


Другие языки
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Общие методические указания по изучению дисциплины

Английский язык


учебно-методическое пособие для организации самостоятельной работы студентов первого курса нелингвистических специальностей

Часть I







Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского отдела НОУ МГИ


Рецензенты: С. А. Виноградова, к.ф.н., доцент, зав. кафедры англ. языка и англ. филологии МГПУ

С. В. Кускова, к.п.н., доцент, декан ф-та иностранных языков и журналистики НОУ МГИ


Автор составитель: О. И. Балалина, старший преподаватель английского языка кафедры иностранных языков и методики преподавания НОУ МГИ.


  Английский язык учебно-методическое пособие для организации самостоятельной работы студентов первого курса нелингвистических специальностей часть I: Английский язык учеб.-метод. пособие для организации самостоятельной работы студентов / авт-сост. О. И. Балалина; НОУ «Мурм. гуманитар. ин-т». – Мурманск: НОУ МГИ, 2009. – 69 с. ББК  



Данное учебно-методическое пособие содержит методические рекомендации, лексический и тематический материал необходимые для организации самостоятельной работы по изучению дисциплины «Английский язык». Предлагаемые учебные материалы могут быть использованы при подготовке студентов к зачету.





© О. И. Балалина, составление, 2009


Общие методические указания по изучению дисциплины.. 4

Лексический материал. 6

Meeting People. 6

Appearance and Character 8

My Family. 11

My working Day. 14

My Day-off. 17

My flat 20

Seasons and Weather 23

Climate and Weather in Murmansk Region. 26

London. 27

Murmansk. 30

Asking the Way. 33

Shopping. 34

Meals / At a Restaurant 38

The UK.. 42

One of the Cities of the UK.. 44

One of the Cities of the USA.. 45

The System of Education in Great Britain. 47

The System of Education in Russia. 50

Sport in My Life. 53

Medical Assistance / A Visit to a Doctor 57

Вопросы к зачету (I семестр) 61

Вопросы к зачету (II семестр) 61

Лексические тесты.. 62

Литература. 68



Общие методические указания по изучению дисциплины

Целью обучения иностранному языку студентов первых курсов очного отделения нелингвистических факультетов является формирование коммуникативной компетенции, предполагающей достаточный уровень овладения языком для общения в повседневной деятельности.

Основные цели курса:

- дать знания лексического минимума в объеме учебных лексических единиц общего характера;

- обеспечить студентов знаниями о свободных и устойчивых словосочетаниях, фразеологических единицах;

- ознакомить студентов с культурой и традициями страны изучаемого языка, правилами речевого этикета;

- обучить диалогической и монологической речи с использованием наиболее употребительных и относительно простых лексико-грамматических средств в основных коммуникативных ситуациях неофициального и официального общения;

- научить пониманию диалогической и монологической речи в сфере бытовой коммуникации.

В процессе изучения дисциплины студентами решается ряд практических задач:

- дальнейшее развитие и совершенствование навыков речевой деятельности;

- изучение на базе иностранного языка страноведческой информации;

- усвоение и закрепление программного лексического материала с целью ее дальнейшего применения в монологической и диалогической речи;

- формирование навыков работы с адаптированными и оригинальными текстами бытового, страноведческого характера.

В результате изучения дисциплины студенты должны приобрести следующие умения и навыки устной речи:

- усвоить и правильно употреблять лексические единицы в рамках предложенных тем;

- владеть навыками ознакомительного чтения и перевода адаптированных тексов общей тематики (при необходимости с использованием двуязычного словаря);

- составлять диалогические высказывания с использованием усвоенных фраз, клише;

- овладеть подготовленной монологической речью в виде устного изложения пройденных тем;

- уметь высказывать собственное отношение к прочитанному;

- вести беседу по пройденной тематике.

Настоящие материалы разработаны в соответствии с положениями действующей программы по английскому языку для неязыковых специальностей высших учебных заведений и предназначены для студентов первых курсов очного отделения нелингвистических факультетов.

Настоящее пособие состоит из 19 разделов по тематике, предусмотренной программой. Структура пособия предусматривает комплексное построение каждого раздела, направленное на работу над отдельными языковыми аспектами, а также на развитие навыков в различных видах речевой деятельности.

Каждый раздел содержит тематический словарь, включающий наиболее трудные слова и устойчивые словосочетания, необходимые для построения монологического высказывания и ведения беседы по изучаемой теме.

Основная цель пособия – развитие навыка чтения и говорения – реализуется на материале текстов и диалогов. Выделенные жирным шрифтом слова и словосочетания в текстах и диалогах важны для расширения словарного запаса по теме. Такой прием позволяет легче осознать логику текста, выделить в нем ключевые словосочетания, наиболее полно отражающие информационное содержание и идею текстового отрывка.

В большинстве разделов пособия представлены два текста – текст А, предполагающий детальное, точное понимание читаемого и преодоление при чтении определенных лексических и грамматических трудностей, и текст Б, предназначенный для ознакомительного чтения в аудитории.

Предлагаемое пособие может быть использовано для организации самостоятельной работы студентов. Рекомендуется работать над материалом в следующем порядке:

1. Изучить слова и выражения, представленные в тематическом словаре после каждого текста (А), диалога.

2. Бегло прочитать весь текст (А), диалог по изучаемой теме, стараясь понять его общее содержание.

3. Выполнить перевод текста (А), диалога, принимая во внимание тот факт, что дословный перевод возможен не всегда. Русский перевод должен передавать не слова, а мысли английского оригинала, то есть быть равнозначным ему по смыслу.

4. Письменно выполнить упражнения после текста (А).

5. Выучить наизусть лексически е единицы тематического словаря.

6. Пересказать текст (А) вслух. Выучить диалог наизусть.

7. Составить собственный рассказ (или диалог) по теме, используя изученную лексику для выражения собственных мыслей.

Текст (Б) представлен в данном пособии для развития навыков ознакомительного чтения, предполагающего извлечение из текста основной информации со степенью полноты понимания в пределах 70-75 %. Материал текста (Б) может быть использован при составлении монологического высказывания по изучаемой теме.



Лексический материал

Meeting People

1. Прочитайте и переведите следующие диалоги:

1. "Why, James! What a pleasant surprise!"
"Howard! Nice to see you!"

2. "Why, Mr. Harrington! Never expected to meet you here!"
"This is a small world."

3. "Let me introduce you to Mr. Walter."
"How do you do?"

"How do you do?"

4. "Let me introduce Mr. Judson to you."
"Pleased to meet you, Mr. Judson."

5. "It's a long time since I saw you last. How's everybody at home?"

"Fine, thank you. And how're things with you?"

"Not too good, I'm afraid."

"Why? What's the matter?"

6. "How are things with you?"
"Not bad, thank you."

7. "Excuse me, I must be going. It's been nice seeing you."
"Best regards to everybody at home."

8. "Are you leaving?"

"Yes, but I'm coming back."

"See you later then."

9. "It's been nice seeing you."

"Glad to have met you too. Hope to see you soon."

10. "I'm afraid I must be going."
"See you tomorrow."

11. "Well, I must be going. Thanks for a nice party."
"Thank you for coming."

12. "Thank you for a wonderful day. It's been a pleasure."
"The pleasure was mine."


Тематический словарь

Hallo, Ann. How are you? – Привет, Энн. Как дела?

Meet my friends. – Познакомьтесь с моими друзьями.

Let me introduce you to... – Позвольте познакомить вас с...

Let me introduce... to you. – Позвольте представить вам...

(I'm) pleased to meet you. – Рад знакомству.

(It's) nice to meet you. – Приятно познакомиться.

We've met before. – Мы (уже) знакомы.

Nice to see you (again). – Рад вас видеть (снова).

How are things (with you)? – Как (у вас) дела?

How are you getting on with your book (picture, etc.)? – Как у вас продвигаются дела с книгой (картиной и т. п.)?

How's everybody at home? – Как поживает ваша семья?

I'm fine. (I'm doing fine.) – У меня дела идут прекрасно.

Not bad. – Неплохо.

Not too good. – Не очень хорошо.

I'm glad for you. – Рад за вас.

I don't see much of him (her, etc.). – Я его (ее и т. п.) редко вижу.

(Excuse me,) I must be going. – (Извините,) я должен идти.

See you later. – Еще увидимся.

See you soon. – До скорого!

Hope to see you soon. – Надеюсь, скоро увидимся.

Hope we meet again. – Надеюсь встретиться.

See you tomorrow (on Monday, at John's, etc.). – До завтра. (Увидимся в понедельник, у Джона и т. п.)

Thanks for a nice party (a wonderful evening, etc.). – Спасибо за прекрасный вечер.

Thank you for coming. – Спасибо (за то), что пришли.

Keep in touch. – Давайте о себе знать. (Не пропа­дайте. Звоните, заходите.)

2. Составьте диалог по теме “Meeting People”. Используйте следующий диалог в качестве модели:

- Hi, Ann. I haven’t seen you for ages. How are you?

- I’m fine, thanks. And what about you?

- I’m doing fine. I’ve got some good news. My brother is coming down from London.

- Oh, really?

- Yes, he’s coming on Saturday. All his friends are coming to see him and we’ll have a party. Would you like to come?

- I’d love to, thank you.

- Good. Then we’ll be waiting for you at five. Do you remember the address?

- I remember, don’t worry.

- Sorry, I must hurry. See you on Saturday.

- See you. And thanks for the invitation.

at the party

- Jane, let me introduce my brother George to you.

- I’m pleased to meet you

- It’s nice to meet you.

at the end of the party

- Excuse me, I must be going. Thank you for a nice party.

- Thank you for coming. Keep in touch.

3. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова и словосочетания (текст Б):

popular; ideas; monotonous; topics; listener; general subjects; whisper.

When in company, don't keep looking at the watch as if you were impatient for the time to pass.

When in company, don't open a book or a newspaper and begin reading to yourself. If you are tired of the company, withdraw, if not, honour it with your attention. No matter how 1_____ conversation or how dull the company, yawning is never permissible.

To 2_____ in company is bad manners. If what you wish to say cannot be said aloud, reserve it for a suitable occasion.

Talking with others, unless they are your close friends, keep to 3_____ and avoid arguing. Two subjects are considered to be taboo in any form of polite social conversation, and these are religion and politics. In these fields everyone has their own very definite 4_____, and it is very unlikely that they will be changed during the course of a short conversation. Everyone has a right to his own personal opinion, but he shouldn't try to force it on others. The best 5_____ for a light social conversation are art, sports and the hobby of the person you are speaking with.

Talking about your troubles and diseases in company is bad taste.

Don't talk overloudly or try to monopolise conversation.

To be pleasant company be a good 6_____. Don't be indifferent or impatient when others are speaking. Don't talk about yourself or your affairs. If you wish to be 7_____, talk to people about what interests them, not about what interests you.

Appearance and Character

1. Прочитайте и переведите следующие описания людей (текст А):

'Mr Kemp taught us history last year. He's got a moustache and short, curly hair. He's quite short and well-built. He's probably in his mid thirties. He really loves his subject and he knows a lot about history. He's also interested in climbing. He went up some of the mountains in the Tatras one year, he told us. He was a very hard working teacher. He gave us lots of essays and always marked them quickly. He was never moody - always the same, always smiling. He was also very patient with us. If anybody didn't understand something he explained it again in a different way. He did everything he could to be helpful. '

'Don't you know, Mary? She's got shoulder-length straight blond hair. She's quite tall and slim. She's got blue eyes. She's in her early twenties. Her brother, Tony, is a good friend of mine. Both of them like outdoor sports like skiing and hiking. She's a very outgoing, sociable sort of person who seems to know hundreds of people. She's very cheerful - you know, the sort of person who is always laughing. But she can be a bit disorganised. She once lost everybody's cinema tickets and we all had to pay again!'

Тематический словарь

a moustache – усы curly hair – вьющиеся волосы well-built – статный, хорошо сложенный moody – легко поддающийся переменам настроения helpful – готовый помочь straight hair – прямые волосы slim – стройный outgoing – дружелюбный sociable – общительный cheerful – веселый, неунывающий disorganized - неорганизованный  

2. Составьте описание собственной персоны или известных Вам людей. Используйте следующие слова и словосочетания:


young, middle-aged (средних лет), elderly (пожилой, преклонного возраста), old, in his/her 30’s, in his/her late teens, in his/her mid-20’s, in his/her early 40’s.

Build (телосложение)

fat, thin (худой), slim, plump (полный), medium-built (среднего телосложения), broad-shouldered (широкоплечий), overweight (грузный, с излишним весом).

Height (рост)

1.70 m, medium height (среднего роста), below average (ниже среднего роста), tall, short.

Hair colour

black, brown (каштановые), red (рыжие), fair (светлые), blonde, grey (седые), white (белокурые), dyed (окрашенные), a brunette, a blonde, a redhead.


long, short, straight (прямые), wavy (волнистые), curly (вьющиеся), plaits (косы), a fringe (челка), swept back in a bun (уложены в пучок), pony-tail (конский хвост), bald (лысый), balding (лысеющий).


thin, long, round, oval, square, heart-shaped, high cheekbones (широкие скулы), high forehead (высокий лоб), thin lips, full lips, long nose, straight nose, turned-up nose (курносый), a cleft chin (ямочка на подбородке), a pointed chin, double chin.


blue, grey, brown, long/thick/bushy eyelashes (длинные/густые/пушистые ресницы), thin eyebrows (тонкие брови).

Complexion (цвет лица)

pale (бледный), sunburned/tanned (загорелый), fair-skinned (белая кожа).

Distinguishing features (особые приметы)

beard (борода), moustache (усы), unshaven (небритый), clean-shaven (чисто выбритый), a scar (шрам), a beauty-spot (родинка), a mole (родинка, родимое пятно), freckles (веснушки), dimples (ямочки), with glasses, (well) made-up (с большим количеством косметики).



adventurous – ищущий приключений ambitious careful – осмотрительный considerate – тактичный co-operative creative – творческий decisive – решительный easy-going – добродушный hard-working - трудолюбивый helpful imaginative – одаренный богатым воображением independent – самостоятельный inventive – находчивый kind – добрый liberal – свободомыслящий likeable – привлекательный outgoing – дружелюбный polite – вежливый practical – практичный realistic reasonable – рассудительный relaxed – уравновешенный reliable – надежный sensible – благоразумный sensitive – впечатлительный sociable –общительный sympathetic – выражающий сочувствие  


boring – скучный careless – небрежный childish – инфантильный cold – равнодушный impatient – нетерпеливый insensitive – неотзывчивый intolerant – нетерпимый moody nasty – скверный reckless – безрассудный selfish –эгоистичный suspicious - недоверчивый unreliable – ненадежный vain - тщеславный  

3. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова и словосочетания (текст Б):

community; opinion; from abroad; in common; identity; Europe; races.

Presenter: Good evening and welcome to tonight's phone-in programme. Our subject tonight is the 1_____ of Britain and the British. For many countries, identity is not a problem but Britain is more complicated. Great Britain is made up of three nations - England, Scotland and Wales. The United Kingdom is made up of Great Britain plus Northern Ireland.

So, at the start of the twenty-first century, who exactly are we? Are we Europeans? Are we British? Or are we just a collection of English, Scots and Welsh?

And what kind of people are the British? In a recent poll, British people were asked to describe themselves: eighty-five percent said we were great animal lovers; eighty percent described us as tolerant; seventy-seven percent said the British were class-conscious; seventy-three percent thought the British were suspicious of foreigners; finally, seventy-one percent agreed that the British were reserved people.

You can phone us on 0207 444 333 222 and give your 2_____ about Britain's identity. OK, let's start with our first caller. Hello, Claire. You're from Liverpool. How would you describe Britain and the British?

Caller 1: Well, you know, I think a lot of people 3_____ see Britain as very conservative and sort of old-fashioned. I don't agree with that. I think Britain today is a very multicultural place and it's very innovative, especially when you think about music and the arts and that sort of thing.

Presenter: How would you describe yourself, Claire? English, British, European?

Caller 1: Right. I'm from Liverpool and that's very important to me. Then I'm definitely English - I think we are different from the Welsh and the Scots. I feel European, too - you know I feel part of 4_____.

Presenter: Thanks very much, Claire. We have John Andrews on the line. How would you describe Britain, John?

Caller 2: In my opinion, Britain is a historic country - we have a long history and we should all be proud of it.

Presenter: And how would you describe yourself, John? British, English...?

Caller 2: Well, I'm from England, but I feel British of course. And I don't feel at all European - I'm one hundred percent British and personally, I think we've more 5_____ with people like the Americans and Australians.

Presenter: Thanks very much, John. And now Deshini Mohammed from London. What would your description of Britain be?

Caller 3: I think the first word I'd choose would be multicultural. Britain now has so many people from different 6_____, religions. I think a lot of British people are now tolerant of other races but unfortunately there's still an intolerant minority and that's a real problem.

Presenter: And how would you describe yourself, Deshini? I mean, where are you from?

Caller 3: OK, well... my parents were born in Pakistan but I was born here and I suppose I feel British but I also feel a member of the Pakistani 7_____ too.

Presenter: Thanks a lot, Deshini. Now our last caller. Fergus McKay from Glasgow. Fergus, how would you describe Britain?

Caller 4: Right... mmm... I think Britain's very conservative.

Presenter: So do you feel British?

Caller 4: No, I don't. I don't feel British at all. I feel Scottish and I'm a Scots nationalist.

Presenter: What about Europe? Do you feel European?

Caller 4: Yeah. I suppose I do. I think Europeans have a lot of things in common.

My Family

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст (текст А):

Let me introduce myself, I am... years old. I was born on... 19... I live in... I have just passed my exams at school. We had a great farewell party at the end of June. I am a first-year student at the faculty of law (I am a first-year student of economic department/psychological department). My favourite subjects at school were... I am always busy, but when I'm free I'm fond of reading or playing computer games. Some­times I listen to music or go to the concerts with my best friends.

I have many friends. They are true friends and we like to spend our time together. We walk about the town, talk, dance and do all things which are interesting for young people.

I live with my family. It isn't large, my mother, my father and I. My father is a business­man. He is a manager of a small firm. He is a very serious man and he is always busy. Sometimes he works even at weekends. He is very ambitious and has strong will. He is only 42 and I'm sure, he has a wonderful future. My mother is 40, but she looks much younger. To my mind she is very beautiful. She is an economist and works in one of commercial banks. She works 5 days a week and is off on Satur­days and Sundays. By character my mother is very energetic and talkative. She always has a lot of things to do about the house. My parents have been married for about 20 years. They have much in common: they watch the same films, read the same books and news­papers, but they have different views on education and music. They are hard-working people. So I try to help mother with housework. I always wash dishes, I sometimes go shopping and from time to time I tidy our flat.

All of us like to spend our week-ends in the country. We usually go to the country house to see my grandparents. They are pension­ers. I like them very much because they always try to listen to my opinion, though they don't always agree with what I say. We are deeply attached to each other and we get on very well. I also have many other relatives: uncles, aunts, cousins. We are happy when we are together.

In the evenings when we all get together after work and study, we like to talk about different things or watch TV. We are really good and happy family because we respect each other.

Тематический словарь

a farewell party – выпускной

strong will – сильная воля

to have much in common – иметь много общего

to have different views on … – по-разному смотреть на …

an opinion – мнение

to be attached to each other – испытывать чувство привязанности друг к другу

to respect – уважать


2. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих русских словосочетаний:

позвольте представиться; любимые предметы; настоящие друзья; время от времени; проводить выходные за городом; хотя; быть в хороших отношениях.

3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы по теме “My Family”:

1. How old are you?

2. Are you married?

3. Have you got a family of your own?

4. Do you live together with your parents?

5. Is your family large or small?

6. What are your parents?

7. Are you the only child in the family?

8. Is your sister (brother) older or younger than you?

9. What is your sister's (brother's) occupation?

10. Do you help your mother to keep the house?

11. Have you got grandparents?

12. Where do they live?

13. Have you got any other close relatives?

14. Do you often see them?

15. What do you usually do in the evenings?

16. Do you spend your week-ends together with your parents?

4. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова и словосочетания (текст Б):

pocket money; customers; reason; crowded.

'Give or take a few years, I was born around the turn of the century. I won't say which century. Everyone can have one guess. We lived in a 1_____ flat in New York. In addition to the five brothers - Chico, Harpo, Groucho, Gummo and Zeppo - there were my father and mother, my mother's father and mother and an adopted sister.

Lots of poor relations visited our house day and night. All our visitors always came to see my mother. She advised them about their love lives, where to find jobs and how to stay out of trouble. She was amazing. She had more friends than anyone else I've known.

My father was a tailor. He was probably the worst tailor in our part of New York. He thought he could measure a man by just looking at him, so he didn't use a tape measure. You could easily recognise his 2_____. They all walked around with one trouser leg or sleeve shorter than the other.

We were poor and my 3 _____ was only a nickel (five cents) a week. When I was young I used to buy sweets the size of golf balls which took hours to disappear in my mouth.

Love hit me when I was twelve. A young girl, Lucy, lived in the flat above ours. She was pretty with lovely brown hair and perfect teeth. For weeks, I saved enough money to take her to a variety show. When we arrived, Lucy asked for some candy and I had to buy some. During the performance, Lucy ate all the candy.

On the way out, I realised I only had enough money for one ticket back home. Today I feel terrible about this, but remember I was only twelve, it was very cold and Lucy had eaten all the candy. I said, "I'm going to toss this coin. If it's heads, you get to ride home. If it's tails, I ride home." It was tails.

For some curious 4_____, Lucy never spoke to me again.'

5. Расскажите о своей семье. Используйте следующие слова и словосочетания:

parents grandfather/mother brother sister son daughter husband wife relatives – родственники aunt – тетя uncle – дядя cousin niece – племянница nephew – племянник father-in-law – свекор, тесть mother-in-law – свекровь, теща in-laws – родня состороны мужа или жены widow – вдова widower – вдовец adult – взрослый to bring up – воспитывать well-brought up – хорошо воспитанный to look after – заботиться о ком-то to get along well – быть в хороших отношениях to respect –уважать to quarrel – ссориться to marry at the age of – выйти замуж в возрасте single – холостяк, незамужняя I am …years old. I was born on…19.. to pass exams at school to have a farewell party to have a lot of free time to enter the Institute to study hard favourite subjects to be fond of – увлекаться чем-либо to finish school to be busy to work at weekends to have much in common to have different views on to spend weekends in the country to agree with  

My working Day

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст (текст А):

On week-days the alarm-clock wakes me up at 6.30 and my working day begins. I am not an early riser, that is why it is very difficult for me to get out of bed, especially in winter. I switch on my music-centre and do my morning exercises. Then I go to the bathroom and take a warm shower. After that I cook breakfast. While having breakfast I listen to the latest news on the radio or watch TV.

I leave the house at 8 o’clock and go to the nearest bus stop. I live far from the Institute. It takes me about 45 minutes to get there. We have three or four double-periods every day.

At 12.10 we have lunch. We usually have lunch in a small café in the Institute. During the working day we also have several short coffee breaks.

I often go to the library to get ready for the seminars. Some of my fellow-students work part-time. But I don’t.

At 8 o’clock I have dinner with my family. I like our evenings very much because we have an opportunity to discuss our plans. I can say that I practically have no free time on my week-days. So by the end of the week I get very tired.

And still I always look forward to my next working day because I like my studies. I think I get a lot of useful experience.

Тематический словарь

alarm-clock – будильник to wake somebody up – будить to be an early riser – рано вставать especially – особенно to switch on – включать to do morning exercises – делать утреннюю зарядку it takes me – мне необходимо opportunity – возможность to discuss one’s plans – обсуждать свои планы by the end of the week – к концу недели to get tired – уставать to look forward to – с нетерпением ждать useful - полезный to get experience – получить опыт  

2. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих русских словосочетаний:

поэтому; ближайшая автобусная остановка; несколько; сокурсники; работать неполный рабочий день; в будние дни.

3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы по теме “My working Day”:

1. When does your working day begin?

2. Is it easy for you to get up early?

3. Do you wake you yourself or does an alarm-clock wake you up?

4. Do you do morning exercises?

5. Which do you prefer: a hot or cold shower in the morning?

6. How long does it take you to get dressed?

7. Who makes breakfast for you?

8. Some people look through newspapers or watch TV while having breakfast. What about you?

9. What time do you leave for the Institute?

10. What do you usually do on your way to the Institute?

11. When do the lectures begin?

12. Where do you usually have lunch (dinner)?

13. Do you have a nap (вздремнуть) in the afternoon?

14. How often do you go to the library to get ready for the seminars?

15. How do you spend your evenings?

16. What time do you go to bed?

17. Do you get tired by the end of the week?

4. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова и словосочетания (текст Б):

unexpected; adventure; depends on; best-dressed; healthy; strength.

What time I get up 1_____ what I've been doing the night before. I usually have a bowl of cereal with cold milk - the noise it makes helps wake me up. When I'm not working, I spend a lot of time at health clubs, gyms and dance studios. There are five or six I go to regularly; each one provides different facilities, like weights and stamina training. I also enjoy running or playing football in one of the big London parks.

You need 2 _____ and stamina to be an actor. A few years ago I played Heathcliff in a stage version of Wuthering Heights. I was on stage for four hours every night, and I found that the fitter I felt physically, the better my performance was.

I was at drama school with Daniel Day Lewis – we still go running together, sometimes – and he believes, like I do, that a lean body means a 3_____ mind. Otherwise, how would he have given such a brilliant performance in My Left Foot?

I go to the theatre and the cinema about three times a week. I'm into musicals, and I train with a voice coach. I’d love to do more musical theatre. I did a Noel Coward concert last year, so I spent weeks beforehand listening to his music on tapes.

When we were making the first television series of Bread four years ago, the producer warned us that we would probably all become famous, so it wasn't 4_____. Now it's just part of my life. It's only boring when you're really tired and you've had a late night. I don't like people being rude, but I'm happy to sign autographs if they ask me nicely. My grandfather deals with my fan mail because I haven’t got the time to do it all. I send it all to him in Manchester, where I come from, and then I go up every other weekend just to go through it with him.

I usually buy two newspapers, one tabloid and a quality paper. I like reading the sports pages and travel articles. My bedtime reading is normally a book by Laurens van der Post. I tend to read about three pages, then I fall asleep.

If I'm really busy, with a photo session and a rehearsal and a recording all in the same day, the hardest thing is making sure I've got a shirt ironed. When you're a busy bachelor, you haven't always got time to have things washed and ironed, so you end up having six pairs of everything. I do take pride in what I wear, but I was really surprised to be listed among the ten 5_____ men in the country, recently. It's amazing to think there are people out there who care so much about what you wear. I like Continental clothes, American sports clothes and the traditional English blazer look.

Food's a chore, I'm afraid. I don't live to eat: I eat to live. I can just make myself a plate of pasta but if I'm seeing friends, we eat out. I'm so busy now I don't have time for holidays, and I've never been one for lying on the beach. But I like 6_____ and I enjoy taking off for Africa and Australia with only a backpack.

At the moment I've got everything and, unlike Adrian in Bread, I'm having the most wonderful time anybody could wish for.


5. Прочитайте и переведите диалог. Расспросите своего друга о его рабочем дне.

- Hi, John! How are you?

- Fine, thanks. It’s been a long time.

- Yes, nearly four years now.

- So, tell me about yourself.

- Well, I work in a language school in Cairo.

- Oh, really? What are you doing here in London?

- I am having a holiday.

- Oh, I see. And what do you think of Cairo?

- I like it very much. It’s a very exciting place.

- And what about your job?

- Well, I generally get up about 8.30 and plan some lessons. Fortunately, with time, it is getting easier and easier to plan lessons – in the beginning it took me ages! I usually teach from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and later again from 6.30 to 9.30 p.m. and we often go into town in one big group, to a disco or something.

- When are you going back to Cairo?

- Next week, on Friday. The plan leaves early, about 7.00 a.m. And what about you? What are you doing?

6. Расскажите о собственном рабочем дне. Используйте следующие слова и словосочетания:

week-days to wake up to get up to do morning exercises to make once bed to take a shower to dress oneself to have breakfast to look through the newspaper to listen to the news to take a bus to go to the Institute it takes me … minutes to be on time for classes to be late to leave for the Institute a double-period to have a break canteen to make a telephone call to do homework to prepare for a seminar to go to the library to write a report to be in a hurry to work part-time to be tired by the end of the week to look forward to to go to bed  


My Day-off

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст (текст А):

Most people in our country work five days a week but some of them work six days. They have only one day off. It is Sunday. There is a nice English proverb – “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” I agree with it. Everybody must have some sort of break.

I like Sunday very much. You needn’t hurry anywhere and you may go wherever you like after your week’s work. On this day I wake up later than usual. Sometimes I don’t get up till nine or ten o’clock. I don’t like to do morning exercises, especially in winter, so I don’t do them. I have breakfast in bed and read magazines.

Unfortunately I can’t take a holiday from housework on Sunday. I clean my flat and go shopping. Two or three hours and I am free.

I am not a stay-at-home. If the weather is nice, we go to the country to have a picnic. A Sunday ride or hike out into the countryside has become almost traditional.

I am fond of sport. Most people suffer from a lot of stress nowadays. Doing sport helps to relax. Sport has become a very popular activity in our family. In winter we go to the skating-rink. Skating is my favourite kind of sport.

When the weather is bad we go to the cinema. I am not much of a theatre person, I am afraid. The last time I went to the theatre was two years ago. I also like to spend my day off with my friends. We often receive guests. I am also keen on surprise parties.

In the evenings all the members of our family get together. We have supper, make plans for tomorrow and watch TV. I like the main news at nine o’clock. I rarely watch soap operas or documentaries. I prefer to read books – science fiction or detective stories. Reading is my hobby. I enjoy my day off very much because it differs greatly from the others.

Тематический словарь

day off – выходной to agree with – соглашаться you needn’t hurry – вам не надо спешить unfortunately – к сожалению to take a holiday from – отдохнуть от stay-at-home – домосед to go to the country – поехать за город a ride or hike – поездка или путешествие пешком to suffer from a lot of stress – испытывать стресс a theatre person – театрал to receive guests – принимать гостей to be keen on – увлекаться чем-либо to get together – собираться rarely – редко soap operas – мыльные оперы documentaries – документальные фильмы to prefer – предпочитать science fiction – научная фантастика to differ from – отличаться  

2. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих русских словосочетаний:

английская пословица; в этот день; позднее, чем обычно; особенно зимой; увлекаться; в настоящее время; популярный вид деятельности; любимый вид спорта; два года назад; составлять планы.

3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы по теме “My day off”:

1. Which day of the week do you like best and why?

2. What time do you get up on Sunday?

3. What do you do in the morning?

4. Can you take a holiday from housework on Sunday?

5. How do you spend your day off?

6. Are you a stay-at-home?

7. Do you often go to the country on your day off?

8. Are you fond of sport?

9. Do you often receive guests?

10. Do you go to the library to get ready for seminars?

11. How do you usually spend the evenings on your day off?

12. How do you plan to spend your next Sunday?

4. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова и словосочетания (текст Б):

in the country; early; late; cook the meal; relax; the opera.

On Fridays I come home from the BBC at about 2 in the afternoon and I just 1___. On Friday evenings I don’t go out, but sometimes a friend comes for dinner. He or she brings the wine and I 2___. I love cooking! We listen to music or just chat.

On Sunday mornings I get up at 9 a.m. and I go shopping. Then in the evenings I sometimes go to the theater or 3___ with a friend – I love opera! Then we eat in my favourite Chinese restaurant.

On Sunday … Oh, on Sunday mornings I stay in bed 4___, I don’t get up until 11.00! Sometimes in the afternoon I visit my sister. She lives 5___ and has two children. I like playing with my niece and nephew, but I leave 6___ because I go to bed at 8.00 on Sunday evening!

5. Прочитайте и переведите диалог:

- What did you do last weekend?

- I went to a pop concert (to the cinema, to see my friends, to the club, went training). / I watched TV. / I stayed at home.

- Did you enjoy it? / Did you have a nice time?

- Yes, It was great. / No, I didn’t. It was boring.

6. Расспросите своего друга о том, как он провел выходные. Используйте следующие слова и словосочетания:

to like best needn’t hurry anywhere to be a stay-at-home to prefer to go out to go to the country to go in for sport favourite kind of sport to go jogging, swimming, dancing to go to the gym to go for a walk to go to a movie to be a theatre person to be keen on to be a TV addict to receive guests to come to somebody’s place to go to the library to get ready for the seminars

My flat

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст (текст А):

We live in a new 16-storeyed block of flats in Strogino. It is situated in a very picturesque place not far from the Moskva River. There's a big supermarket on the ground floor and it's very convenient to do everyday shopping.

Our flat is on the fifth floor. It's very comfortable and well-planned. We have all modern conveniences, such as central heating, electricity, gas, cold and hot running water and a telephone. There are three rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a hall in our flat. There's also a balcony and we can enjoy a lovely view of the river.

The largest room in our flat is the living room and we use it as a dining room and as a sitting room. In the middle of the room there is a big table and six chairs round it. Op­posite the window there is a wall unit with lots of books, a TV-set and a video cassette re­corder. There are two comfortable armchairs and a small coffee table in the right-hand corner. There is also a sofa and an electric fire in our living room. We like the living room best of all, because in the evenings we gather there to have tea, watch TV, talk and rest.

My room is the smallest room in our flat, but it is very cozy and light. There is a bed, a wardrobe, a desk, an armchair and several bookshelves in my room. There is a thick carpet on the floor. The walls in my room are light-brown and there are some big posters on them. I like my room very much, but from time to time I change it round. I quite of­ten move the bed and change the posters on the wall.

Our kitchen is large and light. It is very well-equipped. We have got a refrigerator, a freezer, a microwave oven, a coffeemaker and a toaster. We haven't got a dishwasher yet, because it is very expensive. But I'm sure we shall buy it in the near future.

Тематический словарь

16-storeyed – 16-этажный block of flats – многоквартирный дом to be situated – быть расположенным picturesque – живописный ground floor – первый этаж convenient – удобный, подходящий comfortable – удобный, комфортный well-planned — хорошо спланированный modern conveniences – современные удобства central heating – центральное отопление living room – жилая комната dining room – столовая wall unit – стенка armchair – кресло right-hand corner – левый угол coffee table – журнальный столик cozy – уютный wardrobe – платяной шкаф bookshelf – книжная полка carpet – ковер to change room – менять местами well-equipped – хорошо оборудованный refrigerator – холодильник freezer – морозильная камера dishwasher – посудомоечная машина  

2. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих русских словосочетаний:

недалеко от; делать покупки; на пятом этаже; водопровод; наслаждаться живописным видом; в центре комнаты; напротив окна; собираться вместе; светлый; время от времени; передвигать; в ближайшем будущем.

3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы по теме “My Flat”:

1. Do you live in a house or in a block of flats?

2. Which floor is your flat on?

3. Is your flat well-planned? Is it comfortable?

4. How many rooms are there in your flat?

5. Have you got a dining room (a sitting room, a study)?

6. Where do you usually have your meals?

7. Is there much furniture in your flat? Do you change it round from time to time?

8. What is there in your room?

9. Are there any pictures on the walls of your flat?

10. What colour are the walls in your room?

11. What is your kitchen like?

12. How often do you redecorate the rooms?

4. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова (текст Б):

tasteless; window; eat; relaxing; paintings; village; armchair.

My sister’s house is on the edge of the 1___. It is quite old and has got three spacious bedrooms, all with such lovely views of the countryside that it is a really 2___ place to be. There is also an enormous kitchen, big enough to 3___ in, with an old-fashioned stove. She spends a lot of time there when she is not working. The living room is so huge, with wooden floors and an open fireplace. The walls are covered with oil 4___.

She works in another fair-sized room which she calls her “office”. It has got a very relaxed atmosphere and has a marvelous view of the fields and hills. She works at a massive desk near the 5___ so that she has lots of light. Her desk is so untidy that she often can’t find her computer mouse! It’s a cozy room, and you can often find my sister listening to music here, sitting in her favourite comfortable 6___. She is not keen on the red and green wallpaper, though, which is rather strong! She says it’s completely 7___, and wants to change it.

5. Прочитайте и переведите следующие диалоги:

Диалог № 1

- I’d like to rent a flat.

- This is a nice flan. Here’s a plan …

- Mmm …

- There’s a living room. There’s a kitchen, a bedroom, a bathroom, and there’s a toilet.

- Is there a balcony?

- No, there isn’t.

- … and a telephone?

- No there isn’t a telephone.

* * *

- Well here is the kitchen.

- Hmm.. it’s very small.

- Yes, it isn’t very large, but there’s a cooker and a fridge. There are some cupboards under the sink.

- Are there any chairs in here?

- No, there aren’t, but there are some in the living-room.

- OK. I like this flat.

Диалог № 2

- Hello!

- Hi!

- I am glad to see you. How are you?

- Fine. My family moved to a new flat last Saturday.

- Congratulations! How many rooms are there in your new flat?

- We have a three-room apartment. Our flat is very comfortable, but there isn’t a telephone.

- Have you bought any new furniture for your flat?

- Yes, we have. We have bought a sofa and two armchairs for the living room and some new furniture for the kitchen. By the way, I am going to give a house-warming party on Sunday. Would you like to come?

- I’d love to.

- Here’s my address. See you soon!

6. Составьте диалог по теме “My Flat”. Используйте следующие слова и словосочетания:

five-storeyd block of flats in the suburbs in the centre of the city entrance balcony floor ceiling modern conveniences convenient bedroom living (sitting) room study kitchen furniture kitchen appliances desk sofa armchair wall unit bookshelf carpet curtain picture wardrobe cupboard fridge stove/oven a washing machine a dishwasher a mirror cozy spacious of modern design well-planned to move to to keep clean/in order

Seasons and Weather

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст (текст А):

There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Every season is beautiful in its own way.

When spring comes nature awakens from its long winter sleep. The days become longer and the nights become shorter. The ground is covered with emerald-green grass and the first flowers. The air is fresh, the sky is blue and cloudless, and the sun shines brightly. The trees are in full blossom. The nightingale begins to sing its lovely songs, and sweet melodies may be heard from every wood and park. The days are warm and every­thing is full of life and joy.

Spring is followed by summer. The weather is usually fine in summer, but it can be very hot, especially in July. Sometimes there are storms with thunder and lightning. In summer people try to get away from the city noise and spend more time in the open air. They pick mushrooms and berries in the forest, swim in the rivers and lakes, go fishing and boating. Most people prefer to have their holidays in summer.

Autumn begins in September. The days become shorter and the nights become longer. The leaves turn yellow, red and brown and fall to the ground. Most birds fly away to warm countries. There is a short spell of dry sunny weather in September which is called Indian Summer. It is a beautiful time when the sky is cloudless, the trees around are golden, the air is transparent and it is still warm. But gradually it gets colder and colder. It often rains in October and November which makes autumn an unpleasant season.

In winter the sun sets early and rises late. The rivers and lakes are frozen over. Every­thing is covered with snow. Sometimes it is very cold, about 25-30 degrees below zero. Going out in such weather isn't very pleasant. Winter is a good time for sports. People go in for skating and skiing. Tobogganing is also popular, not as a kind of sports, but rather as fun.

As for me, I like all the seasons, but I think there is nothing like late spring.

Тематический словарь

nature — природа to awaken — пробуждатъ(ся) ground — земля to cover — покрывать emerald-green — изумрудно-зеленый fresh — свежий to be in blossom — быть в цвету nightingale — соловей lovely — красивый, прекрасный sweet — зд. приятный joy — радость thunder — гром lightning — молния to pick mushrooms and berries — собирать грибы и ягоды to go fishing — заниматься рыбной ловлей to go boating — кататься на лодке to prefer — предпочитать to freeze (froze, frozen) — замерзать tobogganing — катание на санках there is nothing like — нет ничего лучше  

2. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих русских словосочетаний:

безоблачный; светит ярко; полно жизни; уехать от городского шума; проводить больше времени на свежем воздухе; улетать в теплые края; короткий период; прозрачный; солнце садится (встает); ниже нуля; заниматься (видом спорта).

3.Ответьте на следующие вопросы по теме “Seasons and Weather”:

1. How many seasons are there in a year?

2. When does nature awaken from her long winter sleep?

3. Why do we like spring so much?

4. Why do people try to spend more time in the open air in summer?

5. Is summer the best season for tourism?

6. Where did you go last summer?

7. Do you like Indian summer? Why?

8. Do you like late autumn?

9. What do you usually do on a nasty rainy day?

10. What is the weather like in winter?

11. Do you go in for skating or skiing?

12. Were you fond of playing snowballs and making snowmen when you were a child?

13. Most people prefer summer to any other season of the year. What about you?

14. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each season?

4. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова и словосочетания (текст Б):

to go abroad; spring; variants; worst; topic; changeable; weather.

The weather in England is very 1___. A fine morning can change into a wet af­ternoon and evening. And a nasty morning can change to a fine afternoon. That is why it is natural for the English to use the comparison "as changeable as the weather" of a person who often changes his mood or opinion about something. "Other countries have a climate; in England we have weather." This statement is often made by the English to describe the meteorological conditions of their country.

The English also say that they have three 2___ of weather: when it rains in the morning, when it rains in the afternoon or when it rains all day long.

The weather is the favourite conversational 3___ in England. When two Englishmen meet, their first words will be "How are you?" And after the reply "Very well, thank you; how are you?" the next remark is almost certain to be about the weather. When they go abroad the English often surprise people of other nationalities by this tendency to talk about the 4___, a topic of conversation that other people do not find so interesting.

The best time of the year in England is 5___ (of course, it rains in spring too).

The two 6___ months in Britain are January and February. They are cold, damp and unpleasant. The best place in the world then is at home by the big fire.

Summer months are rather cold and there can be a lot of rainy days. So most people who look forward to summer holidays, plan 7___ for the summer, to France or somewhere on the Continent.

5. Прочитайте и переведите следующие диалоги:

Диалог № 1

- It's a lovely day. What shall we do?

- Let's play tennis!

- Oh, no! It's too hot to play tennis.

- Well, let's go to the beach.

- OK. I'll get my swimming costume.

Диалог № 2

- It's raining again! What shall we do?

- Let's stay at home and watch a video.

- Oh no! We watched a video last night.

- Well, let's go to the cinema.

- OK. What's on at the Odeon cinema?

Диалог № 3

- Are you going to drive to the country today?

- Yes. And why do you ask?

- Well, forecasts warn of thick fog and poor visibility. Be careful!

- I hope it will clear up.

Диалог № 4

- Have you heard the weather forecast for tomorrow?

- Yes, they say the weather will be nasty. It will rain all day long.

- How long will such weather last?

- For about two days.

6. Составьте диалог по теме “The Weather”. Используйте следующие слова и словосочетания:

What’s the weather like? It’s warm (hot, sunny, clear, dry). It’s cold (cloudy, wet, damp, windy). The weather is fine (nasty). It’s getting chilly (frosty). It’s drizzling (raining heavily). It looks like rain. What’s the forecast (for tomorrow)? We may have severe frosts (heavy rains, showers, thunder-storms) Forecasts warn of thick fog, poor visibility Strong gale is expected. to melt, to freeze average temperature The weather is improving. The wind is getting stronger. It thunders. It lightens. Will it clear up do you think?

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