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Using the keyboard and mouse in dialogue.

To manage Windows applications work using a keyboard and mouse.

The main use of the keyboard when working with Windows - entering information. However, if the program control of almost all operations can be performed using the keyboard. For example, using the keys conveniently complete application (Alt + F4), to switch to another program (Ctrl + Esc), press the OK or Cancel, and so on. D. Some commands programs, in principle, to perform with the keyboard quickly, rather than using the mouse. For example, to copy the selected portion of the document to the clipboard you must perform standard command To opy.

Using the mouse, we have:

a) select the horizontal menu P Rawka;

b) select a command drop-down menu To opy.

The same command can do, if you just press the button (Ctrl + C).

But in reality, the choice of control devices (keyboard or mouse) depends on many factors:.. Program destination, type of work, user habits, etc. The majority of users prefer the mouse.

The manipulator-type " mouse» (mouse) - is a box provided with two or three buttons, and easily fits into the palm of your hand; via wire is connected to one of ports on the computer, and then do a bit of a mouse.

The base has a mouse ball which rotates in all directions. When you move the mouse on the table (preferably on the "mat") ball rotation is fixed by a special program - the driver of the mouse. At any moment, the ball position is associated with the rectangular coordinates of the pixel - the point on the screen. Visually, this position the mouse cursor displayed on the screen, in which text mode generally has a rectangular shape, and graphically - arrows directed upward to the left. In addition, the driver fixes the press of a mouse button, linking it with the coordinates at the time of pressing. These mice are capable enough to help with the program to make it an irreplaceable tool when dealing with human computer.

Sometimes the mouse has three buttons, but most programs are only two - left and right.

Use the mouse to control the work performed Windows and its applications: issued or the request for the execution of any operation, the figure is drawn or is allocated a fragment thereof, is transferred to the selected text or image to another position. By moving the mouse on the table (or mat) in different directions, you can set the mouse cursor to a certain position on the screen (in other words - point the cursor to a specific cell), and then send a signal to the machine by pressing the left or right mouse button.

Each user of Windows, you must master the four process steps, the essence of which is as follows.

(1) Specify the cursor on the screen element, quickly press and release the left or right mouse button (click).

(2) Specify the cursor on the screen item twice quickly press and release the left mouse button (double click).

(3) Specify the cursor to a specific point on the screen, press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, move the mouse, creating a loop on the screen or drawing object; after the button is released.

(4) Specify the cursor on an object (icon, a window, a dedicated pre-portion of the document), press the left or right mouse button ("grab" the object), and, without releasing the button, move the (tow) object to a different position, then release the button.

You can set the basic techniques for working with the mouse (Table 1) On the basis of these operations.

The basic techniques for working with the mouse Table 1.

Act Description of action Assigning actions
Specify Move the mouse pointer to establish its image on the desired subject object Note
click mouse Press and quickly release the left mouse button Selecting an object, object selection, execution of menu commands
Twice click Two quick-clicking the left mouse button The discovery of the object, program launch
Drag, tow Put the mouse pointer over an object, press the left mouse button and without releasing it, move the pointer to the desired location, then release the button To move an object, text selection, move the selected text (towing)

Usually referred to mouse pointer (not to be confused with the text cursor).

If the mouse button is not named, the left button is meant. The phrase "Click N» is equivalent to the formula "Click on the button N».

Working with Windows, it is necessary to distinguish between the mouse pointer and text cursor.

The mouse pointer (Table 2) is present on the screen at all times. Standard index form - the arrow pointing up to the left (õ), but more often, depending on the operation, the pointer takes a different form: the double arrows, cross, frame, etc. At the time, more or less long-term operation (requiring the user's expectations..) pointer turns into an hourglass. This program indicates: wait a moment, the input data is not possible.

View of the mouse pointer under different operating conditions Table 2

Mode View of the mouse pointer
The main standard operating mode õ
Programs load standby and end computing õ6
When you select graphic objects in applications Ç
In the text I

The text cursor appears on the screen only in those situations where you can enter alphanumeric information. Cursor - a vertical line that marks the input position and shimmering with a constant frequency. Position the input to the right of the cursor (note that in the text mode, DOS entry position is always located above the cursor). In most cases, the cursor can be moved within the typed text in the same way as is done in text mode. In addition, you can instantly move the cursor to another entry point by clicking it with the mouse.

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