






government ~ Syn: red tape, bureaucratism

bureaucrat (n)


office (n)

a) , , to be in the ~ , ; at/in an ~ She works at our ~. .

) , ; Foreign Office

official (n)

; ; (, . .) appointed ~ ; , customs ~

official (adj)

1) ; ; ~ duties

2) ~ statement Syn: authoritative


officer (n)

1) , ; ; probation ~; public ~; public relations ~; revenue ~

2) dismiss an ~ , to promote an ~


effective (adj)

1) , , the first ~ shot Fewer men, better trained and disciplined, could be made more ~. , , . Syn: efficient

2) , ( . .) The tax becomes ~ next year. . Syn: effectual

3) , , a gold lame fabric studded with ~ precious stones Syn: impressive, striking


efficient (adj)

) , , (in) She was very ~ in reducing waste. . Syn: efficacious, effectual ) , Syn: expedient, advisable


empire (n)

1) to break up an ~ to build up an ~

2) , ,

emperor (n)


sophisticated (adj)

) , , ; , ~ modern taste ) , ( ),


skill (n)

, , ; , ~ at/in using a computer to demonstrate, display, show ~

skilled (adj)

, , , ~ craftsman Syn: qualified, competent, expert, clever, able, skillful


loyalty (n)

, ; (to) to command ~ to demonstrate, show ~ to swear ~


subordinate (v)

, (to) All other considerations had to be ~ed to the needs of the family. .

subordinate (n)

Syn: assistant

subordination (n)

1) , ; , the yoke of ~ Syn: subjection



underling (n)

1) ;

2) ,


person (n)

1) ; , ; not a single ~ , missing ~ a real ~

2) the first ~ the second ~

personnel (n)

1) , (, ); government ~ ; qualified ~

2) enlisted ~ ; military ~


petition (n)

; , to circulate a ~ to present a ~ to grant a ~ , ,


judiciary (adj)

, - ~ law ~ Syn: judicial


claim (v)

1) ; ; -. (for) This matter ~s for attention. . to ~ the inheritance

2) , He ~ that he'd been cheated. , .

3) ( ) (against/from; for) You should be able to ~ against the car insurance. , , .

claim (n)

1) ; ; ; , raise a ~ lay ~ to (-.) put smth. in a ~ -.

2) ; ,


rule (v)

1) ; , (. ) Queen Victoria ~ed over the British Empire for more than 60 years. 60 . Syn: dominate, control

2) , ; to ~ one's actions He ~ed his appetites. .

3) , I'm afraid that the judge might ~ against you. , .

disrupt (v)

1) , , , ; ; to ~ surface Syn: shatter

2) ; to ~ radio communication


monarch (n)

absolute ~, constitutional ~ Syn: sovereign

monarchy (n)

to establish, set up a ~ to overthrow a ~


institution (n)

1) , , , ~ of higher learning (education) charitable, philanthropic ~ ,

2) , , , ~ of a ceremony


resign (v)

, ; to ~ office Is he going to resign from the chairmanship? ? Syn: quit, surrender

resignation (n)


Unit 2


scholar (n)

1) (. ) eminent ~

2) ) ) , ;

3) a) ) (.) , Syn: student, disciple


routine (n)

1) ; ,

2) 1) ; ; daily, ordinary ~ dull ~ practice ~

routine (adj)

1) ; So many days are ~ and uninteresting, especially in winter. , .

2) , ; , ; ~ attention ~ repairs ~ inspection ~ functions


manage (v)

1) , , ; to ~ a baseball team . Syn: control

2) , She can't ~ her child. .

3) , , He ~ed his resources carefully. .

manager (n)

, ; , , account ~ assistant ~ , , branch ~ , business ~ ; , general ~ hotel ~ office ~ sales ~ service ~ stage ~

management (n)

1) ; , , The zoo needed better ~ rather than more money. . the ~t of the mining industry having just completed a ~ studies course

2) (the management) ; ,


insure (v)

1) (), () (against; for) to ~ one's home against loss from fire to ~ one's life for fifty thousand dollars fully ~ed

2) ,


insurance (n)

1) (against; on)

2) ~ free of particular average ,


private (adj)

1) ; , , ~ life ~ secretary ~ school ~ investigator, ~ detective, ~ eye ,

2) ~ vehicle ~ apartment

3) , ,


case (n)

1) c ; , to argue, plead a ~ , to decide a ~, to settle a ~ to hear, try a ~ to lose ~ ,

2) ; , ; , ; , Some ~ or ~s, strictly in point to the problem at hand, must be produced. , .

3) , , ,

4) c ; ; acute ~ chronic ~


academy (n)

1). ; ; ( ) c. academia

2) ) , , ( ) The Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences and Arts . ) , ( , .) the British Academy of Film and Television Arts a

3) ( )

) ( ); ) , ( , , ) military academy ( , )

academic (adj)

1) ; ; ( , ) ~ books the ~ discipline

2) ~ garden

academician (n)

1) ;

2) , ,


compare (v)

1) , , We can start by ~ing the work of the historian with the work of the politician. .

2) (, ),

comparison (n)

, , there is no ~ between them

comparative (adj)

1) , ~ linguistics

2) I sat out in the open air in ~ comfort. .


society (n)

1) to polarize a ~ to unite a ~


3) , The couple quickly became a fixture of ~ pages. .


social (adj)

1) ; ~ amenities - ~ appropriation ~ consumption ~ conditions -

2) , , ; , - ~ dancing

3) ~ reporter


develop (v)

1) () (from; into) Who knows what results will ~ from your first success? , ?


3) , ,

development (n)

, , , ; Creation belongs to eternity and ~ to time. , - . arrested ~ economic ~

developing (adj)

(~ countries)


industry (n)

1) , , to build up, develop (an) ~

2) (defense ~, film ~)


analyze (v)

1) , , We haven't had time to ~ those samples yet. .

2) () She showed us different methods of how to ~ simple sentences. .

analysis (n)

(pl. analyses), , to make an ~ careful, thorough ~ ,


decide (v)

(), , that decides me! ! to ~ unanimously

decision (n)


value (n)

1) ) ; , Syn: merit ) , to cherish ~s, to foster ~s , -. cultural ~s moral ~s sense of ~s ) , , He had nothing of ~ to say. . Syn: worth, utility, importance

2) ) , ; at a certain~ set a ~ on ) surplus ~ e xchange ~

3) , to acquire ~ , a discovery of great ~ , to attach ~ to -.

value (v)

1) , , ( ) to ~ a painting at five thousand pounds 2) , , , to ~ highly, to ~ very much -./-. to ~ smb. as a friend -.


Unit 3


specific (adj)

1) ) , , ~ situation Syn: special, particular ) ; ; ~ facial features Syn: peculiar

2) , ; ~ guarantee

3) , ; Syn: exact, precise, definite


employ (v)

1) ) , ) ; to be ~ ed by , ; Syn: hire

2) ) , , (in, on, for) Art was ~ed for the display of religious facts. . ) , (-. ..) to ~ at -. How long have you been ~ed at this job? ?

employ (n)

1) , Syn: occupation, job, employment

2) ( , ) in the government's ~

employer (n)

, , ~ of labour ~ 's liability Syn: boss

employee (n)

; to engage, hire, take on an ~ to dismiss, fire, sack an ~ to make an ~ redundant ; government ~; white-collar ~; full-time ~; part-time ~; a new type of ~

employment (n)

unemployment (n)

employed (adj)

unemployed (adj)


Red tape

1) , , to create/eliminate (the) ~ / to get caught up in ~, get involved in ~ , Syn: bureaucratism



abuse (v)

1) ; - ~ a child - ~ a horse

2) , -. to ~ one's eyesight Syn: wrong

3) ) ~ one's rights; ~ one's authority; ~ ones power


4) , ; ();

5) ; ; , to ~ smb. left and right -. Syn: wrong.

6) /

abuse (n)

~ of power ; ~ of words ; ~ of children ; drug and alcohol ~


profit (n)

1) , , to make a ~ on Syn: benefit, use, good

2) , ; , to bring (in), yield a ~ , to earn, make a ~ He sold his house at a ~. . clear/net ~ gross ~

profit (v)

1) ) , It profited him nothing. . ) , ; You can even ~ from your mistakes. .

2) to profit by/over a transaction .


scrutiny (n)

1) , He was looking downward with the ~ of curiosity. .

2) ; , to bear/withstand ~ , , close, strict ~ under ~ under constant ~ Syn: examination, inquiry, investigation

3) to demand ~


scrutinize (v)

1) ,

2) to ~ closely, thoroughly , -. Syn: examine


dominate (v)

1) ; (over) Powerful nations ~ over small weak countries. . The teacher must learn not to ~ over her class. . Syn: rule, control

2) , countries where life is ~ed by war , .

3) , -. It's one of the biggest buildings in this area, and it ~s this whole place. , .

dominant (adj)

1) ; , , , , ; ~ form of administration Syn: prevaling, dominating



execute (v)

1) ) , , ; ( -. - in); The artist ~ed his imaginative ideas in stone. . Syn: perform ) , .. The boy departed to ~ his commission. . ) (, ..); , The question arose how his office was to be ~ed. , . Syn: fulfil, discharge

2) ) (), ( -.) to ~ a mortgage if called on to do so. , . ) ( ..) ) He was ~ed by the head the following day. . Syn: kill

executive (adj)

1) ) , ~ secretary ; ; ) : ~ personnel ~ order

2) , : ~ duties (, );

executive (n)

1) ) (the executive) ) Syn: performer

2) , top ~; ) (Executive) Chief Executive ) , , (- )


hire (v)

, , We ~ed her to mow our lawn. . ~ employees Syn: employ, recruit

hire (n)

1) for ~

2) ~ purchase


promote (v)

1) ; ; / He was promoted colonel (to the rank of colonel, to be a colonel). . If I am not promoted within the next two years I am going to change jobs. , .

2) ) , , ; Regular exercise promotes all-round good health. .

) , ; , to ~ disorder Syn: encourage

3) to ~ a company

4) ) ) ; -. Advertising companies are always having to think up new ways to ~ products. .


promotion (n)


resist (n)

1) , ; ; , The soldiers ~ed for two days. . Syn: oppose, withstand

2) ) ; ; to ~ temptation ) -.) They couldn't ~ making fun of him. .

resistance (n)


stable (adj)

; ; , , , : ~ equilibrium ; ~ result Syn: firm, strong, firm; constant, continual, permanent

stability (n)

~ need; forces of ~


legal (adj)

1) , ; ~ advice ~ aid bureau ~ capacity , ~ profession ~ system Syn: juridical

2) ; ; What I did was perfectly ~. , , . Syn: lawful


mandate (n)

1) , clear ~ We had a ~ to eliminate illiteracy. . under a ~ Syn: warrant, credentials

2) () to carry out a ~


declare (v)

1) , to ~ one's love ; to ~ bankruptcy ; to ~ war on (-., -.) The court ~ed the law to be unconstitutional. . Syn: proclaim

2) , , The President ~ed that the situation would improve. , . Syn: affirm, assert

3) (for ; against ) The workers declared against the new rules. .

4) , ( )

declaration (n)


secure (adj)

1) , Syn: confident

2) ) , ; ; ~ investment Syn: trustworthy, dependable )

3) a ~ victory Syn: assured, certain

secure (v)

1) ; ; ( -.) to ~ one's life -. Syn: guard, protect

2) ) , ) ) . ( -.) He was ~ed in the existence of soul. , .

3) , , Syn: imprison

4) , to ~ the sympathy of smb. -. , -.

security (n)

1) ) ; to ensure, provide ~ to strengthen ~ security to undermine/threaten security feeling, sense of~ Syn: safety ) ( -.) She told them they might count on her with ~. , . Syn: confidence, assurance

2) ; in ~ for ;

3) ,

4) (. .) to issue ~ies government ~ies


need (n)

1) , , to create a ~ , ; to fill, meet, satisfy a ~ , -.; acute, crying, desperate, dire, pressing, urgent ~ , ; physical ~ spiritual ~ ; unfulfilled ~ ; ~ of self-actualization Syn: necessity

2) (. .) bodily~s, material ~s fundamental ~, individual ~s

3) , , , , (-.); to live in dire ~ badly in ~ ,

need (v)


motive (n)

1) , , ; ; (behind, for) to establish, find a ~ , base ~s noble, honorable ~s Syn: incentive, reason

2) , , Syn: motif

motivation (n)

1) ;

2) ; ,


satisfy (v)

1) (-.; -. , ). I am not ~ied with your work. . Syn: please

2) , () Syn: indemnify

3) , (-. ) to ~ completely Syn: answer, meet

satisfaction (n)


reward (n)

1) , to receive a ~ to offer a ~ to pay a ~ , just ~ tangible ~ well-deserved ~ Syn: award

2) in reward for smth. -. social rewards: friendship, conversation, impact, satisfaction; rewards distributed my managerial staff: pay, promotion, recognition, etc. Syn: recompense, remuneration

reward (v)

1) , We ~ed him for finding our lost dog. , .

2) ; A magnificent view ~s the traveller. .

rewarding (adj)

a ~ job


lack (v)

, ; (for) You shall never ~ for money while I am alive. , . Syn: require


lack (n)

, ; (-.) ~ of interest; ~ of coordination; ~ of discipline; ~ of experience; ~ of knowledge Syn: absence, shortage, deficiency, need.


collaborate (v)

1) , (. , ; with) One of my students ~ed with me on this book. . Syn: co-operate

2) ( ; with) People who ~ed with the enemy during the war were punished afterwards. .

collaboration (n)

collaborator (n)


depend (v)

, ( -., -. - on, upon) to ~ upon smb. for advice -. , it (all) depends !

dependence (n)

independence (n)

interdependence (n)


share (v)

1) ) , ; to ~ the money equally between two brothers ~ and ~ alike ) to ~ one's sandwich with smb. -. to ~ one's problems with smb. -. ) to ~ a house with four other people ;

2) (, . .) I ~ your opinion. . All your neighbours ~ in your sorrow at the loss of your son. . to ~ common interest;

3) ;

share (n)

1) , ; a ~ in (-.) to do one's ~ ; to have a ~ in the profits equal ~ ~ of the responsibility fair ~ full ~

2) ; , , on shares - ordinary ~s; preference ~s


effect (n)

1) , have ~; produce an ~; of no ~; without ~; cause an ~ Syn: result, consequence

2) a) ; to have a profound ~ on smth. -. minimal ~ ) , ; put into ~; come into ~ Syn: operation ) , A law was made but it had little effect. , . Syn: efficacy

3) ) , ; general ~; calculated for ~ Syn: ) , ; Doppler ~

4) ) ( , ) ; leave no ~s;- sale of household ~s; personal ~ Syn: belonging ) Syn: money

effect (v)


dimensions (n)

; tangible ~; symbolic ~; cultural ~


produce (v)

1) , ; ; ; ; ~ an endless stream of paperwork Syn: create, generate

2) , Their efforts ~ed no results. . Syn: yield

3) , to ~changes Syn: bring about

4) , ( , , );

5) , to ~ an identity card

produce (n)

1) , ; , home ~ / dairy ~ Syn: production, output

2) (); ; Syn: yield


participate (v)

(in), I like the whole school to ~ in the sports. , . Syn: take part

participant (n)

, active ~ reluctant ~ Syn: participator, partaker, sharer


legislature (n)

; to convene a ~ to disband, dismiss, dissolve a ~ bicameral ~ , unicameral ~


court (n)

1) court-yard (, ..) Syn: yard

2) ( )

3) ( . .) Court of Rome

4) ; ; superior court Court of Appeal probate court territorial court traffic court Supreme Court

5) (, , . .); court of directors, governors ,

6) , , pay court to smb. -.


neglect (v)

1) (-.); ( -.) , ( -., -.) Syn: ignore That noble discourse had been ~ed by the generation to which it was addressed. , , .

2) , (-.) ; He sometimes ~ed that duty. .

3) , Their own education has been ~ed. . Syn: forget

neglect (n)

1) ) , ) complete ~, total ~ parental ~ Syn: carelessness, negligence, thoughtlessness, disregard

2) ,


jeopardy (n)

, in ~ ; be in ~; put in jeopardy Syn: danger, peril

jeopardize (v)

, ; ~ one's life Syn: risk



Unit 4


Lead (v) - led

1) , , ; ( , . .); The prisoners were led into the courtroom. . to ~ a child by the hand

2) ( . .); , The path ~s down to the river. .

3) , ( ) He ~s a full, active life. .

4) , , , to ~ a campaign to ~ a band, an orchestra , The vice-chairman will ~ the meeting. .

lead (n)

) ; ; to assume the ~, take the ~ , ; (in) to build up one's ~, increase one's ~ to give up/ lose the ~ to hold/ maintain the ~ Syn: precedence, precedency, advance, first place ) , ; , Most of the legislators followed the ~ of the governor. to give a ~ Syn: guidance, model, example, direction, leadership

leader (n)

1) ) , , ; , ; ; , born/ natural ~; majority ~; minority ~; military ~ Syn: boss, commander, captain ) , , ) , ; Syn: guide ) ();

2) ) , ( ) Syn: editorial ) , ;

3) ) )

leadership (n)


Lend (v) - lent

1) ) , She lent the money to him. ) ,

2) a dispassionate manner which ~s great force to his criticisms , Syn: afford, impart

3) , , a topic that ~s itself admirably to class discussion , Syn: accommodate


identify (v)

1) ; (with) Voters tend to ~ the Party with unfair treatment of poorer and weaker members of society. .

2) , ; (as) She ~ed the intruder to the police. . to ~ oneself

3) , to ~ the limits

identity (n)


overload (n)


overload (v)

(), () Syn: overburden


demand (v)

1) , (of, from - -., -.); The thieves ~ed money from the passengers. . Syn: ask for, claim, order, request, require

2) , ; Syn: ask, request

3) , Syn: summon

demand (n)

1) , excessive ~ moderate/ modest/ reasonable ~ ; make ~; meet ~; satisfy ~; give in to ~; yield to ~; reject ~; payment on ~


3) ( -. for) to create a ~ to meet/ satisfy a ~ enormous/ great/ brisk/ strong ~ There is a brisk ~ for home computers. . Small cars are in great ~. . limited ~ the law of supply and ~


overwhelm (v)

1. ) Syn: overturn, overthrow, upset ) , , (, ); Syn: overcome, overpower, crush, destroy ) , ) , ( ; "" ( ) , ) Pompeii was ~ed by a vast accumulation of dust and ashes. . Syn: submerge

2) , , ; , ( ..)


appoint (v)

1) , (, ..) The time ~ed for the meeting was 7 p. m. . Syn: assign, designate

2) ( ), ( ) to ~ smb. professor of the University -. He was ~ed to the position. . Syn: assign, designate, name

3) ; to ~ smb. task -. They ~ed him to conduct the negotiations. .

appointment (n)

1) ( , ) Syn: designation

2) , () hold an ~ Syn: post, position

3) , according to a natural order or ~ Syn: direction

4) , I shall break an ~. . keep an ~ make an ~ (with), set up an ~ (with), book an ~ (with) , ; ( , ..) Syn: engagement


role (n)

to assume, take (on) a ~ to assign, hand out ~s , to perform, play, support a ~ , ; key ~; leading ~; secondary ~; starring ~ Syn: part


initiate (v)

1) ) , ( -.) ) ( ..; into)

2) ) , .. (into) The organization is known for its ceremony of ~ing new members into the society. . )

3) , , to ~ a program of reform Syn: begin

initiate (n)

1) , Syn: beginner, novice

2) ) ( ..) ) ( ..)

initiate (adj)

1) ,

2) ) ( ..) ) ( ..)



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