Упр. 4. Прочитайте и переведите текст I:
Hugh Seymour Walpole (1884-1941) was born in Auckland, New Zealand, in the family of a clergyman. He was educated at King's School, Canterbury, and at Cambridge. After graduation he worked as a school teacher and later as a reviewer. His first novel “The Wooden Horse” was published in 1909. He is the author of a considerable number of novels, of which “Mr Perrin and Mr Traill” is generally regarded as his best. Walpole’s work is a serious and honest comment on life. Yet his novels are somewhat static, they lack force and colour; their social background is narrow.
Hugh Walpole’s short stories are less known than his novels. Yet, it is probably through this medium that the writer manages to show the most attractive aspects of his talent. It is not only that men and women in his stories are true to life and that their problems are very much our problems. It is also the author’s sympathy, understanding and compassion that endows the stories with a special warm – even if somewhat melancholy – radiance.
Упр. 5. Письменно задайте вопросы, ответы на которые даны ниже:
1. H.S. Walpole was born in New Zealand. 2. He graduated from Cambridge University. 3. The novel “Mr Perrin and Mr Traill” is his best work. 4. His short stories are not so well-known as his novels.
Упр. 6. Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы к тексту:
1. What did H.S. Walpole do after graduation from Cambridge University? 2. When did he publish his first novel? 3. What are the negative features of Walpol’s novels? 4. What are the positive features of his short stories?
Упр. 1. Прочитайте слова активного словаря текста II. Выучите их:
· activity [æk`tiviti] n деятельность · government [`gÙvm¶nt] n правительство; governmental [,gÙv¶`ment¶l] a правительственный commercial [k¶`m¶:ò¶l] a торговый, коммерческий · within [wi` in] prep в, в пределах; внутри ·about [¶`baut] adv около, приблизительно; prep о (чем-л.) · legal [`li:g¶l] a законный · other [`Ù ¶] a другой, иной · such as [sÙtò ¶z] такой как · share [òε¶] v делить(ся) чем-л., пользоваться вместе · former [`fÉ:m¶] a прежний, бывший · over [`ouv¶] adv сверх, более, больше · respect [ris`pekt] n отношение, касательство; in this respect в этом отношении · acquire [¶`kwai¶] v приобретать; достигать · communication [k¶,mjuni`keiòn] n общение; средство общения · frontier [`frÙntj¶] n граница · across frontiers [¶`krÉs] через границы · commerce [`kÉm¶(:)s] (оптовая) торговля, коммерция · half [ha:f] n половина · associate [¶`souòieit] v соединять, связывать; ассоциировать; associated a связанный, объединенный · technology [tek`nÉl¶d i] n техника; технология; technological [,tekn¶`lÉd ik¶l] a технический · manufacturing [,mænju`fæktò¶rih] a промышленный · principal [`princip¶l] a главный · aid [eid] n помощь · automation [,É:t¶`meiòn] n автоматика · shipping [`òipih] n торговый флот · degree [di`gri:] n степень · major [`meid ¶] n главная посылка (о силлогизме); профилирующая дисциплина · frequently [`fri:kw¶ntli] adv часто · conduct [`kÉnd¶kt] n ведение, руководство; conduct of a business [`biznis] руководство делом · the United Nations = UN [ju`naitid neiò¶nz] Организация Объединенных Наций, ООН
Упр. 2. Потренируйтесь в чтении следующих интернациональных слов. Письменно переведите их, обращая внимание на части речи:
province [`prÉvins] n, commerce [`kÉm¶s] n, commercial [k¶`m¶:ò¶l] a, social [`souò¶l] a, educational [,edju`keiò¶n¶l] a, activity [æk`tiviti] n, legal [`li:g¶l] a, official [É`fiò¶l] a, status [steit¶s] n, international status [,int¶`næòin¶l], territory [`terit¶ri] n, communication [k¶,mjuni`keiòn] n, associate [¶`souòiet] v, technology [tek`nÉl¶d i] n, economic [,i:k¶`nÉmik] a, manufacture [,mænju`fæktò¶] v, manufacturing [,mænju`fæktò¶rih] a, principal [`prinsip¶l] a, automation [,É:t¶`meiòn] n, computer [k¶m`pju:t¶] n, technology [tek`nÉl¶d i] n, universal [,ju:ni`v¶:s¶l] a всеобщий, public [`pÙblik] a, communication [k¶,mju:ni`keiò¶n] n, diplomacy [dip`lÉm¶si] n, debates [di`beits] n, nation [`neiò¶n], general [`d enr¶l] a, business [`biznis] n
Упр. 3. Отработайте чтение географических названий и имен собственных:
North America [`nÉq: ¶`merik¶], the British Isles [ailz], Australia [É`streilj¶], New Zealand [`nju `zi:l¶nd], the Caribbean Sea [,kæri`bi:¶n si:] – Карибское море, South Africa [`sauq `æfrik¶], Quebec [kwi`bek] – Квебек (провинция Канады), Canada [`kæn¶d¶], Africaans [,æfri`ka:ns] n - африкаанс, бурский язык, Bantu [`bæn`tu:] n – банту, Irish [`ai¶riò], Welsh [welò], Celtic [`keltik] n,a – кельтский язык, Nigeria [nai`d i¶ri¶], India [`indi¶], the United Nations [ju`naitid `neiò¶nz]
Упр. 4. Прочитайте и переведите текст II: