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Ex 3. Open the brackets, using the Possessive Case

1. Have you seen (Henry) new bicycle? 2. Let’s join in the (children) games. 3. We heard the (men) shouts in the distance. 4. Mary sings in the (ladies) choir. 5. That building is (Jack & Mary) house. 6. What’s (the Wilsons) number? 7. You can buy this mixture at the (chemist). 8. Henry is a ballet-dancer at the Bolshoi Theatre which is the (world) best ballet house. 9. The (ship) crew stood on deck. 10. She went to the (baker). 11. (Moscow) theatres are the best in the world. 12. My (sister) friend is coming to tea. 13. The name of Mrs. (Smith) dog is Mickey. 14. My elder brother (Peter) son is very ill. 15. He’s my (sister) (husband) father. 16. Ellen is a (lady) servant. 17. Hilary is going to the (dentist). 18. The students have ten (minutes) break. 19. That’s (the Prince of Wales) helicopter. 20. Did you see the cartoon in (yesterday) paper?

Ex. 4. Rewrite these sentences using ‘s, s’ or (‘).

1. This bicycle is for a child. 2. That umbrella belongs to James. 3. This pen belongs to the teacher. 4. The theatres in Moscow are the best in the world. 5. This is the signature of Mr. Brown. 6. The room is for the guests. 7. I always buy newspapers in the evening. 8. Exports from Britain to the United States have fallen recently. 9. This bag belongs to my friend. 10. I liked the dinner we had yesterday at the café belonging to Mike.

Ex. 5. Only where possible use ‘s.

1. That’s the voice of a woman. 2. Where’s the key of the car? 3. That’s the decision of the committee. 4. It’s the book of no one. 5. This is the copy of the poetry of Keats. 6. The sound of a carriage was heard. 7. Do you have a book of this author? 8. Where’s the surgery of the doctor? 9. The keyboard of the piano was damaged. 10. It was in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. 11. The cover of the book is torn.

Ex. 6. What could we use in the place of the words in brackets?

1. Your mother has gone to (the shop owned by the hairdresser). 2. I’ll meet you at (the shop owned by the chemist). 3. I’m going to spend the night at (the house owned by my aunt). 4. We were married in (the church dedicated to St. Andrew). 5. I bought this at (the department store owned by Marks and Spencer). 6. I had dinner (in the house of my friend).

Ex. 7. Join the sentences using ‘s or s’.

Example: The Joneses have a house. It is very large.

The Joneses’ house is very large.

1. My parents live on a farm. It’s near the Russian border. 2. Alice has written a novel. It’s not very good. 3. Mr. Shephard uses a computer. It saves him a lot of time. 4. Jake has got a new job. It seems to be very interesting. 5. The girls have music lessons. They’re on Mondays. 6. The dogs were barking last night. It woke me up.

Ex. 8. Write a new sentence using ’s with underlined words.

1. The meeting tomorrow has been cancelled. 2. The storm last week caused a lot of damage in our town. 3. The only cinema in the town has been closed down. 4. Exports from Britain to the USA have fallen recently. 5. Tourism is the main industry in the region. 6. There will be a big crowd at the football match this evening. 7. The son of my elder bother Peter is a doctor. 8. I usually buy bread at the bakery not far from my house. 9. I’m looking forward to spending my holiday in the house of my aunt near the sea. 10. Russia has the largest deposits of oil in the world. 11. There are a lot of interesting books in the libraries of the city.

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