






Different types of Personality motivation and self-government influence on mental activity productivity

I. A. Vasiliev *, O. V. Mitina **, V. V. Kobanov ***

*ScD (psychology), professor, general psychology chair, psychology department, MSU, Moscow

**PhD, senior research assistant, psychosemantics laboratory, psychology department, MSU, Moscow

***Post-graduate student of the general psychology chair, psychology department, MSU, Moscow

Investigation results of different types of personality motivation and self-government influence on productivity of mental activity are stated. Intrinsic motivation during complex problems solving creates conditions for self-government according self-regulation mode. Under extrinsic motivation self-government is accomplished in the form of self-control. The lack of self-government is connected with amotivation. Structural equations method used for experimental data processing allowed to confirm statistically the results significance. Different orientation and degree of types of personality motivation and self-government influence on mental activity productivity during complex problems solving are shown. For mental activity production under different conditions the computer model of "Fabrika" system was used (original version by D. Derner, J. Gerdes, russification was carried out at psychology department of MSU).

Key words: motivation, self-government, self-regulation, self-control, complex problems solving, structural modeling, computer simulation.

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Utochkin*, M. V. Falikman** * Post-graduate student, department of psychology, Moscow State University after M. V. Lomonosov, Moscow **PhD, junior member of general psychology chair, department of psychology, Moscow State University after M. V. Lomonosov, Moscow The article is devoted to the analysis of a spectrum of visuospatial attention models and theories providing an explanation to the inhibition of return (IOR) phenomenon referring a slower attentional shift to a target presented at a previously attended location as compared to targets presented at novel locations. The evolution of IOR explanations is reviewed: (1) an early explanation of IOR as an effect of retinal masking; (2) a model of attentional orienting proposed by M. Posner; (3) premotor theories of attention presenting IOR as a result of oculomotor inhibition; (4) an attentional momentum model of IOR; (5) working memory models of IOR; (6) understanding of IOR as an effect of a specific strategy of perceptual attention. Possible neurophysiological mechanisms of IOR are discussed as an additional criterion allowing to evaluated listed explanations. Key words: percuptual attention, inhibition of return, working memory, oculomotor inhibition, priming, strategy, neurophysiological mechanisms of attention. . 58  



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