






The oonsignee wiU1out recour se the ODRESS: consignor, the conslgnor shall sign U\e

FoUowing statement: The carrler shall not make delivery of this sh!pment without payment d freighl and all other J'NfU charges.


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Requlred to state specifically!n writing the agreed or declared value the property. The agreed or dedared vatue ol lhe

Property /s hereby specificaiJy staled the shipper to not exceedlng $ per

Market prepaid



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, - . , .

RECEIVED subject to the dasslfications and tariffs in effect on the date of the issue of thi8111 of Lading, the property descried v ln apparenl good ader except 85 noted (contents and condition 1 packages unkncn), marked cons1gned and destlned as lndk:ated v whlch sald carier

(the word rtier elng understood through this contract as meanlng any person or corporatin in possesslonar:re:h:c:::

Agrees to to its usual pl ace ot dellvery as said destlnation. lf on lts route, ol.herwlse to del1ver to another

Lt ls mutuaUy agreed as to each carrler of aU or any of sai d property, over or any portion of sald route to destlnallon and as to each party al any

any performed. ereunder :h/1 _suj clto all i ma:nc
tlme lnleresled Jnall or said propelty, thatevery service to

Jn the governlng classificatlon on th e date ol shipment.. Shipper herey certif1es that he IS fami11ar Wlth allthe

The govemlng classificalion and the sald terms and cond1tlons.



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Per 1 Per D:a:ctec::======;;---1

Mark with or "RO" if approprlate to deslgnate Hazardous aterla s Substances as defined in the Depam.ent ol Tr ansportaUon Regulatlons

Governlng the transportationol hazardous materlals. The use d this column Js an oplionat method for ldenllfyLg hazardous malerlals on Bills ol

Ladlng 112.201()(1)(111} of 4 9. Code Federal Regulations. Also when shippil\g haardous materials, the shlpper' s certification statement


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