1) courage 2) stagnate 3) persist 4) poor 5) diligent | 6) confide 7) accept 8) adapt 9) resent 10) guide |
Ex. 2. Complete each sentence using a word derivationally related to the word given in brackets:
1) This bank reference is marked “Private and … “. (confidence)
2) There are … signs that people’s attitudes are changing. (encourage)
3) They were … by a prolonged spell of unemployment. (impoverishment)
4) I felt no … against Keith. (resent)
5) I have no doubt that … research will produce results. (diligence)
6) I think you have to be … if people say no to you. (persistence)
7) Industrial … inevitably leads to the loss of jobs. (stagnate)
8) The majority do not … that there has been any discrimination. (acceptable)
9) He cannot … himself to being free. (adaptable)
10) Politicians will in the end always be … by changes in public opinion. (guiding)
Ex. 3 Match the words to their definitions:
1) stagnate 2) accomplishment 3) foster, v 4) diligent 5) impoverish 6) resent 7) excel 8) blame, v | a) someone who works hard and carefully, and tries to do everything that he is expected to do; b) something remarkable that has been done or achieved; c) to help something to develop; d) to be very good at something; e) to make someone or something poor; f) to become inactive or unchanging, used showing disapproval; g) to think or say that somebody is responsible for something bad; h) to feel bitter and angry about something. |
Ex. 4. What is the English for:
1) вера, доверие, уверенность
2) превосходить, превышать
3) застаиваться, быть бездеятельным, инертным
4) разнообразный, разнотипный
5) доводить до конца, завершать
6) делать уступки, идти на уступки
7) смешивать, спутывать
8) упорствовать, настойчиво продолжать
Ex. 5. Translate into English:
1) Собрание будет вести заместитель председателя.
2) Многие мужчины до сих пор не слишком благосклонно относятся к женщинам – деловым партнерам.
3) Промышленный застой неизбежно ведет к сокращению рабочих мест.
4) Защитник предложил обвиняемому взять вину за содеянное на себя.
5) Этот чиновник был отстранен от исполнения своих обязанностей за превышение полномочий.
6) Выполнение вашего поручения во многом зависит от технического состояния оборудования.
7) Его настойчивость в достижении цели, уверенность в своих действиях и, безусловно, бесстрашие не могут не вызывать восхищения.
Ex.6. Make up situations using the following words and word combinations:
А 1) leadership 2) to guide subordinates 3) to expect diligence 4) to foster devotion 5) to encourage 6) to surpass expectations 7) to blame the leader | В 1) diverse 2) intelligent 3) blessed with 4) to be resented by 5) to comply with 6) impact 7) impoverish |
B. Pre-reading Exercises
Ex. 1. Look at the heading of the text and predict the contents of it.
Ex. 2. Name some words and phrases you know related to the problem under discussion.
Ex. 3. Guess the meaning of the following words and word combinations:
role expectations; leadership traits; leader-member relations; "natural born" leaders; to guarantee impact; to raise human consciousness, to clarify roles and tasks; brilliant thinkers; verbal facility; to achieve one's potential, transactional leaders, transformational leaders.
Ex. 4. Give your own definitions of 'leadership' and 'leader-member relations'.
Ex. 5. Answer the following questions:
1) What is leadership? Why is it important?
2) What personality characteristics are required to become a leader?
3) There are brilliant thinkers and talkers who are not very intelligent and those who are not blessed with verbal facility but are obvious leaders. Can you explain this phenomenon?
4) Can we train employees so that they develop the required personality characteristics to become effective leaders?
5) Do psychological traits explain why some managers are better leaders than others?
C. Reading
Ex. 1. Read the text for general information to complete the following statements:
1) The text deals with the problem of …
2) A distinction is made between transactional leaders and …
3) Leadership is required for …
Leadership is the direction and guiding of other participants in the organization.
Leadership differs in degree. Transactional leaders exchange rewards for services. They guide subordinates in recognizing and clarifying roles and tasks. They give their subordinates the direction, support, and confidence to fulfill their role expectations. They also help subordinates understand and satisfy their own needs and desires. They encourage better than average performance from their subordinates. They are good managers.
Transformational leadership is more dramatic. Transformational leaders change the relationship of the subordinate and the organization. They encourage subordinates to go well beyond their original commitments and expectations. If transactional leaders expect diligence, transformational leaders foster devotion. These leaders have the ability to reach the souls of others to raise human consciousness. They raise the level of awareness and encourage people to look beyond their self-interest.
Both forms of leadership are important. When people in positions of authority encourage subordinates to believe that their work is important – not merely a fair exchange of pay for work – motivation, commitment, and performance surpass routine expectations.
Leadership is required for major changes and new directions, and without leadership government easily stagnates. When things go well or poorly we credit or blame the leader. We look for leadership in candidates for high office. But can we determine which job candidates are “natural born” leaders? Can we train employees so that they develop the required personality characteristics to become effective leaders?
Over many years, investigators have hoped to identify leadership traits. It is extremely difficult to know precisely what traits such diverse political leaders as Napoleon Bonaparte, Luther King, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Indira Ghandi, and Adolf Hitler shared in common. Yet many researches have attempted to identify universal characteristics of leadership and the following classification of the leadership traits is suggested:
1) capacity (intelligence, verbal facility, originality, judgment);
2) achievement (scholarship, knowledge, athletic accomplishments);
3) responsibility (dependability, initiative, persistence, aggressiveness, self-confidence, desire to excel);
4) participation (activity, sociability, cooperation, adaptability, humor);
5) status (socioeconomic position, popularity).
Yet this list is not very helpful. Particular traits are neither necessary nor sufficient to become a leader. There are brilliant thinkers and talkers who are not leaders, and there are people who are not very intelligent and not blessed with verbal facility who are obvious leaders. The holding of a degree does not say enough of the holder and whether he would fit into a particular situation. In some situations the manager’s superior education may be even resented by less well educated organization members.
It is obvious that some managers are better leaders than others, and if psychological traits do not explain the variations, what is the explanation?
Some investigators emphasize the situational character of leadership. The ingredients of this parameter of leadership are the following:
· status, or position power – the degree to which the leader is enabled to get the group members to comply with and accept his or her leadership (but leadership should not be confused with high position – holding high office does not guarantee impact; despite the leader’s formal power, he or she did not always get from subordinates the performance that was desired);
· leader-member relations – acceptance of the leader by members and their loyalty to him or her;
· task-structure – the degree to which the jobs of the followers are well defined;
· ability to recognize the most critical needs for organization members at the moment (physiological needs for food, sleep, etc. or safety needs for freedom from fear, for security and stability; needs for love, friends and contact; esteem needs for self-respect and the respect of others or needs for self-actualization, for achieving one’s potential).
Defining leadership is a very difficult task but rejecting the study of leadership would impoverish our understanding of governing.
Ex. 2. Read the text again for understanding its main points and answer the 10 'What'-questions given below:
1) What is leadership?
2) What are the two forms of leadership?
3) What is the difference between transactional leaders and transformational leaders?
4) What do transactional leaders expect from their subordinates?
5) What do transformational leaders encourage subordinates to do?
6) What form of leadership is more important?
7) What characteristics does a "natural born" leader possess?
8) What classification of the leadership traits is suggested?
9) What are the ingredients of the situational character of leadership?
10) What is necessary to become a leader?
Ex. 3. Now read the text for detailed information to complete the following sentences and develop the idea:
1) … the direction and guiding of other participants in the organization.
2) … give their subordinates the direction, support, and confidence to fulfill their role expectations.
3) … encourage subordinates to go well beyond their original commitments and expectations.
4) Leadership is required for ….
5) There are brilliant thinkers and talkers who are …, and there are people who are not very intelligent and not blessed with verbal facility who are ….
6) The ingredients of the situational character of leadership are the following: ….
Ex. 4. Answer the following questions:
1) Why is leadership important?
2) Why is transformational leadership more dramatic?
3) Why is it difficult to identify leadership traits?
4) What items does the classification of the leadership traits consist of?
5) Do psychological traits explain why some managers are better leaders than others?
6) What are the ingredients of the classification based on the situational character of leadership?
7) Does this classification help to train or find an effective leader?
8) Why is defining leadership important?
D. Post-reading Exercises
Language Study
Ex. 1. Match the words with their explanations:
1) diverse 2) commitment 3) comply with 4) expectation 5) surpass 6) loyalty 7) adaptability | b) people or things that are very different from each other; c) a strong hope that something will happen; d) to be better, to do better, or to have more of a particular quality than someone or something; e) a strong belief in an idea or system; f) behaviour in which you stay firm in your friendship or support for someone or something; g) to do what you are required or expected to do; h) an ability to change your ideas or behaviour in order to deal with new situations. |
Ex.2. Give synonyms to the words given below in italics or briefly explain their meaning:
1) Defining leadership is a very difficult task but rejecting the study of leadership would impoverish our understanding of governing.
2) Transactional leaders exchange rewards for services.
3) It is extremely difficult to know precisely what traits such diverse political leaders as Napoleon Bonaparte, Luther King, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Indira Ghandi, and Adolf Hitler shared in common.
4) They encourage subordinates to go well beyond their original commitments and expectations.
5) They encourage better than average performance from their subordinates.
6) If transactional leaders expect diligence, transformational leaders foster devotion.
7) They raise the level of awareness and encourage people to look beyond their self interest.
8) When things go well or poorly we credit or blame the leader.
Ex. 3. Insert prepositions where necessary:
1) There are people who are not very intelligent and not blessed … verbal facility who are obvious leaders.
2) Status is the degree to which the leader is enabled to get the group members to comply … and accept his or her leadership.
3) Leadership should not be confused … high position – holding high office does not guarantee impact; despite the leader’s formal power, he or she did not always get … subordinates the performance that was desired.
4) Transactional leaders exchange rewards … services.
5) They guide subordinates … recognizing and clarifying roles and tasks.
6) We look … leadership in candidates … high office.
7) One of the ingredients of the parameter of leadership is acceptance … the leader by members and their loyalty … him or her.
8) When things go well or poorly we credit or blame … the leader.
Ex. 4. What is the English for:
A 1) руководство 2) приверженность, преданность (взглядам) 3) прилежание, старание 4) порицать, обвинять 5) негодовать, возмущаться 6) доводить до бедности 7) награда, премия 8) ободрять, поощрять | B 1) удовлетворять просьбы 2) воспитывать преданность 3) определить черты, присущие руководителю 4) поднимать уровень сознательности 5) превзойти ожидания 6) руководители, направляющие работу организации 7) руководители, трансформирующие организацию 8) подчиняться лидеру |
Ex.1. Retell the text finishing the following sentences and adding 4-5 phrases of your own:
1) The text under discussion draws our attention to ….
2) It is said in the text that leadership differs in degree. A distinction is made between ….
3) Both forms of leadership ….
4) Many researchers have attempted to identify universal characteristics of leadership and ….
5) Some investigators emphasize the situational character of leadership and ….
Ex.2. Translate into English:
1) Лидеры, направляющие работу организации, являются хорошими управляющими. Они определяют направление, обеспечивают подчиненным поддержку и уверенность в своих силах, что необходимо для выполнения задач, поставленных перед ними.
2) Лидеры, трансформирующие организацию, изменяют отношения между подчиненными и организацией. Они стремятся поднять уровень сознательности сотрудников и заставить их смотреть дальше своих собственных интересов.
3) Если направляющие лидеры воспитывают старательность у своих подчиненных, то трансформирующие – преданность.
4) Многие исследователи пытались определить личностные характеристики, присущие лидеру. В этот список были включены такие черты как умственные способности, личные достижения, ответственность, активность, социально-экономический статус.
5) Некоторые исследователи подчеркивают ситуативный характер лидерства и выделяют следующие параметры: а) статус (насколько руководитель может заставить подчиненных выполнять его требования); б) отношения между руководителем и подчиненным (принятие лидера и преданность ему подчиненных); в) структура задачи (насколько хорошо объяснена задача); г) способность определить наиболее насущные потребности членов организации на данный момент.
Ex.3. Render into English:
Известный специалист в области управления проф. В.И.Терещенко утверждает, что истинный руководитель должен быть «не погонщиком мулов», а именно руководителем коллектива, «не толкать автомобиль, а вести его, управлять им". Для этого необходимо соблюдать, как минимум, девять заповедей руководителя:
· Быть уверенным в себе, в деле и зажигать других.
· Считать своей обязанностью критиковать, но позитивно, т.е. указывать пути преодоления недостатков.
· Уметь использовать санкции положительные и отрицательные, т.е. поощрять подчиненных за дело, а в случае необходимости – наказывать.
· Уметь говорить самому, но и уметь слушать подчиненных.
· Ценить время – свое и других.
· Быть строгим, требовательным, но справедливым и не грубым.
· Быть приветливым, вежливым, знать великую силу улыбки.
· Обладать чувством юмора.
· Замечать, видеть подчиненных, интересоваться ими – для руководителя маленьких людей в коллективе нет.
Руководитель должен вести себя так, чтобы коллектив хотел быть руководимым именно им, а не кем-нибудь другим.
(Князев С.Н., 2002: 194)
E. Additional Reading