Questions for self-study:
1. Government regulation of the market.
2. Effect income and substitution effect and its influence on the consumer demand.
Form of control:
- A survey.
- Tests.
- Problem solving.
The seminars 2
The purpose of the lesson:
- To study the theory of consumer behavior
- To consider the properties of the budget line and the indifference curve.
Topics for discussion:
1. Market equilibrium and its types.
2. The theory of consumer behavior.
Questions and tasks:
1. The consumer is in equilibrium with the following structure of his purchases: 2 to 3 kg of vegetables, etc. units. per kg and 4 kg of fruit damage by 5 inches. Define the marginal rate of substitution of fruit and vegetables a budget constraint of the consumer.
2. Consumer utility function: U = Qa Qb, where Qa and Qb - of two goods, A and B. The budget is 36 in the consumer unit. At the prevailing prices, consumer spending on buying the entire budget in turn buys two sets of goods: Qa = 6; Qb = Qa = 2 and 3; Qb = 3. Determine the price of the two goods and the balance of the consumer.
3. Consumer utility function: U = (Qa + 4) (Qb + 5), the budget - $ 64 and the price of goods: Ra = 1, Pb = 1,5. Write down the equation of the indifference curve on which the consumer is in equilibrium.
Independent work of the student
Questions for self-study:
1. Cardinal and ordinal interpretations of utility maximization consumer
Form of control:
- Tests.
- Problem solving.
Theme 6. Competition and Monopoly
(1 hour)
The seminars
The purpose of the lesson:
- To study the types and forms of competition and monopoly.
- To consider the antitrust regulation in Kazakhstan.
Topics for discussion:
1. Competition is the engine of the market
2. Types of market structures
3. Monopolistic competition and oligopoly.
Questions and tasks:
1. In the market of perfect competition, there is a 100 identical firms. Total costs in the short term are:
TC = 1 + q2.
1) The industry supply curve;
2) the equilibrium price and the volume of sales on the market in the short term, if the function of market demand is:
QD (P) = 200-50P;
3) the amount of product each firm.
2. The perfect competition market demand and supply functions are:
QD (P) = 1220-10P
QS (P) = -100 +50 P.
Function of the total cost of the company is TC = 80 + q2.
1) the equilibrium price and output;
2) the volume of supply and profit of one company;
3) the volume of supply of one company, knowing that the consumption tax is levied at 10 lei.
3. Revenue monopoly at a price of 10 is 40, and at the price of 15 is 30. Find the revenue when the price of 2, if the demand function is linear.
4.B in one cinema. Demand for tickets for children is 20 - 0,5 p1, adult, he is 8 - 0,1 p2 (pi - the ticket price). Theater costs are equal to 30 + 20Q, where Q - the number of spectators. Find the equilibrium price of the tickets for both children and adults.
Independent work of the student
Questions for self-study:
1. Antitrust Regulation of Natural Monopolies and Protection of Competition.
2. Monopoly profits: the nature, sources, and borders.
Form of control:
- A survey.
- Tests.
Theme 7. Circuit and the circulation of capital (funds) of enterprise
(1 hour)
The seminars
The purpose of the lesson:
- Be able to distinguish between fixed and circulating capital
- To consider the types of wear and calculation of depreciation
Topics for discussion:
1. Fixed and working capital.
2. Reproduction process of capital
3. Types of investments.
Questions and tasks:
1. Capital: the production of new value
Y to a and e and m in the following list that are in the production business:
a) lathe;
b) the contents of the cash register;
c) raw materials (egg, wood and nails)
d) due to school fees to be paid;
e) the capacity of the truck in 2 volumes;
f) the fish in the aquarium.