






Metabolism of heme. Jaundices

1. Metabolites from whichheme is synthesized

A. alanine

B. glycine

C. fumarate

D. succinate

E. succinyl-CoA

F. acetyl-CoA


2. The enzyme catalyzing the reaction of of δ-aminolevulinic acidsynthesis

A. porphobilinogen synthase

B. delta amino levulinate synthase

C. heme synthase

D. uroporphobilinogen synthase

E. porphobilinogen synthase


3. Coenzyme required for the synthesis of δ-aminolevulinic acid


B. THP (thiamine diphosphate)

C. PF (pyridoxine phosphate)

D. biotin



4. Hemoglobin A1(HbA1) contains polypeptide chains of two types. What are they?

A. ɑ-chains

B. β-chains

C. ɒ-chains

D. γ-chains

E. δ-chains

F. ε-chains


5. Fetal hemoglobin F (HbF) contains polypeptide chains of two types. What are they?

A. ɑ-chains

B. β-chains

C. ɒ-chains

D. γ-chains

E. δ-chains

F. ε-chains


6. Hemoglobin P (HbP) contains polypeptide chains of two types. What are they?

A. ɑ-chains

B. β-chains

C. ɒ-chains

D. γ-chains

E. δ-chains

F. ε-chains


7. Hemoglobin U (HbU) contains polypeptide chains of two types. What are they?

A. ɑ-chains

B. β-chains

C. ɒ-chains

D. γ-chains

E. δ-chains

F. ε-chains


8. Hemoglobin A2 (HbA2) contains polypeptide chains of two types. What are they?

A. ɑ-chains

B. β-chains

C. ɒ-chains

D. γ-chains

E. δ-chains

F. ε-chains


9. The first bile pigment formed in the procees of the porphyrin structure catabolism is

A. urobilin

B. bilirubin

C. dehydrobilirubin

D. stercobilin


10. Bilirubin in the bile structure enters the intestine in the form of

A. free bilirubin

B. indirect bilirubin

C. bilirubinoids

D. stercobilinogena

E. conjugated bilirubin

F. direct bilirubin


11. Neutralization of bilirubin in the liver is determined by the enzyme

A. bilirubin reductase

B. UDP-glucuronyl transferase

C. Cytochrome P-450

D. Sulphotransferase


12. Bele pigment that is to be in norm in human urea

A. bilirubin

B. biliverdin

C. stercobilinogen

D. mezobilinogen

E. urobilin

13. Hemoglobin A1 (HbA1) is contained in

A. a fetus

B. an embryo

C. a healthy adult

D. a patient with sickle cell anemia


14. Hemoglobin A2 (HbA2) is contained in

A. a fetus

B. an embryo

C. a healthy adult

D. a patient with sickle cell anemia


15. Hemoglobin F (HbF) is contained in

A. a fetus

B. an embryo

C. an adult healthy person

D. a patient with sickle cell anemia


16. Erythrocyte life span is on average

A. to 30 days

B. to 60 days

C. to 120 days

D. more than 120 days


17. Indicate several right answers

Biliverdin is formed in macrophages located in

A. bloodstream

B. bone marrow

C. spleen

D. liver

E. kidneys


18. For heme synthesis are required

A. glycine

B. alanine


C. succinyl-CoA

D. acetyl-CoA


19. Heme is a prosthetic group of

A. myoglobin

B. hemoglobin

C. cytochromes

D. catalase

E. hexokinase

F. all of the above


20. Heme binds oxygen in the structure of

A. myoglobin

B. hemoglobin

C. cytochromes

D. catalase

E. hexokinase


21. Hemolytic jaundice is characterized by

A. level rise of indirect bilirubin in blood

B. level rise of direct bilirubin in blood

C. decrease in the content of urobilin in urine

D. decrease in the content of stercobilin in urine

E. level rise of free bilirubin in blood

F. level rise of conjugated bilirubin in blood

G. increase in the content of urobilin in urine

H. increase in the content of stercobilin in urine


22. Obstructive (mechanical) jaundice is characterized by

A. level rise of indirect bilirubin in blood

B. level rise of direct bilirubin in blood

C. decrease in the content of urobilin in urine

D. increase in the content of urobilin in urine

E. increase in the content of general urobilin in urine


23. Hepatocellular (hepatic) jaundice is characterized by

A. level rise of indirect bilirubin in blood

B. level rise of direct bilirubin in blood

C. increase in the content of urobilin in urine

D. increase in the content of stercobilin in urine

E. increase in the concentration of bilirubin in blood

F. decrease in the content of urobilin in urine

G. decrease in the content of stercobilin in urine


24. Match the following

Compare types of jaundice to their manifestations


Type of jaundice

1. hemolytic A. level rise of indirect bilirubin in blood


2. obstructive (mechanical) B. level rise of direct bilirubin in blood

C. in the urine and faeces the content of final

products of heme catabolism decreases


D. in the urine and faeces the content of final

products of heme catabolism increases


25. Heme synthesis

A. Takes place in erythrocytes

B. Is reduced in vitamin B6deficiency

C. is regulated by heme and hemoglobin

D. is deceleratedin iron deficiency in the body

E. takes place in mitochondria and the cytoplasm of the bone marrow cells

F. is deceleratedin Mg2+ deficiency in the body


26. Chromoproteins content in the body is taken as 100%

how many % are accounted for hemoglobin

A. 90%

B. 80%

C. 50%

D. 30%

E. 10%

F. Below 1%


27. Match the following

Compare types of jaundice to their manifestations


Type of jaundice

1. hemolytic A. level rise of indirect bilirubin in the blood


2. obstructive (mechanical) B. level rise of direct bilirubin in the blood


C. decrease in the content of urobilin

and stercobilin in urine and faeces


D. increase in the content of urobilin

and stercobilin in urine and faeces


F. Increase of general urobilin in blood


28. Match the following

Compare types of jaundice to their manifestations


Type of jaundice

1. obstructive (mechanical) A. level rise of indirect bilirubin

in blood

2. hepato-cellular B. level rise of direct bilirubin in blood


C. decrease in the content of urobilin

and stercobilin in urine and faeces


D. increase in the content of urobilin

and stercobilin in urine and faeces


E. Increase of general urobilin in blood

29. Match the following

Compare types of jaundice to their manifestations


Type of jaundice

1. hemolytic A. level rise of indirect bilirubin



2. hepato-cellular B. level rise of direct bilirubin in blood


C. decrease in the content of urobilin

and stercobilin in urine and faeces


D. increase in the content of urobilin

and stercobilin in urine and faeces


E. Increase of general urobilin in the blood


30. Name the product of heme catabolism circulating in the blood with albumin

A. Unconjugated bilirubin

B. Conjugated bilirubin

C. Urobilin

D. Stercobilin

E. A and B are correct


31. Porphyria is a defect of synthesis of

A. Heme

B. α-chains-globin

C. ε- chains-globin

D. β- chains-globin

E. γ-chains-globin

F. δ-chains-globin


32. Methemoglobinemia occurs is

A. radical amino acid replacement in β-chains Hb

B. conservative amino acid replacement in α-chains Hb

C. radical amino acid replacement in the hydrophobic pocket for heme of protein part Hb

D. conservative amino acid replacement in the hydrophobic pocket for heme of protein part Hb


33. Name the metabolites which are used for heme synthesis

A. Fumarate and glycine

B. Glycine and succinate

C. Succinyl CoA and glycine

D. Alanine and succinyl CoA

E. Alanine and glycine


34. Sickle cell anemia occurs is

A. radical amino acid replacement in α-chains Hb

B. conservative amino acid replacement in β-chains Hb

C. radical amino acid replacement in the hydrophobic pocket for heme of protein part Hb

D. conservative amino acid replacement in the hydrophobic pocket foro heme of protein part Hb

35. Thalassemias - is a defect of synthesis of

A. Heme

B. α-chains-globin

C. ε- chains-globin

D. β- chains-globin

E. γ-chains-globin

F. δ-chains-globin


Blood plasma proteins


1. Proteins of "anacute phase" are
A. haptoglobin
B. C-reactive protein
C. transferrin
D. prothrombin
E. ceruloplasmin
F. amyloid protein A

2. Proteins of "anacute phase" are
A. a1-Antitrypsin

B. C-reactive protein
C. Albumin
D. Fibrinogen
E. a2- macroglobin

3. It isn, t the protein of "anacute phase"

A. haptoglobin
B. C-reactive protein
C. Retinol-binding protein
D. Fibrinogen
E. Ig M


4. The protein of "anacute phase" is
A. a1 acid glycoprotein
B. hemoglobin
C. fibronogen
D. prothrombin
E. Ig G


5. Two differential characteristics common for acute phase proteins are
A. all proteins are lipoproteins in their chemical structure
B. all proteins are glycoproteins in their chemical structure
C. are synthesized in the liver
D. are synthesized in the kidneys
E. are synthesized in the bowel
F. are synthesized by cells of the lymphoid system


6. The function of haptoglobin is
A. transport of copper ions
B. transport of iron ions
C. bindinghemoglobin
D. inhibiting virus replication
E. transporting vitamin D


7. Dysproteinemia is
A. risingin the concentration of certain groups of proteins in the blood plasma
B. decreasing in the concentration of certain groups of proteins in the blood
C. appearance of proteins in the blood plasma which have not been detected before theprogression of acute inflammation
D. the imbalance of blood plasma proteins
E. all of the above mentioned is true

8. The reduction in the concentration of protein in blood serum is called
A. paraproteinemia
B. dysproteinemia
C. hyperproteinemiya
D. hypoproteinemiya

9. Increase of proteinconcentration is blood serum is called
A. paraproteinemia
B. dysproteinemia
C. hyperproteinemiya
D. hypoproteinemiya


10. The main physiological functionalof haptoglobin is

A. binding of hemoglobin
B. participion in the acute phase reaction
C. transporting of vitamin B12
D. preservation of iron
E. All of the above mentioned is true

11. Increased activity of tissue enzymes in the blood serum in case of pathology may be due to
A. the increased synthesis of enzymes in the tissues

B. increased permeability of cell membranes of cells synthesizing enzymes
C. the decrease in circulating blood volume
D. the destruction of cells synthesizing enzymes
E. the increase in circulating blood volume

12. The value of the oncotic pressure of the blood serum is determined by its components
A. cations
B. low molecular carbohydrates
C. anions
D. proteins
E. low molecular nitrogenous compounds

13. The total protein concentration inadult blood plasma equal
A. 35-45g/l
B. 45-55g/l
C. 65-85g/l
D. 85-95g/l
E. more than 95g/l


14. Protein of blood serum which plays a major role in the transport of medicines is

A. haptoglobin

B. transferrin

C. ceruloplasmin

D. a2 macroglobulin

E. albumin


15. Functions of albumin:

A. binds and transports cations

B. maintains oncotic pressure of blood

C. participates in immune processes

D. participates in the acute phase reactions

E. participates in blood coagulation

F. provides a reserve of protein in the body


16. Albumins do not participate in

A. the activation of lipoprotein lipase

B. the binding of drugs

C. the transport of fatty acids

D. the transport of hormones

E. the transportof fat-soluble vitamins

F. the binding of hemoglobin

G.the transport of water-soluble vitamins


17. Serum in comparison with plasma does not contain protein
A. fibrinogen
B. albumin
C. complement
D. a2-macroglobulin
E. antithrombin
18. The proteins in blood plasma are
A. myosin
B. albumins
C. the immunoglobulin classes M and G
D. scleroproteins

E. collagen

19. The proteinof blood serum transferrin binds and transports
A. Zn
B. Fe

C. Na
D. Cu
E. Co
F. K

G. Ca

20. The disease developing in congenital decrease of a1 antitrypsine synthesis is
A. destructive lung disease
B. hepatitis
C. Wilson diseases
D. diabetes
E. malignant neoplasms
F. anemia

21. Blood proteins that have antiprotease activity
A. a1-antitrypsin
B. a2-macroglobulin
C. haptoglobin
D. a1-acid glycoprotein
E. a1-fetoprotein
F. transferrin

22. Protein of blood serum, which plays a major role in the transport and regulation of Cu metabolism is
A. haptoglobin
B. a2-macroglobulin
C. ceruloplasmin
D. transferrin
E. a1-antitrypsin

23. Blood does not have this function
A. nutritional
B. structural
C. excretory
D. protective
E. regulatory
F. transport


24. It is not thecriterion ofserum protein
A. shows functional activity while in the blood
B. most in their chemical structure are complex proteins
C. synthesis in liver

D. concentration is lower in blood than in the liver
E. concentration is higher in blood than in the liver

25. Protein concentration in blood serum
A. depends on the speed of its synthesis
B. does not depend on the speed of its synthesis
C. does not depend on the speed of its elimination
D. depends on the speed of its elimination
E. depends on the volume of circulating blood
F. does not depend on the volume of circulating blood

26. When the concentration ofthe protein in the serumis in the range
of 10 g/l and more the protein belongs to the group of
A. dominant
B. permanent (constant)
C. minor

27. When the concentration of theprotein in the serum is in the range
of 1-10 g/l the protein belongs to the group of
A. dominant
B. permanent (constant)
C. minor

28. When the concentration of theprotein in the serum is in the range
of 0,1-1 g/l the protein belongs to the group of
A. dominant
B. permanent (constant)
C. minor

29. Haptoglobin refers to the group of serum proteins
A. dominant
B. permanent (constant)
C. minor

30. These are not the physiological functions of blood proteins are not

A. the maintenance of oncotic pressure of blood
B. the maintenance of the colloid osmotic pressure of blood
C. they are not protein reserve of the body
D. involved in blood coagulation
E. does not support the pH of the blood
F. maintaining the pH of the blood
G. are protein reserve of the body

31. This physiological function of blood proteins are not
A. keeping the of cationslevel in the blood
B. the transport of endogenous compounds
C. involved in the immune defense of the body
D. transport of exogenous compounds
E. do not support bloodpH
F. maintaining bloodpH

32. Enzymes of blood serum belonging to the group of secretory are synthesized in
A. liver
B. blood cells
C. muscle
D. bones
E. vascular system
F. adipose tissue
G. pancreas
H. intestine
L. stomach

33. Enzymes of blood serum belonging to the group of excretory, are synthesized in

A. liver

B. blood cells

C. muscle

D. bones

E. vascular system

F. adipose tissue

G. pancreas

H. intestine

L. stomach


34. Enzymes of blood serum belonging to the group of cellular (tissue), are not synthesized in

A. liver

B. blood cells
C. muscle
D. bones
E. vascular system
F. adipose tissue
G. pancreas
H. intestine
L. stomach


35. Indicate the proteins of acute phase

A. ceruloplasmin and hemoglobin

B. haptoglobin and transferrin

C. fibrinogen and albumin

D. orosomucoid and a1-antitrypsin

E. all of the listed

36. Name the enzymes whoseactivityin the serum is increased in the liver pathology


B. LDH-1

C. phosphocreatinekinase

D. LDH-5

E. amilase


37. Dysproteinemia is

A. the increase of proteins concentration

B. the dicrease of proteins concentration

C. ratioviolation of the fractions of plasma proteins

D. all the above mentioned is true


38. Causes of hypoalbuminemia

A. liver disease

B. burns

C. malignant neoplasms

D. nephrotic syndrome


39. The total protein concentration in blood plasma of adult equals

A. 30-40 g/l

B. 40-50 g/l

C. 60-80 g/L




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