Практические задания для студентов 2 курса заочного отделения
по дисциплине «Английский язык. Таможенное дело»
inspection, examination - досмотр
to enter/to leave - въезжать/выезжать
entry/exit declaration - въездная/выездная декларация
to present, to show - предоставлять документ
citizenship - гражданство
country of residence - страна проживания
permanent - постоянный
purpose - цель
to restore - восстановить
available— имеющийся в наличии
mandatory - обязательный
to prohibit - запрещать
to restrict - ограничить
articles, items, goods - предметы, товары
spot check - выборочная проверка
to import/to export - ввозить/вывозить
to allow - разрешать
currency in cash - наличная валюта
certified securities - ценные бумаги
amount - количество
extra money - деньги, сверх нормы провоза
to conceal - скрывать
to be liable - подлежать
to confiscate, to seize – конфисковать
contraband, smuggling - контрабанда
violation - нарушение
currency violation - нарушение валютного регулирования
criminal offence - уголовное правонарушение
items of cultural value - культурные ценности
insignia - знаки отличия
to mention - упоминать
importance – важность
contemporary - современный
except for those registered - исключая зарегистрированные
authorized certificate - надлежащий сертификат
to issue - выдавать (документ)
permit, permission - разрешение
cost - стоимость
owner - владелец
officer-in-charge - дежурный офицер
contents – содержание
Almost all countries have certain formalities through which I incoming/outcoming passengers must pass.
They include passport and visa control, health control and F inspection of the passenger's baggage.
Almost all countries also have forms of one sort or another.
When the passenger enters/leaves the country he must fill in an entry/exit declaration which is to be presented to the customs officer.
The passenger is to fill in his name, citizenship, country of residence, permanent address, purpose of his visit, etc.
The passenger must also declare all dutiable articles. Prohibited or restricted articles though declared are usually detained and the traveler can collect them 011 his way back. Personal belongings may be brought in or taken out duty-free.
The declaration must be kept until leaving Russia. The lost declaration cannot be restored and its copies are unavailable. Filling in the customs declaration is mandatory if you have something to declare
The dual-channel or RED and GREEN system was introduced to simply Customs Control.
The system allows choosing between 2 types of channel.
One (green-channel) is for passenger having no goods or goods free of import duties and taxes.
The other (red-channel) is for passenger having goods to declare.
Each channel must be clearly marked.
For the channel "green" - "Nothing to declare".
For the channel "red" - "Goods to declare".
Passengers even.if they have selected the Green channel can be subject to a sport check.
Using the Green channel is not allowed when the imported/ exported amount (including foreign and/or Russian currency in cash, traveler's checks and internal and foreign certified securities) exceeds' the equivalent to USD 10.000 and/or in cases when there is a luggage travelling separately.
Extra money not declared and therefore concealed from the customs control is liable to confiscation. It is prohibited to change money with private persons. The violation of the currency regulations is the criminal offence.
The cash export is limited with the imported amount equivalent to USD 10,000 or the imported amount registered in the entry customs declaration.
Imported items of cultural value (musical instruments, pictures, sculptures, icons, ancient coins, insignia, postal stamps and other articles) created more than 50 years ago must be also mentioned in the customs declaration.
It is not allowed to export from Russia items, including artworks older than 50 years and items of special cultural value regardless to the date of it's production. To export an item of cultural value including contemporary artworks, except for those registered in the entry customs declaration, the authorized certificate is necessary issued by the RF Ministry of Culture.
The nowadays souvenirs and cultural items of mass production need no permission to be exported.
Without customs duties and taxes, the goods that cost less than the equivalent of USD 10.000 can be exported.
The Customs officer may ask the passenger to open his luggage for inspection.. The owner of the baggage must answer all the questions of the officer-in-charge on the contents of his baggage and must present any article for customs examination.
Exercises on the text
Ex. 1. Comprehension questions:
1. What must incoming/outcoming passenger do?
2. What do the customs formalities include?
3. What document must the traveller fill in?
4. What kind of information is in point one of the form?
5. What are the general instructions on CD?
6. What happens to prohibited or restricted articles?
7. Can a passenger bring in/take out personal belongings duty free?
8. What is Red and Green channel system?
9. What are import/export currency regulations?
10. When is currency liable to confiscation?
11. What are customs regulations on the imported items of cultural value?
12. What are regulations on the exported cultural valuables?
13. When is permission unnecessary?
14. What are the passenger's responsibilities?
Ex. 2. Complete the following sentences:
1. Almost all countries have...
2. Customs formalities include...
3. When the passenger enters/leaves the country he must...
4. The declaration must be kept...
5. Green-channel is for passenger...
6. Red-channel is for passenger...
7. Restricted or prohibited articles...
8. Personal belongings...
9. Using the Green channel is not allowed...
10. The cash export is limited with …….
11. Imported items of cultural value, such as...
12.It is not allowed to export from Russia...
13.The owner of the luggage must...
Ex. 3. Match the words in the left - hand column with those h the right - hand column. More than one word is possible.
1. Досмотр 2. Выезжать 3. Въезжать 4. Предметы, товары 5. Вывозить 6. Ввозить 7. Подлежать 8. Конфисковать 9. Контрабанда 10. Культурные ценности 11. Разрешение | a. Items b. Inspection c. To enter d. To leave e. Articles f. Examination g. Goods h. To import i. To be liable to j. To export k. To be subject to l. Contraband m. To confiscate n. Smuggling o. Permit p. To seize permission q. Items of cultural value r. To bring in s. To take out |
Customs Tariffs in Russia
In every country import-export rates are supposed to fulfil four functions:
- to protect home producers from foreign competition in order to increase their own competitiveness in the domestic market;
- to limit exporting products in which there is a shortage in this country and to regulate foreign trade transactions for political interests;
- to supply local consumers, both legal entities and individuals1, with products which are not produced in this country or produced insufficiently;
- to provide the state budget with additional financial resources.
In order to put these issues into practice2, the Russian government changed its import rates in 1994. The change of import duties affects mostly the status of foodstuff imports. Inflation and the subsequent price increases for energy, equipment and other materials make storage, processing the products and their packing very expensive. Foreign suppliers have the opportunity to sell products at lower prices, though sometimes their products are of lower quality. Food intervention of imported goods has led to the reduction in the production of some agricultural products inside Russia. So the change of customs tariffs is based on an objective necessity to protect local commodity producers and does not conflict with the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. Customs duties are levied only on those types of products which are produced in sufficient quantities.
The level of imposition by import rates was increased at an average of five to seven percent. Formely, the import rates were calculated as a percentage of the customs value of the imported goods. At the present time there is a universal order for introducing rates as an absolute sum for the imported unit (kilogram, liter, piece) value. For some types of agricultural products, mainly fruits and vegetables, seasonal duties with limited duration are in force.
Apart from the duties on foodstuffs the duties on some types of industrial products have also been increased. This step of the government is related to the fact that during the last several years Russian industry has experienced difficulties connected with the success of sale of imported cars, electronics, and some other types of industrial import. Duty rates have been increased on different transport vehicles, on completing articles5 for assembling electronics and computers, on consumer electronics6 and on metal-cutting machines. The minimum duty sums per one item for cars depend now on the engine volume and the year of production.
The regulations for granting a delay in payment for import duties have also been changed. Previously, the delay was permitted for a period of no more than thirty days. This delay was granted to the importer with no additional fees or expenses. Under the new regulations, this period is prolonged up to sixty days, but a certain interest is collected7 throughout the whole duration of the delay.
Export duties in Russia were set up in 1992. At that time world prices were much higher than internal ones and export was highly profitable, though it seriously hurt the level of domestic consumption8. Nowadays, in relation to the increase in domestic prices, the existence of export duties negatively affects the ability for long-term export deals9. So export duties are supposed to be cancelled in future.