alkali щолок
food їжа
supply запас
vaccines вакцина
penicillin пеніцилін
sulfa сульфамід
category категорія
cathode катод
cause причина
caustic soda їдкий натрій
caution передбачливість
cavity порожнина
cell клітина
central nervous system центральна нервова система
chain reaction ланцюгова реакція
competence здібність, вміння
chromosomes хромосоми
proteins протеїни
gene ген
genetic code генетичний код
chemical reaction/ element хімічна реакція/елемент
oxidation окислення
the secrets of living thing секрети живих організмів
the causes of the diseases причини захворювань
great value велика цінність
methods of prevention and cure методи профілактики та лікування
to keep healthy зберігати здоров’я
a great contribution to science великий вклад в науку
a powerful microscope потужний мікроскоп
environment оточуюче середовище
environmental protection захист оточуючого середовища
an unlimited source of resources невичерпне джерело ресурсів
timber ліс
waste products відходи
pollution забруднення оточуючого середовища
to damage the resources наносити шкоду ресурсам
to cause acid rain викликати кислотний дощ
to lead to damage привести до пошкоджень
abuse of arable lands неправильне використання земель
wildlife дика природа
species of animals and plants види тварин і рослин
the effect of the Chernobyl disaster наслідкиЧорнобильської катастрофи
to be under threat бути під загрозою
to get contaminated бути отруєним
to destroy the ozone layer руйнувати озоновий шар
to protect the water, the air and the earth from pollution
захищати воду, повітря і землю від забруднення
to pump waste gases викидати відпрацьовані гази
water shortage нестача води
Модуль 2 «Студент та його оточення»
Практичне заняття № 1Тема: Переваги Болонського процесу в Україні.
1. Робота над текстом. Дискусія по темі практичного заняття.
Bologna process
The purpose of the Bologna processis to create the European higher education area by making academic degree standards and quality assurance standards more comparable throughout Europe. It is named after the place it was proposed, the University of Bologna with the signing, in 1999, of the Bologna declaration by ministers of education from 29 European countries in the Italian city of Bologna.
The basic framework adopted is of three cycles of higher education qualification. As outlined in the Bergen Declaration of 2005, the cycles are defined in terms of qualifications and ECTS credits:
1st cycle: typically 180-240 ECTS credits, usually awarding a Bachelor's degree.
2nd cycle: typically 90-120 ECTS credits (a minimum of 60 on 2nd-cycle level), usually awarding a Master's degree.
3rd cycle: Doctoral degree. No ECTS range given. In most cases, these will take 3, 2, and 3 years respectively to complete. The actual naming of the degrees may vary from country to country.
With the Bologna process implementation, higher education systems in European countries should be organized in such a way that:
- it is easy to move from one country to the other (within the European Higher Education Area) - for the purpose of further study or employment;
- the attractiveness of European higher education is increased so many people from non-European countries also come to study and/or work in Europe;
- the European Higher Education Area provides Europe with a broad, high quality and advanced knowledge base, and ensures the further development of Europe as a stable, peaceful and tolerant community benefiting from a cutting edge European Research Area;
- there will also be a greater convergence between the U.S. and Europe as European higher education adopts aspects of the American system.
2. Виконання після текстових вправ
Task l. Write a thesis plan of this text
Task 2. Answer the questions: 1.What is the Bologna process? 2. Name 3 cycles of the Bologna process. 3. What are their frameworks? 4. In what way the educational process will be organize?
3. Робота з граматичним матеріалом: Прикметник. Прислівник. Ступені порівняння.
Ex. 1. Complete these sentences using the correct form of the adjectives given in brackets. Write the number of the sentence and the correct form of the adjective.
1. What is the (large) city in your country? 2. What was the (happy) day in your life? 3. What is the (bad) habit that you have? 4. Who is the (good) student in your group? 5. What is the (expensive) thing that you have ever bought?
Ex. 2. Complete these sentences using the correct form of the adjectives given in brackets. Write the number of the sentence and the correct form of the adjective.
1. My brother is much... than myself (young). 2. The opera theatre is one of... buildings in the city (beautiful). 3. The sound grew... and... (faint). 4. The party was not so... as Ihad expected (gay). 5. I have no one... than you (near). 6. What is the... news? (late) 7. Yesterday I came home... than usual (late).