There are many suggestions to simplify English by changing the spelling system. "to simplify" – Indefinite Infinitive Active, функция определения. | Существует немало предложений, как сделать английский язык более доступным для изучения, изменив систему правописания. |
1. There were many suggestions to simplify English by changing the
spelling system.
2. The Russian learners of English, especially those who plan to go to the USA to study or pursue a specific career goal, must be warned against possible misunderstandings due to differences in Britain and American English.
3. I’m sorry to have taken so much of your time.
4. Love is said to be blind.
5. To go on with this business is to waste time.
6. The company uses computers to do its accounts.
7. This is an order to the bank to pay money to someone from his account.
8. It is impossible for this cheque to be paid into any bank account other than that of the named payee.
9. The developing and relatively poor countries are said to make up the Third World.
10. Here are the articles to be translated by Monday.
11 The most effective way for a central bank to control the economy is to increase or decrease bank lending and bank deposits.
12. Debtor countries borrowed even more money to pay for the increased cost of oil and debt payments.
13. I will have finished my work by 7 o’clock.
14. They expected the delegation to arrive the next day.
15. The company was reported to have made big losses the previous year.
16. Several Swiss banks were found to be facilitating the activities international drug traffickers in the 1980s.
17. When a bank is required to keep a certain amount of its funds on reserve with the central bank, it is unable to lend these funds back to customers.
18. To encourage research work, the degree of Bachelor of Science was set up in Oxford in 1895.
19. She was required to be interviewed.
20.Changes to the taxation system are expected to be proposed.
Grammar in context
Gerund or infinitive?
Put the verbs in brackets in the passage in either the gerund or infinitive form.
Research conducted in 23 countries by an association called Europanel has shown that social and demographic factors as well as the marketing
strategies of multinational food and drink companies tend 1 make........ (make) the lifestyles and eating habits of different European countries alike.
There are several reasons for the increasing uniformity in consumption in Europe: birth rates keep on 2............................. (fall) (Spain's birth rate is 9.8 per thousand, compared with 12.1 in 1984), thus creating smaller households which rely on 3......................... (use) microwaves and convenience foods. The number of one-person households in Europe also continues 4.............................. (grow) rapidly (in Sweden, for example, 40 % of homes are now one-person households, compared with 29 % in 1984).
The aggressive marketing strategies of multinationals can also 5.......................... (play) a key role in 6............................ (change) buying habits. After 7...................... (win) a major share of a market, companies often decide 8............................ (expand) into new markets and make every effort 9...................... (attract) new consumers. For instance, the French, who used 10 .................(have) croissants for breakfast, now enjoy 11........................ (eat) breakfast cereals (sales of cereals keep on 12..................... (grow) in France each year).
The British have become fond of 13.......................... (drink) mineral water and Spaniards are beginning 14....................... (buy) frozen pizzas and tomato ketchup more than ever.
With companies looking for new markets and increased choice for consumers, Europe's gastronomic diversity may 15................... (end).
Exercise 13. It is often necessary to draw conclusions from what is reported or stated. Working in pairs draw conclusions from the following facts. Express strong probability using “must” or “can” followed by patterns “be + Adj”, “be + Ving” (Continuous Infinitive), “have + V3” (Perfect Infinitive). The first has been done for you.
1. Student A: I worked in the library all day (to be tired).
Student B: I think you must be tired now.
2. A: This scientist is a leading authority on macroeconomics. He
predicted an increase in the rate of inflation for the next year
(to be wrong).
B: I know he is a good specialist, he ______________________________
3. A: Where is Helen? I’ve just seen her writing a letter (to go to the
post office).
B: __________________________________________________________
4. A: I don’t know how to translate gerundial complexes (to miss
B: __________________________________________________________
5. A: My keys are nowhere to be seen. I opened the door with them
when I came back home yesterday (to lose).
B: Look hard for them, you ____________________________________
6. A: Can you see dark clouds on the horizon (to be raining over there).
B: __________________________________________________________
7. A: He looks very gloomy after the exam. What’s the matter with him?
(to fail the exam).
B: I think ____________________________________________________
8. A: Every time she talks to him her smile is very unnatural (to be
B: ________... when she meets him._______