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Выполнить письменно контрольную работу № 1.

Уметь читать и устно переводить тексы по специальности; выписать и выучить незнакомые слова к этим текстам.



Упр. 1. Отработайте чтение следующих слов активного словаря. Запомните их значение:

· to decide [di`said] решать · to forget [f¶`get] забывать · to get into trouble [`get int¶ `trLbl] попасть в беду · to go for a walk [wÉ:k] идти на прогулку · to have tea [ti:] пить чай · to drink tea пить чай · to know how [`nou `hau] уметь · to matter [`mæt¶] иметь значение · It doesn't matter. Это неважно. What is the matter? В чем дело? · door-bell [`dÉ:bel] дверной звонок · pupil [`pju:pil] ученик · sheet of paper [`òi:t ¶v `peip¶] лист бумаги · views [vju:z] взгляды · better [`bet¶] лучше · the best [best] наилучший · last [la:st] последний · enough [i`nLf] достаточно · That's enough. Довольно. (Хватит.) · against [¶`geinst] против · in surpise [s¶`praiz] с удивлением · with his back to us спиной к нам · with his face to us лицом к нам · the same [seim] тот же самый · it says [sez] в нем говорится

Интернациональные слова:

сonflict [`kÉnflikt], nervous [`n¶:v¶s], prose [prouz], stop [stÉp], revolutionary [,rev¶`lu:òn¶ri].


Упр. 2. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

Text I “PROSE OF LIFE” by Baksheyev

This is a picture by Baksheyev, a famous Soviet painter. The action takes place at the end of the last century in a middle-class family. There are three people in the room. They are sitting at a tea table. They are having breakfast. We feel there is some conflict between the girl and her father. The girl sitting with her back to her father is looking through the window. There are tears in her eyes but her face expresses protest. Her father sitting on the right looks tired and nervous. He is looking at his daughter angrily and is trying to light up his cigarette. The girl’s mother is sitting in the background. She is not taking part in the conflict. She is holding a cup of tea. She is not even looking at her husband or her daughter. They are not talking. The interior of the room emphasizes the period. The atmosphere of the picture is tense and depressing. The reasons for the conflict are not clear but they make all the three unhappy.





Упр. 3. Письменно ответьте на вопросы:

1. What does this picture portray? 2. When does the action take place? 3. How many people are there in the room? 4. What are they doing? 5. Why is the old man angry? Is he right? 6. Why is the girl looking through the window? 7. What does her face express? Is the girl right? 8. Why isn’t the old woman taking part in the conflict? 9. Why isn’t she looking at her husband? 10. Why aren’t they talking? 11. What do you think is the reason of the conflict? 12. Whom do you sympathize with, the girl or the parents? 13. Do you know any other paintings by the same artist?



Упр. 1. Отработайте чтение следующих слов активного словаря. Запомните их значение:

· to convey [k¶n`vei] передавать · to face [feis] сталкиваться с · to fill [fil] наполнять · to manage [`mænidʒ] удаваться · to shoot on location [`òu:t Én lo(u)`keiòn] снимать на натуре · to tie [tai] привязывать · to travel [`trævl] путешествовать · background [`bækgraund] фон · beauty [`bju:ti] красота · eternity [i`t¶:niti] вечность · feeling [`fi:liŋ] чувство · greatness [`greitnis] величие · horse [hÉ:s] лошадь · location shot [lo(u)`keiòn `òÉt] натурный кадр · meaning [`mi:niŋ] значение, смысл · movement [`mu:vm¶nt] движение · step [step] шаг · stillness [`stilnis] тишина, покой · sunrise [`sLnraiz] восход солнца · sunset [`sLnset] закат солнца · clear [kli¶] ясный · elder (son) [`eld¶] старший (сын) · eternal [i`t¶:n¶l] вечный · gentle [`dʒentl] мягкий, нежный · golden [`gouldn] золотистый · lonely [`lounli] одинокий · still [stil] неподвижный, тихий · alone [¶`loun] один, наедине · cycle of life [`saikl] круговорот (цикл) жизни · for example [ig`za:mpl] например · the fact that то, что · from town to town из города в город · just a few всего лишь несколько · just a few steps away всего лишь в нескольких шагах


Интернациональных слова:

decorative [`dek¶r¶tiv], delicate [`delikit], idealize [`aidi¶laiz], genius [`dʒi:nj¶s], method [`meq¶d], melancholic [,mel¶ŋ`kÉlik], pastoral [`pa:st¶r¶l], philosophical [,fil¶`sÉfik¶l], result [ri`zLlt], rhythm [riðm], unique [ju`ni:k].


Упр. 2. Письменно переведите следующие сочетания интернациональных слов:

а) деликатные манеры, монотонный ритм, меланхолическая тема, политический конфликт, символическая форма, уникальный талант, идеальный климат, практический результат, нервный тип.

б) expressive monologue, political protest, real genius, continental climate, regular seminar, British colony, spiritual music, serious measure, compositional method.

Упр. 3. Прочитайте и переведите тексты II и III:


There are many brilliant landscape-painters in Russian art. We all love Shishkin’s forests, Polenov’s charming views of Russian nature, Savrasov’s fresh and optimistic landscapes and many others.

But Levitan is unique. When you stand before his lovely cancases you forget that just a few steps away there is a big city full of movement, where people are hurrying here and there like mad, where cars are speeding along the streets filling the air with smoke… Here you are alone with Beauty, alone with Russia.

Levitan’s landscapes are full of loneliness and sadness. It is difficult to believe that some of these paintings are the work of a 17-year-old painter (like “Autumn”, 1877). His art is like the music of Tchaikovsky and Rakhmaninov. It is lyrical and melancholic. His palette is not bright. It is soft and gentle. Even the names of almost all his pictures reflect the feeling of hopelessness and sadness, for example, “Eternal Peace”, “Golden Autumn”.

Let’s have a look at one of Levitan’s landscapes “Autumn Day. Sokolniky”. The picture portrays a lovely view of a park. In the foreground there is a lonely figure of a lady walking along the road. On each side of the road there are tall trees. It is early autumn. The leaves are already getting yellow. It is warm and still. The sky is clear. It is not only a decorative background in Levitan’s pictures but a symbol of greatness and eternity. It speaks of life passing, of the Greatness of Nature.


k. c/ 128



By Thomas Rowlandson

С. 130



This is a drawing by the well-known English artist of the XVIIIth century. Thomas Rowlandson. The name of the picture is “Artist travelling about Wales”. The action takes place at night. It is dark. Rowlandson portrays a poor painter, travelling from town to town on an old horse. He is holding his easel under his left arm, his palette and box of paints are tied to the saddle. He is holding an umbrella over his head because it is raining hard and a cold wind is blowing. The man is not young. His face expresses hope. He hopes to find some lonely farm and spend the night there. The painter is not travelling alone. His wife and two children are walking after him. The woman is holding a baby in her arms and the elder son is holding her by the hand. They are already tired and hungry. Rowlandson emphasizes the fact that these people are homeless and poor and that their life is very hard.


Упр. 4. Прочитайте следующий текст и перескажите его:

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