1) The hull is the permeable shell of a ship.
2) The overall shape of a hull is designed to make the ship as steady as possible.
3) Stabilizing systems are used to increase rolling.
4) The fin moves upward on the ascending side of the ship and downward on the descending side.
5) Steam turbines work similar to gas turbines and they use steam.
6) Vessels propelled by diesel engines have geared-drive and diesel-electric machinery.
7) The rudder causes the stern to swing left or right and the bow swings right or left.
8) An anchor is either on the left or right side of the bow.
9) Power-driven winches raise or lower the anchors, bring in or let out the mooring lines and operate the cranes for loading and unloading cargo.
10) The world is in constant touch with vessels by means of radiotelegraph equipment.
Complete the following sentences according to the text.
1) The hull is divided into...
2) The main deck is …
3) A rounded stern helps …
4) A ship must not … or … too much.
5) A horizontal fin is located...
6) The engines of most ships are...
7) …move a ship through the water.
8) Additional screws increase … and make the vessel easier...
9) Funnels (smokestacks) are used to …
10) … are used to hold all persons on board.
Answer the following questions.
1) Do doors of each compartment are waterproof? Why? Why not?
2) What makes up the superstructure?
3) Why do hulls have a pointed bow?
4) Why do ships carry ballast?
5) What does steam produced in the boilers spin?
6) What does the turbine drive?
7) What type of fuel is used to create steam on almost all merchant ships / on nuclear-powered ships?
8) How many propellers do different ships have?
9) Where is the propeller bolted to?
10) What is a rudder?
22. What parts of the text can you define? Do they correspond to the paragraphs? Name each part.
1. ________________ | 4. ________________ |
2. ________________ | 5. ________________ |
3. ________________ | ... ________________ |
23. Find key words and phrases which best express the general meaning of each part.
24. Make a short summary of Text A. Do it according to the following plan.
1. The title of the text is ….
2. The text is devoted to ….
3. It consists of … (parts / passages).
4. The first passage deals with ….
5. The second (third, forth, etc.) passage deals with ….
6. The main idea of the text is ….
25. Practice saying the following words.
engineering [ˌenʤɪ'nɪərɪŋ] | representative [ˌreprɪ'zentətɪv] |
purchasing ['pɜːʧəsɪŋ] | chief [ʧiːf] |
specification [ˌspesəfɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n] | technological [ˌteknə'lɔʤɪk(əl)] |
requirement [rɪ'kwaɪəmənt] | berth [bəːθ] |
completion [kəm'pliːʃ(ə)n] | sequence ['siːkwən(t)s] |
joint [ʤɔɪnt] | volumetric [ˌvɔlju'metrɪk] |
Read and memorize the active vocabulary.
Nouns and noun phrases
advisability – выгодность, целесообразность
assembling - сборка
building berth - стапель, кораблестроительная верфь
degree of completion - уровень завершённости
delivery - доставка
design stage - стадия проектирования
extent - степень, размер
fitting out - оснащение
installation - установка
launching - спуск на воду
lofting - развёртка (трёхмерного объекта)
number of the ships in the series - количество выпущенных судов этого класса
placing - установка
requirement - требование
specification - техническая характеристика
template drawings - шаблонные чертежи
Verbs and verbal phrases
to alter - изменять
to approve - одобрять, утверждать
to be agreed - быть согласованным
to decide upon in advance - решать заранее
to float out - держаться на плаву
to lay off - выкладывать
to mark off - размечать, раскраивать
to perform - выполнять
to satisfy - удовлетворять
complicated - завершенный
dispatched - отправленный
particular - особый
purchasing - платёжный
volumetric- объёмный, волюметрический
27. Read the text and answer the questions below.