This school is situated in the town of Isaul, Moldavia. It stands in a park of more than 50 hectars. More than 800 teachers, laboratory, field and other personnel work there. About a thousand students are trained at school to become specialists in agriculture.
The school is a part of a very large state farm named Moldova State Farm. The farm is very rich. It has large areas under grapes and tobacco. It also produces milk, cheese and other products. Most agricultural processes both in land cultivation and cattle breeding are mechanized.
Education at school is combined with agricultural production and theory is combined with practice. This combining of education with production helps the students to understand better their lectures. The students study in laboratories and classrooms that have electronic equipment and television.
The students are taught the most modern methods used in agriculture today. They are trained for three and a half years and receive 100 roubles a month stipend.
Most of the young people who have finished this or the same type of school of which there are many in Moldavia work on state farms of the Republic.
2.Найдите в тексте 7 интернациональных слов и напишите, что они означают в русском языке.
3.Выпишите из текста предложения, поясняющие следующие высказывания
1. Today young people can get professional training on a farm.
2. Students are trained to use modern equipment.
3. Students are motivated to get agricultural education.
4.Образуйте формы страдательного залога следующих глаголов: (to kill – to be killed)
To change, to finish, to produce, to grow
Составьте предложения в страдательном залоге, используя эти слова.
5.Найдите в тексте и выпишите английские эквиваленты следующих сочетаний слов
Электронное оборудование, производить молоко и сыр, большинство процессов, стипендия в 100 рублей, государственные фермы
6.Переведите, обращая внимание на перевод условных предложений (укажите тип условного предложения)
1. We would have stayed at home if we had known that he was coming. 2. If you tell me the truth I won’t be angry. 3. If he had eaten less he wouldn’t have become fat. 4. If he had taken my advice he wouldn’t have got into trouble. 5. If she practiced more she would know English better.
Вариант 5
1.Прочтите и переведите на русский язык
Scientists have always shown interest in the ways in which ants live their short lives. Their behavior is among the most unusual in the animal world. One good example of such behavior, and slavery, was in the focus of attention of American biologists.
No fewer than 35 species of ants use slave labour for their purposes. Almost all of them are soldier or army ants. They have become so specialized as soldiers that they will die of hunger if they had no slaves. They are built to fight, but can’t do simple tasks about the home or get food like worker ants do. Interestingly, worker ants who become slaves to army ants have the same physical characteristics as their masters, but themselves do not take slaves. The only real difference between slaves and slave makers is that slaves are not allowed to have babies.
When army ants make a raid they come out of their ant hill and move quickly to the hill of a slave species. They kill those of the workers who are trying to fight and then take and carry off the pupae of the worker ants. When young ants are born they at once begin to do the tasks for which they are generally programmed.
In the home army ants are inactive. They leave almost all the ordinary work to their slaves. If the slaves are taken away from them they become very active. They try to do the tasks usually carried out by the slaves. They do not do these tasks well but most importantly, the soldiers are unable to get food. When the slave ants are returned, they put the home back in good order. The slave makers go back to their usual idle ways.
But because slave ants are not allowed to have babies the slave makers must get slaves periodically. Their attacks are highly organized exercises in communication. One of the soldiers is some distance from the main group of ants. When he finds an enemy he returns to his comrades to inform them. Not to lose his way, the soldier ant marks it with a special substance its body makes. Finding the main group, he quickly moves down the line touching noses with each of his comrades. In this way an important signal goes from ant to ant. In a minute an attacking army of hundreds is moving towards the enemy.
2.Найдите в тексте 7 интернациональных слов и напишите, что они означают в русском языке.
3.Ответьте на вопросы:
1. Why the scientists study the ways of ants? 2. What is the difference between army ants and worker ants? 3. Where do army ants get slaves? 4. What happens when slaves are taken away? 5. What do army ants do when they find an enemy? 6. What facts from the story seem unusual to you?
4.Образуйте формы страдательного залога следующих глаголов: (to kill – to be killed)
To return, to carry, to make, to show
Составьте предложения в страдательном залоге, используя эти слова.
5.Найдите в тексте и выпишите английские эквиваленты следующих сочетаний слов
Животный мир, пример такого поведения, 35 видов муравьев, умрут от голода, рабочие муравьи, особое вещество
6.Переведите, обращая внимание на перевод условных предложений (укажите тип условного предложения)
1. If we had left before breakfast we would not have missed the train. 2. If he were not so lazy he would get better results. 3. If he saw my father he would stop arguing. 4. When you are free we will go on a picnic. 5. We would send for the doctor if he had a high temperature.
Вариант 6
1.Прочтите и переведите на русский язык
The biorhythm theory is not fully proved. According to this theory from the very first day a man’s life moves in three cycles: a physical cycle of 23 days, an emotional cycle of 28 days and an intellectual cycle of 33 days. In each cycle, half of the days are plus and half are minus.
In the 23-day physical cycle, the 11 – and – a half plus days are a good time for physical training or for any activity requiring physical strength. During the 11-and-a half minus days, a person feels less strong and active. He easily gets tired on these days. The 28-day emotional cycle lasts almost as long as the lunar month. In the 14 plus days, both men and women feel happy, are understanding and ready to help. On these days their reactions to life situations are mostly positive.
In the 14 minus days they feel unhappy and are not satisfied with life. Their reactions are mostly negative.
During the 16 – and –a half plus days of the intellectual cycle, a person finds it easier to study, write creatively, understand mathematics or do any other intellectual task. You learn easier and remember more of what you learned at this time. In the minus period of 16-and-a half days a person can’t do the same tasks so well. These are days better spent in review or practice.
In all these cycles, the day the cycle changes from plus to minus or from minus to plus is called a critical day. On this critical day in the physical cycle many people get into all kinds of accidents. This tendency is also noticeable on the critical day in the emotional cycle. There is no connection between the critical day in the intellectual cycle and the number of accidents. If it falls on the same day as a critical day of another cycle, the chances of an accident are greater.
The day your cycle changes from plus to minus or from minus to plus is critical because you are not up or down, but in a short period between two cycles. On such days people are hurt in many ways.
2.Найдите в тексте 7 интернациональных слов и напишите, что они означают в русском языке.
3.Ответьте на вопросы:
1.What are the cycles of a man’s life according to the biorhythm theory? 2.When does a person easily get tired? 3.What time is especially good for study? 4.What is a critical day? 5.What specialists can use this theory in their work?
4.Образуйте формы страдательного залога следующих глаголов: (to kill – to be killed)
To do, to spend, to create, to prove
Составьте предложения в страдательном залоге, используя эти слова.
5.Найдите в тексте и выпишите английские эквиваленты следующих сочетаний слов
Интеллектуальный цикл, эмоциональный цикл, благоприятные дни, неблагоприятные дни, эта тенденция
6.Переведите, обращая внимание на перевод условных предложений (укажите тип условного предложения)
1. I will not trust you any more if you tell me lies again. 2. They could would have saved her if they had come earlier. 3. You would look better if you took care of yourself. 4. I would buy the dress if I were you. 5. He would bring the book if he read it.
Вариант 7
1.Прочтите и переведите на русский язык
Experimenters at two laboratories in Novosibirsk have discovered surprising facts. They show that disease is passed between cells by photons, elementary particles of light both seen and unseen by the eye. The diseased cell emits photons which infect other cells, even those in no physical contact with the diseased cell. Not all photons do this – only those of ultraviolet radiation.
More than 5,000 experiments were made. The procedure was this: colonies of identical cells were put in two containers. Each container had one wall made of quartz or of ordinary glass. Quartz passes only ultraviolet radiation, ordinary glass passes everything but UV radiation. Experimenters had already discovered that cells emit photons. The cells of one colony were infected with a virus. If there was quartz glass between the colonies, the second colony would soon show signs identical to those of the first colony. If there was ordinary glass between them, the second colony was not infected.
No chemical or biological carries could pass through quartz or ordinary glass. Radiation was controlled so as to infect only one side. The experimenters decided that the diseased cells passed the disease by carrying information to the healthy side. This information passed only through quartz glass, and quartz glass passes only ultraviolet radiation. They also decided that the disease was coded into the UV photon emission of cells. The experiments also proved that cells infected by different diseases emit radiation of different kind. If the disease of the cell is coded into the photon emission, it seems it will be possible to stop this emission and in this way to stop the disease from spreading. Some antibiotics can do this, for example, tetracycline. And so can our old friend, aspirin.
2.Найдите в тексте 7 интернациональных слов и напишите, что они означают в русском языке.
3.Ответьте на вопросы
1. In what place did scientists make their discoveries? 2. How many experiments were made? 3. What radiation does quartz pass? 4. What can stop the disease from spreading?
4.Образуйте формы страдательного залога следующих глаголов: (to kill – to be killed)
To spread, to discover, to carry, to code
Составьте предложения в страдательном залоге, используя эти слова.
5.Найдите в тексте и выпишите английские эквиваленты следующих сочетаний слов
Пропускать ультрафиолет, открыть удивительные факты, остановить болезнь от распространения, заражать другие клетки
6.Переведите, обращая внимание на перевод условных предложений (укажите тип условного предложения)
1. You would be angry if you knew this. 2. I would not have believed it if I had not seen it with my own eyes. 3. I will go to the party if they invite me. 4. He would take me with him if I were ready. 5. If I had known that you were in hospital I would have visited you.
Вариант 8
1.Прочтите и переведите на русский язык
Today’s Siberia: great forests and the world’s largest hydroelectric power stations, growing cities and scientific centers. But will industrial Siberia be able to keep the world’s cleanest air and water? Will not the great Siberian forests suffer?
The futurologists said that by the end of the 20th century three quarters of Russian people would live in towns. Much of what the people are doing in Siberia may help to form a model for future cities.
Work on the Baikal-Amur Railway (BAM) was started by a group of workers who had to be flown into the taiga by plane. People had to be settled there before the first cold days. Trees were cut down on the side of a hill and the Zvyozdny settlement appeared there.
At that time people did not think about green belts and alleys. Trees in northern areas such as this grow very slowly and it will take a century for this place to become what it was before.
The mistakes of Zvyozdny taught the builders a good lesson, and the Ulkan settlement built a year later is full of greenery.
Tynda is the main town of BAM. Today it is a small island of civilization in taiga. Tomorrow it will become a large modern city. The air must be kept clean, and a large green belt is left between Tynda and the Pervomaisky village.
Travelling from Krasnoyarsk to Divnogorsk you can go by bus, train or on the river. Any way is fine. Admiring the wonderful nature, you forget where you are. This is an industrial area. Krasnoyarsk is the heart of the heavy industry of Eastern Siberia. The world’s largest hydro-electric power station was built in Divnogorsk.
The Kansk-Achinsk fuel and energy complex is growing quickly in the Krasnoyarsk area. In the near future the city of Kansk will turn into one of the biggest centers in Siberia. It will not have what we traditionally call city air. Large sectors of natural forests lie untouched in the city’s limits. In the past five years the people of Kansk have planted thousands of young trees.
Novosibirk’s Science City is the prince among Siberian cities. It lies on the coast of the Ob Sea, Novosibirsk’s man-made sea.
When you look at Novosibirsk’s Science City from a distance, you can’t see the buildings. You see only the forest. When the scientific center was going up the builders had a task which seemed impossible. The nature in and around it had to be left untouched. Yet, they have succeeded. Not a tree was cut down. What’s more, 250 thousand trees were planted.
Siberia builds and experiments. It forms a model for the cities and industrial areas of the future.
2.Найдите в тексте 4 интернациональных слова и напишите, что они означают в русском языке.
3.Выпишите из текста предложения, поясняющие следующие высказывания
1. Building new industrial centers in Siberia Russian people take care of nature.
2. Climatic conditions in the BAM are hard.
3. The first workers did not think much about nature, that was the good lesson for the others.
4. Siberia’s nature is wonderful.
5. New towns in Siberia do not have what we call city air.
6. The new Siberian towns are a model for future cities.
4.Образуйте формы страдательного залога следующих глаголов: (to kill – to be killed)
To settle, to plant, to cut, to build
Составьте предложения в страдательном залоге, используя эти слова
5.Найдите в тексте и выпишите английские эквиваленты следующих сочетаний слов
Гидроэлектростанции, Байкало-Амурская магистраль, группа рабочих, зеленый пояс, топливно-энергетический комплекс
6.Переведите, обращая внимание на перевод условных предложений (укажите тип условного предложения)
1. I would buy the suit if it were my size. 2. If I had more free time I would join you. 3. When you finish the work we will go for a walk. 4. The newspaper would have printed the story if it had been true. 5. I would have understood him if he had spoken slowly.
Вариант 9
1.Прочтите и переведите на русский язык
Any living organism will pollute the place it lives in with its wastes if these wastes are not taken away. Today, man is polluting the air and water without which life is impossible.
In the past the problem was not serious. As a man’s land became ruined, he moved to another. When there were fewer people, resources seemed unlimited. Today, there are great numbers of men and the great resources of the past have become much smaller.
Air pollution from automobiles and industry is slowly killing every big city in the world. In Los Angeles, for example, cars and motorcycles produce over 12,500 tons of air pollution each day. As a result, smog appears which is explained by high ozone concentrations.
The problem of air pollution is made worse because the great oxygen producers of the world – trees, plants and the ocean’s plankton – are disappearing fast. Plankton produces half of the oxygen of the planet. Plankton is easily killed by pesticides such as DDT that are brought into the oceans by rivers. If plankton dies the future of life on this planet is in serious danger.
Life is impossible without clean air and unpolluted water. Today, the danger of water pollution is as serious as that of air pollution. Industrial wastes are thrown out into the world’s water arteries. Almost any organic substance which gets into a lake makes food for water plants. These plants start growing very fast using up deep-water oxygen needed by fish and other animal life. The lake begins to die. Under natural conditions this process of growing old may take many thousands of years. Now, with wastes in the lake’s waters, it may take place in a few years. It happens because the normal balance of the ecological system is upset.
2.Найдите в тексте 7 интернациональных слов и напишите, что они означают в русском языке.
3.Ответьте на вопросы
1. Why must waters be taken away? 2. Why wasn’t the problem of pollution serious in the past? 3. What are the great oxygen producers? 4. What happens when industrial wastes get into rivers and lakes?
4.Образуйте формы страдательного залога следующих глаголов: (to kill – to be killed)
To pollute, to produce, to make, to throw
Составьте предложения в страдательном залоге, используя эти слова
5.Найдите в тексте и выпишите английские эквиваленты следующих сочетаний слов
Загрязнение воздуха, высокая концентрация озона, морской планктон, незагрязненная вода, водные артерии, экологическая система
6.Переведите, обращая внимание на перевод условных предложений (укажите тип условного предложения)
1. What car would you buy if you needed? 2. If I had holiday in summer I would go to the Crimea. 3. If I had gone by car I would have spent less time. 4. If you awake me in the morning, I won’t be late. 5. If you had followed my instructions you would not have got into trouble.
Вариант 10
1.Прочтите и переведите на русский язык
You may think that plants are passive. It seems they have not good enough means of attracting friendly insects which they need for pollination. Or means of protecting themselves against those insects which eat them up. They can’t run after or away from insects. But because plants are connected by strong ties with the insect world, they make substances which allow them to control insects without moving a step.
Biologists discovered that plants do it chemically. For many years biologists have known that plants are very different chemically from animals. A great number of organic substances are made by plants. Thousands of these substances – alkaloids, tannins and many others – are made only by plants.
The function of these substances has been a secret for a long time. It did not seem possible that they could play any role in metabolism.
In the last ten or fifteen years biologists have found that these substances have an ecological role of great importance. They protect plants against insects and their other enemies. Many plants make their own kind of DDT in the form of substances that protect them against their insect enemies.
Plants attract pollinating insects by their bright colors and nice smells. Most insects can see into the ultraviolet part of the spectrum. So, many flowers which look white to us must be very brightly colored and attractive to them.
It is known that insects can’t see the red color, a color at the other end of the spectrum from violet and ultraviolet. This may be the reason that many red flowers, especially large ones, are pollinated by birds.
Another interesting fact is that plants living near big and small rivers may add dangerous substances to the river ecological system. In the autumn many leaves fall into rivers running through forests. This material may include substances made for protection against their enemies. They may also be dangerous to the fish or water microorganisms living in the river.
2.Найдите в тексте 7 интернациональных слов и напишите, что они означают в русском языке.
3.Ответьте на вопросы
1. How are plants connected with the insect world? 2. What did biologists find about substances made only by plants? 3. Who helps plants to be pollinated? 4. What color can’t insects see? 5. Who helps big flowers to be pollinated? 6. Why are plants sometimes dangerous to fish?
4.Образуйте формы страдательного залога следующих глаголов: (to kill – to be killed)
To discover, to eat, to connect, to find
Составьте предложения в страдательном залоге, используя эти слова
5.Найдите в тексте и выпишите английские эквиваленты следующих сочетаний слов
Для опыления, средства защиты, органические вещества, опыляются птицами, против своих врагов
6.Переведите, обращая внимание на перевод условных предложений (укажите тип условного предложения)
1. He would have passed his exam if he had studied better. 2. I will tell you everything when I know all the details. 3. If I were you I would apologize to her. 4. She would have fallen ill if she had got wet in the rain. 5. I would give you money if I had any.