


Другие языки
Охрана труда





The content of the lesson.

Independent work.

1. Turn on the computer. Wait for a full load of the Windows operating system. To view the contents of your desktop. Calculate the amount of special folders icons, ordinary folders and quick access shortcuts. Write out the name of the latter.

2. Find the folder "Computer" on the C drive and open it.

3. Translate the "Computer" folder window to full-screen view. Pay attention to the version of windows changes button. Describe in your notebook, how to determine that the window has a full-screen view.

4. Transfer window to normal view. Pay attention to the version of windows changes button. Describe in your notebook, how to determine that the window has a normal appearance.

5. Reduce the size of the window horizontally and vertically until until scroll bars appear. To minimize the window your mouse cursor to the edge of the window and when the cursor becomes a double-headed arrow Ö, press the left mouse button and move the cursor in the desired direction.

6. View the contents of a folder by moving the scroll bar. Options include moving the slider:

a) move the mouse cursor to the sliders, press the left mouse button and move the cursor with the slider;

b) move the cursor to the buttons on the scroll bar and click the left mouse button.

7. Move the window to a different location of the desktop. To do this, you need to bring the mouse to the title bar, and clicking the left mouse button to move the window to a new location.

8. Click on a button to the system menu (upper-left corner of the window). The system menu appears. Write out a command, the system menu that appears in a notebook and write an explanation for them. Click anywhere in the window.

9. Pay attention to the Taskbar. Click "Close" the window "Computer". Find the icon of the window. Several times you click on this icon and describe what they see.

10. Open the subfolder "Subject 11" "Computer" folder. Ensure that there are two documents of MS Word.

A) Open the document "TEHT_2". Verify that the window consists of two windows: Windows Word application and document windows.

B) Set the window so that the application window is in full-screen version, and the document window normally.

B) Reduce the document window by dragging the right and bottom window borders.

D) Activate the box "Subject 11" folder and open the document "TEHT_1".

D) Make it so that "TEHT_1" the document window was normal. Reduce the size of the document window "TEHT_1" by moving the left boundary, so that part of the window "TEHT_1" the document was blocked.

E) Alternately activate the document windows "TEHT_1" and "TEHT_2".

F) Close document window "TEHT_1". Restore it.

B) Close document window "TEHT_2". Restore it.

To describe what he saw in step 10 in the report.

11. Close the window alternately documents "TEHT_1" and "TEHT_2", then the window Microsoft Word applications and folders "Subject 11". Describe the steps you take.

12. Window drive C lead to the normal version and move to the desktop, so that was the My Computer icon is available.

13. Insert a floppy disk and open it (drive A) and result in a normal variant.

14. Create a folder on the disk A "New Folder."

15. Create a shortcut in this folder to "Norton Commander".

A) Open the drive A, and then open the folder "New Folder."

B) Execute the command Start → New → Shortcut.

B) Click the "Browse" button, using the horizontal scroll bar in the window to find the folder NC dialog. Click on it twice with the mouse.

D) NC Select the file and click "Open" dialog box. At the command prompt, the file name will appear. He must have the extension.com or.exe. If you selected the wrong file, then click Browse and select a different NC file, and then click "Open." If a file is selected correctly, press the "Next" button. In the window that will indicate the name of the standard label. If desired, the name can be changed, ie, enter another name. If you click on "Finish" button, then the desired shortcut will be installed. To see the effect of this shortcut, you can double-click it. Changing the monitor screen corresponds to the operating shell Norton Commander. To exit from this shell press F10.

16. Transfer window "New Folder" in the normal version and move it so that the "Computer" folder icon is visible. Open this folder. Resize the windows so that the toolbar icon is visible was teams 'Delete'.

17. Move the folder "Subject 11" and "Subject 2" from the "Computer" window in the window "New Folder."

18. Copy the folder "Subject 11" and "Subject 2" from the window "New Folder" in the "Computer" window.

19. Perform a backup folder "Theme 3" and "Theme 4" from the window "Computer" in the window "New Folder."

20. If all folders ("Subject 11", "Subject 2", "Theme 3" and "Theme 4") in the "Computer" on the spot, then close the window, leaving open a window "New Folder."

21. Delete the folder "Theme 3".

22. Close the window "New Folder" and delete this folder by dragging it to the Trash.

23. Write a report on the actions being performed with an explanation for each item of independent work.

9.2. Work with the teacher:

When trouble or erroneous actions turn to the teacher for correction of errors.

By the end of class the teacher to show a report on the executed work and receive credit for this work.

9.3. Control of the original and the final level of knowledge:

Testing machine.

The conversation with the student teacher for self-study issues.



1. Adibaev BM etc.. Computer, Almaty, 1997, p. 54-69.

2. Iztleuov MK and others, for medical universities, Aktobe Computer Science 2005, 182 -. 241.


1. Efimova O., V. Morozov, Yu Shafrin course of computer technology, including the 1, Moscow, ABF, 1998, pp. 181-224, 266-303.

2. O. Efimov, V. Morozov, Yu Shafrin course of computer technology, including 2, Moscow, ABF, 1998, pp. 38-80.

3. Miklyayev AP, Desktop user book, Moscow, 2000, str.121-216.

4. Pasko V. Kolesnikov, Tutorial work is not a personal computer, Kiev, 2000, pp. 87-144.


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