


Другие языки
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Text A. The Volgograd State Medical University

Занятие 1.

Этапы занятия:

I. Ознакомление с целями и задачами курса, требованиями организации учебного процесса, БРС кафедры.

II. Тестирование остаточных знаний иностранного языка у обучающихся

III. Речевая разминка, устная речь. Направлено на формирование ОК-1, ОПК-2

Self-presentation of the students according to the plan:

- first name, family name, place of birth, age;

- academic achievements in high school or college (especially in English);

- previous experience in language studying and using (success or failure);

- goals in studying English.

IV. Изучающее чтение. Направлено на формирование ОК-1, ОПК-2:


Задание 1. Ознакомить студентов с лексикой занятия:

faculty [ˈfækəlti] – n, факультет (Br.Eng.)

department [dɪˈpɑːtm(ə)nt] – n, отдел, отделение, кафедра

grant [ɡrɑːnt] – v, выдать, присвоить

medicine [ˈmɛds(ə)n] – n, медицина

General Medicine [ˈdʒɛn(ə)r(ə)l ˈmɛds(ə)n] – Лечебное дело

Pediatrics [ˌpiːdɪˈætrɪks] – n, Педиатрия

Dentistry [ˈdɛntɪstri] – n, Стоматология

Pharmacy [ˈfɑːməsi] – n, Фармация

Biomedicine [ˌbʌɪˈ mɛds(ə)n] – Медицинская биология

Clinical Psychology [ˈklɪnɪk(ə)l sʌɪˈkɒlədʒi] – Клиническая психология

Social Work [ˈsəʊʃ(ə)l ˈwɜːk] – Социальная работа

Postgraduate training [pəʊs(t)ˈɡradjʊət ˈtreɪnɪŋ] – Последипломное образование

Continuing training [kənˈtɪnjuːɪŋ ˈtreɪnɪŋ] – Повышение квалификации

framework [ˈfreɪmwəːk] – n, структура

train [treɪn] – v, давать образование, готовить специалистов

involve [ɪnˈvɒlv] – v, вовлекать, включать

clinical residency [ˈklɪnɪk(ə)l ˈrɛzɪd(ə)nsi] – клиническая ординатура

post-graduate course [pəʊs(t)ˈɡradjʊət kɔːs] – n, аспирантура

recognize [ˈrɛkəɡnʌɪz] – v, признавать, учитывать

research [rɪˈsəːtʃ] – n, исследование

found [faʊnd] – v, основывать

World Health Organization [wəːld hɛlθ ɔːɡ(ə)nʌɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n] – Всемирная организация здравоохранения

specialize [ˈspɛʃ(ə)lʌɪz] in – v, специализироваться в

staff [stɑːf] – n, штат (сотрудников), персонал

occupy [ˈɒkjʊpʌɪ] – v, занимать

acquire [əˈkwʌɪə] – v, приобретать, овладевать

obtain [əbˈteɪn] – v, получать, приобретать

miss [mɪs] – v, пропускать

Задание 2. Прочтите и переведите текст А.

Text A. The Volgograd State Medical University

The Volgograd State Medical University is one of the leading medical universities in Russia. The Diplomas granted by the VolSMU are recognized by the World Health Organization and in over 80 countries. Our University has got wide international links.

History. The Stalingrad Medical Institute was founded in 1935. There was only one medical faculty then. It was the faculty of General Medicine. In 1993 the institute was granted the status of Academy, in 2003 – the status of University.

Structure. Nowadays the Volgograd State Medical University has nine faculties (the Faculty of General Medicine, the Faculty of Pediatrics, the Faculty of Dentistry, the Faculty of Pharmacy, the Faculty of Biomedicine, the Faculty of Social Work and Clinical Psychology, the Faculty of Postgraduate Training, the Faculty of Continuing Training and the Department for International Students) and a medical college training dental technicians, pharmacists and nurses. Medical students are specialized in General Medicine, Pediatrics, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Biology and Biochemistry, Mental Health, Nursing and Medical Diagnostics correspondingly.

Academic staff. Today the Volgograd State Medical University has a highly qualified academic staff. The University employs more than 850 faculty members working in 78 departments, among them there are 3 academicians of the National Academy for Medical Sciences, 93 professors, 125 assistant professors, and 500 candidates of sciences.

Buildings and facilities. The Volgograd State Medical University occupies 4 buildings for studies and 5 multi-profile hospitals for 7 000 patients. It has also 4 hostels for students, a swimming pool with sport rooms, a student canteen and a library. The University has lecture halls, classrooms, and laboratories equipped with modern training devices and simulators. The Medical University framework includes a number of research centres: the Centre for clinical and experimental rheumatology, the Centre for clinical and experimental pharmacology, the Federal centre for acupuncture, the Centre for licensing health care professionals, the Central research laboratory.

Educational process. The period of studies at the Medical University lasts for 4-6 years (4 years at the Bachelor’s courses, 6 years at the Specialty Programs). During the first 2 years the students study general subjects, such as Anatomy, Medical Physics, General Chemistry, Latin, Foreign Languages, etc. They acquire the necessary knowledge of the structure and functions of the human body. In the third year the medical students start their clinical training. All the clinical departments are located in different hospitals of our city, for example in Clinic N 1 «Volgograd State Medical University», Stomatological polyclinic and other clinics, polyclinics and hospitals of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. All of them are well-equipped with all necessary facilities for students to obtain necessary knowledge. The students work at the patient’s bedside and gain basic skills for medicine and health care. Senior students are taught to prevent, diagnose and treat different diseases. They study clinical subjects such as Dentistry, Surgery, Pharmacology, Internal Medicine, Psychology, etc.

Studying. The academic year is divided into two terms (or semesters): the autumn and the spring ones. After the autumn term the students have winter examinations and then the winter vacation, after the spring term the students have summer examinations and then the summer vacation. The attendance of lectures and classes is compulsory at the Volgograd State Medical University. The students who have missed classes have to present a permit note from the dean’s office and to come to the make-up classes.

Research work. The Volgograd State Medical University is also a centre of medical research. There are a number of scientific schools and societies at different departments. The scientists do research in different fields of medicine: clinical and experimental pharmacology, medicinal chemistry, immunology, genetics and others. Our university organizes annual scientific and practical conferences on various medical issues where the students may also take part.

Post-graduate education. The University provides Post-graduate training which involves Clinical residency and Post-graduate course in many medical fields.


Задание 3. Найдите в тексте А эквиваленты на английском языке для следующих словосочетаний:

1) ведущий медицинский университет; широкие международные связи; 9 факультетов и медицинский колледж; высококвалифицированный педагогический состав; учебные корпусы и многопрофильные больницы; оборудованы современными обучающими средствами и симуляторами; необходимы знания структуры и функций человеческого тела; клиническое обучение; предотвращать, диагностировать и лечить различные заболевания; посещение лекций и практических занятий; научные школы и кружки; ежегодные научно-практические конференции.


Задание 4. Answer the questions:

1) When was the Stalingrad Medical Institute founded?

2) How many faculties were there then? What faculty was it?

3) How many faculties does the VolSMU have? What are they?

4) Whom does the academic staff include?

5) What annual events does the VolSMU organize?


Задание 5. Найдите в тексте А эквиваленты на английском языке для следующих словосочетаний. Запомните их:

1) Всемирная Организация Здравоохранения;

2) Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет;

3) лечебный факультет;

4) педиатрический факультет;

5) стоматологический факультет;

6) фармацевтический факультет;

7) медико-биологический факультет;

8) факультет клинической психологии и социальной работы;

9) факультет последипломного образования;

10) факультет повышения квалификации;

11) последипломное образование;

12) клиническая ординатура;

13) аспирантура;

14) факультет для иностранных студентов;

15) стоматология;

16) выполнять исследования;

17) учебный год;

18) пропущенные занятия;

19) приобретать основные навыки;

20) приходить на отработку;

21) зимняя (летняя) сессия.


Задание 6. Заполните пропуски информацией из текста А:

1) The Volgograd State Medical University is one of _________ medical universities in Russia.

2) The ________ was founded in 1935.

3) The faculty of ________ was the first faculty then.

4) In 1993 the institute was granted the status of ________, in 2003 – the status of ________.

5) Nowadays the Volgograd State Medical University has ________ faculties and a _______ training dental technicians, pharmacists and nurses.

6) The Medical University framework includes ________ research centres.

7) The Volgograd State Medical University occupies 4 _______ and 5 ______ for 7 000 patients.

8) The University has ______, classrooms, and laboratories equipped with modern ________ and __________.

9) Today the Volgograd State Medical University has a __________ staff.

10) The period of _______ at the Medical University _______ for 4-6 years (4 years at _________, 6 years at __________).

11) The students work at the _______ and gain ________ for medicine and health care.

12) The academic year is divided into two _______: the autumn and the spring ones.

13) The attendance of lectures and classes is ______________.

14) The Volgograd State Medical University is a centre of __________ research.

15) The scientists do __________ in different fields of medicine.

Задание 7. Подготовьтесь к вопросам для собеседования по изученной теме:

1) When was the Stalingrad Medical Institute founded?

2) How many faculties were there then? What faculty was it?

3) When was the Medical Institute granted the status of Academy?

4) When was the Medical Academy granted the status of University?

5) How many faculties does the VolSMU have? What are they?

6) What is the structure of the Medical University?

7) What specialists does a medical college train?

8) Whom does the academic staff include?

9) What buildings and facilities does the VolSMU have?

10) What does the Medical University framework include?

11) What subjects do students study during the first two years?

12) When do students start their clinical training?

13) What subjects do senior students study?

14) What annual events does the VolSMU organize?

15) What does Postgraduate training involve?

V. Работа над грамматическим материалом:

Повторить формы спряжение глаголов to be и to have в Simple (Indefinite) Active.

Задание 1. Fill in the blanks putting the verb to be in correct forms:

1) I ____ a first-year student. 2) Alex ____ absent today. He ____ ill. 3) At the University we ____ usually busy till 4.30 p.m. 4) The VolgSMU ____ a very famous medical university. 5) ____ you a dental technician? 6) My friend ____ not a student. He ____ an intern. 7) It ____ Wednesday today. 8) She ____ a dentist in 6 years. 9) I ____ a medical student. 10) I ____ a dentist next year. 11) Yesterday she ____ in the hospital. 12) They ____ in London last year, but now they ____ in Paris. 13) ____ it cold or warm today? 14) We ____ at the lecture in Chemistry. 15) It ____ Thursday yesterday.

Задание 2. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1) There are two terms in the academic year. 2) There will be a meeting at the University tomorrow. 3) There is a hostel near our University. 4) There was no medical article in the yesterday’s newspaper. 5) There were entrance examinations at the University in July. 6) There are some scientific schools and societies at different departments.

Задание 3. Fill in the gaps the correct form of the verb to be and translate the sentences into Russian:

1) There _____ a book on Anatomy on the desk. 2) There _____ a teacher and 12 students in the classroom. 3) There _____ 12 students and a teacher in the classroom. 4) There _____ some grammar mistakes in my last test. 5) There _____ many articles in this journal. 6) There _____ some new subjects in the curriculum next year. 7) There _____ many books in the library. 8) There _____ a notebook on my desk. 9) There _____ examinations at the end of the spring semester. 10)There _____ a number of credits at the end of the winter semester.


Задание 4.Fill in the appropriate form of the verb to be. Make sentences negative and interrogative if possible.

1) There _____ only one faculty when Stalingrad medical institute was founded. 2)There _____ nine faculties at the university at present. 3) There _____ many new books in our library next year. 4) There _____ no one at home when I came. 5) There _____ something interesting in this article. 6) There _____ 15 students in our group. 7) There _____ 13 academic groups in the first year. 8) Last year there _____ 12 academic groups in the first year.

Задание 5.Fill in the blanks putting the verb to have in correct forms:

1) I ____ many friends. 2) They ____ a lecture in Chemistry every week. 3) After breakfast we ____ a lesson of Latin. 4) ____ we ____ a lecture in Anatomy tomorrow? 5) We ____ two lectures and a seminar today. 6) We ____ a lecture in Anatomy and two seminars in Chemistry yesterday. 7) We ____ not any lectures tomorrow. 8) How often ____ you ____ lectures in Biology? 9) The VolgSMU ____ nine faculties. 10) ____ you ____ books in English?

Занятие 2.

Этапы занятия:

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Уравнения, не содержащие независимой переменной | IV. Работа над грамматическим материалом
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