






Oversee (v); oversaw; overseen

1) , , ; , ( -.) to ~ all the company's advertising to be overseen by environmental experts Syn: supervise, superintend

2) ) ) ,


assist (v)

1) , , , The young nurse was ~ing at her first operation. . to ~ with the editing of a manuscript

2) (at) the dinner at which we have just ~ed ,

assistance (n)

, , , to render (give, offer, provide) ~ considerable/great ~ , economic/financial ~ legal ~ public ~ He was of considerable assistance to us. . Any ~ will be gratefully received. . Syn: help

assistant (n)

1) , ; , teaching ~ , Syn: aide, helper, subordinate



probation (n)

1) ; to be on ~ Syn: status of trainee


3) (. )


interfere (v)

1) ( -. - in; with, ( -.) They may ~ in elections . Syn: intervene

2) , , (with) Nothing must be allowed to ~ with our plans for the weekend. .

3) , The interests of two republics very little ~ed. .

interference (n)

1) (in, with) unwarranted ~

2) , Syn: obstruction



justify (v)

1) ; ; ; We have no longer the difficult task of ~ing science in the eyes of the nation. .

2) , to ~ (as) bail It would be hard to ~ this particular assertion by an appeal to facts. . Syn: confirm, prove, verify


require (v)

1) , you are ~ed to go there She ~ed that everyone attend/should attend the meeting. , . Syn: order, command

2) ( -.); (-.) it ~s careful consideration Hard work will be ~ed of students in this course. . The house ~s painting. . Syn: demand, need, want Gram: need, deserve, require, want + to-infinitive or ing-form

requirement (n)


flexible (adj)

1) ; ; , . Rubber is a flexible substance. . Syn: supple

2) ) , ; My schedule is very ~. . Syn: adaptable ) ; , ; Syn: pliable

flexibility (n)

, , to demonstrate, show ~ He has enough ~ to cope with the job. , . Syn: elasticity, plasticity


complain (v)

1) ( -.), (-.) Jane is ~ing of a headache again. . Go to the teacher and ~ about that boy who sits behind you. , . ~ to the boy's mother, not to me! , ! Syn: grumble, whine

2) , I wish to ~ about the washing machine that I bought last month. , .

complaint (n)

1) , , Syn: discontent, dissatisfaction

2) ) ( -.), ) , Syn: accusation, charge

3) , , Syn: sickness, illness


top (n)

1) , (, ..); (.) Syn: head

2) ) , to come/rise to the ~ ; ) , ; Syn: zenith, pinnacle 1. ) (, , ..) Syn: summit, peak to be/sit on ~ of the world to be at the ~ of the ladder/tree

top (adj)

1) ; the top floor () Syn: upper

2) ) , , , ~ value ~ form () Syn: the highest, the utmost ) ; ; one of the world's ~ journalists Syn: chief, leading top secret

top (v)

1) (), () Syn: cover, surmount, crown, cap

2) ; -. , .. She was so tall that she ~ed her father by a head. . Syn: overtop ; , He ~ed them all. . Syn: surpass, excel

3) ( ..; . top up); (); () Syn: trim


bottom (n)

1) ) , at the ~ of the page

2) (, ..) to go to the ~

3) , , to stand on one's own ~ , Syn: base.

4) , to get (down) to/at the bottom of

bottom (adj)

1) the ~ step

2) , ~ price Syn: last

3) , , Syn: fundamental


treat (v)

1) , , -. -.; Treat his grey hairs with reverence. .

2) ( -.), , to ~ for certain land Syn: bargain, negotiate

3) ; ; What subject did you ~ upon? ? Syn: discuss

4) () ; Syn: entertain

5) , Syn: cure, heal, remedy treat as; treat for

treat (n)

1) (a) , He gave the usual ~ for the degree of doctor in divinity. . Syn: feast ) , , I had promised them a ~ down the river. ( ) .

2) , , ; (-. ) Syn: enjoyment, delight, pleasure


believe (v)

1) we soon ~ what we desire ~ it or not , to ~ firmly, sincerely, strongly -., -. mistakenly ~ -./ -.


3) I ~ in early rising. .

4) , I ~ so , ; -, ; ( )

belief (n)

1) ; (in) to express a ~ -., -. to hold to a ~ -. to shake one's ~ -. to give up one's ~ -. erroneous/false/mistaken ~ firm/strong/unshakable belief , popular/prevalent ~

2) , to the best of my ~ Syn: opinion

3) ,


obscure (adj)

1) , , ; misty and ~ day Syn: dark, gloomy, dim, dismal

2) , , , Syn: indistinct, unclear, vague

3) ; , , ; ; , Syn: incomprehensible, mysterious

4) a) , ; , ; an ~ poet Syn: undistinguished, unnoticed, humble ) , an ~ country village Syn: remote, hidden, secret

obscure (v)

1) , Syn: darken, dim

2) , ( , ) The moon was now quite ~ed. ( ). Syn: conceal

3) , (, ..)

4) , Syn: disguise


entrepreneur (n)

1) ) ( , ., , ) ) (. ) Syn: impresario, manager 2) , an independent ~ a private ~ Syn: employer


affect (v)

I. 1) , , he has never ~ed to be surprised , Syn: pretend

2) ) , -. that peculiar costume that he ~ed , ) , ( -. ) Syn: like, love

II. 1) ) , ) , shouting ~s the voice

2) , , , , ( , ..) to ~ smb. deeply, profoundly, strongly -. Syn: influence, move, touch.

3) ( ) ~ed by influenza

affect (n)

The terms "affect" and "affective" denote the emotional aspect of all mental activity. "" "" . Syn: emotion


Unit 5


recruit (v)

) ( ..); , ( , ..) Most private soldiers are ~ed from the working class. . ) ( ); (, ; . c , ) Ostrowski already is being heavily ~ed by the country's top college coaches. . Syn: enroll, conscript, employ, enlist, hire.

recruit (n)


select (v)

1) ) , After many tests, John was ~ed for the team. . ) ; Syn: choose


select (adj)

1) ; ; Syn: picked, excellent

2) ,


promote (v)

1) ; ; / He was ~ed colonel (to the rank of colonel, to be a colonel). .

2) ) , , ; Regular exercise ~s all-round good health. . ) , ; , to promote disorder Syn: encourage, give an incentive

3) to promote a company

4) ) ) ; -. Advertising companies are always having to think up new ways to ~ products. .

promotion (n)


terminate (v)

1) , ()

2) (), () (-. - in) The Middle Ages may be said to ~ with the invention of printing. , . Syn: finish



termination (n)

1) ; , ; ; ~ of employment , voluntary ~

2) , , ,

terminator (n)

; [] ;

intelligence (n)

1) , , , a person of considerable ~ Syn: mind, intellect

2) , , ~ test ~ quotient (. I. Q. (test)) Syn: understanding, knowledge, comprehension

3) , to collect, gather ~ classified ~ ; , combat/ military ~ ; Syn: information, news

4) , ~ department, ~ service ,

intelligent (adj)

1) , , It would not be ~ to provoke her. . Syn: clever, sensible

2) , , , Syn: bright, quick-witted


rotate (v)

1) () Syn: revolve, roll, spin, turn, whirl

2) (); () to ~ crops ()

rotation (n)

1) to make a ~ Syn: revolution gyration

2) ; ; , by/in ~ ;

rotational (adj)

1) , Syn: variable, alternating

2) , ; ,


merit (n)

1) ~ system ,

2) , , , , .. His ~ was rewarded. . Syn: excellence, value, virtue, worth

merit (v)

, (-.) Syn: deserve


competent (adj)

1) ) , ) , a ~ engineer Syn: able, capable, efficient, fit, good, qualified

2) ) ; ; a ~ witness ) ; - ~ majority

incompetent (adj)

competence (n)

incompetence (n)


include (v)

, (among, in) Have you ~ed the chairman in your list of committee members? ?

inclusion (n)

, , ,

exclude (v)


exclusion (n)

(from) to the ~ of Syn: exception


background (n)

1) , ; the low cottage in the ~ keep in the ~; stay in the ~

2) , , ; , (, , , . . ) to check smb. 's ~ -. one's academic/educational ~ -. religious ~ ethnic or racial ~; to have the right ~ for a job -.


apply (v)

1) , (. ; for ~ -.; to - -.) We ~ed to the authorities for assistance. . ~ in person; ~ by letter Syn: request

2) , , (to) to ~ system ( rule, the law, force, the new method, etc.) / (, , ..)

3) , ; (to) This rule ~s to all. . Syn: refer, relate

application (n)

~ form

applicant (n)


assign (v)

1) , , to ~ counsel to the defendant Syn: appoint

2) , , , (, ) They ~ed us a very difficult mission. .

3) He ~ed me two clerks. . Syn: appoint, designate

4) to ~ a sum of 10,000 dollars 10 .

5) ( -. , . .) This song is sometimes ~ed to Schubert. . Syn: ascribe

assignment (n)


discretion (n)

1) , ; ; Syn: separation, disjunction, distinction

2) ; at customer's ~ at the ~ of complete, full, wide ~ to proceed with ~

3) ; ; , ; ; years of ~ Syn: sagacity, prudence discretion is the better part of valour. .


remove (v)

1) ) , The bed was ~ed downstairs. . Syn: move, shift, transfer, convey ) , ; ; ~ one's hand; ~ one's eyes Syn: withdraw ) ( , -. -. ..) to ~ one's hat ( )

2) , ; Syn: depart

3) , , ,

4) ) , , Mr. Green was ~ed from the chairmanship of the club. . Syn: dismiss, eliminate, expel ) Syn: assassinate, murder

removal (n)

1) ; ; snow ~

2) ( )

3) , ; ; water ~ Syn: elimination





feedback (n)

; , , ~ effect





capricious (adj)

, ; , Syn: inconstant


graduate (v)

1) ; to ~ with honors, graduate cum laude

2) , From commercials she quickly ~ed to television shows. -. Syn: progress


4) , , (in) Is this ruler ~ed in centimetres? ?

graduate (n)

1) ; college ~, university ~ , ~ work , ; ~ student


3) , Syn: measuring glass

undergraduate (n)

c a university ~ Syn: student

postgraduate (n)



supervise (v)

, ( -.); ; Syn: control

supervisor (n)

1) , ; , Syn: jailer




extend (v)

1) ) (), (); The border ~s to the river. . The strike has ~ed over 22 weeks. 22 . Syn: reach, stretch ) ( ) ) , ( , , ..); , ( ) We ~ed the fence to the edge of our property. . Syn: elongate, lengthen, prolong, stretch, widen, continue

2) , His power ~s over the whole country. . Syn: spread.

3) ( ) They ~ed a warm welcome to us. . Syn: convey, stretch

extension (n)

1) ) , , Syn: lengthening ) ( , ) Matter has ~. . ) ; ,

2) ) , A dining-room ~. . ) ( , , , )

3) ) ( , ) ) , ..

4) , to grant an ~

5) "" , ..


person (n)

1) ; , ; not a single ~ , missing person a real ~

2) ) ; ) , Syn: personage

3) (. a juridical ~)

personnel (n)

1) , (, ) government ~ qualified ~

2) enlisted ~ military ~


site (n)

1) ; , ; ~ of breakdown Syn: position, situation, location

2) ; , ( )

3) ) , ) ) () , ;

site (v)

1) ) , , Syn: locate, place ) , , , Syn: lie

2) ( )




ramify (v)

ramification (n)

1) ;

2) ; ( , ); ( ) ~ of a river ~ a plot

3) Syn: branch, offshoot


judge (n)

judge (v)

judg(e)ment (n)

1) , ; sit in ~ Syn: trial

2) , , ~ for/against (defendant/plaintiff) / (/) final ~ ; Syn: punishment, penalty

3) , ( ), (of, about - -., -.) in smb's ~ -. , -. Syn: opinion, look, estimate

4) , ; , (of, on, upon) Syn: criticism

5) , ; ; to show good/sound/poor ~ //-; He's a man of excellent judg(e)ment. . a snap ~; to make ~


weigh (v)

1) (); When did you ~ last? ? The goods were carefully ~ed at the time of shipment. .

2) , , I ~ed the consequences of both sides as fairly as I could. . to ~ one's words to ~ all pros and cons Syn: consider, think over, study

3) (with, against) to~ one plan (thing/proposal/argument, etc.) against another (, , ..) 4) , ; the suitcase ~s quite a lot .

weight (n)

weighty (adj)


betray (v)

1) , , be ~ed by fate

2) , (, ) his voice ~ed him

3) (, );

betrayal (n)

betrayer (n)


put off (v)

1) , Would you please put me off (the train) at the railway station? .

2) ( ..) Please ~ all the lights as you leave the building. , .

3) (-. ) Never ~ till tomorrow what you can do today. , . Syn: call off

4) , ( -., -.)

5) (, ..) How can I ~ these fearful doubts? ?



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