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Quintessential Careers job interviewing Quiz

1. Which of the following is not one of the suggested strategies for preparing for your job interview:

a. conduct research on the company/industry

b. prepare answers to possible interview questions

c. gather key resources (extra resumes, reference list) to take with you

d. plan to ask about salary and benefits at the beginning of the interview

2. True or false: Wearing a formal suit is always the safest “dress for success” attire.

a. true

b. false

3. True or false: Being the most qualified candidate for the position just about guarantees you will get the job.

a. true

b. false

4. The STAR (situation, task, action, results) Technique refers to a tool you should consider using for developing answers to what type of interview questions?

a. traditional/conventional

b. psychological

c. behavioral

d. historical

5. True or false: Greeting the receptionist/assistant when you arrive and treating him or her with respect is an important key to your success.

a. true

b. false

6. Which part of the interview is the most important?

a. first minute

b. answers to the "toughest" questions

c. final minute

d. the whole time

7. What are three most important keys to success in interviews?

a. good cologne, nice smile, fresh breath

b. making eye contact, showing enthusiasm, speaking clearly

c. fresh breath, nice smile, making eye contact

d. developing rapport, good posture, fresh breath

8. It’s best to arrive how early before an interview?

a. 1 hour

b. 30 minutes

c. 10 minutes

d. 1 minute

9. True or false: You should use only examples from your actual work experience to answer the question during a job interview.

a. true

b. false

10. The best thing to do in an interview when you get a question that stumps you temporarily is:

a. sit there and just stare at the interviewer

b. keep saying, "good question, good question"

c. respond with, "I just really can’t answer that"

d. paraphrase the question while giving yourself time to think

11. True or false: Taking detailed notes in an interview is an accepted practice.

a. true

b. false

12. When the interviewer asks you the question, "tell me about yourself," s/he really wants what in response?

a. a 10-minute detailed story of your life, from birth to present

b. a concise narrative of your personal and professional background and goals and how they relate to the job at hand

c. a short narrative of your personal life, leaving nothing to the imagination

d. a long-winded account of your last vacation

13. How should you respond to the question, "where do you see yourself in five years?"

a. "I just want to be at a place in my life when I’m happy with who I am -- the job I’m doing would have to support that."

b. "I could see myself starting my own business."

c. "I would hope I am still with this organization in a position of increased responsibility, making a vital contribution to its success."

d. "I just want to have a steady income that I am satisfied with and that allows me to be financially independent."

14. The best way to answer the question, "Why do you want to work for our company," is by saying:

a. "You’ve been the market leader for the past five years because of the reputation of your products and quality of customer satisfaction and I would like to contribute my services to continue the organization’s successes."

b. "You’ve been the market leaders for the past five years, and I think it would be really great for my career to work for your organization."

c. "I love the fact that I can dress in jeans every day and that the office is only a five minute bike ride from the beach."

d. "I’m really attracted by the great salary and benefits your company offers."

15. True or false: If you’re asked to discuss your current boss, whom you dislike, you should tell the truth about him.

a. true

b. false

16. If you are returning to the workforce or have gaps in your employment history and are asked about what you were doing during that time, you should:

a. talk about volunteering or consulting work you completed

b. mention that being a parent takes top priority in your life

c. discuss the long mourning period over the loss of a loved one

d. state that you tend to need breaks between jobs

17. True or false: No matter what, you should always ask a question when the interviewer asks if you have any questions about the job or the company.

a. true

b. false

18. Which of the following is not one of the most common mistakes job-seekers make during job interviews:

a. limp, clammy handshake

b. over-emphasis on money

c. lack of interest and enthusiasm

d. too much knowledge of the company

19. True or false: At the end of the interview, you should always ask about the next step in the process.

a. true

b. false

20. As soon as you get back from the interview, you should:

a. put your feet up and relax, knowing you did a great interview

b. spend hours kicking yourself for some poor answers you gave

c. immediately fire off thank you letters to each person who interviewed with you

d. quit your current job in anticipation of a new job offer



Number of questions you answered correctly:

19-20: You're in great shape and should do well in job interviews.
17-18: You're in good shape, though you need to do some polishing of your interviewing tactics.

15-16: You're in need of doing some real work to get a better understanding of job interviewing.

Under 15: You're in need of spending a lot of time learning about the job interviewing process.

Представьте, что вы имеете большой опыт по устройству на работу. Ваш друг обратился к вам за советов. С помощью текста, предложенного ниже, попытайтесь обсудить возможные варианты ваших действий при устройстве на работу



1. Finding a new job should not take any longer than one month.

2. You should always avoid paying an employment agency in order to get the best job leads.

3. The best way to find a job is looking through want ads and job postings.

4. Networking is an important activity when you're already employed.

5. Internet job-hunting is the wave of the future and should comprise the majority of your job-hunting time.

6. A scannable or text-based resume is just a stripped down version of your regular (formatted) resume.

7. Your (formatted) resume should be no longer than one page in length.

8. Using action verbs should be a key part of writing your resume and cover letters.

9. You don't always need to send a cover letter with your resume when applying for a job.

10.You should follow-up your cover letters with a phone call to the employer.

11.Sending thank you letters to every person you interview with is a nice gesture, but not really necessary.

12.What you wear and how you look has an impact on job interviews.

13.It is extremely important to prepare for interviews by preparing questions to ask as well as preparing answers to questions you may be asked.

14.A basic knowledge of a company and the industry (or industries) it operates in is not crucial when job-hunting.

15.Once you've been offered the job, you can start negotiating your salary.




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