Chapter 12. Word-formation
Основні словотвірні суфікси
Частина мови | Суфікс | Приклади словотворення |
1 Іменник | -ion -ment -ance (-ence) -er (-or) -ant (-ent) -ness -ity -dom -ism -ist -ship | to decorate – decoration to develop – development to perform – performance to work – worker to assist – assistant happy – happiness active – activity free – freedom social – socialism social – socialist friend – friendship |
2 Прикметник | -able -ive -al -ful -less -ic -ous -y | to count – countable to act - active continent – continental beauty – beautiful help – helpless history – historic mountain – mountainous rain –rainy |
3 Дієслово | -ate -ize (-ise) -fy -en | to decorate to organize to electrify to broaden |
4 Числівник | -teen -ty -th | six – sixteen six – sixty six – sixth |
5 Прислівник | -ly | nice – nicely |
Основні словотвірні префікси
Префікси | Приклади словоутворення |
un- | to dress – to undress important – unimportant like – unlike |
dis- | to like – to dislake appearance – disappearance advantage – disadvantage |
mis- re- in- im- ir- de- non- pre- over- co- en- ex- anti- | to undersand – to misunderstand to write – to rewrite attentive – inattentive possible – impossible regular – irregular to mobilize – demobilize effective – non-effective war – prewar estimate – overestimate existence – coexistence large – enlarge minister – ex-minister war – antiwar |
counter- | balance – counterbalance |
1 Which of the following verbs do not form their negatives with DIS-? Form the correct negatives of the given verbs:
agree | appear | approve | believe |
continue | do | dress | infect |
inherit | like | obey | organise |
place | please | prove | satisfy |
trust |
2 DE- can be used with different meanings. Divide the following verbs formated with DE- into two groups:
When it means to remove or remove from the stated thing, e. g. defrost,
2) when it means reversing the process described by the original word, e. g. deactivate:
decentralise | declassify | decode | decolonise |
decompress | dehumanise | dehydrate | deindustrialise |
delouse | dematerialise | demilitarise | demist |
depoliticise | depopulate | deregulate | destabilise |
dethrone |
Which of the following adjectives form their negatives with IN- and which with UN-?
definite | deniable | dependent | desirable |
destructible | determinable | dignified | direct |
disciplined | discreet | disputable | distinctive |
distinguished | drinkable | edible | edited |
educated | effective | eligible | equal |
estimable | even | just | exceptional |
expected | explored | fair | faithful |
fallible | familiar | fashionable | favourable |
finite | flexible | forgettable | formal |
fortunate | friendly | fulfilled | grammatical |
grateful | healthy | identified | idiomatic |
imaginable | important | intentional |
4 Look at these examples and add more of your own, using the root words below with one of the negative prefixes in this list:
DIS- disagree... IL- illegal...
IM- immature... IN- indirect...
IR- irregular... UN- uncomfortable...
accurate | approve | convenient | decent |
expected | familiar | kind | known |
legible | like | literate | lucky |
moral | obey | patient | personal |
popular | possible | probable | regular |
relevant | satisfied | tidy | tolerant |
visible |
5 OVER- can be used with different meanings. Divide the following words formed with OVER- into five groups:
When it means too much; excess of, e. g. overpaid,
When it means power, e. g. overcome,
When it means above, beyond, across, e. g. overseas,
When it means outer; covering, e. g. overalls,