1. biological science | a. профессии в фармацевтических компаниях |
2. biology degree graduate | b. обеспечивать, поддерживать состояние природной окружающей среды |
3. careers in pharmaceuticals | c. биологическая наука |
4. narrow-ranging career | d. учиться на аспирантском уровне |
5. develop biological knowledge | e. использовать самые последние приборы и методы |
6. sustain the natural environment | f. выпускник, получивший степень биологических наук |
7. pursue a career in biology | g. создавать новый закон/законодательство |
8. abundant food supplies | h. совмещать научное образование с интересами в других сферах деятельности |
9. put to practical use | i. браться за выполнение работ в узкой сфере |
10. study at postgraduate level | j. профессия узкой сферы |
11. use the latest scientific tools and techniques | k. приобретать биологическое знание |
12. undertake narrow-ranging careers | l. внедрять в практику |
13. go into an academic role | m. находить решение специфических проблем |
14. it stands to reason that... | n. изобилующие запасы продовольствия |
15. find solutions to specific problems | o. подходить на роль ученого |
16. develop campaigns | p. развертывать кампании |
17. combine their scientific training with interests in other fields | q. совершенно ясно, что… |
18. create new legislation | r. заниматься карьерой в биологии |
Scan Text 1 below to determine whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) and if they are false say why.
In my opinion it is true that… I’m afraid it is false that … because…
1. Many biology degree graduates have to study at postgraduate level because it’s necessary for most biology careers.
2. Biologists may have careers in pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, or medical research.
3. Those who work in the field of biology are concerned with the structure, processes and functions of living organisms but they don’t studythe life processes on molecular level.
4. The biology degree graduates undertake narrow-ranging careers.
5. Depending on individual interests, biology careers can lead you on to study living organisms such as animals, plants, humans or even bacteria, to help develop biological knowledge and understanding of living processes for a number of different purposes, including treatment of disease and sustaining the natural environment.
6. Typical careers with a biology degree encompasses biology careers in research, healthcare, environmental conservation, education.
7. There are no careers available to biology degree graduates who don’t want to go into a typical medical or academic role.
Careers in the Biological Sciences
(Looking for a job in biology)
Biological science is one of the broadest and most important subjects in the world today. Put simply, biology is the study of life and encompasses everything from the molecular study of life processes right up to the study of animal and plant communities.
Pursuing a career in biology can be immensely rewarding and exciting. Studying biology teaches us to ask questions, make observations, evaluate evidence, and solve problems. Biologists learn how living things work, how they interact with one another, and how they evolve. They may study the evolution, natural history, and conservation of plants and animals; investigate the interactions of living organisms with light, the environment, or each other; or have careers in pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, or medical research. Their work increases our understanding about the natural world in which we live and helps us address issues of personal well being and worldwide concern, such as environmental degradation, threats to human health, and maintaining viable and abundant food supplies.
With the study of life being so broad, it stands to reason that biology degree graduates undertake similarly broad and wide-ranging careers.
Although further study isn’t necessary for a number of biology careers, many biology degree graduates choose to study at postgraduate level within a specialization or related field, in order to further their expertise and help career progression.
Below is a selection of typical – and less typical – biology careers for both undergraduates and postgraduates:
Research: Research biologists study the natural world, using the latest scientific tools and techniques in both laboratory settings and the natural environment, to understand how living systems work. Many work in exotic locations around the world, and what they discover increases our understanding of biology and may be put to practical use to find solutions to specific problems.
Health care: Biologists may develop public health campaigns to defeat illnesses such as tuberculosis, AIDS, cancer, and heart disease. Others work to prevent the spread of rare, deadly diseases, such as the now infamous Ebola virus.
Environmental management and conservation: Biologists in management and conservation careers are interested in solving environmental problems and conserving the natural world for future generations.
Education: Life science educators enjoy working with people and encouraging them to learn new things, whether in a classroom, a research lab, the field, or a museum.
There are many careers for biologists who want to combine their scientific training with interests in other fields. Here are some examples:
Biotechnology: Biologists apply scientific principles to develop and enhance products, tools, and technological advances in fields such as agriculture, food science, and medicine. Scientists in this field may work in genetic engineering, pharmaceutical development, or medical technologies (such as nanomedicine).
Forensic science: Forensic biologists work with police departments and other law enforcement agencies using scientific methods to discover and process evidence that can be used to solve crimes.
Politics and policy: Science advisors work with lawmakers to create new legislation on topics such as biomedical research and environmental protection. Their input is essential, ensuring that decisions are based upon solid science.
Business and industry: Biologists work with drug companies and providers of scientific products and services to research and test new products. They may also work in sales, marketing, and public relations positions.
Economics: Trained professionals work with the government and other organizations to study and address the economic impacts of biological issues, such as species extinctions, forest protection, and environmental pollution. Biologists may also study the impacts of socio-economics on humans, environmental economics (an economic analysis of the environment with a focus on preserving natural capital), or ecological economics (the study of how human economies and natural ecosystems are linked in time and space).
Mathematics: Biologists in fields such as bioinformatics and computational biology apply mathematical techniques to solve biological problems, such as modeling ecosystem processes and gene sequencing. Mathematical and theoretical biology are two recent scientific fields that use mathematical representations and tools to both understand and model biological processes in other research areas, including cell biology, biotechnology, and ecosystem dynamics.
Science writing and communication: Journalists and writers with a science background inform the general public about relevant and emerging biological issues. Biologists with excellent writing and communication skills can be employed by high-profile journals as well as online magazines and science blogs or print/media networks.