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Употребите глаголы в форме страдательного залога в соответствующих временах

Oil Well History


Warm up


1. What does well mean?

If you can answer what kinds of wells do you know?

2. Do you know anything about oil and gas well? (history)

3. Where were first wells drilled? What were they made of?

4. Do you know what is called “turning water”?

5. Where were the earliest known oil wells built?

6. What countries do you think petroleum industry was established first?

If you cannot answer do it after reading the text.


Translate the following derivatives


1. To construct – construction, constructional, construction (paper, site)

2. To access – accessible, accession, accessorize, to add accessory, access road/ time

3. To produce – a produce, producer, production, productive, productivity

4. To distill (to distill) – distillation, distillate, distiller, distillery

5. To exploit – exploitation, exploitative, exploration, exploratory

6. Sense – senseless, sensibility, sensible, sensitive, sensitivity

7. Industry – industrial, industrially, industrialism, industrialist, industrialize, industrialization

8. Environment – environmental, environmentalist, environmentally




1. Brine (briny), n. – very salty water (water containing a lot of salt, syn – salty water)

2. Tar – a thick black sticky liquid that becomes hard when cold

3. To seep (especially of liquids) – to flow slowly and in small quantities through smth or into smth (syn – to trickle)

4. To claim – to say that smth is true although it has not been proved and other people may not believe it

5. Confine – limits or borders

6. Naphtha – a type of oil that starts burning very easily, used as fuel or in making chemicals

7. Abundance (of smth) – a large quantity that that is more than enough (in large quantities)

8. Lithology, n. – the study of the general physical characteristics of rocks

Read and translate the text using the given words



Translate the text using the given vocabulary.

1. Percussively - ударно, ударный

2. To deviate - отклоняться

3. Proper - надлежащий, подходящий, присущий, свойственный

4. Brine - морская вода, соляной раствор

5. Tar - Смола, деготь, гудрон

6. Alembic - Перегонный куб

7. Naphtha - Хим. лигройн

8. Seep - просачиваться

9. Confine - ограничивать, придерживаться (чего-либо)


Oil well

The pumpjack, such as this one located south of Midland, Texas, is a common sight in West Texas.

An oil well is a general term for any boring through the earth's surface that is designed to find and acquire petroleum oil hydrocarbons. Usually some natural gas is produced along with the oil. A well that is designed to produce mainly or only gas may be termed a gas well.


Oil extraction in Boryslav in Galicia in 1909.

The earliest known oil wells were drilled in China in 347 CE. They had depths of up to about 800 feet (240 m) and were drilled using bits attached to bamboo poles. The oil was burned to evaporate brine and produce salt. By the 10th century, extensive bamboo pipelines connected oil wells with salt springs. The ancient records of China and Japan are said to contain many allusions to the use of natural gas for lighting and heating. Petroleum was known as burning water in Japan in the 7th century.[2]

The Middle East's petroleum industry was established by the 8th century, when the streets of the newly constructed Baghdad were paved with tar, derived from petroleum that became accessible from natural fields in the region. Petroleum was distilled by the Persian alchemist Muhammad ibn Zakarīya Rāzi (Rhazes) in the 9th century, producing chemicals such as kerosene in the alembic (al-ambiq),[3][ verification needed ] and which was mainly used for kerosene lamps.[4] Arab and Persian chemists also distilled crude oil in order to produce flammable products for military purposes. Through Islamic Spain, distillation became available in Western Europe by the 12th century.[2]

Some sources claim that from the 9th century, oil fields were exploited in the area around modern Baku, Azerbaijan, to produce naphtha for the petroleum industry. These fields were described by Marco Polo in the 13th century, who described the output of those oil wells as hundreds of shiploads. When Marco Polo in 1264 visited the Azerbaijani city of Baku, on the shores of the Caspian Sea, he saw oil being collected from seeps. He wrote that "on the confines toward Geirgine there is a fountain from which oil springs in great abundance, inasmuch as a hundred shiploads might be taken from it at one time."

1904 oil well fire at Bibi-Eibat.

Shallow pits were dug at the Baku seeps in ancient times to facilitate collecting oil, and hand-dug holes up to 35 meters (115 ft) deep were in use by 1594. These holes were essentially oil wells. Apparently 116 of these wells in 1830 produced 3,840 metric tons (about 28000 barrels) of oil. Also, offshore drilling started up at Baku at Bibi-Eibat field in 1846, about the same time that the first offshore oil well was drilled in 1896 at the Summerland Oil Field on the California Coast.

The earliest oil wells in modern times were drilled percussively, by hammering a cable tool into the earth. Soon after, cable tools were replaced with rotary drilling, which could drill boreholes to much greater depths and in less time. The record-depth Kola Borehole used non-rotary mud motor drilling to achieve a depth of over 12 000 meters (38,000 ft). Until the 1970s, most oil wells were vertical, although lithological and mechanical imperfections cause most wells to deviate at least slightly from true vertical. However, modern directional drilling technologies allow for strongly deviated wells which can, given sufficient depth and with the proper tools, actually become horizontal. This is of great value as the reservoir rocks which contain hydrocarbons are usually horizontal, or sub-horizontal; a horizontal wellbore placed in a production zone has more surface area in the production zone than a vertical well, resulting in a higher production rate. The use of deviated and horizontal drilling has also made it possible to reach reservoirs several kilometers or miles away from the drilling location (extended reach drilling), allowing for the production of hydrocarbons located below locations that are either difficult to place a drilling rig on, environmentally sensitive, or populated.


Ex.1. Find the right definitions to the following words


1. Crude

2. To seep

3. To spring (sprang - sprung)

4. Tool

5. Well

6. Sensitive

7. To distil

8. Access

9. Hammer

10. Bamboo

11. Rig

12. Environment

13. Depth

14. To contain


A. In its natural state, before it has been treated with chemicals (of oil and other natural substances) (crude oil/ metal)

B. The process by which a liquid flows slowly and in small quantities through smth, the result of this process

C. To jump/ move suddenly, to move suddenly with one quick movement in a particular direction (syn. – leap, to appear suddenly)

D. An instrument such as a hammer, screwdriver, saw etc. that you hold in your hand and use for proper tool making things, repairing things etc; a thing that helps you to do your job or to achieve smth.

E. A deep hole in the ground from which people obtain water; oil well

F. Refers to how easily you react to things and how much you are aware of things or other people; easily offended or upset; that you have to treat with great care because it may offend people or make them angry

G. To make a liquid pure by heating it until it becomes a gas, then cooling it and collecting the drops of liquid that form

H. A way of entering or rending a place

I. A tool with a handle and a heavy metal head, used for breaking things or hitting nails (noun)

To hit with tool smth (in, into, onto smth) (verb)

G. A tall tropical plant that is a member of the grass family and has hollow stems that are used for making furniture, pole, etc.

K. (especially in compounds) A large piece of equipment that is used for taking oil or gas from the ground or the bottom of the sea

L. The conditions that effect the behavior and development of smb, smth; the natural world in which people, animals and plants live

M. The distance from the top or surface to the bottom of smth

N. If smth contains smth else, it has that thing inside it or as a part of it



Ex.2. Give synonyms to the following words


1. To construct

2. Essential

3. To drill

4. To achieve


5. To contain

6. Claim

7. Environment

8. Place


9. Rate

10. Soil

11. Wide

12. To seep

13. Difficult (not easy)


14. Brine (briny)



Charge, fee, rent, dues, toll, rental, tariff

To put together

To make a hole in smth. using a drill

Hard, challenging, demanding, taxing, testing

To restrain

Allegation, assertion, contention


Site, position, location, scene, spot, venue

To attain, accomplish


To trickle

Mud, clay, laind, earth, dirt, ground

Setting, surroundings, background, backdrop situation

Vital, crucial, critical, decisive, indispensable


Ex.3. Find antonyms to the following words


1. Shallow

2. Place

3. Rotary

4. Perfection

5. Difficult

6. Productive

7. Sensitive

8. Auditable

A. Unproductive

B. Unachievable

C. Deep

D. Non-rotary

E. Replace

F. Insensitive

G. Easy

I. Imperfection



Ex.4. Find more information about oil gas wells and share your information (on-line).




Passive voice

Страдательный залог

to be + P2(V3)

Страдательный залог используется для того, чтобы описать, что происходит с подлежащим, а действительный – что подлежащее делает.


1. The teachergavehim a book. Учитель дал ему книгу. (Действительный залог).

2. The bookwas givento him. Книга была дана ему. (Страдательный залог).

3. He was giventhe book. Ему дали книгу (Страдательный залог).


В страдательном залоге говорящего мало интересует, кем или чем было произведено действие, но если требуется указать, то используются предлоги by (для одушевленных предметов) или with (для неодушевленных предметов).

1. Australia was discovered by Captain Cook. - Австралия была открыта капитаном Куком.

2. The letter was written with a pencil. - Письмо было написано карандашом.


Формы страдательного залога представлены в следующей таблице:


  Simple простое обычное, регулярное Continuous происходящее в определенный момент Perfect завершенное
Infinitive Инфинитив To be + V3 to be being + V3 To have been + V3
Present Настоящее Am Is + V3 Are Am Is being + V3 are Have been + V3 has
Past Прошедшее Was + V3 were Was being + V3 were Had been + V3
Future Будущее Will be + V3 ___________ Will have been + V3


1. Есть несколько глаголов, с которыми одной активной конструкции в английском языке могут соответствовать две пассивные, то есть и прямое, и косвенное дополнения могут стать подлежащим страдательного залога: to give – давать, to send – посылать, to tell – рассказывать, to pay – платить, to promise – обещать, to offer – предлагать, to leave – уезжать, to show – показать.

Обратите внимание: В страдательном залоге перед косвенными дополнениями появляется предлог.

The teacher gave him a book.

The bookwas given to him.

Hewas giventhe book.


2. Есть два глагола, с которыми только одушевленное косвенное дополнение может быть подлежащим страдательного залога: to ask (спрашивать), to teach (преподавать):

The teacheraskedhim a question


одушевленное неодушевленное

дополнение дополнение


Hewas askeda question

3. Только одна пассивная конструкция, где прямое дополнение действительного залога может стать подлежащим страдательного залога, возможна со следующими глаголами: to buy – покупать, to explain – объяснять, to mention – упоминать, to deliver – доставлять, to sell – продавать, to recommend – рекомендовать, to introduce – представлять, to sing – петь, to repeat – повторять, to write – писать, to describe – описывать, to dictate – диктовать, to read – читать, to declare – заявлять.

Сравните: I promised – Я обещал. I was promised – Мне обещали


Ex. 1. Переведите с английского на русский:

1. It was drilled into us at an early age never to drop litter (мусор)

2. The well is created by drilling a hole 5 to 36 inches diameter into the earth with a drilling rig, which rotates drill sting with a bit attached.

3. The well can be drilled deeper with a smaller bit

4. The process is all facilitated by a drilling rig which contains all necessary equipment to circulate the drilling fluid.

5. After drilling and casing the well, it must be “completed”.

6. The man was described as tall and dark, and aged about 20.

7. Jim was described by his colleagues as “unusual”.


Ex. 2. Переведите из действительного залога в страдательный. Дайте два варианта в тех случаях, где это возможно.


1. Nick offered me a very good textbook.

2. Someone has shown Peter the easiest way of solving this problem (equation).

3. The manager pays him $100 every week.

4. The teacher asked me difficult questions at the exam.

5. Ann is telling John a joke.

6. My friend teaches me French.

7. I can recommend you a good book.

8. My cousin wrote me a funny letter.


Употребите глаголы в форме страдательного залога в соответствующих временах.

1. Lanny noticed that he... (watch) by three white men on the other side of the street. 2.1 hope the letter... (send) tomorrow. 3. It... (decide) to say nothing to him until the answer... (receive). 4. You thought that the letter... (lose). 5. You don't know he was with me two hours before he... (find). 6. I don't want to hear another word, I never... (insult) so in my life. 7. The table... (lay) for his supper. 8. He... (forbid) to receive either letters or telegrams. 9. She felt suddenly that she... (watch). 10. I know that you... (follow) in London and it is difficult to say who the spy is. 11.1 just... (offer) an interesting job. 12. What shall I do if you... (kill)? 13. This is the stage upon which the tragedy... (play) recently. 14. She... (give) a table for two and soon a man came and sat down opposite her.


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