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What types of conditionals are here?

a) 1 If he takes the medicine, he will feel better. 2 If I had had time yesterday, I would have visited them. 3 If she asked the doctor he would help her. 4 If he had come to the polyclinic yesterday, doctor Sydorenko would have examined him. 5 He won’t finish this work in time unless he works hard. 6 She will not be discharged next week unless she is better. 7 If the professor were here, he would give her his advice. 8 If I had seen him yesterday, I would have asked him about it.

b) 1 Were I a doctor, I would prescribe you a strict regime. 2 Had this doctor time tomorrow; he would go and see his sick friend. 3 Were he at the hospital, he would recover sooner. 4 Had the patient followed the doctor’s advice he would have already recovered. 5 Should we see him tomorrow, we should ask him about it. 6 Had he known to be ill, he would not have gone there.


14 Translate the following:

1 If I see this doctor, I shall ask him about it. 2 If I saw this doctor, I would ask him about it. 3 If I had seen him yesterday, I would have asked him about it. 4 If he visits a doctor, he will be helped immediately. 5 If he visited a doctor, he would have be helped immediately. 6 If he had visited a doctor yesterday, he would have been helped. 7 Should I see him tomorrow, I should tell him about it. 8 Had I seen him yesterday, I would have asked him about it.

15 Give an adequate translation:

1 I should receive this result myself. 2 It is necessary that he should go there at once. 3 If he were here now, he could give us his advice. 4 They suggested that this plan should be discussed in detail. 5 She looked as if she had been ill for a long time. 6 We wished he had informed us yesterday. 7 If he had put on a warm coat, he would not have caught cold. 8 He could have done it if he had tried. 9 It was demanded that we should meet them at 6 o’clock. 10 The doctor insisted that I should stay in bed for a week more. 11 They spoke of the doctor as if they knew him very well.

16 Translate the sentences, define the function of if:

1 If the resistance of the organism to infections were insufficient a man would suffer from numerous infectious diseases. 2 The physician wanted to know if the patient had been given diphtheria vaccination previously. 3 If the man is operated on for appendicitis he is given local anaesthesia. 4 If he had not been ill with diphtheria the membrane would not have extended over the tonsils, pharynx and larynx. 5 The doctor wants to know if everything is ready. 6 If the doctor keeps us waiting, we shall be late for the train. 7 They asked the dean if it was necessary for them to be present at this conference. 8 We were not sure if the train would arrive in time. 9 If he were in your place, he would fulfill the task in a few days. 10 The doctor was asked if he knew the best method of treatment of this disease. 11 She would not come here, even if we invited her for she is ill.


17 Translate the following:

1 Якщо він прийде, я попрошу у нього підручник з англійської мови. 2 Якби він прийшов учора, він міг би виконати це завдання. 3 Якби він був тут, він допоміг би нам. 4 Якби вони мали час учора, вони прийшли б до нас.

18 Translate the following sentences:

1 If the doctor comes, he will help the boy. 2 If we see the nurse, we shall tell her about it. 3 If you sleep well, you will not complain of a headache. 4 If the patient's heart is normal, the operation will be performed without delay. 5 If he follows the doctor's instructions, he will reco­ver quickly. 6 If the patient shows signs of shock, a blood transfusion will be given. 7 If she goes for a walk, she will catch cold. 8 If I have a bad tooth, I shall go to the dentist. 9 If the surgical treatment is prompt, the disease will be curable. 10 If he is ill, he will not come to the conference.


19 Use all three types of conditional sentence where possible:

Example: If you (meet) him, he (tell) you.

a) If you meet him, he will tell you.

b) If you met him, he would tell you.

c) If you had met him, he would have told you.

1 If I (have) time, I (come) to see you. 2 If that man (do) more exercise, he (get) not so fat. 3 If cholera (spread) more in that area, it (attack) large numbers of people. 4 If he (take) not care, he (catch) a nasty infection. 5 If it (stop) raining, I (go) for a walk. 6 It (be) much better, if they (come) not until after the lecture (be) over. 7 The health situation (improve) not if the chief hygiene officer (intervene) not. 8 If the Sabin vaccine (be) not introduced, polio (be) hardly ever eradicated in this country. 9 If the disease (be) not notified in time, serious danger (may) arise. 10 If she (practice) harder, she (pass) the exam quite easily.

20 Give an adequate translation:

1 If you had slept well last night, you would not have complained of a headache. 2 If she had gone for a walk last Sunday, she would have caught cold. 3 If we had seen the nurse last week, we would have told her about it. 4 If he had followed the doctor's instructions earlier, he would have recovered quickly. 5 If you had told me that doctor Ivanov was in the clinic, I would have, consulted him. 6 If the patient had taken the drug regularly, his temperature would have returned to normal. 7 If he had not been operated on in time, he would have died. 8 If you had been more careful, you would not have broken the thermometer. 9 If he had not gone out in the rain, he would not have caught cold. 10 If he had taken care of himself, his health would have improved.

21 Translate the following:

1 If I were in your place, I would go to the next clinic and ask for medical advice. 2 If you worked less, you would not look so tired. 3 If you took care of yourself, your health would improve. 4 If I felt bad, I would go to the doctor. 5 If you slept well, you would not complain of a headache. 6 If we saw the nurse, we would tell her about it. 7 If the patient followed the doctor's advice, he would not suffer so much. 8 If the patient showed signs of shock, blood transfusion would be-administered immediately. 9 Were I at the clinic, I would recover quickly. 10 If the child had pneumonia again, I would advice to send him to the South.

22 Complete the sentences using the model:

Model: I (to know) it earlier, I (to warn) you.

If I had known it earlier, I would have warned you.

1 You (to sleep) well last night, you (not to complain) of a headache. 2 She (to go) for a walk last Sunday, she (to catch) cold. 3 We (to see) the nurse last week, we (to tell) her about it. 4 He (to follow) the doctor's instructions ear­lier, he (to recover) quickly. 5 You (to tell) me that doctor Ivanov was in the clinic, I (to consult) him. 6 The patient (to take) the drug regularly, his temperature (to return) to norm­al. 7 He (not to be operated on) in time, he (to die) 8 You (to be) more careful, you (not to brake) the thermometer. 9 He (not to go out) in the rain, he (not to catch) cold. 10 He (to take) care of himself, his health (to improve).


23 Complete the following conditional sentences:

1 You will certainly get into trouble if … 2 He would develop heart disease unless … 3 You would not fail the exam if …. 4 The baby will be discharged from the hospital if …. 5 You would never have caught that cold, if you …. 6 If this course of treatment is taken …. 7 Your hypertension will not get better unless …. 8 If he took more care …. 9 They would have succeeded if …. 10 If he had been operated on mistral competence in time …. 11 In case your temperature remains normal …. 12 Arrhythmia would not have developed if ….


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