at eight. 2. She … to come and help. 3. You … to learn all the new words. 4. The planters … to gather their cotton at once. 5. I … to leave tomorrow. 6. The youngest children … to play on the beach. 7. We … to wait for them at the door. 8. He … to meet her at the station yesterday. 9. They … to stay at that hotel yesterday. 10. They … to start on Monday.
Упр. 9. Поставьте нужную форму глагола to have. Предложения переведите.
1. She … to send a telegram because it was too late to send a letter. 2. I … to finish some work at the phonetics laboratory. 3. The child has stomach trouble (проблемы с желудком) and … to take castor oil. 4. If I don’t ring up before six o’clock, then you … to go to the concert hall alone. 5. He … to wear glasses as my eyesight (зрение) is very weak. 6. You … to do it alone, without anybody’s help. 7. They … to translate this article. 8. It’s raining. You … to put on your rain-coat. 9. I didn’t feel well yesterday but I … to go to the University because I was to take an exam. 10. The text is rather difficult that’s why you … to look the new words up in the dictionary.
Упр. 10. Передайте содержание следующих предложений, употребив сказуемое в пассивном залоге. Предложения переведите:
Образец: You must do it. – It must be done.
Вам нужно это сделать. – Это нужно сделать.
You can do it. – It can be done.
Ты можешь это сделать. – Это можно сделать.
1. You must do three of these exercises tomorrow. 2. You can find the book you need in any library. 3. We must send these letters at once. 4. You must take the box to the station. 5. You can cross the river on a raft. 6. The workers can finish the building of the house very soon. 7. You must return the books the day after tomorrow. 8. I can easily forgive this mistake. 9. You can find such berries everywhere. 10. You must do this work very carefully.
Упр. 11. Неопределенное местоимение one может быть подлежащим для обозначения неопределенного лица. Такие предложения на русский язык переводятся неопределенно-личными предложениями.
One can see – можно видеть
One must know – нужно знать
One needn’t hurry – ненадо спешить
One must not be late – нельзя опаздывать
1. One must know at least one foreign language. 2. If one wants to study, one can always find time for it. 3. One can easily do it. 4. One must work hard at a foreign language if one wants to master it. 5. One mustn’t be late for classes. 6. What can one see out of the window of your classroom? 7. One may take magazines from the library. 8. One needn’t use a dictionary if the text is clear. 9. One must know a lot of words to read books on the speciality.
Вопросы для самоконтроля
1. Назовите, из каких компонентов состоит сказуемое в пассивном залоге. Какой из них несет смысловую нагрузку, а какой отвечает за видо-временную форму?
2. Совершается ли действие, выраженное глаголом в страдательном залоге, подлежащим?
3. Какой предлог употребляется перед дополнением, называющим производителя действия?
4. Как переводится предложение при употреблении в пассивном залоге глаголов, требующих после себя предлог (These children are not looked after)?
5. Поставьте глагол to answer во всех видо-временных формах пассивного залога.
6. В чем разница в значении модальных глаголов can, may, must?
7. Назовите форму прошедшего времени глаголов can, may и эквивалент must в прошедшем времени.
8. Назовите эквиваленты can, may и must в будущем времени.
9. В чем разница в значении модальных глаголов to be, to have?
10. После каких модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов инфинитив ставится с частицей to?
Задание на III семестр:
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