






Choose (v) - chose, - chosen

1) (among/between/from ~ ; as/for ~ -., -.) It is difficult to ~ among so many nice houses. , . Jim chose Mary as his wife. . to ~ a career Syn: select, pick

2) , They chose her as captain. . Syn: elect

3) -.; ; -. to ~ one car over another They chose to go by train. . Syn: prefer, decide on

choice (n)

1) , ; ; to make/take one's ~ careful ~ random ~ free ~ Syn: selection

2) , ; ; a ~ among/between/of difficult ~ good, happy, intelligent, wise ~ , individual ~ limited ~ I have no ~ but , ; Syn: alternative Hobson's ~ Syn: option


act (n)

1) , , ~ of faith to commit, perform an ~ barbaric/barbarous ~; courageous ~; criminal ~; foolish ~;heroic ~; humane ~; illegal ~; impulsive ~; justified ~ Syn: deed, feat

2) caught in the ~ of stealing Syn: action, operation

3) , ~ of Parliament Syn: decree, statute

4) , ( , ); ( , ..) nightclub ~, variety ~, vaudeville ~ Syn: performance

act (v)

, ; to ~ irresponsibly to ~impulsively It is time to act. . Who will ~ the leading part? ?

action (n)

1) , ; , She claimed she was anxious to avoid any ~ which might harm him. , , . decisive ~; direct ~; disciplinary ~; hasty ~; immediate ~; rash ~ Syn: act

2) ; ( ..); to be out of ~ , to put into ~ to put out of ~ ~ of the heart He's been out of ~ on for six months with a serious knee injury. 6 - .

3) , ; to bring, take an ~ against smb. for smth. -. to dismiss an ~ He brought legal action against his neighbor. . The judge dismissed the action. ; civil ~

4) ; in action to be killed in ~, to fall in ~ to break off ~ to go into ~ 5) "!" actions speak louder than words , a

inaction (n)

; , , Syn: inactivity, inertia, inertness


define (v)

definition (n)

1) , ()

2) , to formulate, give, provide, write a ~ dictionary ~ Syn: explanation


search (n)

1) ; , (, , . .) to conduct, make a ~ careful, painstaking, thorough ~ , fruitless ~ the ~ for truth ~ for information to go in ~ of food

2) ) unreasonable ~ / right of ~; body ~ )

3) (-. ); (-. ); , ( ..) literature ~ , information ~ , Syn: investigation, exploration

search (v)

1) ; , (for) to ~ for the lost girl

2) ; ; ( , . .) to ~ the car Syn: hunt

3) ; , ; (for, after) to ~ after new remedies


value (n)

value (v)

evaluate (v)


(n) , , , to make an ~ a critical ~ fair, objective ~


occur (v)

1) , , to ~ again ; ~ simultaneously (sequentially) Syn: happen, befall

2) ) , ) Marble also ~s here. . 3) ( , , , ..) New ideas ~ to him in the act of writing. , . It did not ~ to me to mention it. .

occurrence (n)


exist (v)

1) ; (on), to ~ on bread and water Did unicorns ever ~? - ? Syn: be, live, subsist Ant: die

2) , Unfortunately, violence still ~s in our life. , .

3) ) We cannot ~ without oxygen. )

existence (n)


afford (v)

( ) ; ~ a decent home; (can ~, be able to ~) I can't ~ it. .


dismiss (v)

1) ) -. ( , , , ..) ) "" ) (, ; ..) Syn: disperse, dissolve, disband 2) ) ( -. ~ for; -. ~ from); , He was ~ed as incompetent. . The worker was ~ed for laziness. . Syn: discharge, discard, expel ) 3) ) ) The plaintiff's action was ~ed with costs. , . 4) "!" ()

dismissal/dismission (n)


benefit (n)

1) ; ; ; to the ~ to derive, get (a) ~ from -. for smb.'s ~ -. tax ~ Syn: advantage, favour, gain, profit Ant: disadvantage, harm, loss 2) (. ~ performance) She was going to have a ~ and appear as Ophelia. . 3) , () cash ~ disability ~ old-age ~

benefit (v)

1) ,

2) , (by, from - -.) Did you ~ from your holiday? ? I think the boy would ~ by further study. , .

beneficial (adj)

beneficiary (n)

expire (v)

1) , , Syn: die

2) Syn: breathe out 3) ) , ( ) ) ( )

expiry (n)

expiring (adj)

expiration (n)


desperate (adj)

1) ; ; ~ situation; Their case seemed ~, for there was no one to help them. , , . in ~ condition

2) , ; , He made a ~ attempt to dislodge the enemy but was repulsed. , .

3) -. -. The old lady was ~ for money. .

4) ; , ; , I never recollect a more ~ night. . Syn: terrible, horrible, awful

desperately (adv)

desparetion (n)


alter (v)

(); (); , , ~ed automobile Syn: change, adapt, make over, customize

alteration (n)

aware (adj)

, , , keenly (painfully, very much) , to be ~ of/that , , (, ) He is ~ of danger (he is ~ that there is danger). . Syn: conscious Ant: ignorant, unaware

awareness (n)


pollute (v)

pollution (n)

air ~; environmental ~; noise ~; sound ~; water~; Syn: contamination, soiling, dirtying


explore (v)

1) , , to explore carefully / to explore relationship between... (-. , ..) Syn: investigate, inspect

2) , to explore different cuisines

exploration (n)

explorer (n)


solve (v)

solution (n)

1) ) ) ; , strong ~

2) , ( ..); to find a ~ easy ~


reduce (v)

, , , We have been able to ~ our tax bill by 10%. . Syn: diminish, lower, lessen

reduction (n)

) , ; . . ~ from rank (to the ranks) Syn: degradation ) , , , arms ~ Strategic Arms ~ Treaty costly ~; Syn: diminishing, lowering, lessening


sponsor (n)

1) , Syn: guarantee, guarantor

2) (, , -. , )

sponsor (v)

1) ) ( -.); , ) , , (, . .) Syn: promote, support

2) , , (, . .) Many of them are ~ing these concerts now. . Syn: subsidize


relevance (n)

; ; ; to have ~ to His testimony is of no ~ to the case. . Syn: timeliness, appropriateness

relevant (adj)

; ; ; The evidence is ~ to the case. .


influence (n)

1) , , ; to exert ~ on , to use one's ~ bad ~ far-reaching ~ good ~

2) , TV is a bad ~ on people. .

influence (v)

1. , , to ~ deeply, profoundly, strongly Who ~ed her to do that? ? ~ defence and social policy Syn: affect


anticipate (v)

1) , , , We anticipate spending two weeks here. , . Syn: wait, expect, hope

2) , , to ~ outcomes ; to ~ smb.'s wishes -. Syn: foresee, forestall

anticipation (n)


emphasis (n)

, , ; particular, special ~ place ~ on, place a stronger ~ on; put ~ on Syn: expressiveness

emphasise (v)

emphatic (adj)


control (n)

1) ) , , ; ; , She was in full ~ of the situation. . The fire was finally brought under ~. - . - birth ~; social ~; absolute ~; close ~; strict ~; government ~; parental ~; quality ~; stress ~; wage ~; cost ~; price ~; flight ~; pass under the ~ of smb; ~ panel; be in ~; without ~; out of ~; beyond individual ~

2) , , ; She lost ~ of the car. , .

control (v)

1) , , , , , , ; Henceforth I obey and you ~. , 2) / , , , Anyone who wishes to ~ my statements will have no difficulty in doing so. , , .


face (n)

face (v)

1) ) (-.), ( -. , -.); , The opponents ~ed each other across the chessboard ) , ( ) the little chapel that ~ed eastwards , ) (-. , . .) The great problem which ~s every inquirer into the causes of colliery explosions. , , . to ~ a task to ~ a situation; ) ( -.) to be ~ed with the necessity

2) (, . .); (-.), A man will ~ almost anything rather than possible ridicule. , . ~ the facts


Unit 7


Lead (v) led, led

1) ) , , ; ( , . .); The prisoners were led into the courtroom. . to ~ a child by the hand to ~ a horse by the bridle to ~ (a bride) to the altar, to church () , Syn: conduct, guide, show the way, steer, draw, direct, head, pilot

2) , , , There was nothing in the prospectus to~ him to such a conclusion. , . She knew the colonel was easily led. , . Syn: influence, persuade, incline, induce

3) ) ( . .); , The path ~s down to the river. . ) , ( , , ) Instinct early led him into the political arena. .

4) , ( ) He ~s a full, active life. . Syn: pass, conduct, pursue, experience, live

5) , , , to ~ a campaign to ~ a band, an orchestra , The vice-chairman will ~ the meeting. . Of the causes pneumonia ~s the list. . - ~ the dance; ~ the van Syn: direct, moderate, conduct, manage, preside over, control, head, command, domineer

6) , ( ); , As a teacher he ~s. . ~ away; ~ back; ~ down; ~ into; ~ off; ~ on; ~ out of; ~ through; ~ to; ~ up to

lead (n)

leading (adj)

leader (n)

transactional ~; transformational ~

leadership (n)

1) , (in) collective leadership party leadership personal leadership

2) ( -. in) to assume, take on, take over the ~ , to exercise ~ , to relinquish, surrender ~ 3) , ,


guide (n)

1) , ; a tour ~

2) ) a troop of the ~s ) - ( Girl Guides)

3) ) ; ; ( ) Syn: adviser, leader, governor ) ; ( ) The feelings are dangerous ~s. .

4) ) This handbook is a good ~ to London. . Syn: guide-book ) ; , (to) a handy ~ , a modern ~ to English grammar

guide (v)

1) , -. (around, through) to ~ smb. around a city -. The stars will ~ us back. . Syn: conduct, direct, lead, navigate, pilot, steer

2) ) , , , ) , ; (-.)

3) , ( -.) Nothing but the interest of this world ~ed him. .

guiding (adj)

guidance (n)

expect (v)

1) , (for) We'll ~ you for dinner on Thursday. .

2) , Don't ~ sudden improvements from this class. , . Syn: hope

3) , , I ~ my friend was a paragon of sanctity. , . Syn: suspect, suppose, surmise

expectation (n)


commit (v)

1) ( -. . .) Crimes committed in the name of national survival. , " ". ~ suicide

2) -., ) I'll commit you to justice (trial). . ~ a body to the ground; ~ to flames; ~ to prison ) , I ~ myself to your care. . Syn: entrust, consign ) This notorious bill was read a second time, and ~ed. .

3) , ; , . . You could have done that without ~ting my good name. .

commitment (n)

1) , the irrevocable ~ of the public welfare to the numerical majority


3) ; Syn: confinement, imprisonment

4) without ~ to any especial political opinions meet commitments Syn: engagement

5) , () the ~ to the cause

6) (-. )

confide (v)

1) ) , ; (in) You can ~ in me, my dear, your affairs will be kept private. , , . Syn: entrust, trust ) ; (to) You had better ~ your jewels to the bank in future. . Syn: entrust

2) , / (to) She ~ed her secret to her best friend. .

confidence (n)

1) , to enjoy, have, gain, win smb.'s ~ -. He had perfect ~ in her ability to succeed. . Syn: faith, trust

2) , , Syn: certitude, certainty

3) , Syn: conceit, self-sufficiency, aplomb, self-assurance, self-confidence Ant: anxiety, diffidence, doubt, hesitation, timidity, shyness

4) , to tell smth. in ~ -. ~ game, ~ trick , ~ man ,


confident (adj)

1) ( .. of) Syn: assured, sure

2) , , Syn: self-reliant, bold optimistic



courage (n)

, , , , , Syn: nerve, pluck, resolution, bravery, valor Ant: cowardice, fear, timidity Dutch ~

encourage (v)

1) ; , ( -. in) Is it kind to ~ the singer in her hopes? , ? Syn: embolden, foster, inspire, promote, support, cheer, cheer up. Ant: abash, discourage, dishearten

2) , , ;

encouragement (n)

discouragement (n)


diligence (n)

I , , , , Does she have enough ~ to finish the job on time? , ? - due ~ Syn: industry

II Syn: coach

diligent (adj)


foster (n)

1) , , , ( -.) Syn: nurture

2) , (-. ); () the enmities that are ~ed between you and my grandfather ,

3) , , ; Syn: encourage

foster father/ mother/ brother/ etc. / / / ..

fosterer (n)


surpass (v)

1) , (in ) Jane ~s all the others in music. .

2) , ,


stagnate (v)

1) ( , ..) The blood accumulates and ~s in the capillaries and veins. .

2) , ,


credit (n)

1) , give ~ to Syn: belief, credence, faith, trust

2) ) , ; , This they did to save their own ~. . Syn: reputation, repute, estimate, esteem, good name, honour ) , The ~ of inventing coined money has been claimed for the Persians. . This is much ~ to you. . do smb. credit; to one's credit Syn: acknowledgement of merit ) ; ; ( -. of, for) Granvelle was not slow to perceive his loss of ~ with the regent. , .

3) ) , -. ; ; 3 , 3 ; , ; ) ()

4) ) , letter of ~; on ~; allow ~; ~ card; ~ worthiness; jumbo ~ ) , )

credit (v)

1) , You must ~ him for his loyalty. . Syn: believe, trust

2) , That my actions might ~ my profession. .

3) (-. -. ) The staff are ~ing him with having saved John's life. , . Syn: attribute

4) ) , Entries were made~ing Stoney with 1630 pounds. 1630 . ) .

creditable (adj)


blame (n)

1) ; , , Syn: censure, reproach, reproof, disapproval

2) Syn: culpability

3) , Syn: sin, fault

4) to ascribe, assign, attribute (the)~ to smb. -. They must share the ~. . Syn: responsibility

blame (v)

1) , , Syn: rebuke

2) , , They ~ed her for the accident. . They ~ed the accident on her. . Syn: accuse


diverse (adj)

1) , -., ; Syn: different, divergent

2) , , ; Syn: several


accomplish (v)

1) , ; ; , to ~ a promise to ~ a distance We had ~ed our journey just in time. . He ~ed 50 years. 50 . Syn: reach, realize

2) ; From the Italian poets did Milton ~ his soul. .

accomplishment (n)

1) ; , He wished Mr Carden success in the ~ of his highly important mission. . Syn: fulfilment, execution

2) , By any standards, the ~s of the past year are extraordinary. . athletic ~. Syn: achievement, progress, attainment

3) ; ; ; a man of many ~s ,


excel (v)

1) , ; , , (in, at - -. ) to ~ one's father not to be ~led Syn: surpass, exceed, preponderate

2) , to ~ as a tailor to ~ in running

excellent (adj)


resent (v)

, ; to ~ bitterly, strongly She ~s having to wait. , . We ~ed him being the center of attraction. , . We ~ed his being the center of attraction. , . Syn: be indignant

resentment (n)

, ; (about; against; at, towards) to arouse, stir up ~ to bear, feel ~ , to express ~ to have/bear no ~ against smb. -., -. bitter, deep, profound, sullen ~ , They felt ~ that nobody paid attention to their request. , . Syn: offence Ant: patience, pleasure


comply (v)

1) ,

2) , , (, ..) If you join the club, you must ~ with its rules. , . Syn: fulfill, accomplish

compliance (n)

1) , ~ with requirements in ~ with your wish

2) , , , disingenuous ~

3) ( ) to examine for ~


confuse (v)

1) , (with) I always s~ him with his brother. . We in reality ~ wealth with money. .

2) ) , ) , (with) The teacher ~ed the student with too many questions. , . Syn: bewilder, confound, abash Ant: clarify, encourage, help, reassure

confusion (n)


poor (adj)

poverty (n)

impoverish (v)

1) , ,

2) ) () ) () ) ; , , Such theories ~ the minds. . - ~ life


persist (v)

1) , , (in, with) he ~ed in his opinion

2) , , ; The tendency still~s. . Syn: continue, endure, last, survive Ant: collapse, die, fade, fail, stop (cease)

persistence (n)

persistent (adj)


adapt (v)

1) , , (to, for) Shelves were built to adapt the library for use as an office. , . Syn: accommodate, adjust Ant: disjoint, dislocate, displace

2) , (to -.) We adapted quickly to life in Paris. . She had to adapt herself to local conditions. . Syn: acclimatize, accommodate, conform, fit Ant: misfit

3) ,

4) , to adapt a novel for the stage to adapt a film from a novel Many of Dickens' books have been adapted as films. . Syn: alter, make over

adaptation (n)

adaptable (adj)

adaptability (n)


accept (v)

1) , ; to ~ blindly to ~ fully to ~ readily She accepted his present unwillingly. . ~ an offer; ~ a proposal; ~ a suggestion; ~ a post; ~ the responsibility; ~ an apology; ~ a challenge; ~ the resignation of the cabinet; ~ bribes; ~ on condition that

2) , ; , I ~ him as the greatest expert in this field. , . ~ for a fact; ~ the inevitable; ~ the situation; be generally ~ed; be universally ~ed Syn: acknowledge

3) ( . .); , (-.) , Many men still have difficulty ~ing a woman as a business partner. .

4) ( ) to ~ a check

acceptance (n)

acceptable (adj)


bless (v)

Blessed, - blessed, blest

1) ; (with ) to bless oneself May God bless you with a long life! ! Syn: consecrate, sanctify

2) , (with ) I have never been a rich man, but I have always been ~ed with good health. , . In his old age, the king was ~ed with three fine daughters. , . ~ me, ~ my soul, ~ my/your heart, God ~ me/you,~ you, I'm blest , I haven't a penny to bless myself with


reward (n)

1) , to claim, reap, receive a ~ to pay a ~ , just ~ tangible ~ well-deserved ~ Syn: award

2) in ~ for smth -.

reward (v)

1) , We ~ed him for finding our lost dog. , .

2) ; A magnificent view ~s the traveller. .




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