Just about every known kind of occupation is represented in civil service, from the professional man—doctor, lawyer, teacher—at the top of the ___1___ to the unskilled laborer ___2___. Therefore, regardless of the skill or knowledge you possess, there is probably something you’re ___3___ to do in government service, national, state, or local.
Also, it is possible to start in government service without ___4___ or knowledge. For example, if you are just a general high school graduate with an interest; in printing, you may become an apprentice with the Government Printing Office in Washington, D.C., or in a similar ___5___ in the capital of a state. If you are a general college graduate you may take the junior professional assistant examination for the ___6___ or the similar examination in the state services which use such a test. If you pass and are “certified” you can get on-the-job training for a large number of ___7___ and technical vocations.
Government jobs, national, state, and local, could be broken down into four or five major ___8___
Government employs all kinds of technical and scientific men. |
Education, highways, police, and fire protection are the major ___9___ of state and local government. The post office in normal times employs a third of all federal employees. The War Department was the second largest federal employer most of the time between the two wars.
Government jobs can also be described as:
1. Administrative
2. Professional, scientific, and technical
3. Clerical
4. Skilled trades
5. Unskilled
The administrative group runs all the way from the non-political men at the top of the departments and bureaus to the personnel, budget, methods, and information technicians, and administrative aids and assistants at the bottom. Some of these jobs are found only in ___10___, but most of them have their counterparts in private enterprise.
The professional and scientific groups are well understood. The list extends from A for agronomist to Z for zoologist. It is riot possible to carry oil most of these jobs without college and professional school training.
The same, if not greater, variety holds for the social sciences too. People with training in business administration, economics, economic geography, statistics, accounting, public administration, or similar fields have opportunities for jobs in almost every ___11___ and agency. Persons who can handle a specialty and are also qualified in one or more foreign languages have a second vocational channel in the foreign activities of the government.
5. Прочитайте текст What Kinds of Jobs are Available in Civil Service? еще раз и закончите предложение информацией из текста
1) A person can start in government service ………
2) The major categories of jobs are ………
3) Government jobs can be divided into ………
4) The administrative group includes ………
5) People with training in business administration can work in ………
6. Повторите слова и выражения задания 1. Прочитайте текст What Kind of People Take Civil Service Jobs? и переведите на русский язык слова и выражения, данные в скобках
THE PRESTIGE of government jobs is not nearly so high as it should be. When they think of the public service, many Americans still have in mind the old days of scandal and (1. коррупция). They seem to be more familiar with the spoils system than the merit system. This is not surprising. The routine operations of civil service don’t (2. получить гласность). But the tugs of war over (3. политические назначения) to top government jobs do make headlines. The public doesn’t always (4. вынашивать в уме) that the political appointments to the policy-determining posts in government are the exceptions and not the rule.
Also, enough state and local governments are still without any kind of merit system to preserve this old view of the (5. правительственная служба).
Actually government employees are a good cross section of the community from which they come. They are likely to be a superior group if they (6. получить работу на основании) of examinations passed in competition with other citizens.
There are a- number of government employees to whom the security of the public service is the prime appeal. But counterbalancing such timeservers is the much larger group of workers who are in the government because of their interest in one social program or another and a desire (7. вносить вклад) to the general welfare.
7. Восстановите логическую последовательность предложений в тексте How do You Get a Government Job? Прочитайте и переведите восстановленный текст. Заполните таблицу после текста
State highway departments are big civil service employers. |
A. Regardless of where you live, the commission will advise you what the most appropriate tests are for you to take. You will be sent an application blank which you fill in and return. Then, when the time comes, you will be advised when and where the examination you are to take will be given. The more popular tests, such as those for typist and stenographer, are given in almost every city in the country. There are no fees or charges. After you have taken the test, you will be told whether or not you passed. If you do, your name will be placed—in the order of the grade you made on the test—on a list or register of eligibles.
B. If you want to work for the federal government, address your letter to the U. S. Civil Service Commission, Washington 25, D.C.
C. Remember that the appointing officer, under the Constitution, has some freedom of choice. In some instances, he may request an interview or ask you to send him additional information about your training or experience before he goes ahead with the appointment. He may pass you over in favor of someone better qualified for the specific job.
D. The respective civil service commissions are of course only the agents for the appointing officers of the departments. However, in almost all cases, inquiries about jobs can be satisfied if addressed to the appropriate civil service authority. If not, questions can be sent directly to the department or agency in which you are interested. These should be addressed to the director of personnel of the department, at least for the national government.
E. The first thing to do is to address a letter to the appropriate civil service authority and ask for information about the kind of job you’re qualified to do.
F. When a government agency needs to hire new personnel, names from the top of the list are “certified” to it by the Civil Service Commission. If and when your name reaches an appointing officer, he may select you for further consideration. He will probably send you an inquiry as to your availability. If you are interested in the job he describes and so indicate, he may make you an offer of the position and name the day for you to start. Your acceptance will clinch the deal—except that your employment is on probation at first and that for some positions the Civil Service Commission in the meantime will conduct a searching investigation into your character, loyalty, and past associations.
In the larger cities, policemen are usually under civil service. |
G. If you want a job working for your state, county, or city government; the procedure is much the same as that outlined for federal civil service, if your governments are under the merit system. Get in touch with the civil service authority in the city hall, in the county courthouse, or in the state capitol. They’ll send you an application, notice of examination, and so forth, as described above. Also, don’t forget the U.S. Employment Service. They have information about public jobs.
H. Also, you have the right to decline an offer. In either case, your name goes back to the “eligible register” and is certified when the next request comes in. Further, the process need not be a blind one on your part. You may indicate on your application such things as the lowest salary you will accept, the place or places where you want to work (and where you don’t want to work!), whether you’ll accept a temporary appointment of say thirty days or six months, and whether you’ll take a traveling job.
1. | |
2. | |
3. | |
4. | |
5. | |
6. | |
7. | |
8. |
8. Прочитайте текст How do You Get a Government Job? еще раз и дайте его краткое изложение по следующей схеме:
1. The title of the text is…
2. It deals with…
3. The first part of the text is devoted to…
4. The second part tells us (about) that…
5. The last part informs us about…
6. Thus we learn from the text (about) that…
9. Прочитайте текст What’s All this Talk about Bureaucrats? Используйте слова в конце каждой строки, чтобы образовать слово, которое подходит по смыслу
“Bureaucrat,” is a kind of cussword pinned on a public servant. | |
It is a ___1___ weapon more than anything else. A study of | POLICY |
bureaucracy in both government and ___2___ was for made | BUSY |
not very many years ago. This study found that characteristics | |
___3___ called bureaucratic - inflexibility, arrogance, petty | GENERAL |
insistence on rules and ___4___ — were to be found in some | REGULATE |
large industries and businesses as well as in some ___5___ | GOVERN |
departments. | |
The ___6___ was not so much between government and | DIFFER |
business as between specific businesses and between different | |
government agencies. There are good, bad, and indifferent | |
examples of each. Much depends on the___7___ at the top. | LEADER |
Government is by nature more restrained than private | |
enterprise. ___8___ to the public requires conformity to all | RESPOND |
pertinent laws and regulations. This is necessary if the public | |
is to maintain its civil rights. Government is the only agent in | |
society with the right to use force on the individual when | |
necessary. The restraint of such power is as important as the | |
authority itself. |
10. Перед вами обложка книги, посвященной гражданским служащим. Какие вопросы могут быть освещены в ней. Подумайте и предложите ваши варианты ответов. Используйте схему ответов, представленную ниже
1) The title of the book is ………
2) It is written by ………
3) To my mind, the book is devoted to the problem ………
4) I suppose the book will tell us / inform us about ………
5) Besides, the book covers such problems / issues as ………
6) The book is devoted to the problem of ………
7) Finally, the last point I want to speak about is ………
1. Подумайте и скажите. Какие факторы по вашему мнению наиболее важны при устройстве на работу. Выберите семь наиболее значимых из предложенных в рамке. Может быть какие-нибудь отсутствуют в списке и вы бы хотели их добавить?
age sex appearance astrological sign contacts and connections experience family background handwriting hobbies intelligence marital status qualifications sickness record blood group references personality |