1. The association of organs with each other to carry out particular functions results in organ systems.
2. Laboratory tests are frequently required to diagnose canine distemper.
3. The problem to be studied in the shortest time possible is very important.
4. Specific tests to detect allergic antibodies to environmental allergens can be undertaken to confirm the diagnosis of allergy.
5. Immunization is a common method used to control and prevent disease in human and veterinary medicine.
6. The new method to be used depends upon the natural conditions of the district.
7. The conference to be held in a few months will consider various ways of establishing contacts among scientists of different countries.
8. To explain the problem we were interested in he demonstrated some diagrams.
9. Many research workers of our Institute asked to be invited to take part in the expedition.
10. They are glad to have passed their examinations with excellent marks.
11.The problem was so interesting that they wanted to be answered their questions at once.
Underline the Complex Subject with the Infinitive. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. Lysosomes are thought to be responsible for the digestion of food materials stored within the cell.
2. As the microscope didn't seem to be focused, the bacteria were not visible.
3. Light is known to be injurious to most kinds of bacteria — even lethal under some conditions.
4. Bacteria were shown to be killed by X-rays of great intensity.
5. As the microscope didn't seem to be focused, the bacteria were not visible.
6. Growth-promoting substances, including some of the vitamins, have been shown to have a stimulating effect on bacteria.
7. As the microscope didn't seem to be focused, the bacteria were not visible.
8. Dolphins are highly social and intelligent mammals that seem to enjoy the company of humans.
Underline the Complex Object with the Infinitive. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. The importance of mathematics for all sciences is known to be growing rapidly.
2. The development of the project appears to be improving.
3. This discovery proved to be of special value for this branch of science.
4. The lecturer seems to know everybody who attended the conference.
5. It was surprising they didn’t appear to know the results of our scientific work.
6. Judging by what he said he seems to have been working as a programmer since last year.
7. They proved to be experienced workers in that branch of science.
8. These students are likely to take part in our work.
9. He is sure to make a brilliant report on that subject.
10. He is certain to come to the lecture to be delivered by an English scientist.
11. This conference is likely to last for a few days.
12. The experiments are likely to be conducted in this lab.
2.1. Before you read the text, discuss the following questions in pairs, make use of the prompts in brackets:
1. What do you know about the theory of evolution? What does this theory mean? (discover, descend, ancestors)
2. Are there some approaches to evolution? (theory, select, diversity, connection)
adapt - адаптировать(ся)
accumulate - копить
apply - применять
ancestors - предки
benefit - выгода (польза)
conclusion - заключение
consider - рассматривать
convince - убеждать
create - создавать
declare - заявлять
descend - происходить
discover - открывать, обнаруживать
division - деление
encourage - поощрять, поддерживать
embody- содержать в себе
explain - объяснять
include - включать в себя
investigate - исследовать
modification - видоизменения
natural selection - естественный отбор
occur - случаться, происходить
offspring - отпрыск, потомок, результат
provide - обеспечивать
refer - иметь отношение
respond - отвечать, реагировать
select - выбирать, отбирать
succeed - 1. достигать цели, преуспевать, 2. следовать за чем-либо, сменять
survive - выживать