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Styles of interviewing

The two styles of interviewing used by companies today are the traditional job interview and the behavioral interview.

v The traditional job interview uses broad-based questions such as, "why do you want to (1. работать на эту компанию)," and "tell me about your (2. сильные и слабые стороны)." Interviewing success of failure are more often based on the (3. способность) of the job-seeker to communicate than on the truthfulness or content of their answers. (4. работодатели) are looking for the answer to three questions: does the job-seeker have the (5. навыки) and abilities to perform the job; does the job-seeker possess the enthusiasm and work ethic that the employer expects; and will the job-seeker be a team player and fit into the organization.

v The behavioral job interview is based on the theory that past performance is the best indicator of future (6. поведение), and uses questions that probe specific past behaviors, such as: "tell me about a time where you confronted an unexpected problem," "tell me about an (7. опыт) when you failed to (8. достигать цели)," and "give me a specific example of a time when you managed several projects at once." Job-seekers need (9. готовиться) for these interviews by recalling scenarios that fit the various types of behavioral interviewing questions. Expect interviewers to have several follow-up questions and probe for details that explore (10. все аспекты) of a given situation or experience. Recent college grads with (11. маленький опыт работы) should focus on class projects and group situations that might lend themselves to these types of questions. Hobbies and volunteer work also might provide examples you could use. Job-seekers should frame their answers based on a four-part outline: (1) describe the situation, (2) discuss the actions you took, (3) relate the outcomes, and (4) specify what you learned from it.

12. Чтобы добиться успеха при собеседовании Ричард Хэнсэн советует придерживаться основных правил. Прочитайте и переведите их. Заполните таблицу Job Interviewing Do's / Job Interviewing Don'ts

Job Interviewing Do's Job Interviewing Don'ts



Here are the keys to successful job interviewing. Follow these simple rules and you should achieve success in this important phase of job-hunting.

1.Take a practice run to the location where you are having the interview -- or be sure you know exactly where it is and how long it takes to get there.

2. Research and know the type of job interview you will be encountering.

3. Prepare and practice for the interview.

4. Memorize or over-rehearse your answers.

5. Arrive about 10 minutes early.

6. Chew gum during the interview.

7. Fill in a a job application fill it out neatly, completely, and accurately.

8. Bring extra resumes to the interview.

9. Have a limp or clammy handshake!

10. Remember body language and posture.

11. Tell jokes during the interview.

12. Make good eye contact with your interviewer(s).

13. Show enthusiasm in the position and the company.

14. Smoke, even if the interviewer does and offers you a cigarette.

15. Act as though you would take any job or are desperate for employment.

16. Say anything you want about former colleagues, supervisors, or employers.

17. Answer questions truthfully, frankly and succinctly.

18. Bring up or discuss personal issues or family problems.

19. Conduct yourself as if you are determined to get the job you are discussing.

20. Answer cell phone calls during the interview.

21. Show what you can do for the company rather than what the company can do for you.

22. Inquire about salary, vacations, bonuses, retirement, or other benefits.

23. Close the interview by telling the interviewer(s) that you want the job and asking about the next step in the process.

24. Write thank you letters within 24 hours to each person who interviewed you.


13. Прочитайте тексты Career and Job Fair Do's and Don'ts и Job Interviewing Do's and Don'ts еще раз. Заполните таблицу

A Candidate’s Does A Candidate’s Don’ts

Согласитесь или опровергните утверждения коллег относительно того, что можно и чего нельзя делать при устройстве на работу. Используйте следующие фразы согласия (AGREEMENT) и несогласия (DISAGREEMENT)

v I agree with you v I think so v You are right v That’s right v I disagree with you v I can’t agree with you v You are wrong v Of course not

15. Вам предлагается Quintessential Careers Job Interviewing Quiz. Прочитайте ситуации, подумайте и искренне ответьте (T/F) на предложенные вопросы. Посмотрите значения незнакомых слов в словаре


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