1) Paragraph 1 is mostly about:
a) the wonders of water;
b) water as the most wonderful substance on the Earth;
c) properties of water.
2) Paragraph 2 is mostly about:
a) how water possesses a high heat capacity;
b) how water has conditioned the Earth’s climate;
c) how seas, oceans act as heat accumulators.
3) Paragraph 3 is mostly about:
a) the unique role of water in nature;
b) water’s ability to form a strong surface film;
c) how life is originated in primeval seas.
Answer the following questions.
1. Who wonders about the presence of water and oxygen on the planets neighboring the Earth?
2. What brought our Earth to existence?
3. Why is water the most wonderful substance on the Earth?
4. What part of the Earth surface is covered by water?
5. What percentage of the human body does water constitute?
6. Water occurs in three states at the same time: solid, liquid and gaseous, doesn’t it?
7. What substances has conditioned the Earth’s climate?
8. What does water possess?
9. What reservoirs act as heat accumulators?
10. Where is the Earth fiercely heated by the sun?
11. What one more extraordinary characteristic does water have?
12. How can animal and men maintain their body temperature?
13. Why is the role of water unique in nature?
14. Where did life originate?
15. What remarkable properties of water do you know?
16. What forms an extremely strong surface film?
Correct the following sentences.
1. Water constitutes as much as 70% of the human body.
2. It is common knowledge that all substances contract on cooling.
3. Three quarters of the earth’s surface is covered by water, with about one forth of the land is covered by solidified water.
4. Life originated in shallow seas from the substances dissolved in them.
Complete the word combinations below by adding an appropriate noun from the box. Some can combine with more than one noun.
substance state coat thing capacity fluctuations water accumulators temperature vapor properties reactions drops mantle film body atmosphere tension |
1. heat _________________ 1. atmospheric _______________
2. ambient _______________ 2. common __________________
3. solidified _______________ 3. human ____________________
4. remarkable_____________ 4. light ______________________
5. warm__________________ 5. liquid ______________________
6. surface ________________ 6. tiny _______________________
7. wonderful ______________ 7. solid_______________________
8. water __________________ 8. temperature ________________
9. chemical________________ 9. gaseous ____________________
10. body ___________________
Find words in the text that mean the following, the number of the paragraph is given to help you.
regarded as (1) dissolver in (4) tension(4) resemble(1) conditioned (2) light heat capacity(2) exist in (1)
8. Translate into Kazakh/Russian the following words and word combinations.
solid dissolve abundant vapor
surface film constitute originate solidified
liquid expand evaporation gaseous
heat capacity chemical reactions
Which words describe:
a) a common thing on the planet;
b) the properties of water;
c) the role of water in nature.
Find the following in the text
1) a noun meaning “ being present in a place”
2) a phrasal verb meaning “send out”
3) A verb meaning “be real”
4) A verb meaning “be the component of”
5) A noun meaning “state of”
6) An adjective meaning “more than enough”
7) An adjective meaning “concerned with nature”
8) A noun meaning “warmth, hotness”
9) A phrasal verb meaning “ become calm”
10) An adjective meaning “very small”
Match up the words with their definitions.
1. property particular kind of matter
2. surface make or become larger
3. evaporate take in (liquid, heat, light)
4. ability the fact of owing or being owned
5. scarce outside of any object
6. substance capacity or power to do smth. (physical or mental)
7. originate remove liquid from a substance
8. capacity have as a cause or beginning
9. absorb possibility of holding, containing, learning
10. contract take place happen
11. expand make a way into or through
12. fluctuate make or become smaller or shorter
13. occur not available in sufficient quantity
14. penetrate move up and down