








Just Letters and Sounds

26 - , . .

The English Alphabet -
[ei] () Nn [en] ()
b [bi:] (:) Oo [ou] ()
Cc [si:] (:) Pp [pi:] (:)
Dd [di:] (:) Qq [kju:] (:)
[i:] (:) Rr [ɑ:] (:)
Ff [ef] () Ss [es] ()
Gg [ʤi:] (:) Tt [ti:] (:)
Hh [eiʧ] () Uu [ju:] (:)
Ii [ai] () Vv [vi:] (:)
Jj [ʤei] () Ww ['dʌblju:] (á :)
Kk [kei] () Xx [eks] ()
Ll [el] () Yy [wai] ()
Mm [em] () Zz [zed] ()

, . R "" : car [kɑ:] (), star [stɑ:](), door [do:] (). , , , , - - : arm [ɑ:rm] (), form [fo:rm] (, ), turn [tǝ:rn] ().

, , . (≈) , . ! : , , ! , . , . - - , , . , , .

. Why? , , :

Spell your name. - .
Spell it, please. - , .

, , , Timothy, , , Tim, :

Timothy - [ti:] [ai] [em] [ou] [ti:] [eiʧ] [wai]



Word -

Spell - , (spelling) , "". . : ['lestə]. . Where is it? :

How do you spell it? - ?
Spell this name for us. - .

Tim spells the name. We write it down. :

[el] [i:] [ai] [si:] [i:] [es] [ti:] [i:] [ɑ:] - Leicester.

, - ! There are nine letters in Leicester. , "".

, - .

[el] [ou] [en] [di:] [ou] [en]  
[wai] [ou] [ɑ:] [kei]  
[em] [ei] [en] [si:] [eiʧ] [i:] [es] [ti:] [i:] [ɑ:]  

Notes -

(Ann, Tim), (Africa, Asia), (England, Russia), (Bristol, York), (Pendrift), (Oxford Street), (Trafalgar Square) (Penny Lane) "" .

Your Dictionary

- -, . .

please - . :

1. , - l. : pl pa, , ph, pi. pl: place [pleis] (), plain [plein] ()... . . pleasant ['plezǝnt] (), pleasure ['lʒǝ] () .

2. please v, pleasant - . ""? - - . n noun (); v - verb (); - adjective (); adv - adverb ().
, "" . , , . , , .

help [help] 1. v . 2. n ; .
fast [fɑːst] 1. , . 2. adv .

3. .

  boy [boi] n dad [dæd] n
  dog [dog] n home [houm] n

. pl: plural ().

clothes [kləuðz] n pl
scissors ['sɪzəz] n pl

, , , "", , . : sing singular ( ). , news [nju:z] (. sing) , .

4. , - , .

  do [duː] v help [help] v
  go [gəu] v play [plei] v

5. , , " ". , letter . : , .

There are twenty-six letters in the English alphabet. - .

We write and get letters. - .

6. , . , - "" .
(, ), "" look [luk]. - . - . : look after ( -), ( -). look for .
- , , , .

I look at my sister. - .
She looks fine. - .
I look after my sister. - .
She looks for her doll. - .

7. , . , , , London () ['lʌndǝn], a Leicester () ['lestǝ] .
, , .

  man [mæn] n sea [si:] n
  help [help] v room [rum] n

, , .

alphabet ['ælfəbət] n
England ['ɪŋglənd] n
English ['ɪŋglɪʃ]
tomorrow [tə'mɔrəu] n

. . , - . [ː] .

  fist [fist] n feast [fi:st] n ,
  lid [lid] n lead [li:d] n
  pot [pɔt] n port [pɔ:t] n

, , , -. , :

  so [səu] adv do [du:] v
  few [fju:] sew [səu] v
  beak [bi:k] n break [breɪk] v

The Sounds of English

, .
, .
, .. ,
[i], [ɪ]:)

Vowels -

[æ] cat (), carry (), rat (), dad [dæd], man (, ) : . - , . .
[ɑ:] harm (), far (), class ()
[i:] he (), meal (), tree ()
[i]/[ɪ] it (), sit (), ticket ()
[e]/[ɛ] best (), mend (), pen ()
[]/[ɔ] coffee (), not (), rock ()
[:]/[ɔː] morning (), ball (), small ()
[u]/[ʊ] book (), foot (), put ()
[u:] blue (), move (), soon ()
[ʌ] cup (), mother (), some ()
[ɜː]/[ǝ:] third (), work (), learn ()
[ǝ] teacher (), Saturday ()

( , 4)

Diphthongs -

( )

[ei]/[eɪ] baby (), say (), train ()
[ai]/[aɪ] ice (), lie (), my ()
[au]/[aʊ] cloud (), flower (), town ()
[ou]/[ǝʊ] no (), only (), road ()
[oi]/[ɔɪ] coin (), noise (), boy ()
[iǝ]/[ɪǝ] ear (), dear (), here ()
[ɛǝ]/[eǝ] air (), bear (), there ()
[uǝ]/[ʊǝ] poor (), sure ()

Consonants -

[b] back (), husband (), rib ()
[p] past (), open ()
[d] day (), dark (), window ()
[t] take (), tree (), hot ()
[k] king (), cold (), sick ()
[g] get (), bag (), girl ()
[v] very (), have (), never ()
[f] fifteen (), wife (), phrase ()
[z] zero (), maze (), rose ()
[s] so (), basket (), city ()
[θ] thin (), think (), nothing ()
[ð] this (), together (), father ()
[ʃ] ship (), fish (), Russian ()
[ʒ] leisure (), garage (), mirage ()
[ʧ] chair (), each (), much ()
[ʤ] judge (), age (), language ()
[h] hat (), unhappy ()
[l] like (), pull (), last ()
[m] make (), meet (), summer ()
[n] never (), line (), round ()
[ŋ] song (), thing (), reading ()
[r] red (), every (), marry ()
[w] well (), woman (), what ()
[j] yes (), onion (), Italian ()

Notes -

1. .

  grass [grɑ:s] n bitter ['bitǝ]
  carry ['kæri] v winner ['winǝ] n

2. , . , rub [rʌb] [b]. good [gud] [d], dog [dog] [g].

Conversation -

. - hello [hǝ'lou]. , , .

Hello, boys and girls. - , .
Hello, everybody. - , .

hello , , .

Hello, Mum. - , .
Hello, Dad. - , .
Hello, Nick! Hello, Tim! - , ! , !

hello, - , .

Hello! - !
Hello. - .

Discussion -

dad [dæd] mum [mʌm] . , : Mum, Dad. : Mummy ['mʌmi] (), Daddy ['dædi] ().
father ['fɑ:ðǝ] () mother ['mʌðǝ] ().

Exercises -

Exercise 1. .

Dog, girl, go, acorn, tree, and, spell, sit, dad, conversation, well, he, what, take, egg, make, sorry, little, big, wife, question, word.

Exercise 2. Spell these words. - .

Father, money, which, quarter, seem, jam, gust, peck, next, zebra, capital.

Exercise 3. " " , (ABC) .

The White Queen says, "I know the ABC. I can read words of one letter."

- , , . - , , go (), do (), in (), and (), but ().

, , , .

London is a big city. It is very old. It lies on the River Thames. The history of London goes back to Roman times. London has a lot of sights. There are many parks in it. London is the capital of England. The English Queen lives in London. The Queen's name is Elizabeth.

2-letter words:
3-letter words:

: Queen [kwi:n], Thames [temz], Elizabeth [ɪ'lɪzəbəθ], Roman ['roumǝn], sight [sait], many ['menɪ], park [pɑ:k].


capital a; n
date n; v
name n; v
park n; v
Roman a; n
sight n; v


Phrases -

, :

Good bye. - .
Bye! - !
See you later. - .
See you tomorrow. - .


. .

Dad, Help Mum


- -. We can say something in English. , . We can say, "Hello!" -.

Dad, help Mum. - , .
Nick, go fast. - , .
Tim, spell your name. - , .

Grammar -

"" , - , . .

  Go! - ()! Help! - ()!
  Run! - ()! Take! - ()!

please: . , , , " ", " ", .

Tim, help me, please. - , , .
Boys, help me. - , .
Mr Strong, help me. - , .

. - -.

Say it in English, Tim. - -, .
Say it in Russian. - -.

Pronunciation -

. - - rhyme [raim], (little boy) (little dog): , !

  A little boy. [ǝ'litl'boi] .
  has a dog. [hi:'hæzǝ'dog] .
  says, "Run!" [hi:'sez'rʌn] : !
    One, one, one, Little dog, run.  

One [wʌn] () run [rʌn] (), . , , . , , , .

? , , , acorn ['eiko:n] (). , , me (, ), we (), he (), she (). [i:], [mi:], [wi:], [hi:], [ʃi:].

: go (), no (). , , [ou], : [gou], [nou].

take, like, home , . : [teik], [laik], [houm].

, , . .

  cat [kæt] - him [him] - ,
  cup [kʌp] - lock [lok] -
  but [bʌt] - bed [bed] -

, [ei]: s a y [sei], t a ke [teik], l a ke [leik], m a ze [meiz].
[æ]: c a t [kæt], h a t [hæt], d a ddy ['dædi], b a ttery ['bætǝri].


E [i:]: m e [mi:], th e se [ði:z], m e ter ['mi:tǝ], s e e [si:], del e te [di'li:t].
[]: p e n [pen], l e tter ['letǝ], n e st [nest], y e llow ['jelou].


I [ai]: i ce [ais], n i ce [nais], r i de [raid], dr i ve [draiv].
[i]: b i g [big], l i d [lid], h i s [hiz], s i tting ['sitiŋ].


[ou]: g o [gou], h o me [houm], t o ne [toun], al o ne [ǝ'loun].
- []/[ɔ]: d o g [dog], l o ttery ['lotǝri], p o t [pot], o n [on].


U , - [ju:]: u se [ju:z], m u le [mju:l], ref u se [ri'fju:z].
- [ʌ]: b u s [bʌs], R u ssian ['rʌʃn], c u t [kʌt], n u t [nʌt].


Y [wai] [ai]: b y [bai], m y [mai], rh y me [raim], d y namo ['dainǝmou].
[i]: h y mn [him], g y m [ʤim], rh y thm [riðm].


, . , , , "" , [ǝ]: father ['fɑ:ðǝ] - ; collar ['kolǝ] - ; mother ['mʌðǝ] - ; famous ['feimǝs] - ; minus ['mainǝs] - ; teacher ['ti:ʧǝ] - ; neighbour ['neibǝ] - .


. , .

  button [bʌtn] - season [si:zn] -
  reason [ri:zn] - sudden [sʌdn] -


Grammar -

, , -. We want to speak, read and write in English. . , , - , . , , do (), go (), get (). "" : like [laik] - ; see [si:] - ; take [teik] - .

. - : , , , , ... - - .

I see a ball. - .
You see a ball. - .
sees a ball. - .
She sees a ball. - .
We see a ball. - .
You see a ball. - .
They see a ball. - .

: - see he () she (), , - s. :

help s his mother. - .
She take s a pen. - .

Question -

1. , , ...
: you [ju:] (). , , , . . The English are very polite.

2. , - he, - she. ?
: It. , -. , , - - , , - it!

I have a car. - .
It goes fast. - .
We see a train. - .
It goes fast. - .
Take this apple. - .
It is nice. - .
Tim has a dog. - .
It is big. - .

: → - ← .

Phrases -

"" . :


I see Dad. - .
Dad sees Mum. - .
helps Mum. - .
I take a ball. - .
I like English. - .
We go home. - .
We see Tim. - .
Hello, Tim. - , .
Tim, take this apple. - , .
Tim takes it. - .


, . , , . , , . , , . , ; , , .

Exercises -

Exercise 1. - , .

Ale, bat, dust, dyke, hide, hit, home, hut, kite, lake, mule, me, poke, red, spike, tile.


Exercise 2. : - , [ei], [æ].
, .

a. , , black, lady, cake, hatter, hate, later, sad, same, mad, baker, bank, pale, ham, lame, ladder, gate, marry, snake, carry, fate, spanner.


b. Pot, rope, hope, nod, note, close, hotter, lobby, token, spoken, pole, pond, zone, sorry.


Exercise 3. Say in English. - -.

, , , , , , , , , , .

Exercise 4. Say in Russian. - -.

, take, one, ball, alphabet, fast, train, get, we, lid, please, you, spell.

Exercise 5. .

  1. I see (). () helps Dad.
  2. I () my dog. It is ().
  3. (), run fast! () home.
  4. Tim lives in (). It is in ().
  5. This city is ().
  6. I see Tim and he () me.
  7. Tim () his bag and he goes ().
  8. He says, ( ). We say, ( ).



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