letters. Read and keep them in mind:
Dear Sirs (in England) | Уважаемые Господа (в Англии) |
Gentlemen (in the USA) | -//- (в США) |
Dear Sir/Madam | Уважаемый (-ая) |
We have received your letter of... | Мы получили Ваше письмо от (дата)... |
We thank you for your letter of... | Благодарим за письмо от... |
We are writing to enquire about... (apologize for..., confirm..., inform..., apply for...) | Мы пишем с целью узнать/навести справки …(принести свои извинения за…, подтвердить…, проинформировать…, обратиться за…)… |
This is to inform you that… | Настоящим сообщаем Вам, что… |
Your letter enclosing (stating that..., asking us to do..., requesting us to do..., has been considered (given proper attention) | Ваше письмо с приложением (с указанием, с просьбой о...) рассмотрено |
In reply (In response) to your letter of... | В ответ на Ваше письмо от... |
In confirmation of our (their) telephone | В подтверждение нашего (их) |
conversation (talks, held in...) | телефонного разговора (переговоров, |
we wish to inform you that...) | состоявшихся в...,) сообщаем, что... |
With reference to (Referring to) our letter of... we wish to inform you that... | Ссылаясь на наше письмо от…сообщаем, что... |
With further reference to... | Вновь ссылаясь на... |
With reference to the talks | Ссылаясь на переговоры (обсуждения), |
(discussions) held… | проходившие… |
In reply to your letter | В ответ на Ваше письмо… |
We are pleased (We are glad) to inform | Рады сообщить Вам, что... |
In confirmation of our (their) telephone | В подтверждение нашего (их) |
We are sorry (We regret) to remind you that... | К сожалению, вынуждены напомнить Вам, что... |
We learn from your letter that… | Из Вашего письма мы узнали, что... |
In connection with our letter of... | В связи с нашим письмом от... |
and in confirmation of your cable of... | и в подтверждение телеграммы от |
We offer apologies for (Please accept | Просим извинения за некоторую |
our apologies for...) the delay in | задержку с ответом на Ваше письмо. |
answering your letter. | answering your letter. |
We regret (We are sorry) to learn | Мы с сожалением узнали из Вашего |
from your letter of...that... | письма от..., что... |
Subject: | тема: |
Regarding (Re): | по теме, в связи (с), относительно |
Unfortunately..., We regret that… | К сожалению..., боимся, что… |
I am afraid that… | |
I would be grateful if you could... | Я был бы Вам признателен, если бы Вы… |
I would appreciate if you could... | |
Could you please...? | Не могли бы Вы…? |
Could you possibly...? | |
Thank you for......., | Благодарю Вас за … |
We are very pleased to inform | С удовольствием сообщаем Вам, что… |
you that... | |
I confirm that……. | Я подтверждаю, что… |
We would like to draw your | Мы хотим обратить Ваше внимание |
attention to the fact that… | на то, что… |
Enclosed you will find a Registration | Мы прилагаем Регистрационный бланк. |
Form. | |
Yours faithfully. Faithfully yours. | С уважением. Искренне Ваш. |
Yours truly. Truly yours. | |
Yours sincerely. Sincerely yours. | |
Your early reply will be appreciated. | Мы будем признательны за быстрый ответ. |
We expect your early reply. | |
We expect to hear from you in the | Надеемся получить Ваш ответ в |
near future. | ближайшем будущем |
Please inform us (let us know) in the | Просим сообщить нам, как можно |
shortest possible time (at your earliest | скорее (при первой возможности). |
convenience). | |
Upon receipt of the letter will you | По получении письма просим |
please cable (telex) your confirmation | телеграфировать (сообщить |
телефаксом) подтверждение | |
(consent). | (согласие). |
We wish (would like) to maintain cooperation with you. | Надеемся поддерживать сотрудничество с Вами. |
Your prompt execution of our order | Будем признательны за быстрое |
will be (would be) appreciated. | выполнение нашего заказа. |
We are looking forward to receiving | Ожидаем Вашего согласия. |
your consent (approval, confirmation). | (одобрения, подтверждения). |
Thank you for your help. | Благодарю Вас за помощь |
Thank you beforehand (in advance) | Заранее благодарны Вам за Ваше |
for your cooperation. | сотрудничество. |
In case of any questions… | Если возникнут какие-либо вопросы… |
Please contact us again | Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами снова |
(immediately). | (немедленно). |
We’re looking forward to hearing from you soon. | С нетерпением ждем Вашего ответа. |
We hope to hear from you as soon | Надеемся получить ответ как можно скорее. |
8.Read and notice how the standard phrases are used in this letter:
Fototechnique |
Rue de Constantine 1245 Cognac Telefax: 45 65 78 87 Telex: 720 591 7 Tel: 78 65 82 12 |
Ann Black Sales Manager Galaxy Computer Supplies 221 Hills Road Cambridge AB5 2RW 31 May 2005 Dear Ms Black (start) With reference to our telephone conversation today, (reference) I am writing to confirm our order for: 20* Photoconductors Ref. No: 54 5498 A/K (reason for writing) I would be grateful if you could deliver them as soon as possible. (request) Thank you for your help. (closing remark) Yours sincerely, (finish) Matthew Cherry Director- Procurement |
9. Label the parts of the letter choosing from the words in the box:
Date | main paragraph | letterhead |
Reference | salutation | position/ title |
Concluding paragraph | recipient’s address | signature |
(Typed) signature | complementary ending | sender’s address |
enclosures (abbreviation) |
(1) Widgetry LTD
6 Pine Estate, Westhornet, Bedfordshire, UB 18 22BC
(2) Telephone 9045 457891
Telex X562 Wid
Fax 45612 7893
(3) Scott Martin,
Sales Manager,
Black and White pic,
Napier House,
North Washington Street,
Oxbridge OB 84 9TD.
(4) Your ref. MS/WID/ 15/ 99
Our ref. ST/ MN/ 10/88
(5) 25 August 1999
(6) Dear Mr. Martin,
(7) Thank you for your letter of 20 January, explaining that the super widgets, catalogue reference X-3908, are no longer available but that ST- 1432, made to the same specifications but using a slightly different alloy, are now available instead.
Before I place a firm order I should like to see samples of the new super widgets. If the replacement is as good as you say it is, I shall certainly wish to reinstate the original order, but replacing an order for the new items.
(8) Apart from anything else, I should prefer to continue to deal with Black and White, whose service has always been satisfactory in the past. But you will understand that I must safeguard Widgetry’s interests and make sure that the quality is good.
(9) I would, therefore, be grateful if you could let me have the sample as soon as possible.
(10) Yours sincerely,
(11) Simon Thomas
(12) Production Manager
(13) enc.
10. Write the dates given in proper forms of business letter format:
31 января 2007г.,
25 мая 1996г.,
16 февраля 2002г.,
2 марта 2000г.,
2 апреля 1991 г.
11. Write a reply to the following letter:
Lenina 123-56 Volgograd 123456 Russsia 13 March 2009 |
ABC Ltd Warwick House Warwick Street Forest Hill London SE 23 UK |
For the attention of the Sales Manager Dear Sir or Madam, Please would you send me details of your DVD video systems. I am particularly interested in the Omega range. Yours faithfully, (Ms) K. Ilnik |
12.Try to rewrite these sentences in a style more suitable to a business letter choosing from the variants given below the sentences. Sometimes you are given some of the language most often used in the “standard" phrases which you need in your answers.
1. Your order is going to be late.
We regret_________________________
2. We are not willing to give you more time to pay.
Regrettably we must_______________________
3. You still owe us 200.
There is _________________________________
4. If this sample doesn’t suit you, we’ll send you another.
5. The statement is wrong.
6. We forgot to pay, are sorry and are sending you the money with this letter.
7. Mr. Winslett can not accept your invitation because he’s already busy that day.
8. When are you going to pay?!
Perhaps you would be good enough _______________________________________
9. Can you tell us as soon as possible you have sent the goods?
Would you be kind enough ____________________________________________
10. We are astonished that you didn’t pay after our last reminder.
13. The text of a letter replying to a complaint is given. Complete it choosing from the alternatives given below to fill in the gaps. The first has been done for you:
1. a) the 25th of October b) October the 25 c) 25th October
2. a) defect b) problem c) asset
3. a) demand b) order c) request
4. a) investigated b) looked c) traced
5. a) bothered b) killed c) horrified
6. a) suppliers b) creators c) models
7. a) mislabeled b) misspelt c) mishandled
8. a) certified b) checked c) tried
9. a) apologize b) sorry c) regret
10. a) suggest b) demand c) insist
11. a) charge b) subtract c) reimburse
12. a) debit b) cost c) credit
14. Read the letters. Compare their strengths and weaknesses. Comment on: 1. The layout (e.g. position of address, how the letter should start/finish) 2. The paragraphing (e.g. how the points should be divided) 3. The style (e.g. formal or informal) 4. The content (e.g. things you should/should not mention).
The Principal, Phoenix Nursery, Levenshulme, Pond Lane, Manchester Guildford Surrey Gui 3DD | 180 Garfield Road M19 LF3 8th January 2000 |
Dear Sir/Madam, | |
I noticed you had this job in the paper for a nursery nurse. Well, I think I could do it and I’d really like to. I’m pretty good with kids. I’m working in a holiday camp at the moment but I don’t much like it and I can’t wait to leave. Also, I’ve always wanted to work in Surrey. They say it’s really nice. I hope you’ll drop me a line and ask me for interview. I ‘m sure I could convince you that I am the person you need. | |
Yours, | |
Scott Alison Scott |
Glasgow G12 8 RH 36 Summerton Road Scotland 9- 1-12 |
Dear Sir, |
I would like to apply for the position of full- time nursery – nurse, advertised in the “Surrey Adviser”. I feel I am qualified for the position having got four O- levels, for grade 1 CSEs and having taken an NNEB (National Nursery Examinations Board) course at Nottingham’s Basford Hall College. I am enthusiastic and patient person and I have a genuine affection for young children. It is sometimes thought unusual for someone my age to apply for such a position but I can assure you I have had considerable experience and very good references from previous employers. A position with Phoenix Nursery would give me the opportunity to work full- time in the job that I love. A CV giving details of my qualifications and experience is attached. I would be happy to attend an interview at any time convenient to you. Yours faithfully, Jean Craig |
15. Are the following statements true or false?
1. In business letters a salutation is generally followed by a comma or a colon.
2. Business letters should be simple and easy to read.
3. The date on a business letter should appear after the salutation.
4. The first paragraph of a business letter should be comprised entirely of “small talk”.
5. Contact information generally appears in the closing paragraph of the letter.
6. It is considered standard formatting to include the recipient's address before the salutation in a business letter.
16. Translate from Russian into English:
1. Настоящим сообщаем Вам, что получили Ваше сообщение.
2. Мы будем благодарны Вам, если Вы ответите как можно скорее.
3. С нетерпением ждем Вашего ответа.
4. В ответ на Ваше факсимильное сообщение от 9 сентября 2010 года мы приносим извинения за задержку с ответом.
5. Заранее благодарен Вам за Ваше сотрудничество.
6. Уважаемые господа, мы с удовольствием сообщаем Вам, что поставка оборудования начнется в апреле текущего года.
7. Ссылаясь на обсуждения. проходившие на конференции 14 марта 2009 года, мы хотим обратить Ваше внимание на тот факт, что поставка оборудования еще не началась.
8. Мы прилагаем резюме.
9. Если возникнут какие-либо вопросы, незамедлительно свяжитесь с нами.
10. В ответ на Ваше письмо от 25 июня 2008 года с сожалением сообщаем Вам, что мы не можем принять Ваше предложение.