






VIII. spidergram.

IX. . .




. 1. I:

connection [k`nekòn] n , ordinary [`É:dnri] a , signature [`signitò] n unclear [Ùn`kli] a provide [pr`vaid] v , , forever [f`rev] , inherit [in`herit] v , possession [p`zeòn] n , , employ [im`plÉi] v , sign [sain] n , preserve [pri`z:v] v , follow [`fÉlou] v reveal [ri`vi:l] v , cipher [`saif] n bottom [`bÉtm] n vary [`vεri] v (), occasional [`kei nl] a , unique [ju:`ni:k] a , unfortunately [Ùn`fÉ:tònitli] , aid [eid] v deciphering [di`saifrih] n discover [dis`kÙv] v ()

. 2. , , :

1. connect - connection - connected; 2. heir - inherit - inheritance - inherited; 3. vary - various - variety; 4. relate - relative - relation - relatively; 5. sign - signature; 6. employ - employment - unemployed - unemployment - employee.

. 3. . :


Columbus used a seven-lettered monogram in connection with his ordinary signature. The significance of these seven letters remains unclear. However, Columbus considered his monogram especially important and provided that his heirs forever employ its form.

Don Diego, my son, or any other who shall inherit this entail, after inheriting and coming into possession of the same, shall sign with my signature which I now employ which is an X with an S over it and an M with a Roman A over it and over that an S and then a Greek Y with an S over it, preserving the relations of the lines and the punctuation. The heirs did not follow his instructions and Columbus never revealed the meaning of this cipher.

Only the bottom line varied from its usual Xpo FERENS, a half Greek and a half Latin form of Columbus (bearer for Christ) to the occasional, el Admirante meaning the Admiral, as shown above. A number of documents and letters bearing Columbuss unique signature have been preserved.

The Admiral generally marked a cross at the head of any piece of paper on which he was to write. According to his son, Ferdinand, he began all his writings in Latin with Jesus cum Maria sit nobis in via which means May Jesus and Mary be with us in our way. Unfortunately, these words do not aid in deciphering his monogram. Although there has been much speculation, it is unlikely that any accurate meaning will be discovered.


. 4. , :

1. Columbus used a seventeen-lettered monogram. 2. Columbus considered his monogram significant. 3. Columbus marked a line at the head of any piece of paper. 4. Only the bottom line varied from its usual Xpo FERENS, a half Roman and a half Latin form of Columbus. 5. "el Admirante" means "admiration".


. 1. II. :

lay [`lei] warfare [`wÉ:fe] mute [mju:t] appeal [`pi:l] dim [dim] (), () brilliant [`briljnt] , slackening [slækeniŋ] , actually [`æktjuli] continue [kn`tinju:] well-known [`wel `nun] acquire [`kwai] previously [`pri:vjsli] a scribe [skraib] , include [in`klu:d] , secular [`sekjul] , commision [k`miòn] writing [`raitiŋ] , , closed down [`kluz `daun] parish [`pæriò] invaluable [in`væljubl] vague [veig] , , notion [`nouòn] , jeweler [`d u:l] therefore [ efÉ:] , refuse [ri`fju:z] marvelous [`ma:vls] , belong [bi`lÉŋ] , voice [vÉis] widespread [`waidspred] subject [sLb`d ekt] , doubt [`daut] although [É:l` ou] testimonial [testi`monjl] authentic [É:`qentik] , authenticity [,É:qen`tisiti] , , preserve [pri`z:v] investigate [in`vestigeit] hardly possible [ha:dli `pÉsbl] obscure [b`skju] , , clarify [`klærifai] , reference [`refrns] , actual [`æktjul] insulate [`insjuleit] , , fight (fought) [fait] , for the sake of [seik] - purely personal [`pjuli `p:snl] claim [kleim] , , cursory [`k:sri] , enumeration [i`nju:mreiòn] achievement [`tòi:vmnt] evidence [`evidns] , contemporary [kn`tempri] , applied arts [`plaid] pride [praid] wealth [welq] , destroy [dis`trÉi] , , enemy [`enimi] , , raid [reid] , , perish [`periò] negligence [`neglid ns] prove [pru:v] , existence [ig`zistns] development [di`velpmnt] numerous [`nju:mrs] demand [di`ma:nd] ; , habit [`hæbit] diversity [dai`v:siti] , reflect [ri`flekt] separate [`seprit] feudal [`fju:dl] princedom [`prinsdm] exert [ig`z:t] refine [ri`fain] , ; indisputably [indi`spju:tbli] , attempt [`tempt] establish [is`tæbliò] identity [ai`dentiti] assumption [`sLmpòn] assume [`sju:m] view [vju:] , , monk [mLŋk] familiar [f`milji] concept [`kÉnsept] , educated [`edju(:)keitid] toil [`tÉil] remote [ri`mout] , response [ris`pÉns] , , recent [ri:snt] , happening [`hæpniŋ] , hurt [h:t] vividly [`vividli] , hint [hint] reminder [ri`maind] indication [indi`keiòn]


. 2. :

patriotic [pætri`Étik] epic [`epik] poem [`pouim] , idea [ai`di] , antiquity [æn`tikwiti] , manuscript [`mænjuskript] original [`rid nl] , , copy [`kÉpi] , collection [k`lekòn] , agent [`eid nt] , literature [`litritò] literary [`litrri] architecture [`a:kitektò] surprise [s`praiz] , historical [his`tÉrikl] science [`sains] genuine [`d enjuin] , imitation [imi`teiòn] actual [`æktjul] feudal [`fju:dl] fractioning [`frækòniŋ] economical [i:k`nÉmik()l] political [p`litikl] cultural [`kLltòrl] genre [` a:nr] ; , style [stail] tradition [tr`diòn] , natural [`nætòrl] combination [kÉmbi`neòn] , fantastic [fæn`tæstik] , author [`É:q] social [`souòl] position [p`ziòn] soldier [`sould ] sympathy [`simpqi] , elite [ei`li:t] , () element [`elimnt] elements poetry [`pouitri] campaign [kæm`pein] ,


. 3. II. :


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