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Urban transport in Ukraine

It is necessary to notice that the urban transport in Ukraine functions in 53 cities. Buses and fixed route taxi will bring you in the most distant corners of a city. If you don't hurry anywhere, it is an excellent excursion around the city, buses can't move quickly and sometimes it is necessary to wait in traffic for a long time. But you should know that in small towns and even in such city as Dnepropetrovsk with quantity of inhabitants over 1 million, trams and trolley buses are outdated, the park isn't updated and they even look strange sometimes like an echo from the Soviet Union epoch. One of the wonders of Ukraine is the longest long-distance trolleybus system in the world which is located in peninsula Crimea connecting the cities of Simferopol and Yalta, and has the length of 86 km.

The Ukrainian Underground railway

Sometimes we advise for the gests of our country. Thanks to the possibility to avoid traffic on the roads, it is always possible to be sure that you will get on a business meeting in time. The Kiev metropolitan is very simple and has only three lines – blue, green and red. It is very difficult to lose your way here. Metro stations are clean and spacious. Diameter of tunnels is 1 meter bigger then in European metropolitans. Unlike users of some foreign metros we feel safely and with no worry, and personally we didn’t hear anything about gangsterism accidents in the Kiev metro.

Самостійна робота №8


Завдання:Зробіть переклад науково – популярного тексту. Складіть діалог за змістом тексту (20 фраз)

Transport in Europe

The cheapest way to travel around Europe - free (hitchhiking). However, it requires a lot of experience or time off. Civilized way to travel around Europe in several key ways:


The most expensive, but it is the fastest type of request about free transport. From the window of almost nothing visible stopover does not, so there is nothing interesting in the way you see, and in general, it is not for the students. If you do fly, see how you can reduce the cost of travel on airlines. For example youth discounts.


Ride the trains and buses are two ways to buy a ticket for each trip or purchase travel on a certain area (country or several countries). Decide how often you are going to move, and figure out what is more profitable.

The trains are TGV, long-distance and local trains.

Once you have arrived at the station, look for a brochure about the discounts. Usually discount a great many, but on his own initiative will not offer you them. We must ask the ticket of a particular tariff reduction in price. Reduced-price tariffs typically have discounts from 25% to 75%.

TGV - the most expensive, fastest (average speed of 200 km / h), the most comfortable trains. They have a flexible system of discounts. If you did not catch a supervisor on the first pass through the train, the second is fine.

Long distance trains generally have a fixed price. But the prices are not very high. Most of all in many European countries there are the so-called ticket weekend. For some low price two persons can travel any one day of the weekend from midnight until two in the morning the next day. Trains are usually soft, comfortable, and you can sleep well.

Information rail system is great fro passengers, you do not know language, go to a European country without any problems. You buy a ticket, say or point the finger at the map where you want to go, write on a piece of paper the desired departure time, and you are given a full schedule of direct. Important: trains run on schedule!


Buses for long distances makes sense to go between the two countries in "INTERCITY" or “ EUROBUS”. This is one of the cheapest, but the most uncomfortable transports. Buses leave late at night and arrive early in the morning, the cabin has a toilet, you can ask for tea / coffee, but seats are close to each other and if you cross the border of Schengen, in the night to check passports.

Самостійна робота №9

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