






The Early Development of Clothes

ϳ ESP: Textiles and Dressmaking 210 , .

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I Listen and remember the following words:

1. to tie ,

2. a vine

3. a sinew

4. tough

5. a tendon

6. a string

7. an awl

8. a notch ,

9. a thimble

10. a hide


II Read and remember the following phrases:

1. a hunting and gathering society

2. an animal skin

3. a sewing plate

4. a tree bark

5. horse hair

6. a rope-like string


The Early Development of Clothes

Since the first people put on the first pieces of clothing, what people wear has been in a constant change. Today, changes in clothes are mostly related to style of fashion.

For thousands of years in the past, however, changes in clothes were made out of necessity. People were discovering how to make clothes and what kind of clothes to wear. Social scientists believe that people began to wear clothes when they lived in hunting and gathering societies. People lived in groups because this made the task of getting food easier. In groups such as these, the first clothes developed. They were probably made from animal skins.

Many years ago, ice age spread extremely cold weather over large parts of Europe. Some people died from cold some moved to warmer areas, and some tried to adapt. Historians think those were the people who started wearing fur clothes. They discovered that the bear meat could provide food. But most important, though, they discovered that the bear skin could be made into clothes. The people needed something to use to tie on the bear skin. They may have tried a vine at first. Finally, they used sinew, a tough, stringlike tendon from the leg of an animal.

Sometimes, they accidentally pushed holes into the skin when they were preparing it. This led to the idea of deliberately punching holes into it to string sinew through the holes. Lacing skills got better and better. The awl was the tool used to punch holes in skins. Because it was used so much, people gradually changed the awl to make it even more useful. Gradually, a notch was carved in the blunt end of the awl to hold the sinew in place. The other end had been already sharpened to make punching holes easier. Now the sinew could be threaded through the hole. After many years, the eyed needle had been invented. The invention of the eyed needle led to the development of sewing. Now people could sew skins rather than lacing them.

A second important sewing tool the sewing plate appeared about this time. Made of bone, it was used to push the needle through the hide. This sewing plate was probably, used much as a thimble is used today.

Eventually, people began to settle down and live in one place. Living in one place made the next developments in clothes easier.

The next development was yarn, a continuous strand, or string of fibers. It is made by twisting and tightening the fibers. The process of making yarn is called spinning. People began to use the stems and reeds of plants and some kind of tree bark. They found that horse hair worked. Perhaps people even got idea of spinning by observing how matted animal hair twisted into strong, ropelike strings. Gradually, they made the tools to spin fibers.

After people learned to spin, they mastered the art of weaving. Weaving is a process of interlacing yarns to create cloth of fabric.

The first weaving was done by hand. Later, weaving was done on looms. A loom is a frame or machine used to interlace yarn to make cloth. Early looms were small enough to carry around, and hunting and gathering societies undoubtedly used them. However, in agrarian societies, people were settled enough to build large looms in order to weave large pieces of fabric, at this time, advances in fabric making became possible.

As people learned more and more about spinning and weaving, they looked around for fibers they could use. A fiber is a slender, elongated strand that can be twisted to form a strong, tight length of yarn.

Since the first weaving began, only five natural fibers have been widely used. They are wool, linen, cotton, silk, and ramie. Other fibers, such as alpaca, from Llamas, camels hair from camels, are sometimes used. For most part, these other fibers are too scarce or too expensive to be used often.

All five natural fibers are still used today. Each fiber was developed in a different part of the world and comes from different sources. Every natural fiber can be used to make almost every item of clothing that is worn today.


III Answer the questions:

1. When did people begin to think about clothing?

2. What were the first clothes made from?

3. What caused wearing fur?

4. What was used to tie pieces of fur?

5. How did ancient people use an animal sinew?

6. What way did lacing skills get better?

7. What tool preceded an eyed needle?

8. What was the second important invention in ancient sewing?

9. How was the first yarn developed?

10. What is spinning?


IV Complete the sentences with the words from the text:

1. is a process of making yarn.

2. The process of interlacing yarns to create a cloth is called .

3. is a machine used for weaving.

4. are those ones made from natural material.

5. a thin thread of a natural or artificial origin.


V Find the English equivalents to the words:

, , , , , , , , ,


VI Make up sentences with the terms:

A sinew, to punch holes, an awl, a sewing plate, a continuous strand, to spin fibres, to interlace yarn


VII Give definitions to the words:

A sinew, an awl, a thimble, a string, a cloth, a fibre, a needle


VIII Translate the sentences into English:

1. .

2. .

3. .

4. .

5. .

6. ϳ .

7. , .

8. .


IX Speak on the topic using the following words and word-combinations:

To make clothes, a vine, to tie, a sinew, an awl, to push holes, an eyed needle, to twist yarns, spinning, to interlace yarns, weaving, a loom, to use natural fibres


I Read and remember:

1. tailored ,

2. draped ,

3. composite ,

4. a toggle ()

5. knotted ,

6. fringed

7. raveling ,

8. a sasher ,

9. to wrap ,

10. a hip


II Read the text and define the main idea of it:




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