1. The inactive principles may alter the activity of the drug by physical means, for example, they may act as co-solvents of the non-active compounds.
2. Besides their own essential principles, the so-called primary plant products, plants produce other principles, which apparently have definite biological function.
3. Plants are constantly metabolising, both breaking down preformed molecules and at the same time destroying old ones.
4. Nature produces an astonishing variety of complex phytoconstitu-ents which embrace all fields of pharmacological action.
5. The biological function is often discussed but the fact is that many of them have a special importance inside the plant because of their pharmacological action.
6. Sometimes intrinsic factors are latent in the plant and only appear as a response to the appropriate internal factors.
7. The active compounds may interfere with the action of the active ones or they may be their precursors.
8. Drugs in general arise from a heterogeneous population of individual plants living under proper conditions.
5. Answer the following questions:
1. What is phytopharmacy?
2. Are medicinal plants important? Why?
3. What does nature produce?
4. Are plants constantly metabolising?
5. Besides their own essential principles, what do plants produce?
6. May the situation be complicated when there are synergistic or antagonistic principles or substances with other pharmacological effects in the plant at the same time?
7. May the inactive compounds interfere with the action of the active ones or may they be their precursors?
8. How do drugs arise from a heterogeneous population of individual plants?
9. Are intrinsic factors latent in the plant and only appear as a response to the appropriate external factors?
10. May the inactive principles alter the activity of the drug by physical means?
IV. Speaking
1. Work with a partner. Here are his answers. Ask him questions. Then, switch the roles.
— Plants are constantly metabolising, both breaking down preformed molecules and building new ones at the same time.
— Besides their own essential principles, the so-called primary plant products, plants produce other principles, which apparently do not have any definite biological function.
— The biological function of secondary products is often discussed but the fact is that many of them have a special importance outside the plant because of their pharmacological action.
— Plants that give drugs have both active and inactive substances.
— The inactive substances include cellular structures and pharmacological inactive compounds.
2. In pairs, act out a dialogue. Then switch the roles.
Student A: What is phytopharmacy?
Student B: Phytopharmacy is the study of plants.
A: Are drugs isolated from plants?
B: Yes, they are.
A: Why are medicinal plants important?
B: They are important for many reasons: they provide us with natural drugs, active constituents and intermediates for semi-synthetic drugs.
A: What does the nature produce?
B: The nature produces an astonishing variety of complex phytoconstituents which embrace all fields of pharmacological action.
3. Give as much information as you can about:
— phytopharmacy foundation;
— phytopharmacy'importance;
— plants living under a variety of conditions;
— pharmacological action;
— metabolism and its role.
VII тема: Хімія.
VII. тема: Хімія.
24. Chemistry. The subject and its study. Sections of chemistry.
Хімія. Предмет і її вивчення. Розділи хімії.
I. Active vocabulary
property – властивість;
alteration – зміна;
identity – ідентичність;
quantity – кількість;
equilibrium – рівновага;
reaction rate - теми реакції;
solid - тверда речовина;
fluorescencc – світіння;
artificially – штучно;
destruction – руйнування.
II. Chemical compounds
Element | Symbol | Ukrainian equivalent |
bromine | Br | бром |
calcium | Ca | кальцій |
carbon | С | вуглець |
chlorine | CI | хлор |
Element | Symbol | Ukrainian equivalent |
chromium | Cr | хром |
coppcr | Cu | мідь |
fluorine | F | фтор |
helium | He | гелій |
iodine | йод | |
iron | Fc | залізо |
magnesium | Mg | магній |
manganese | Mn | марганець |
mercury | Hg | ртугь |
nitrogen | N | азот |
oxygen | КИССІІЬ | |
phosphorus | p | фосфор |
kalium (potassium) | к | калій |
silver | AS | срібло |
sodium (natrium) | Na | натрій |
sulphur | S | сірка |