


Другие языки
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III Listen to the text again. Decide if the statements are true or false. 1. In the ancient world clothes were cheap and available everywhere

1. In the ancient world clothes were cheap and available everywhere.

2. Engine-powered machines helped produce large amount of clothes.

3. Sometimes children ran naked in the ancient societies.

4. With the further development people learned how to spin and weave.

5. In gathering and hunting societies people invented the spinning wheel.




I Listen and remember the following words:

1. an influence – вплив

2. mittens – рукавиці

3. tight - щільний

4. to identify – визначати

5. jewelry – коштовності

6. an outfit – одяг, набір одягу

7. a scarf – шарф

8. available – доступний

II Read and remember the following phrases:

1. a lined jacket – куртка з підкладкою

2. loose-fitting – вільного крою

3. an outer garment – верхній одяг

4. a year-round coat – універсальне пальто

5. a casual dress – повсякденна сукня

6. to call for – потребувати, вимагати


Your Clothes Package

To be well-dressed, you need to know a lot about yourself and how to let your clothes speak for you. Many factors or qualities influence your choice of clothes. Personality, physical shape, lifestyle, and even the world around you play a part in your decisions about what to wear.

To dress successfully, you need to know about the kinds of clothes that are available to you. If you live in a cold area of the world, such as Alaska or other countries with cold climate, you need to wear special clothes to protect yourself from the cold and wind. In such areas people wear heavy, lined jackets and boots, scarves, and mittens. And it is a necessity, not a choice.

People living in hot, tropical areas also need to protect themselves from the weather. In these climates, people wear white or light-coloured clothes to deflect the rays of the sun. They may wear loose-fitting clothes, such as shorts rather than pants.

In most parts of the world the weather changes over the course of a year.

Clothing needs are varied. Most people need a variety of clothes to suit the weather changes.

Different lifestyles call for different clothes. Comfort and practicality may be important in choosing school clothing. A sport runner needs clothes that are too tight for the body. Most people want clothes that are special when they go out to a social activity.

Uniforms identify a person with a group of occupation: servants in the restaurants, nurses in the hospitals, and the military.

Some people need clothes that are primarily protective (engineers, agriculturalists and many factory employees).

Personality has a lot to do with what you like about certain clothes and dislike about others.

Most people try to plan their basic outer garments to ensure a coordinated effect. These groups are as follows:

1) a year-round coat;

2) a suit- versatile in style (possibly with skirt and pants);

3) separates-skirts, pants, shorts, blouses, sweaters, jackets;

4) a casual dress;

5) an afternoon dress - informal dress;

6) after-five-a) informal dress for entertaining at home;

b) short party dress;

c) long formal dress.

Basic garments such as skirts, trousers, tops, jackets can be changed round to give totally different effects. Accessories such as bags, belts, glasses, gloves, scarves, jewelry, shoes, tights and stockings can be worn with basic garments to introduce other ideas.

Well-dressed people are those who are always suitably dressed. They always have the right outfit for the right occasion. They can do it due to dress sense. It enables them to co-ordinate their wardrobes properly.

III Answer the questions:

1. What influences your choice of clothes?

2. Why do people wear heavy clothes in northern countries?

3. What clothes are the best in tropical areas?

4. What role do uniforms play?

5. What are the groups of outer garments?

6. What can introduce other ideas?

7. What people can be ‘well-dressed’?

8. What is ‘dress sense’?


IV Complete the sentences with the words from the text:

1. To be well-dressed you have to……

2. In the Far North you need heavy jackets to……..yourself from the……

3. People wear white and bright clothes to………of the sun.

4. Many people want something special if they……

5. Basic garments can be ……to produce different…..

6. …..are very good for introducing new ideas.

7. Well-dressed people choose garments due to……


V Find the English equivalents to the words:

Добре одягнутий, тип фігури, захищати, промінь, потребувати, не подобатись, різноманітний, розваги, ремінь, шарф, колготи


VI Make up sentences with the terms:

A year-round coat, a dressy dress, a uniform, a short party dress, wardrobe


VII Give definitions to the words:

A sweater, pants, jewelry, gloves, tights, stockings


VIII Translate the sentences into English:

1. Одяг повинен говорити про вас.

2. Обирати одяг слід враховуючи такі фактори: фігура, погода, настрій.

3. На півночі люди одягають теплий одяг на підкладці, тоді як на півдні, віддають перевагу легкому та світлому одягу.

4. Іноді ми даємо перевагу деяким видам одягу.

5. Слід приділяти увагу аксесуарам, які добре доповнюють наш гардероб.

6. Ми можемо змінювати наш вигляд за допомогою шарфів, ременів, сумочок.

7. Завдяки почуттю смаку люди гарно виглядають в будь-якому одязі.


IX Speak on the topic using the following words and word-combinations:

To be well-dressed, to make a choice, weather conditions, lifestyles, social activity, groups of outer garments, right outfit, accessories, to coordinate one’s wardrobe




I Read and remember:

1. a toddler – дитина, яка починає ходити

2. a numbered size – нумерований розмір

3. to avoid – уникати

4. trim – обробка

5. to tug – тягнути

6. a gripper – затиск

7. to reinforce – закріплювати, посилювати


II Read the text and define the main idea of it:


Children’s Clothes

Until the twentieth century, children were often thought of, treated and dressed like miniature adults. Today, children’s clothing is special. It is designed just for them and does not look like adult clothing. Children’s clothing is a separate division in the clothes industry.

Children’s clothes are sized according to age body size. Size groupings include babies’, toddlers’, and children’s.

Clothes for babies are usually sized either by body weight or by age in months. Body weight ranges from 8 to 10 pounds (3.9 to 4.6 kilograms) or from 12-18 pounds (5.5 to 8.5 kilograms). Age in months ranges from 6 to 12 months, or from 12 to 18 months.

Toddler sizes follow the same pattern although they may also have numbered sizes. A toddler size 2, for example, is for a child 18 to 24 months old.

Preschool children clothes are often sized by age, ranging from 4 to 8. Sizes for school-age children run from 8 through 18. They are based on body size and weight.

It is necessary to buy children’s and babies’ clothes slightly larger. They grow fast, and buying large ones means the clothes can be worn a longer time. Parents should avoid buying clothes for babies with buttons or trims that can be pulled out. Infants pull, chew, and tug at their clothes. Therefore clothes with trims and fancy fasteners are not practical and may even be dangerous. It is better to look for children’s clothes made of sturdy materials especially if you are buying play clothes, such as easy-care cotton blends and knits. Reinforced stitching and fabric at the seams and knees is helpful. Grippers are the easiest fasteners for small children to handle themselves – and small children take pride in what they can do for themselves. If a garment has buttons they must be large enough for a small child to handle.

Children’s clothes should be of bright colours and prints, made of natural fabrics, such as cotton, linen, wool and silk or natural blends. Some more sophisticated clothes are planned for older children with a fashion appeal.


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